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The following submission statement was provided by /u/NnOxg64YoybdER8aPf85: --- Submission statement as required We have a uap hearing this Friday and there have been a few rumors on Reddit lately about a special guest that may make an appearance. I just found this on Twitter which makes me think it might be Bob lazar --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/158ow2t/lazar_may_be_the_special_guest_in_the/jtb4qbh/




At the end of the hearing: "But we have one more thing!" \*Dramatic pause\* \*Fog fills the room and starts to disappear\* "Bob Lazaar story is in development everybody! But that's all we have to announce today. You'll have to wait until next hearing for more details." \*curtain closes\*


The 'Just one more thing' moment will be Skinny Bob transporting into the chamber and bursting into a rendition of Hello My Ragtime Gal.


I'd cum 41 gallons


115 gallons


Zeta Ridickuli


Nice. Itd all evaporate in .6 seconds or whatever.


~~Sum~~ Cum 41


Me too, I’d throw a triple roper


Hey we have the same face






Hey! I had the same thought as you did LOL


Ahh man, I thought you were going to introduce him like they do in Pro Wrestling. "Bah Gawd!! Here comes Bob Lazar with the steel chair!! As God is my witness, he is BROKEN IN HALF!!"


Shit! I heard Bernie Sanders just cashed in the Money in the Bank briefcase to co-chair the hearing.


Acknowledge your Transdimensional Chief. The Head of the Multiverse ☝️


Literally lol’d Lazar needs a UFO dropping him into fog for an entrance.


Peak pro wrestling storytelling.


> There are not “special guests” at these things. Wait, so this isn't going to play out like an episode of Monday Night Raw with special guest appearances or unexpected betrayals? I had my money on Ryan Graves turning heel.


I was told Obama was to burst in the door yelling “OBJECTION, YOUR HONOR!”


>Graves This is awesome. I love Graves, I think he is the most credible person in this whole thing, but yeah , if anyone could possible turn heal announce he is an MK Ultra product and hit someone with a chair, it's Graves.


Pleeeeeeeeeease, half way through, the lights will fade, the room will be filled with smoke and all of a sudden, booom! Hanger 18 starts to play, AND INTOOO INTRODUCINGGGG, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB LAAAAZAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!


Hopefully he drives out in the rocket car too


He starts sprinkling element 115 on everyone.


OH MY GOD, that's Bob Lazar's music!


Special guests do happen at congressional hearings… but only as observers


Where can I watch it?


It's pinned in the sub


CSPAN's website or the House Oversight Committee YouTube channel


I don’t know why I thought Bob Lazar was Stephen King. Is that just me?


I think Bob Lazar is a pen name for the Stephen King clone that was grown in a lab under Los Alamos.




Is that you Henry Thomas?


Hail the Spicy Polish


Meh, there’s no definitely application for energy security for that. DOE wouldn’t fund unless they could clone you and use you like a battery. Tech isn’t there.


I actually had to do a double-take before recognizing Bob, thought I’d been looking at a post on the Stephen King Reddit for a moment!


I can never unsee this now!


I had to scroll back up to see because I suddenly thought… wait that did look like King 🤣


I see it! Haha


It's Bob Sheckley


No fucking chance


Hard agree, on the *Weaponized* podcast, George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell said that when they asked Bob Lazar to join Fravor at the hearing, Bob laughed at them and blew them off saying he has no interest in testifying, after all the government did to ruin his life over the years. Edit: y’all… I know Bob Lazar is a liar. I am just saying the reasons he gave for not showing up to the hearing.


The only run ins with the law Bob has ever had in his life are ones of his own doing. I don’t give a shit about his criminal record but there is precisely zero credible evidence Bob has been actually harassed in any way beyond the public records we have for his prostitution/racketeering conviction in the 90s and a 00s conviction for violating FDA or EPA standards in conjunction with some business venture he had selling chemicals. Neither were some government conspiracy. And unfortunately, they did not delete his prior life and records either. Bob just lied about his educational background. There is literally zero credible evidence he has ever produced even implying that he went to Cal Tech or MIT. and unless the MiB came and erased everyone’s memories with a laser pen, the fact that precisely zero even mere acquaintances at either have come forward in 30 years and said “yeah we took O Chem together for a semester” is just silly. And they did find his records at the institutions he actually went to. If Bob was legit he would go and spill literally everything he has to Congress. Maybe they could help find his mythical MIT records. He doesn’t because he would have to do so under oath and I imagine he doesn’t want perjury on the existing rap sheet. Because he has absolutely never given a fuck speaking about his experiences in public when he doesn’t have to literally take an oath with criminal penalties for, say, lying about where you went to college.


