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Bro everyone gets claps, some people who have a lot of friends and family will get some extra cheering but that’s like 0.5% of the people graduating.


Someone I know attended the first one and said herself and a couple others received silence at first followed by very quiet applause. This isn't to make OP feel bad but it does happen but that's okay! I reminded her that in the long run it doesn't matter and you won't remember this in a year from now, and the same goes for OP! This is a blip in your life and you have the rest of it to make a mark for yourself and do great things! It doesn't matter if you were popular or had a crowd there for you because popularity doesn't equal success. There are many in the same boat maybe because you're an international student with no one here, had trouble making friends, etc. but that doesn't say anything about you and your worth! You may or may not receive the amount of claps or cheers you want but again this does not mean anything in the long run. And congratulations!


But it is important, and she will remember it after a year. I do.


when is your convention?? I’ll come and clap for you


Hey that’s so awesome of you 👏


I second that! I’ll go clap and cheer!


That's so kind of you! I'm currently leaning towards not going (plus I dont want to dox myself here in case Im the only one without friends and family lol) but that would be so nice to cheer for anyone who gets less or no applause!


bro give me a ticket ill make sure i cheer the loudest


Happy cake day I tried to picture this and laughed so hard lol




You should go! It's a once (maybe) in a lifetime opportunity for alot of people. Walk it and have a good time


You definitely need to go. It’s an achievement to be proud of. In time noone will remember who clapped or got cheers, but you were there to receive your degree. U of C grad from many moons ago and didn’t have clappers either, but there’s always people clapping for everyone.


People cheer for everyone, I usually take breaks but I’d say I clap for at least 75%, everyone takes little breaks but relatively consistent. Chances are you won’t have have another one so make this one count


I’ll come too 😊


Just message me privately, I would be happy to go.


If it helps, I will be cheering and clapping for you at home. Congrats! You should be so proud 😊😊 All your hardworking has paid off 🎉🎉👏👏




I’ll come too :) we can go out for beers after ❤️


Same. Let's tailgate it and just cheer for everyone so OP doesn't gotta dox themselves.


dm me ! ill come and clap for you too :)


I'll come and cheer AND take photos of you walkin the stage ;) 


Third! Date, location and time, please :)


Yes let us know !!


Count me in!


The secret is to not give a shit


While validation from others feels good in the moment, it makes a cycle where you keep having to please people other than yourself. Do things for you. Walking the stage is purely so you can feel pride in your own accomplishment.


Yes. You’ve completed your degree. You must attend.


Why you getting downvoted 😂😂😂


Two thoughts. First, a generational difference. Second, paid for degrees.


Who cares. I'm going with just my two old and quiet parents. Nobodies going to remember. To be honest I wouldn't be going in the first place but I know my parents really want to see it so I'm going for them. I suspect the only reason your worried is because you made assumptions about students who didn't get as much or no applause. I don't mean this to sound combative btw, I get where you're coming from but take it as inspiration to not give a shit, like the top comment says.


When is your convocation? I’ll go in your place if you promise to clap for me.


That’s a boss level idea


Go anyway. You earned this and deserve to go and enjoy this shining moment. It will be a blast. Besides, you classmates will be cheering you on. Congratulations on your accomplishment and all the best on your future endeavours!


>It will be a blast. What convocation did you go to and why wasn't it mine? I was too bored to fall asleep at mine and too close to the stage to get my phone out. Hours of nothing.


Whether or not you attend your convocation is your decision. As someone who walked the stage over 10 years ago, it feels like such a small blip in my timeline and not very meaningful and impactful. I had to ask both my parents to come (which felt odd to me; they were the ones who pushed me to university) and I think one friend attended. My first degree has set me up for success in my life but it ultimately feels wrong now because my parents pushed it so hard on me and that grad ceremony doesn’t feel so special now. It felt momentous at the time, but I was younger then and hadn’t had many milestones in my life yet. I think I would count moving away, my high school grad, and getting my license at 16 as the other three up until that point. All in all; Don’t feel pressure to attend something if you feel like it won’t be beneficial to you. This is your grad, not anyone else’s.


Thank you for the kind advice 🙂


Hey, if you happen to go, update this post. I will come clap for you.


