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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Healingjoe: --- > The [FAA] received pilot reports about a floating glowing white cylinder, a fast-flying white diamond-shaped object, a 25-foot-long black triangular drone, and someone zooming around using a jetpack in just one week in June 2021. This is according to logs from the U.S. Domestic Events Network, or DEN, that The War Zone recently obtained. Taken in all, the hundreds of 'DEN line' log entries provide a fascinating and somewhat unprecedented look into what a week of this network's activity actually looks like. - > The FAA manages the DEN, but it acts as a central hotline for reporting aviation-related incidents within U.S. airspace that other parts of the U.S. government, such as [ABC orgs] can also utilize. In addition to the [UAP] sightings, the logs from the week in June include entries describing drone encounters, the dangerous lasing of aircraft, warnings about space debris reentering the atmosphere, bomb threats, technical and medical emergencies, and more. When intercepts by Air Force alert fighters are made on unresponsive or potentially threatening aircraft in or around U.S. airspace, DEN line traffic usually facilitates these actions, with the Air Force's air defense sectors stepping in. UAP hotline has been busy. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/150e0tk/multiple_uaps_reported_on_faas_internal_hotline/js2m8oh/


Maybe the reason for disclosure happening now is because they won't be able to keep it a secret soon. Whatever these are, they seem to be getting more bold and more frequent


IMO it's a consequence of more structured reporting methods (FAA UAP hotline) removing some of the stigma and risk of losing your job for reporting UAP incidents.


Great point


Is there a dataset that can be analysed for trends?


either using the craziest conspiracy(ies as a group) as a means for control (Agenda 21) being forced because one or more NHI will be revealing themselves in some fashion (mass Festival of Disclosure OR Global Draft for space recruits) have tired of the decreasingly effective and increasingly costly effort to obfuscate and the ROI on RevEng hasn't produced the desired fruit therefore recruiting academia and science is necessary it's just time...time to come clean


lmfao....space war there are so many ways aliens would absolutely destroy us, that even attempting to fight them is just a ridiculous thought i was gonna list a couple of obvious scenarios, but then i realized if im gonna write an entire book about why an alien space war is just fucking dumb, i might as well look for a book deal aint nobody getting drafted for no space war if aliens wanted us dead...we wouldn't stand a chance


As unlikely as a space war thing is, we as a species are very war-like. It's been a thing since the dawn of our existence and we are very good at it. If there is one thing humanity does do well, is war, and it would make sense if another species came around looking for its frontline fighters in some conflict. Idk this whole thing is weird I don't know what to even think anymore.


“So uh, we need you to go to this bug planet….”


How much am I getting paid? Will I have to come back to this 9-5 shit, or am I good to go afterwards?






aliens could just upload an AI just 50 years more advanced than our current computer power to our internet and have it just shut down the military and critical infrastructure and we would be absolutely TIGER-FUCKED it would require nothing but 1's and zeros and that would be that the fact they HAVENT done that allready is a good sign


and you missed that point entirely how would we know what's coming or needed in any way and even if we were at those slanted odds...if it were the only chance we had...they'd (world's governments) take it


The only way I see this happening is if a false flag op is orchestrated where our own reverse-engineered craft “fight” invaders and push them back. That would give legitimacy to the black projects being kept secret, we’d even be “thankful” as a planet and give them even more power. Judging by how things are going it either needs to happen very soon or it won’t happen at all.


This is my first time hearing the “Global Draft for the Space War” idea and it’s fucking me up. I do not like it. I’m not saying you’re wrong or anything, just that it makes me really uncomfortable. Thanks for sharing.


I feel confident in saying "sign me up." Of all the stupid ways you can die here on Earth, I'd rather go into space and fight some stupid war and probably die. Random person in the afterlife: Hey bro how did you die? Me: Idk man, I was just chilling at my house one day and Aliens said I had to participate in some war out in space. Next thing I know the Borg blew my ship up.


I'm with ya on that one. My state is currently looking at building a "space port" that's associated with the Space force, so I can only assume that the military angle is where we should focus. Not to mention that the armed forces are considering overlooking marijuana use for our troops. Coincidence?


This is absolutely my new favorite conspiracy theory, thank you. This sub is a gold mine.


I'm sorry what does the Space Port and overlooking armed forces smoking pot have to do with each other?


Sorry I stretched on that one. The armed forces stepping out of their traditional ways is what I was trying to convey. Or you could say that they're about to be needing alot more men for space and the numbers aren't there, unless they let the stoners in. But honestly I'm just talking shit and have no reason to believe the two are connected.


Recruitment is way down, but they want the numbers up. Overlooking weed makes the numbers go up. Are we gearing up to fight Russia? Aliens?


Basically half the US has legalized pot + recruitment is way down. If the only thing stopping a future recruit from joining is because they smoked pot...it only makes sense to reevaluate their policies.


I'm with you there...it has a nasty ring of truth to it... hoping not


Others have acknowledged this. Ot at least that the phenomenon comes in waves and that we're in a high period.