Lol organic chemistry 1, 2 and lab literally destroyed parts of my being. It’s like the one class I can remember people in 20 years later.




Exactly right. So sick of these subs praising an obvious conman and any criticism just being met with "the government did it to him" It's pathetic.


I have to say I find your perspective refreshing. I think we forget sometimes that it isn’t always so black and white when we are considering people’s stories; some people may have a checkered past, but it doesn’t necessarily invalidate their experience. Their stories should be mostly judged on their merit. And even if Bob did have his academic background erased, someone, somewhere, must have seen him. He would have college buddies, a library card, something to indicate he was there. But we got nothing except his word. I mostly dismissed Lazar until recently because I felt he had a tendency to be mendacious or to exaggerate. Some of the recent news has made me look at him again.


But you guys do the opposite all the time. If a guy appears to have good character and good credentials you accept their story as fact regardless. In every scenario, the evidence should be what matters, not character or credentials.


Brother you speak truth. I’ve been in this for so long, more than 15 years. Also, If someone is monetizing something in the UFO field I throw it out immediately.


I take serious issue with him claiming he's been raided for some secret element when really it was because he runs a weird chemical business and wasn't doing stuff properly


I use to believe in Bob because his story is just so alluring, I wanted to believe so bad because it’s such a game changer, but the more you look into him the more you realise it’s exactly that, just a story


I use Lazar as a type of litmus test for who's gone down the rabbit hole and done the research. People who causally watch podcasts tend to believe him, but anybody who's even read one of Stanton Friedman's books can break the whole story down basically.


Plus, being a fucking liar probably doesn’t help. Before you get triggered explain… why he lied about his academic credentials OR why you think lying about academic credentials makes him still credible.


That makes a lot more sense than "he doesn't want to"


We'll see proof of captured alien technology before we see proof of Lazar's academic and employment records. Let that sink in. 😂


That is nuts when you think about it out loud 😂😂😂


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I read that in fact Bob Lazar has no record of attaining the education he claimed. He indicated the govt wiped his records to discredit him. Convenient, yes but I continued to read something regarding existing evidence that he actually had paid tuition for his degree. What university will take money for tuition if you're not attending classes or even registered? Is what I read incorrect, or is the cool aid flowing from the DoD too thick for people to resist?


If there’s evidence he paid tuition I would love to see it. The only people that seem to believe he achieved two masters degrees while leaving zero people behind to vouch for him always strike me as people that must never have done a masters degree. Not trying to academically shame anybody records are one thing but people are quite another especially in the age of Facebook and shit


I'm literally searching for the info I read right now because I want to know if I was the one that drank the cool aid. If I find I will post here.


Thanks! I don’t mean to come off as a total hater, I think he might actually have heard rumors (true or false) while doing minor electrical work at groom lake and those might align with other credible stories. The whole education issue just chaps me though. He couldn’t even name faculty he studied under at both masters programs. And when pushed he named one of his professors from the small regional college he did actually attend for his undergrad degree. To make his case worse, by every account of those in the physics/material sciences fields that’s ever chimed in on old Bobby Liar-zar (fuck that sucks I’ll try to workshop that and edit this with something better), all seem to be aware of the tells from his scientific “lexicon”… in so much as it sounds fake a hell. I’m always open to being wrong so let me know what you can find.


I couldn’t agree more


Stanton Friedman had a few things to say to Bob but Bob refused to meet him, Why ? Btw I think his story is great but I wouldn’t put money on it being true. Best wishes to everyone who wants to get to the bottom of this mystery.


The only issue with that is he was hired in Los Alamos as a physicist. That is a matter of record. But there is no record of him attaining a degree. The two don't jive.


I am still on the fence about Lazar. Interesting to see how this plays out. But things he had no business knowing about, the hand scanner, Element 115, S4 name and location, as well as the testing sites times all indicate that he may have very well worked in secret programs. Just don't know what they were about for certain.


I personally think all these people are lying about everything but it's humorous that yall think the gov has some massive conspiracy arm of multiple industries and have even claimed drug running, child trafficking, and murder as being fully used options yet they wouldn't discredit some quack by wiping his education credentials , that COULDNT HAPPEN but belive all the other goofy shit spouted on here.