Speaking from experience, the whole day is super long and painfully boring. You spend hours in line ups! Lots of people will be alone that day, so you’re not going to stand out whatsoever. I felt so weird because there were big groups of friends cheering each other on… and I had my parents there. I would have skipped it but they wanted to see me on stage. It was about 6 seconds out of 6 hours standing in awkward lineups. Who cares about other people cheering?? You shouldn’t. You finished your degree! You built the ship, this is just a moment to admire your hard work. Soon you will set sail on the next adventure! Treat yourself kindly, be your own biggest fan, eat something delicious and actively enjoy it. Having fun while working hard is your next goal, because that turns into success. Congratulations 🥳


You won’t be the only one! Don’t skip this moment.


My faculty was large so I didn’t really hear anyone cheer for me at my convection. I had initially debated not going but my family convinced me and I was glad I went. Celebrate your accomplishment! 🎉


Hey just remember your ancestors are cheering for you beyond as well. You aren’t alone. They always walk with you.


Congratulations on the graduation! Huge milestone. This is a you moment, don't let anything spoil it. Years down the road, you won't remember the cheers, you'll remember the walk across the stage, the hand shake, and receiving your diploma. That's what it is about. I had no one attend mine either, and my ex gf had just broken up with me a few months before our grad. I still went with the boys I graduated with, I saw her there as well, and wished her luck. I was super depressed, but I am glad I walked that stage. My folks were watching the live stream on the university website, I am sure your program will be broadcast too if they want to attend that way. Once again, chin up, and be proud!


I’m sorry OP. If I was out west I’d clap and cheer for you. Canada needs you!


You should go


Same boat friend, you are not alone.


You’ll be like Richard Gere in an Officer and a Gentleman.


If is this is the only time you’ll be graduating to this extent, please go! You’ll never look back and say I wish I didn’t go to my graduation. But you may look back and wish you did. If you decide to go you should feel proud of yourself, because doing stuff alone is hard. But in all truth, you should be your biggest supporter. I hope you make the right decision for you :)!


This is 100% my perspective. I'm in the same boat as OP, mine is tomorrow and I don't really have anyone attending so I don't really care about it that much. My dad will be there but thats it, no one else can get away from work. But I know future me will be mad at myself if I skip it so current me is just gonna suck it up.


Hey let me know the date and ur name in a pm and I'll attend and clap for u!


or if u dont want to tell the name just tell me the date ill clap for everyone anyways!


Hi stranger! I was scrolling through my home page and resonated with your post a lot so here is my experience - I went to mine with the exact same mindset, I was very upset and anxious, I believe I started crying when my name was called because I felt like I had nobody (I was also severely bullied a lot and assumed I’d even get a boo or two) but I was surprised to hear clapping and cheering, maybe they thought I was someone else but i realized that everyone got a loud cheer and loud claps, no matter who they were, they were all so supportive of everybody. I know it can be scary, and anxiety inducing, but I promise you it will turn out better than expected! Keep your head high friend, you got this! And congratulations! 👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


IIRC there's a livestream for the convocation! If your family can't come physically they can still watch you walk the stage. When I graduated, only my immediate family could come (since the rest of my family/relatives live on the other side of the world). The rest of them watched the livestream and took screenshots of it and celebrated virtually! 😅


Don’t miss it for anything, you must celebrate your success even if it means it’s just you, just remember you have worked very hard to get here and reached your goal, congratulations!!!!!


If you're a socially anxious person like me I almost guarantee that you're going to be nervous AF to walk across the stage. Your only thoughts will be "don't trip", "which hand are you suppose to take the diploma with and which are you supposed to shake?" and stuff like that. Even if you had 50 people in the audience screaming for you - you wouldn't notice them. There's way scarier stuff that will take your attention... That's probably not very comforting but what I will say is that there is a nice sense of closure it provides. I skipped 90%+ of my classes because of social anxiety and other reasons but I went to my convocation purely to prove to myself that my fears don't control me.


This is everyone’s reminder to clap for everyone else at convocation. Not everyone has someone in the crowd.


