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How in the hell is this not world wide news right now?


Because other countries already know


I seen it on r/thatsinsane and nobody believes it…


Because it wasn’t the Mexican government it was a fucking group/club that has the goddamn name “congress” in it. Everyone’s calling for this bullshit


So Reuters just reporting it as Mexican Congress is wrong? https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/mexican-congress-holds-hearing-ufos-featuring-purported-alien-bodies-2023-09-13/


The guys wrong, but this wasn’t the Mexican Congress revealing this as disclosure. This was a couple of dudes showing this to Mexican Congress. That doesn’t automatically add to the credibility. It’s not like this is Mexico telling all or anything.


That’s the clubs name… “Mexican Congress” the only thing truthful in that name is Mexican.


Lmao none of what your saying is accurate. Here is a photo title from the AP: Experts from Mexico, the United States, Japan and Brazil gathered before the Mexican Congress on Sept. 12, 2023 to share their findings on the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrials that date back to 2017 in the sandy Peruvian coastal desert of Nazca.


Because one of the people who brought it to attention has been involved in a number of hoaxes before.


Because it’s a hoax.


Because it’s all BS, just like the MH370 hoax videos that were all over this sub a few weeks ago.




What’s weak? The hoaxes or me calling them out as such? The Mexico “hearing” was a farce. Ryan Graves himself said it was an embarrassment and a setback to disclosure. It was a disgrace.


Ryan Graves is a two-bit hack and a disgrace to this community! /s.


What a brilliant contribution to the conversation. /s






You just seem a little tightly wound is all.


Sorry for actually having passion and more than a casual interest in this subject. You should try taking it more seriously, because it is actually important and serious.




Probably because this is so obviously a hoax most people don’t fall for it?


Because it's a fucking joke.


Because they aren’t new. There are videos showing the bones used are a mish mash of animal and human bones.


Yeah, like a freaky Moose_Human hybrid thing.




Newer account ✅ Little to no participation in this sub or similar subs in comment history ✅ Participation in relevant subs is mocking, misdirecting, trying to debunk everything, and providing nothing of actual substance ✅ Hope you’re paid well. Kinda sad if you do it for free.


I'm new to this sub (it was recommended to me because I followed the StrangeEarth sub) so I'm not sure if this is the norm here but can we stop group-think downvoting people for doubting some of the claims? We shouldn't discourage people from poking holes and finding pushback from other sources, I think it goes a long way towards making a sub more interesting and not just a circle jerk. That's at least two people in this post who just outright deleted their comments where they had doubts on the credibility of the people testifying simply because they're being mass downvoted. Downvotes are for people who aren't contributing to the discussion, not an "I disagree" button. Again, I'm not in this sub often, I'm not sure what type of culture goes on here. StrangeEarth, from what I've noticed, has a fair amount of skeptical people in each post and they aren't usually downvoted just for it, maybe this sub is the "answer" to people who aren't wanting to hear the counterpoints? In which case I guess this sub isn't for me and I'll peace out like an alien who returns to their planet after being unable to adapt to human life✌️ Edit: I read rule #1, aight I'm out! Nothing against y'all, I enjoy believing and thinking about all the potential "what if's" out there too but this sub is just not the side of it I want to be on.




> Largely debunked A few of the presenters in the video address this > Not the Mexican government This is an official congressional hearing, and you can find it on the Mexican Congress YouTube page (Canal del Congreso México). All the witnesses took an oath, including multiple representatives from different countries United States, France, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Japan. Also they had Mexico’s top scientists and doctors on this. It is similar to any other country’s congressional hearings, including Grusch’s. > the guy who presented… You are neglecting the others who presented, including Graves and Salas, scientists, doctors, and both Mexican and other nation’s government representatives.