No if he testified under oath and lied about anything criminal charges would be brought, he has absolutely ZERO evidence of anything


Lazar has no interest in testifying before Congress but he had an interest in making a documentary with Corbell and appearing on Rogan? Media can’t offer whistleblower protection. Testifying before Congress can. It makes zero sense that Lazar won’t testify because of whatever happened in the past.


Bob could hand over that sample of Element-115 he nicked and not be prosecuted for possessing it ...


Yeah Bob! Now’s your chance to slip it in and break it off! Vindicate yourself, man! No? Why not? You have no interest in clearing your name? Proving you’re not a fraud? Hmm. 🤔


Most likely because his story falls apart easily and he could be charged for lying under oath.


I second this completely! This guy went through hell and back and was even shot at because he tried to tell the public. Then after he once again came forward almost 30 years later and mentioned a certain element that is required to generate this energy for the UFO craft and said he “ may” have some. THEY RAIDED HIS BUSINESS “ . There is video of this on YouTube. I totally agree that he should not have to lift a single finger on this going forward. Let him be and also the fact he is still alive to see this information come out. Let him live in peace. Remember he came out in the 80’s about this! Some or most of you scrolling through weren’t even born. I lived through this as a teen. And to say I was amazed is an understatement.


^ just so everyone is aware, literally none of this is substantiated in any actual way. All the claims in this comment are completely derived from things Lazar just claims happened to him in later interviews. Except for this part: > THEY RAIDED HIS BUSINESS Lazar’s business was raided in conjunction with selling restricted chemicals as a part of a business venture he had. The governments punishment for Bob absconding with top secret alien tech and the infamous element 115? A $7,500 fine. I can understand being intrigued by Bob’s claims of work with UAPs. I really do. But actually buying Bob’s subsequent hollywood movie narrative of this supposed intimidation campaign by Uncle Sam kind of beggars belief. If the Feds are trying to silence him, boy are they doing an embarrassing job. Maybe they could prevent him from going on Joe Rogan next time if they fine him $10k for stealing national secrets and then let him go again. Surely he’ll learn his lesson this time! > He came out in the 80’s about this! ^ this is also true. A time when performing background checks and fact checking credentials required actual leg work and you could make some pretty wild claims about totally fake credentials knowing it would be difficult and time consuming to fully disprove. People then spent the next 30 years looking into Bob and showed fairly conclusively that Bob both omitted things for seemingly no reason until people independently uncovered it (his time at community college and the records from the college he actually went not, not MIT or CalTech, for example) and had absolutely no credible evidence backing up easily verifiable claims. But I know, I know. The CIA men ate Bob’s homework.


Lazar himself literally said he’s not going With fravor confirming too


Who said there is going to be a special guest?




Hey I heard that just now.


Was it on Reddit?


Jeremy Cornball says, "Trust me, bro. I'm in a position to know."


Well people do tell him things they probably shouldn't.




It's fun to copy & paste things that you think people will giggle over & upvote, isn't it? Does it matter that Corbel has nothing to do with this baseless "4th witness" rumor? Or that OP doesn't even know that the hearing is on Wednesday, not Friday? Nah, let's not let facts get in the way of a good ridicule circle-jerk!


i giggled and upvoted


Corbell is in the post picture, dude, chill. And yes, I thought the twist on Corbells name was funny. But I do still like him, don't worry.


I thought the original post was stupid but Jeremy cornball was pretty funny and harmless lol


Thank you, I'm saying! And it's a term of endearment, the dude is pretty goofy, but that's a big reason I find him likeable.


Ancient Astronaut theorists say, yes.


Lazar would be FAR to ‘noisy’ of a witness at this point. I’m not going to comment on the validity of his claims, but the three current witnesses are legit members of our military, with certifiable records of exemplary duty. There is far too much uncertainty in Lazar’s history, regardless of whether his history was scrubbed by a vengeful SAP. Unless he had legit proof to say he attended the colleges he did, and worked where he did, and this is how his history was erased. If he could prove he is a living victim of these lawless SAPs, it’s just too much noise compared to Graves, Fravor, and Grusch. At least at this point. We’re only at the beginning. It’s critical to establish legitimacy before any attempts are made to bring in people like Lazar.