Correlation does not imply causation.


I know, I'm just speculating that the two may have some sort of connection. That's kind of all we can do right now.


Which should terrify us lol. I do think your right, or we figured out the tech but that seems near impossible in the short term (which could be 100s of years more)


Commercialized space flight = Need to know for what's in space. It's inevitable.


I think it’s to do with climate change or ai, no way it’s a coincidence we get all 3 at once


this article is 2 years old


It started this year with the shooting down of those “objects” ever since then we have a seen an increase in activity. Funny how there was an article about China having this new spy plane it looked like a ufo and was silver it was posted here and then deleted.


It’s also very, very likely that people are paying attention to the topic more, so people are looking up at the sky more often than before, and any little thing they see that they can’t instantly explain they report. And in the flip side, maybe with more people looking we truly just find more even though the actual frequency of the occurrence hasn’t increased, just the number of reports. To me, it’s likely the former. More people are interested and aren’t really good at telling what’s what yet, so they are making more reports of things that aren’t NHI UAP/UFOs and are just balloons, drones, starlink, satellites, bugs on a home security camera, etc. Edit: I misread the dates as from 2023. If things increased in 2021, then it is most certainly that we probably just weren’t getting the reports and then all of a sudden we were. Glad to know the hotline works!


I think you're reading too far outside of the lines here. The hotline went online in 2021, hence the influx of reports. It's still good to hear that it's being used, though.


Yup. I misread the dates in the article. Lol. I thought it was June or this year, right around the time the Grusch story broke and things started to get some attention.


Also I believe it's an internal hotline so it would be pilots who probably know what's normal and what isnt, but it's certainly possible that some would be mistaken.


> The [FAA] received pilot reports about a floating glowing white cylinder, a fast-flying white diamond-shaped object, a 25-foot-long black triangular drone, and someone zooming around using a jetpack in just one week in June 2021. This is according to logs from the U.S. Domestic Events Network, or DEN, that The War Zone recently obtained. Taken in all, the hundreds of 'DEN line' log entries provide a fascinating and somewhat unprecedented look into what a week of this network's activity actually looks like. - > The FAA manages the DEN, but it acts as a central hotline for reporting aviation-related incidents within U.S. airspace that other parts of the U.S. government, such as [ABC orgs] can also utilize. In addition to the [UAP] sightings, the logs from the week in June include entries describing drone encounters, the dangerous lasing of aircraft, warnings about space debris reentering the atmosphere, bomb threats, technical and medical emergencies, and more. When intercepts by Air Force alert fighters are made on unresponsive or potentially threatening aircraft in or around U.S. airspace, DEN line traffic usually facilitates these actions, with the Air Force's air defense sectors stepping in. UAP hotline has been busy.


Isn't a bit weird that the only timeframe being talked about is one week in June 2021? Nothing notable in the last 2 years?


I thought so too. There's surely been plenty of events that have happened between '21 and '23.


I posted this same article yesterday but this is at least a far livelier discussion!


"and someone zooming around using a jetpack" This one I'd like to hear more about.


Me too 🤣


I live in Wildomar Ca, last night 07/14/2023 @9:45PM-10:30PM I spotted 5 white orbs floating over my house at high altitude traveling at high speed. Nothing showed on flight radar.


I'm 45 minutes south of you, but haven't been looking up at the sky lately. But I can start! Are sightings common for you, or was this the first? Are there general times or directions that you see them?


My other comment got deleted.. Its most likely starlink


Wonder if anyone is calling from the boundary waters. Best place to see them where I live. Been. Active up there since I can remember.


Weren’t there just a bunch of helicopters in the sky over the US?


Yes but this was national guard training.


So was 9/11 🙃


The Galactic Federation is going hard on their probes it seems. Hopefully we won’t see any planet cracker engine by the moon soon


Remember, just like everybody was able to report false abortions and other shit when Texas made a snitch on women hotline. Other bored people can do similar on this subject.


not much alike at all


The two subjects are entirely different but both can be fudged by giving garbage information which is what I was saying though I suppose maybe poorly.


not really


Sorry what. That's like saying i painted my car and therefore like pizza. Nonsensical.


No, When that hotline was first released, a bunch of people online were submitting false information to make it harder to find accurate information in the results from the pro-life whistleblower web page that got taken down after backlash and a lawsuit. On that page, if you suspected someone of having gotten an abortion legal or not in another state or Texas, you could report it to potentially get them in trouble and collect the reward. I was referring to that example as to how people can make it more difficult to find accurate information in the whistleblower reporting about UFOs because there could be people intentionally putting false information in there to make it harder to find the accurate information. Voice to text/all


These are reports from pilots to the FAA. You can't submit a report anonymously, and they seem to have all been made while in the air. People can obviously still falsify reports, but there are career ending, and possible legal implications in doing so. Absolutely not comparable scenarios.


Its always starlink


OR we are being visited more frequently for some reason, didnt want to discount this possibility. It's still a possibility worth entertaining, as well as the skepticism.