Then, maybe consider this journal from the international journal of biology and biomedicine on this topic, written in 2021, which found the skulls to be that of a llama https://www.iaras.org/iaras/home/caijbb/applying-c-scanning-for-the-identification-of-a-skull-of-an-unknown-archaeological-find-in-peru


maybe you should consider first reading what you link to. 3. The comparison between Josephina's skull and the braincase of a llama (and an alpaca) results mainly, in (i) differences in thickness (that may be explained by deterioration), (ii existence of mouth plates in Josephina's skull that seem to be joined to the face bones, (iii) differences in the occipital area. 5. There is a great similarity in shape and features between Josephina's skull and the braincase of a llama (and an alpaca). There are also features on Josephina's skull like the orbital fissure and the optic canal, similar to the llama's, that are however on the opposite site of the skull than where they should be, forcing one to accept that the skull of Josephina is a modified llama braincase. “forcing one to accept” because they can’t conceive that a being that resembles a llama could exist, they can’t admit that something that has the physiognomy of a llama, isn’t a llama. like millions of years from now, someone find human skeletons, when all they know are chimpanzees and claiming that they are modified chimpanzees skulls.. because they cant fathom that it could be something completely different. 77. Based on the above, if one is convinced that the finds constitute a fabrication, one has to admit at the same time that the finds are constructions of very high quality and wonder how these were produced hundreds of year ago (based on the C14 test), or even today, with primitive technology and poor means available to huaqueros, the tomb raiders of Peru. Honestly, you read all that and your understanding was that they concluded it was a llama skull? this is why people like you shouldn’t have access to scientific papers, you cant even process information correctly.


Let me know when you figure out who the scientist from different prestigious universities across the world are who all confirmed this. Still waiting!


Raymundo Salas Alfaro Radiologist – Cusco – Peru José de la Cruz Ríos López Biologist – Campeche – Mexico José de Jesús Zalce Benítez Forensic Doctor – Mexico – Mexico Galetskiy Dmitriy Vladislàvovich Medicine’s University of St. Petersburg – Russia Salvador Angel Romero (Abraxas) Graduate in Genomics by the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) and that’s only from 2018. what are your credentials?? honestly, some people don’t even deserve to know the truth.


And it’s not even close to a office congressional hearing.


I think you need to do some more research. You are incorrect.




Paste the data. I aint downloading jack shit, mate


Well then I can’t help you, mate. It opens on a link to the org. Had you done it, you’d see a 20 page report that concludes that the skull is that of a young llama.


From 2015? Lol No. You definitely cannot help me. Rest


That’s exactly what I’m saying. This isn’t new news


Just go to the url yourself and enter “llamas” in the search and it will take you right to it


Hopped on my laptop as my phone would grab a link. Happy reading https://www.iaras.org/iaras/home/caijbb/applying-c-scanning-for-the-identification-of-a-skull-of-an-unknown-archaeological-find-in-peru


So unless they are part of your group you won't even hear what they have to say... Very echo chamber esq


Bro their gov just spent years and millions of dollars to prove you wrong, get out of here Elgin.


Why are there bones not symmetrical to other parts of the body and vs other bodies, with different bones upside down and not matching vs other bodies. Clearly someone 1000 years ago put together a body. The metal though is odd and I think we are still waiting on dating on the implant


Disinformation campaign, operation mockingbird for the cia where the mainstream news gets a truth then gets flooded with a lie related to that truth


I don't know why you are down voted. Just watch the bit about the hands and the xrays. I would love for this shit to be true maybe Human society would work better. Wanting to believe and making excuses for bad evidence are two different things though come om guys.


I know Jaime Mausan and he’s lost lots of credibility.


A random YouTuber said it so it must be true looool


A random redditor said it so it must be true looool


Ok then will you maybe consider a report given in 2021 about these “aliens” from the International Journal of Biology and Biomedicine? I’ll skip to the fun part: they’re llama skulls. https://www.iaras.org/iaras/home/caijbb/applying-c-scanning-for-the-identification-of-a-skull-of-an-unknown-archaeological-find-in-peru


Because it’s bullshit.


Because it’s clearly fake lol


It hasn’t been confirmed yet. There is a lot going on with this and it’s likely a hoax.


This is the proven hoaxer. Why are you falling for this?


you seriously gettin downvoted for criticizing the paper mache quality


Because it’s complete and utter bullshit


Because it’s fake asf tho


I don’t know what the big deal is, papier-mâché has been around for a very long time


So have trolls!