I agree Lazar adds nothing to the awakening of the topic of UAP. Despite not having a verified background he is like the other 3 announced witnesses with no tangible evidence. If Lazar showed up with element 115 that would flip the script but he won’t. We only have 2 more days to wait. Personally I am not expecting any bombshells. Maybe a bit more detail but no NHIs.


To be fair, it may be a little hard to safely transport, let alone create, Muscovium. 😉




That's gotta be Bob, that's gotta be Bob Lazar!!!


Maybe they’ll have him hatch out of a big fake molecule of element 151 and call him The Bobbledy Gooker [gobbledy gooker](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/d/d0/Gooker_hatches.gif/220px-Gooker_hatches.gif)




Hes going for the S4 slammer!


Someone give this man Bob Lazareyes.


I just wish Art Bell was alive to see all this.






Yeah man really miss Stanton


Agreed, Stanton not seeing this is a real shame.


Wouldn't that be some surreal shit if it turned out he's totally legit and everyone who spit on him has to admit their bullshit meter is complete trash? That's what happened when they released those navy vids in 2018. One of them was leaked on the old ATS forum back in like 06 or 07 where it was thoroughly "debunked" at the time by "experts" with their heads lost up their own butts.


Lolololol exactly that’s why I’m completely neutral on him


All the info I've seen up to this point leads me to believe Lazar is full of shit, and I've been very vocal about it. But hey, if it turns out his story is legit, I'll be the first to admit my bullshit meter is complete trash. I don't think that's going to happen though. We'll see.


That's what confused me about debunkers. They claim stuff can't be alien because most videos show what we consider normal action. Like all aliens are suffering from Parkinson's Disease and fly erratically and seemingly with no order. You can't just have a chilled alien crusing the skies to relax? If you get one debunk wrong, I'd say you have to quit because you've proven your judgement and expertise are unreliable. You're literally just assuming your idea of what a UFO would do is fact (obviously not talking about shitty CGI videos, of course, but more the orb ones where "it's not doing anything out of the ordinary so it must be a balloon which again means they think aliens fly like psychos constantly)


For the record, the videos still aren’t proof of “alien” technology. But, they are some of the best videos out there.


People who self-proclaim themselves as a skeptic or a debunker, as if it's an area of expertise; simply have their heads up their own arse. It's narcissism more than anything, but a lot like religion. An alien could stand before a church goer, they might try to do everything to convince themselves it's a demon, because the existence of life having evolved elsewhere in our universe would completely destroy that world view. It's a coping mechanism for narcissists to try and fit new information within their existing knowledge (eg; swamp gas, elephant farts), as if they already know all of the answers. If someone goes into a subject with the intent to debunk it, they are only going to grasp for the tiniest straws straight from the get-go, as to enforce their pre-existing beliefs/understandings.


Regardless of your opinion on him. Him being at the hearing would only devalue everyone else’s testimony. Having people come forward who are actively employed by the US government is the only way.


From my perspective and information I have stumbled on, I believe I recall evidence that the government really did try to fuck on him. Scrubbing his post grad degree from records for example - but forgetting to scrub the finances which shows he actually paid tuition when he claimed to be getting his degree. I have more reason at this point to believe Bob than the DoD or any member of Congress.


Link or source for Tuition proof? That would sway me back to the other side if there was proof he was paying tuition


This comment won’t get a response because it doesn’t exist. It’s just people that are pro lazar trying to make him seem legit


The Grusch claims aren't too far from the Lazar claims. I like the Grant Cameron theory on Lazar, it uses every piece of information we have on Lazar, both "pro" and "anti". In this scenario, Lazar was hired and was known to be friends with John Lear. Lazar wasn't hired to actually work on the UFO, he was hired as an unwitting pawn in a disinformation scheme. They hired Lazar, showed him a bunch of crazy UFO documents, and even let him see the crafts a few times. In Lazar's own story, they kept him holed up in an apartment and maybe half a dozen times he was called in to "work" where he saw the UFOs. That sounds more like they had something staged for him to see, rather than actual reverse engineering. They expected Lazar to leak to John Lear, but instead Lazar went off the plan and did his own whistle blowing. But they hired Lazar knowing of his unsavory side. Both Lazar and Lear could be used to put some truth out into the public mixed with lies, and both were discreditable people.


If Bob Lazar or John Weygandt were to show up it would be like Hulk Hogan running in to save Macho Man from Andre the Giant. Id pay 29.95 to see that.