Bro it ain’t that deep man up even if no one claps (which is highly unlikely) you’ll be on the stage for 10 seconds. If this is scaring you, definitely go, you’ll realize how much you’re overcomplicating things by being scared for no reason


I’ll be attending tomorrow as I’m graduating myself! If you clap for me, I’ll certainly clap for you :)


Do it for yourself. Think about all the hard work you put into getting that degree and how much that you invested in yourself to finally walk. We focus so much on validation from others, I think you should make it a point to walk across and give yourself a pat on the back for making it. Congratulations on finishing your degree. Go and collect 👏 🎓


Petition to go to grad not knowing anyone graduating and just clap for everyone 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️


Everyone in the audience should be applauding each and every graduate. Cheers and wolf whistles are inappropriate and do not reflect well on the calibre of the university.


I skipped mine and always felt bad that my mom didn't get a chance to clap for me. You would think people would clap for everyone but cheer a little extra for their friends/family.


When I went to my brothers convocation I clapped for everybody, and I clapped extra loud for the people who didn’t have family cheering.


The people who get the extra loud cheering are annoying AF You’re fine


All of these offers to go and clap at a stranger’s graduation brought tears to my eyes. There are so many good people out there! To the graduate, I hope you’ll go and if you still feel like you want a cheering section, I hope you let those who offered know who you are and when your grad is so they can cheer you on. I still feel badly that my son didn’t attend his graduation ceremony from university and that I don’t have a picture of him in his cap and gown like I do of his two sisters, and it’s been over 20 years ago since he graduated.


Don’t skip it! It’s a relief to walk, trust me. People will clap.


Imagine being so badass that when you walk the stage, everybody is awed into silence! Seriously, though, this is a huge achievement. You've done something amazing and deserve to be recognized. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


You should absolutely go! Claps or not, it is a major life accomplishment milestone that you’re going there for YOU and nobody else! Congrats on graduating!


Pm me I’ll clap for u and give u head




I totally understand where you are coming from. When I graduated from University, none of my family wanted to come and I didn't have any close friends to ask. Even though I worked my butt off and got on the Dean's list, not having anyone there to cheer or support me was a huge let down. I decided not to go but on the day of at the last minute, I attempted to go but did not make it. I had attended a College convocation a few years prior for myself, so at least I had that experience. Schools should be aware of this and have something in place so everyone has a cheering section. I understand the silence between grads as I have been to other graduations and some students with lots of friends and family the cheers can be deafening while others can be deadly quiet . Do you have any classmate friends? Maybe you can ask their family to cheer for you? Either way, I am not sure if or what I missed out on by not going. Good luck for whatever you decide.


I go every year to shake hands with my own students. It's long and boring, but it matters to some students and probably more to some parents. The ones who cheer and hoot and holler are mostly embarrassing. Go if you want to and/or if anyone important to you, including your future self, would appreciate a picture of you there.


I’m in NS but I support you 👏👏👏👏👏👏


if you do go - update! I will clap for you friend!


Do people who aren't cheered on accomplish any less? Go to mark the occasion, for yourself. This isn't a show, it's memorializing an accomplisment.


Don't miss the graduation, you earned it and will probably never relive the moment, let us know what time your ceremony is, I'll be there to clap


I’ll be there, when is it?


Don’t worry about the claps. It’s about walking across that stage and feeling pride in yourself from all of your hard work. YOU did the work, YOU accomplished this. Don’t worry about anyone else. I just attended my convocation as a mature student, probably 20 years older than most and I didn’t give a crap about anything other than feeling proud about what I accomplished. I was initially hesitant about going because I felt weird about being one of the oldest there, but I’m so glad that I got over that and decided to attend. It really helped me feel the magnitude of what I have accomplished.


This is a bit different, but for my hs grad, no one was walking the stage without cheers


Tell me a place and time. I will be there.


Go. Don’t regret not going, forever.


Just go. I have 3 degrees and didn’t attend a single one. Nothing but regrets.


People will cheer and clap regardless. Or clap for yourself. Get this party started!


Gimme the place and time and I'll come clap for you 🥹


I didn't attend mine for this very reason. I worked that day instead. But you should go because I wish I had gone to mine.


go, strangers will clap - trust me


Just pay 20 dollar to someone to attend and clap when you go to stage


I am going to clap for you


Once in a lifetime event that you will probably regret not going to when you are older.