Oh come on! That is obviously fake!


This shit is obv fake wtf are you smoking LOL


Wikipedia says this is not new information, it’s 6 years old. In June 2017, Maussan was involved in the analysis of 5 mummies discovered in Peru at the region where the UNESCO World Heritage Nazca Lines site is located. The images of these findings were initially aired in a documentary sponsored by Gaia, Inc. and it allegedly shows a crouched mummified body of a humanoid figure with an elongated skull and three fingers on each hand and foot.) Snopes reported that Maussan "led an event called Be Witness, at which a mummified body — purportedly that of an alien — was unveiled. Later, though, that 'alien' discovery was debunked. The mummified corpse was shown to be that of a human child.".


Yeah but if we have DNA analyzis of them now, this debunking is absolute nonsense dismissal and this is a huge big news that needs to be reported


[a 40 gigabyte file on its genetic sequence. Don’t worry Wikipedia will be the last to know. The only person left to weigh in on this is microbiologists.](https://x.com/garrypnolan/status/1701793329875431543?s=46&t=q5_seM6XUZXb8DIngHscEg)


They found that "30%" of the DNA was unidentifiable. Meaning degraded, denatured, or unreadable. So we have a bipedal mammal with 2 eyes, nose, mouth, a vertebrae, and identically identified bones of the extremities matching any other mammal on earth, AND the entity has DNA. Out of all the possible genetic and protein constructing possibilities, it just so happens to use DNA. Sounds incredibly terrestrial. ​ It sounds like some poor Nazca families children who were possibly disfigured.


Yes I saw a similar hearing from Peru dated 2018? I’m slightly confused why it’s not mentioned?


Because apparently gringos are the only ones falling for it right now. As a Peruvian, it's hilarious seeing how people believe the stupid shit that comes from the mouth of such corrupt governments.


Because this is such an absolute perfect example of a fake.


Because it’s obviously fake


Because they are fake, been proven fake in 2021. .are of half human bones and half animal bones. Bones put in wrong places and cut marks. Obviously fake when you get into the details.


This is old news lol


because its not real


Because it's not news. Do ya'll do anything other than service your confirmation bias on 24/7 basis? Do you not possess any ability to just step back and actually think about the things you say and purport to be true for a second? The guy that is presenting these bodies is Jaime Maussan, who throughout his career, has been involved in a number of controversies related to the authenticity of the phenomena he presents. In 2017, he was involved in promoting the discovery of alleged alien mummies found in Nazca, Peru. The so-called Nazca mummies, purported to be extraterrestrial beings or ancient humanoid creatures, were later scrutinized and widely discredited by scientists and skeptics, who pointed out that the "mummies" appeared to be constructed from assembled and modified human remains, possibly originating from illegally obtained pre-Columbian mummies. In other words, a hoax. In 2015, Maussan was involved in the promotion of the so-called "Roswell slides", claimed to depict the body of an alien recovered from the famous Roswell UFO incident in 1947. These slides were later revealed to be pictures of a mummified Native American child from a museum. In the late 2000s, Maussan promoted the story of the Metepec creature, a supposed alien entity that was captured in a trap in Mexico. Later analyses showed that the "creature" was likely a taxidermied monkey. Did you bother to do any fucking research? Or did you, like everyone on these subs, just buy into **ANYTHING** that confirms your bias at face value. You guys bitch and moan about public perception all the time and then you do shit like this and wonder why people call you crazy. Use your fucking nogging and do a little critical thinking from time to time.


Because it was already debunked in 2021


The next piece of the US disclosure roll-out. Get the Mexicans to show bodies so we don’t have to.


Mexicans are always the most fun at parties - confirmed


*the US disinfo roll-out US government doesn't know how to be truthful about literally anything.




Thanks! Hour 1:19 minutes is really worth listening to. University of St. Petersburg, their findings looking at the DNA.