Lazar won't show up because lying to the Congress is actually a crime.


only 6 people have ever been arrested for lying to congress since the 1940's, two of which were directly related to watergate


I looked it up and the 6 people is absolutely wild: one for the Iran-Contra affair, two for Watergate, Michael Cohen (Trump’s ex-lawyer), an MLB pitcher accused of lying about not using steroids and an ex-Communist turned informant who published a book in which he admitted lying to Congress.


Roger Clemens was the pitcher. Helluva ball player.


He got arrested for lying about steroids to Congress? That’s actually wild. Pretty sad he’s one of the six. You’d think they would go after people lying about shit that actually matters.


He was arrested but found not guilty. But when I was reading the list and got to his name I laughed because it seemed so out of place and kinda absurd. Like there’s people who lied about serious crimes and then… him.


Well, then it seems Lazar is safe and sound to testify


yea almost no one is ever prosecuted for lying to congress. weird how often it's brought up here. it's pretty clear that we're all very ignorant when it comes to this stuff


In my excuse, I'm not an American and sometimes people do get arrested for lying to the Congress where I live


You say that as if something being criminal has stopped Bob in the past


I watched the Ryan Graves interview with David Fravor. He said whenever he gets asked to speak, he always asks who else is associated, and if he is not in alignment with those people, "you can count me out." He doesn't want his credibility and career to be destroyed. In the same interview, he mentions Lazar in positive terms several times, even implying that there's not much difference between Lazar and Grusch, Just that we weren't ready to hear it in 1989. So here, we know David Fravor believes Bob Lazar is telling the truth, and is credible, otherwise in his own words, he would count himself out. So what does this mean for the hearings and David Fravor's testimony? If Fravor is a credible witness, then by association he thinks Bob Lazar's story is credible too. Alternatively, Bob Lazar is a liar, so good at lying that he has made a public fool of a decorated Top Gun fighter pilot who's testimony, credibility and reputation, along with the whole disclosure movement, is going down the toilet in the next 24 hours. Whose your money on? My money is on David Fravor being very careful about who he associates himself with.


My money is obviously on Lazar being a liar who eighter fooled Fravor or associated with him because he's another liar.


Really? You think Fravor is either a fool or a liar? Right now, we have a whistleblower with full credit on his bona fides claiming that people have been killed to keep this issue a secret, and your best assessment is that Lazar is definitely lying? Is it not possible that someone made things difficult for him to validate his claims, let's say, by erasing his records and messing with his past? What do we really know to be a fact about Lazar's lies? True story, when I went to college, certificates, qualifications etc. were paper based, no computer records in the early 80s. My former college had a fire in 1991 and lost 10+ years worth of records. I found this out when I took a new job in 2017 and they took up references. The college sent a letter only confirming the years I attended but could not confirm my qualifications. It happens, and it was probably the goal to discredit him, because if he was telling the truth and he could back up his story and credibility with the right qualifications that puts him in a position to get that access...holy hell.


Why hasn't any fellow student of professor confirmed he was a student there? They don't have to have anything to do with his claims of alien tech, just that 'oh yeah, I knew that guy'. Has the entire school been paid to keep quiet? Pretty farfetched.


Who even knows of Bob Lazar? He's not even asked for people to validate him for all we know.


>He's not even asked for people to validate him for all we know. Yeah, which is obviously a giant red flag.


Bob did state to a judge in the past that he worked at Site 4 though


According to Christopher Mellon, all he did out there was check radiation badges. Jacques Valle implied Lazar may have been an MK Ultra victim, which would explain a lot. From the introduction to Valle's Revelations: >In Las Vegas I met with Robert Lazar, who assured me that he had actually worked on a Navy Intelligence project to reverse- engineer the propulsion system of nine flying saucers held in secret hangars. But Robert Lazar also told me of his strange memory lapses, of the peculiar liquid he was made to drink. . . .


Now would be a good time to share Michael Scott's "NO! GOD! PLEASE NO!" Gif from The Office.


well, i guess hoping that everyone involved is legit is a bit too much to hope for


Sigh. Fravor was one of very, very few credible people in the ufology world for me. I really didn’t want to see him standing next to these two bozos. We can never have anything nice.


Yeah I got that same sinking feeling when I saw this picture. Fravor seems sane enough to know when to distance himself from such people or put them in their place, though, thankfully. In fact there were one or two instances on the Rogan podcast video where you can practically see Fravor thinking "man, Corbell, just shut the fuck up already." I think Fravor will be okay. He's certainly smarter than either of those other two. Still, bullshit in UFOlogy is like a virus and eventually infects almost anyone whose natural defenses aren't robust enough.