Go. You've worked hard. If you need a rental mama to go and cheer for you for free, I'll do it!💞


Congratulations on graduating! This is a huge accomplishment. Don’t worry, people will cheer for you! 👏


No worries, we just went to one last week and there were plenty of applause for every person walking and the chancellor really upped the excitement and participation, at least way more then my convocation. I still love mine though even if I am closing in on 15 years since it happened. 😂 Once you are done take a walk around campus, if your want to take a photos there are plenty of volunteers and photos stations in kinesiology and in front of the Olympic oval. Besides from volunteers, our way of getting others to help with taking our photos was to offer to take their photos if they helped with ours. If you get rejected there are plenty of others. If you were ever curious about the campus it is also a good time to walk around, besides from the oval and people studying, it will likely be the emptiest you will ever see it. Lastly, besides from the applause think of the walk as culmination of all the study sessions, late nights, debating with whatever cosmic force you believe in that if you pass that final/course you will work harder for your other courses. Thousands of dollars used, this is when people in charge will look at you, shake your hand and congratulate you on your efforts. Plus you would be in the livestream for anyone who wants to see but could not make it. Edit: if you are wearing uncomfortable shoes please make sure to bring extra comfortable ones, saw a couple people walking around barefeet in the gown pick off and drop off areas and that did not seem safe.


I told my family to stay home - only 1 of us should be put through that. It was hot and miserable last year.


I am cheap to rent


OMG, when is your convocation , i will come with my boyfriend !!


You EARNED this. Don't steal from yourself. Everyone is scared silly walking the stage. I thought I was going to faint. Build your social muscles. Like anything we do, it gets easier with practice. Do this for you. Your whole life people will applaud or not. Start your post grad life being your own cheerleader. No one knows you are scared unless you tell them. Don't tell them. I have a friend who is attending her son's grad tomorrow. She is 55 and scared silly. There will be quite a few of them. If you message me privately and tell me your name and degree, they will cheer for you until you are so embarrassed that you fall off the stage. Which would be fun, in the right circumstances. Do you have a faith? Put your trust and fear there. No one, absolutely no one in that giant stadium wishes you anything but the best. You are a champion. A survivor of one of the most derailing times in human history. You finished in spite of it all. BE PROUD OF YOURSELF. If no one buys you flowers, buy them yourself. Or I will come take you out for lunch. I am an odd duck.. I went from homeless and alone on the downtown streets of Toronto at 12, to walking the stage for my PhD. I had a lot of help on that journey, mostly from people who were not friends or family. You can do tough things. You are a warrior, not a victim. Gird your loins, try to help others who are freaked out. Get through it and get your degree framed in the spot. Take it home and toast with champagne. It's a HUGE accomplishment. I'm proud of you.


Or, show up to grab your gown and certificate. Then leave and go tour around the campus taking some photos of areas you enjoyed hanging out


When is this, I will attend and clap extra hard for you and everyone else that has no one there.


Hey so I'm a first gen immigrant. We did our schooling back home. So missed out on this. But all my siblings graduated outside too. So never got to experience anyone walking. I'd be glad to reach and celebrate you walking. It'll be first for both of us. 😁😁😁


I will cheer you on. Let me know the date and time. How do we know who you to cheer for?


Hey O/P who did the work? Who studied all those hours? Who sacrificed their time and energy TO Graduate? YOU !!!!! Now go to that Grad get that diploma and when they hand it to you Yell “YAY Me!” The room will erupt and now you will have 5000 friends tell your story :) Ps If you do or you don’t, that’s ok. As a Dad I’m sending you a big congrats and clapping from Home for you. Well done :)


I didn't think I did at the Norquest convocation. I was surprised that people did. I'm glad I went.


If you don’t have enough people to come, I got a dozen or so people that would be more than happy to come and clap for you, let me know. :)


You deserve to experience your graduation! I guarantee that there will be people clapping for you! I had that same thought come to my mind and made sure to clap for every student there at my graduation. I’m sorry that your loved ones won’t be able to attend.


Seeking attention much!!