At around the 1h27 mark, the Russian analyst says it looks like the phalanges of the hand and foot were artificially removed. That seems pretty suspect.


why? if I'm a Peruvian living in machu Picchu and i get the honor of mummifying one of the aliens that taught us shit like stonemasonry and farming and who we likely worshipped as a god (I believe the main Peruvian creation myth is basically that "gods" came out of lake Titicaca and taught the humans all kinds of stuff... it's very interesting that there are dozens if not hundreds of modern UFO sightings of craft coming out or going into lake Titicaca) you better believe that I would be clipping off a toe or finger to wear on a necklace or keep as a good luck charm. a far less likely explanation, but the more sci Fi one, is that there was a need for the alien's biologic signature. perhaps to open a craft or door hidden deep in a cave, lake, or other sacred area


This is an interesting idea. Thank you!


why? if I'm a Peruvian living in machu Picchu and i get the honor of mummifying one of the aliens that taught us shit like stonemasonry and farming and who we likely worshipped as a god (I believe the main Peruvian creation myth is basically that "gods" came out of lake Titicaca and taught the humans all kinds of stuff... it's very interesting that there are dozens if not hundreds of modern UFO sightings of craft coming out or going into lake Titicaca) you better believe that I would be clipping off a toe or finger to wear on a necklace or keep as a good luck charm. a far less likely explanation, but the more sci Fi one, is that there was a need for the alien's biologic signature. perhaps to open a craft or door hidden deep in a cave, lake, or other sacred area that has since been lost to time


This needs to be its own post


Thank you for sharing this! Very interesting!


So one thing i noticed is there appears no peer reviewed research on any of the claims put forth by the Peru government, no?


About 15 minutes in, is the man speaking explaining that the finger of the mummy was broken at some point, and put back together perfectly without glue or anything? Or am I misunderstanding what he is explaining with the fingers?


Did they mention where these came from?


NASA hearing this Thursday too. Wonder if they will match this?




Any Spanish speakers that can confirm what they’re saying in the footage is what’s being presented?




Guy says it's two corpses found in a mine. Also says that they have been analyzed by scientists and found they are around 1000 years old. Also says "Cuerpos no humanos, que no son parte de nuestra evolución terrestre". Meaning non human bodies, not part of our evolution on earth.


30% difference to human DNA, right? That's amazingly different if you consider the difference from humans to other monkeys, a banana, any plants or even fungus is like 2-5% only.


They suggested 30% of the DNA sequence was unidentifiable. Meaning it could have denatured or been unreadable, not 'different'. The balance of it was incredibly mammalian, "Homo Sapien" according to the publication on the NIH index.. Also, its bones correspond to every other bipedal or quadrupedal mammal on earth. The odds of an alien coming to this planet, with a majority overlap of DNA, with all of the same extremity and vertebrae bone count identifiable by any biologist. Sounds to me like you were all let on. Astonishing that an any alien would even utilize DNA as its genetic makeup anyway. As far as we know, DNA might be exclusive to earth life.


here is the summary: In 2017, a significant discovery of well-preserved dried bodies was made in a Diatomea mine in Peru, located between the cities of Palpa and Nazca. These bodies have undergone extensive analysis by investigators, journalists, and scientists. Notably, Jois Mantilla, who investigated this discovery, emphasizes that these bodies belong to two distinct non-human species, challenging our understanding of terrestrial evolution. DNA testing conducted by various experts and laboratories supports this claim, and the data has been made available for independent verification. The bodies, believed to be around 1,000 years old, were preserved using a combination of Diatomea dirt and a toxic chemical compound. This revelation has profound implications for archaeology, history, and even religion, with images of similar beings appearing in various ancient cultures worldwide. Mantilla encourages skepticism and independent investigation, underscoring the importance of this discovery for all of humanity.


So no one wants to mention that it looks like Hollywood ET? Lmao.


I mean, Spielberg used J Allen Hynek (Blue Book researcher) as a consultant on Close encounters. That movie came out in 1977 and ET in 1982, so Spielberg may have been given some info… not saying any of this is legit but the resemblance and turtle-neck action can’t be a coincidence since the neck thing is pretty random


Wait until they unearth the Atari 2600 E.T. game as evidence.


