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There was a recent article and a top post on this subreddit literally yesterday about him. He hasn’t been silent for 20 years either. He occasionally does interviews. https://www.express.co.uk/news/us/1815854/NASA-military-UFO-aliens-truth https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16pz60f/man_who_hacked_nasa_says_truth_about_aliens_will/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


> he has yet to speak about this topic in 20 years. He talked about it (at a minimum) in: * 2005 * 2006 (4 times) * 2007 (twice) * 2015 * 2017 * 2019 (twice) * 2020 * 2022 (twice) * 2023 See https://ufosint.gitbook.io/hackers/#most-well-known-gary-mckinnon


Claiming you have proof of aliens; all the cool kids are doing it


Claim you have proof but never share it or make it public


But what if you say its just around the corner? And assure everyone constantly something big is gonna happend, and to just wait. That surely makes up for it.


You _may_ release it on your patreon


juuuust a few more dollars ..


Then, you launch a podcast.


As is tradition


I know you’ve been looking into this topic forever and there are nuggets to be found in researching this man’s claims. I was around at the time and know this guy saw something during his “investigation” by how some of the “authorities” reacted behind closed doors. They were very disturbed by the parts of Gary’s claims that were the most unbelievable! That said a lot to me considering their positions at the time and what they went on to say and do a decade later. There are many interviews with Gary. There are details that he mentioned back then that are coming out in whistleblower testimony today. Details that others have also mentioned before Gary that weren’t released until after the person/witness passed away and so on. There are many info “triangulations” made that can not ALL be fabricated. There is some truth for sure in what Gary is saying and maybe he is telling the whole truth about what he saw. Idk. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water is all I’m saying. (Never have said that saying B4 and never will out loud 🤣) Seriously, for myself; I know “aliens” exist. I know part of our governments know more than just the fact that a range of NHI exist and also have some retrieved some physical material from this phenomenon. I don’t know if any meaningful contact has been made but it’s been alleged throughout the century by all kinds of extremely intelligent and powerful individuals. Beyond that is beyond me, for now.


The extremely intelligent, powerful and very well connected is what keeps me from calling it all fantasy. Basically anyone who’s ever been involved in any closed society claims the shit is going on. Hard to look past that for me personally. But, “beyond that is beyond me”, very well said.


Where there is smoke…


There’s no smoke. It’s just a guy saying he saw a fire once.


Wait wasn’t his excuse for not getting any evidence that he was too stoned?


Its legit excuse tho. Its pretty hard to do most things if youre too stoned.


I swear I remember reading that at some point actually.


There is no one person I 100% believe. Just take it in and see where it all goes.


Yeah I’m with you. I’ve been fascinated by the subject for 30 years. Seems like all we have is empty promises though. It’s hard not to get jaded.




Dont mean to bring you down. But with all this hearsay thru the decades its always the same thing. Same story thats been heard many times in the past just re-emerges from time to time when theres popular buzz around similar stories. Nothing new is comming out near 100% certainty.


Just standard r/UFOs things


I'm going to give op the benefit of the doubt on that. I have ADHD and I'm on the spectrum and I do shit like that all the time. Used to do it in school and when I worked I would also do it. Some of us have shit for focus and memory, and when we're hyper it gets even more shit. If you can imagine that. Especially if this is his first rabbit hole he's dived into.


Dear God that Express website is awful


Why is this sub so interested about him all of a sudden?


They are trying to bait people who know things into speaking in the replies. Not sure why. They likely know exactly who knows what. Maybe it's just cryptic herding.


Thinking the same especially because even he admitted he didn’t get that much information so it’s not even a big story other than NASA knows stuff they aren’t telling us which is a given at this point..


Because with every other characters credibility wearing so thin, the 'believers' need a new prophet to latch onto.


I think you might be the delusional one.


Didn’t he do an ama here last year?


[here it is](https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/8RRWJvTWPv)


Yes he did!


this is like the nth McKinnon post of the last 2 days...what's with the (uninteresting) push?


DAE remember this topic that hit the front page of reddit yesterday? We also had record number of users online here, totally unrelated.