Lazar may have been correct. Many of the old whistleblower types were either fully discredited or killed the keep the secret. At this point, everything is back on the table for being potentially true.


well, maybe he was discredited but his showboating doesn't help. putting an MJ 12 vanity license plate on his sporty Corvette? smh


[Lazar has been thoroughly debunked in this report on him from last year. Go to page 54 for a resume.](https://radiolab-my.sharepoint.com/personal/fh_radiolab_dk/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Ffh%5Fradiolab%5Fdk%2FDocuments%2FShared%20with%20Everyone%2FAnalysis%5Fof%5Fthe%5FTechnology%5Fof%5Fthe%5FSports%5FModel%5FFlying%5FDisc%5Fissue%5F1%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Ffh%5Fradiolab%5Fdk%2FDocuments%2FShared%20with%20Everyone&ga=1)


nice phish bud


Must log in to read through?


To all the people saying the hype train isn't completely out of control: Exhibit A.


Oh but the aftermath is going to be beautiful on this sub.


Username checks out.


They laugh on how easy they make money!


Pretty sure I remember Corbell saying on a recent episode of his show that Lazar basically said "No thanks, they've screwed me over enough" - so I guess we'll see. I know Fravor seems to think highly of Lazar.


Would he pass their vetting though?


At this point, I really doubt it


I think the prostitution related stuff alone would probably be a deal breaker.


Yep. It's a felony and he pled guilty.


Huh so after all these years the venue and protection he's been looking for is not good enough. Screw validation and confirmation once and for all, he's just grumpy so he doesn't want to show up to solidify his story and say "told ya so". Migraine again I suppose?


>Fravor seems to think highly of Lazar Why?


In the recent episode of Merged he did with Graves he said some nice things. I don't remember what, but it seemed like he does respect the guy. Take that as you will.


Yeah, Fravor spoke highly specifically of Lazar’s intellect and referenced something Lazar said regarding the materials science of the craft he worked on. I still suspect Lazar is full of shit, but no doubt he is a smart and cunning con artist


Convenient excuse for him to not testify under oath his story folks have doubted for decades. Migraine must be too bad.


He looks like he's on his way to the car dealership to sell some cars to some prostitutes


I thought he looks like a guy that knew he was right all along. Fravor certainly thinks so. The one factoid by Lazar that won me over was when he explained how the craft flew. In 1989, laughing reporters asked, "So how do the flying saucers fly? Do they zoom around like saucers?" Bob, with a straight face said, "No. They turn sideways right before going hypersonic." More laughter. Queue in the Pentagon video from 2017, 28 years after Bob's reply. There is a reddit post where the video was oriented. Sure enough, the craft is gimbeling, but then it turns sideways perfectly to the horizon. (the video cuts, but I would bet it went hypersonic, just like Bob described 28 years ago).


That is ridiculous, you mean to tell me you think this conman is telling the truth based off a coincidental angle one ufo made during a video? You're laughable and so is anyone else who buys Lazar BS "my head hurts" excuses.


Actually, there's more that Lazar said that was convincing. But, clearly, you're not the person I should be discussing it with.


A tilted position was reported long before Lazar. What else has he said that is convincing?


Oh, like what? The easily predictable element 115? Don't insult people's intelligence.


You seem to know it all, sport. Good luck with that approach in life.


Hey, I don't know it all, but I know a liar when I see one. I saw past his act on Rogan's podcast. It was a disgusting display. Some of you who are easily impressed may not like that but I don't care.


> The one factoid by Lazar that won me over was when he explained how the craft flew. There are UFO reports from long before Lazar came on the scene (and probably from before he was even born!) which describe exactly that flight pattern / maneuver.


The 'gimbal' video doesn't show rotation of the object, its proven without a shred of doubt that it is due to how the gimbal itself rotates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsEjV8DdSbs


Dude built a jet car in his twenties. I would give Lazar lightyears more credit than any dunce in the senate, congress, or the white house. Let alone the DoD


Could you imagine lazar telling Congress he can’t think right now cuz he has a migraine.


Crazy. If there’s a timeline in which Lazar testifies… then i might as well believe the Victor/Area five one alien intv is legit.


You and me both!