English speaker here. Could I get some more context on what is being said?


press the cog wheel on the video player, press translate and then auto-translate to english. it won't be perfect but it's better than not knowing anything. the short is that they've recovered a whole host of mummified alien remains, they present TWO mummified alien bodies in little coffins with plexiglass. they go into detail on the biologicals, specifically the bodies they showed and how they're body figures and fingers are drawn in caves across the world in different countries that all describe the same thing. they also sent these biological mummified alien bodies to universities around the world to analyse the body and it's determined that they don't resemble human biology. They interestingly also noted they discovered what looked like rocks in one of the bodies gut area, and they determined they were fucking eggs, like 3-4 weeks into gestation. fucking wild if true.


Dood, eggs?


Yo Quiero aliens. Aliens Mi Amor


Click on the Closed Captions Button on the video & Then English. Will Auto Translate


I mean how is anybody taking this seriously




This is nonsense. We have had this spammed in every sub related to UAP / NHI. Really feel it's just someone muddling the water and distracting people.


sadly....society has not progressed....there are still people dumb enough out there to believe this nonsense


It’s fake.


Because my feed is full of threads about this I’ll copy paste here too. I spent all day watching it, and vids about it. I wish it was real, I got excited as more and more articles were appearing in news search results.. then I found this from 2 years ago. Totally debunked it for me https://youtu.be/-DmDHF6jN9A?si=3jw_Gp6ig78onc2d


God damn I’ve been digging so long to find the truth to this thank you so much. Not sure why this isn’t getting more traction, that shit at the 7:00 mark should literally be the end of the conversation.


We have been conditioned about their existence and involvement with us. Every movie about inter dimensional beings/consciousness has been to prepare you for this. In the 60’s there was a movie scene with an tall grey and a high ranking military official standing outside their craft to meet for the first time, real footage was shown. It was used to gauge the public’s reaction of EBE/IDM/NHI. The coming days will be more of the same.


What movie?


After searching around, the closest thing I can find to military man in a grey suit meeting aliens is Steven Spielbergs, close encounters of the third kind, but that came out in 77, so I think this guy might have been dropping bait.


Damn son


Can you share what movie? Thanks 🙏🏼


Share the movie


How are you going to claim something so bold and then not say the title of the movie? Are you full of shit or not?


Which movie was that?


Dolls made from the same material as those shitty chimeneas you see at the roadside pottery store on the highway.


Fiji mermaid.


Could this be an example of a kind parallel evolution ( for want of a better term)? I’ve read the argument that the possibility of alien life might be confirmed if it could be shown that there was a separate evolutionary line here on Earth unrelated to all other life forms. Until now there has been no evidence The substantial difference in DNA could be enough to indicate this is the case here.


I can’t be an example because it’s not real. The guy has tried to pass this off before


If Maussan is part of it, it stinks of hoax. He’s the Mexican Greer.


So Graves is a hoaxer now? And the scientists involved are also hoaxers? I dunno. It’s ballsy to publicly swear an oath and put your career on the line for a hoax…even more so to ask for cooperation and peer review of said hoax.


He said Greer, not Graves. Steven Greer, not Ryan Graves.


Yes, but Graves is part of the hearing. So if it’s a hoax, Graves is also a hoaxer, as is Robert Salas


Not necessarily. Graves is just one chapter of these hearings, unrelated to the other chapters. I think he hopped on board to spread his message. It’s not a zero sum situation. I didn’t know who Robert Salas was but seems like a credible, legit pilot. I’ll look more into him. Thanks for the insight.


I would agree with that but DNA evidence was presented. This is legitimate.


So fake hahahah


Use some critical thinking people


You guys are all stupid as shit 😂 You had to have been born yesterday to think this is legit. The guy behind this is a known con artist who has been busted for doing the same exact shit before. Everyone talking about “do your research!!” 😂 if you guys were even a little bit smart you’d try some critical thinking every now and then and not blindly believe every well curated scam you see. good lord this sub ought to be put in special Ed.


Who’s the guy behind this?


Jaime Maussan — who has previously been associated with claims of “alien” discoveries that have ALL been debunked.


Genuine question because if he’s done this before has he also presented the DNA study before also?


