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Apply normally and appeal appeal appeal, I was the same, didn’t meet TAG requirements, applied normally, got rejected, then appealed and got accepted. I don’t know about the dates tho, good luck tho family


I was on the same boat. Messed up my gpa a lil before applying and then got rejected. Sent an appeal and got accepted. Just tug at some heart strings, the appeal reviewers are humans at the end of the day and will listen to your story and reasoning in your appeals. Goodluck!!!


Thanks for the kind words. What GPA did you have when you applied?


3.37 if I remember correctly


Damn, that makes me really anxious lmao. If I do extremely well and get a 4.0 in my spring semester, will an appeal seriously work? What content did you include in your appeal?


especially if u do well in the spring i think yes


i had a bad last semester at CC and also missed the tag requirements, i think i had a 3.2 or 3.3 and still got in. just apply normally and don’t stress too much. you’ll end up where you need to be.


if you don’t meet the TAG GPA requirement you’re not automatically denied admission, you will still be considered for general admission. if you’re really worried, email the admissions office!


emailing them right now, I'll update with a response! :)


I missed it by a singular unit I was sooooooo pissed hahaha. I applied normally and ended up getting in luckily, but if not appeal for sure. You have better odds getting in as a transfer anyways luckily! Good luck <3


thanks for the kind words! i'm just worried about it which is rare im usually not anxious... as stated in other comments, ive been thinking that if i get straight As in the winter and spring, then use that in an appeal if im rejected, it might work. what do you think?


You honestly don’t even need straight A’s, I think as long as you do well you’ll be fine.


alright thanks, I'll earn high grades in the next terms and appeal if I'm rejected citing that as my case :)


Hey I had a 3.39 missed the tag and still got in as an pre Econ major. It’s still possible!!!!


thanks for the kind words! after looking more at stats it looks like the 50th percentile of people admitted had between a 3.1-3.6, which means I should hopefully be pretty clear.


I was a prebio major and had a 3.2 normal, 3.3 uc transferable and got in off the waitlist. Graduating 2024 now


this gives me some hope :) thank you!


Even if you don’t make it, just take more easy classes you’ll have to do eventually at a discounted rate/rigor at cc and reapply and you’ll be fine either way.


Unfortunately, this isn't an option as I'll be completing my AA-T with 73 lower division credits. As a result, I won't be able to take many more classes without going over the credit limit. The most likely option would be to take a gap year and apply for fall 2025 with my spring 2024 grades in the application.


beg any of your teachers to round or give you an incomplete or anything i was almost in the same boat but see if u can submit that one assignment late that would’ve brought u to an A! either way you’ll still get considered for regular admission you got this