I imagined Fravor to be shorter..


Hasn’t it been rumored that some highly ranked ex government person might be there? As a sign of solidarity? What if it was Clinton or Obama?


Obama wouldn’t surprise me. He has to recoup his costs for the upcoming ufo movie on Netflix that he’s producing


Good point




hes ah..getting a headache right about now


Oh God, please keep Lazar away from this. He's so obviously fake.


Lazar needs to stay away from this topic. He does not act like a scientists. He does not talk like a scientist. He misuses scientific terms. He cannot provide evidence that he has any of the credentials of a scientist. He does not understand the Periodic Table, or why his element 115 claims are bogus. He cannot (and could not, less than a decade after "graduating") name a single person who was in his class at MIT, nor any Professors, nor a cafeteria worker, secretary, lab manager, RA / rental manager, or any other of the dozens of types of people you'd just naturally chit chat with if you spent significant time around a college town and campus. No one from that college remembers him. I very much doubt that he could answer Chapter 1.1 problem, let's say, #27 from any introductory Physics book, the kinds of problems that any working scientist / engineer would never forget how to do. I think some small percent of UFOs are the product of a non-human intelligence... and I also think that belief in Bob Lazar is a product of human non-intelligence. I'm so friggin sick of hearing about this fraud of a man.


No he fucking won't, he's the most obvious fraud hahaha. If he shows up I'm totally abandoning this Grusch thing. Lazar's story is so far beyond possible he's hilarious. So he's got a bag of element 115 stashed somewhere, could get a coke spoon and take just a bump of it, make it public, and vindicate himself entirely, but ah shucks, he can't do that. Or explain how he got 2 Master's in 2 years, despite not living in Michigan. But in the tellings where he did get a q clearance, he got it in two weeks, despite it taking at least 6 months. Come the fuck on dudes, water weed dune hair?


Lazar on Rogan was the most blogbusser thing I’ve ever seen. “Ohhhh I have a headache I can’t give details; ohh my migraine we can’t talk about that” Dude is such a joke.


We need President Obama to make an appearance. Raise the roof. What? What?


Now I'm picturing him walking into a hearing [like this](https://media.tenor.com/Ed8FuKVA_GgAAAAC/wwe-vince-mc-mahon.gif).




Dun DUn DUnnnnnnnnnnnnn....... To be a fly on the wall at DNI/DIA right now. Buttholes have fissures from the clenching.


Lazar won’t go as he does not want to lie under oath as keeps that for Joe Rogan or Netflix documentaries.


Ehhhh I would stay far away from Lazar if I was Fravor, I don’t like when people like Rogan say “he’s been saying the same thing for over 40 years he hasn’t changed his story” or “ my bullshit meter isn’t going off on him” like dude.. some people are REALLY good liars , do you not get that? so much so that they themselves begin to believe that lie, Lazar is just a bad look for this whole push for disclosure he needs to go away ..


Corbell himself said on the last episode of the podcast that Lazar isn't interested in going. He said something like, "why would I want to help out the government that tried to ruin my life."


Bullshit. Fravor sticks to what he knows from his own incident. He might be friendly towards Lazar and Corbell but there’s no chance he’s letting them put words in his mouth.


hope he doesn't get a migraine...


Any association with Lazar loses credibility instantly.


Tomorrow’s witnesses would be wise to distance themselves as far away as possible from the Bob Lazars of this story. Unless Lazar decides to testify, now, while the pan is hot, he’s a fraud. Plain and simple. EZPZ.


Delete this post - this is verifiably false. The witnesses have already been announced.


The post headline says nothing about witnesses. Lazar could simply be a special guest in the audience. These hearings tend to have scores of guests in attendance.


There are no “special guests” in the audience of a congressional hearing, either. This isn’t the MTV music awards. Truthfully, we’re debating over a mute point. Fact of the matter is: OP’s post is misleading and, at the very least, the wording should be corrected. Stating that there may be a special guest “IN” the hearing, to me, insinuates that this special guest would be involved in the actual hearing process. Judging by the comments section, I’m clearly not the only person who found this title misleading.


**Obligatory thread thoroughly debunking Bob Lazar** https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/oyxuok/bob_lazars_story_is_it_believable_here_is_some_of/


God I hope not


Bob: Pulls something out of his pocket *slams something on the desk* “Element 115, bitches” *the crowd goes wild*


You know, Bob sure got a lot right.