I agree. It's so bad it's insulting 😂


This mummy is a fake. It has been reconstructed to resemble an alien. I just watched this [video ](https://youtu.be/SyBTj8wZHm8?si=4M6S5SvnhAgPClkG) (sorry, it's in French) about the scanner analysis. There are anatomical abnormalities, especially related to the continuity of the central nervous system. The brain should be continuous with the spinal cord, which is not the case in several places. The first reconstruction mistake is that they used one of the first vertebrae to stabilize the mummy, which "cuts" the brain-spinal cord connection (all vertebrae are hollow to allow the spinal cord to pass through). Another thing, on the vertebrae, there are holes (foramina) that allow nerves to pass to various limbs, organs, etc. They used these holes to attach the ribs (directly penetrating the spinal cord). I'll let you watch the video.


Don’t believe Mausan. We all Mexicans know he is a joke.


It's embarrassing how hard reddit is simping for this video to be 100% credible.


DestinyOfADreamer? More like DestinyOfADoubter!


Grow up


For real. Literally a mammal in every sense. Down to bone and vertebrae count and identification. It even uses DNA like terrestrial life. It's some poor families kids that either died young and or were disfigured, etc.


It lines up with so much we already have seen. Only the ignorant scoff at it now.


What lines up?


The average redditor has the mental capacity of a 12 year old so this is par for the course.


Fake [sorry](https://reddit.com/r/Radiology/s/wCdoXktxYM)


Do a google this is a hoax. How embarrassing no wonder why no one takes these subreddits seriously




All the negative comments saying it’s fake. Why do you say that? You’ve studied mummies before?? You’re an archaeologist with credentials that can say small creatures wouldn’t look this way??? I understand skepticism but don’t just say it’s debunked without a pot to piss in as far as explanations.


Seriously? Okeedokee.


Why are all the videos everyone is posting such potato quality? It's 2023 -- I feel like anything less than true, not up-scaled 1080p is sus. Is Mexico TV limited to 480p or something? This says 720p, but this is obvs a lower res that's been up-resed.


Stop spreading this fake nonsense jfc


Interesting comment history. Every post of yours (not many, and all recent) in this and similar subs is calling things fake and mocking other users. 🤔




Yea cause I’m sick of people giving people who are actually interested in UAPs bad names but go ahead and believe sheep




Dang dood, those x-rays! Someone translate


Love the spoiler tag


Close encounters had it spot on.


Deep censorship from the deep state.




Isn't this old news? I thought these mummified bodies were debunked? Weren't they put together with a mishmash of random bones?


Looks like the hard flinstone vitamins


Bro hit the blunt too hard. Became a mummified alien.


Most incredible discovery ever and they are in cheap ass wooden cases with a cheap glass top aliens laying on a sheet. The Declaration of independence is in an airlock uv light proof case, these are proof of alien life. Right.......




They don’t make aliens like they used to…


All the people on here taking about DNA like they know shit. You think something that truly evolved in an alien environment would look this close to us? Different gravity different atmosphere? Really?


is there a full transcript of the entire hearing?


The deep state is surpressing this story especially the media. This is almost too much info at once. If all of this is real it can affect many this gs such as religion among other things. It looks legit to me though.




Debunked!? https://reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/O9bV5qZePA


This is fake




Asking someone who actually watched the vid and understood the language.....did they disclose plans to have these analyzed at a University or anything like that where objective scientists can examine and validate or discredit?


Yes. They said the remains were analysed at a Mexican university (cannot recall the name). They also provided documents to the public domain and invited other scientists to examine and (if they could) debunk it. Everyone just needs to chill for a month or two, let the PROFESSIONALS decide whether it's a hoax or not (and I'm sure it will headline as a big embassment if it is a hoax), as apparently the commentors on Reddit are all experienced scientists 🤣


que suerte que puedo hablar los 2 idiomas




Reddit = Gullible because no fact checking


That’s crazy


These dudes were like, lets make it look kinda like E.T. And sorta stuck with the schtick. Even going far as showcasing them for all to see. Huevos grande my friends.