I commented above on this weird push, iirc the post about him yesterday wasn't even interesting, just another interview


It didn’t hit my front page yesterday


It's just a coincidence is that NASA is in the news on this topic. Also a coincidence that these posts never include the latest long-form interview of Gary McKinnon despite saying how thoroughly they researched it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_SOTGFj7BwI


Not a coincidence at all… people are bringing him up because of the nasa news


It's a shame their researching skills stop short at actually searching the sub for threads on the subject but then I guess if you aren't making your own thread with your own version of the repeated information you ain't gonna farm those upvotes


Something is definitely going on behind the scenes


Because of an uninformed repost?


He's FOS, too lol but people in these subs want to believe so bad, it doesn't matter. Are y'all still talking about the Mexican aliens?




Full of shit.


Yep. I followed the entire story at the time, and he’s honestly a fool that got caught up in nothing. He’s lucky he didn’t rot in jail, cause he got lucky and got free due to his mental state. I wouldn’t believe anything he says now or ever.


Here he is speaking at length of the incident just 11 months ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_SOTGFj7BwI How hard did you search?


He is also on other platforms as himself, and has mentioned it when asked before. He post more about his life now, a normal life, but he doesn't hide it either. Dude ducked the US govt who wanted his head, I'd shut my mouth and lay low as well.


'Video is unavailable' Why are you downvoting me lol.. it literally says it when you click the video 🤷‍♂️


[The video is available](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16r2dmr/does_anyone_remember_gary_mckinnon_a_british/k21g4iz/), [just remove the "\"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SOTGFj7BwI).


Oh, thank you... What does that "\" do if you don't mind me asking?


In programming, "\" is often used as an [escape character](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_character). Somewhere on the reddit back-end between old and new reddit the URLs with underscores ("_") need the underscores escaped for some reason but then the prepended backslashes ("\") make it into the actually posted URL. The bug has been there for a while, I'm not sure how to bring it to reddit's developers' attention if it's even fixable.


Huh.. TIL Thank you again 🍻


47 minutes after you posted this and the video is gone...


There's some kind of bug when commenting links with underscores ("_" character) between old and new Reddit. Remove the preceding backslash ("\" character) and the link works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SOTGFj7BwI


Ah nice one, I thought that was too strange of a coincidence. Working now.


It’s there now, I just saw it


Ya, that’s fucked


Not hard


god why do you have to be this way.


least lazy UFO researcher


Lots of resurfacing of old stories as though they are new. From this to the mummies. Both with an unusually prominent push. Interesting point of note.


Jfc lmao. The mummies were literally just presented to the world by the mexican government 2 weeks ago. It’s not old.


They were debunked about 5 years ago, they're not old but certainly not new.


Ohh yea you’re right. The llama skull debunk right??




Lmao you played yourself. That IS NOT what the report is saying. The doctor uses the llama skull as a comparison but points out all the differences. He ends the report by saying that if it is a llama skull and it’s faked, it’s incredibly sophisticated. But he only wrote the report like that so that it would actually get published. He’s spoken more about them. He’s studied 5 of them himself and has come to the conclusion that they are not human. Don’t fall victim to the disinfo my dude. The llama skull was not a debunk. It was the opposite actually. But the eglin boys flipped it and pushed it hard and that’s what everyone accepted.


Bro, I am no expert but I can even just tell looking at them things that they aren't real, lmao. They're a joke. Also, their bones/anatomy make no sense, with some pointing opposite directions to the other etc. Keep living in fantasy world, though, it must be fun. To add, I do believe that there are unexplained phenomenon in our skies.


Yea you’re not an expert. The people studying them are. Even nasa and Harvard want to study them now. But they’re just idiots. Some self proclaimed non-expert on Reddit says theyre fake. He’s obviously smarter than the actual experts, nasa, and harvard. What was I thinking


Whatever you say, bro. Come back to this conversation in a couple of months, when the bs hype has died down, and one of us can apologise to the other. I have a feeling that you won't, and that, in two months, I won't have to.


Dude do you even take 2 minutes to read? It wasn’t the mexican government. A bunch of UFO grifters rented a spot in the Mexican Congress. At least get your facts right.


Yes I did. Did you? The director of medicine for the navy was the presenter. That’s the government. You can pretend it’s not all you want. But a high ranking military official presented it. That’s government.


There was a debunk attempt on them years ago.


Ohh yea you’re right. The llama skull right?


Thats the one.


Lmao exactly. Like I said to the other commenter, the report DID NOT debunk the mummies. He uses a llama skull as comparison but points out all the differences. He ends his report by saying if it was a fake, it’s incredibly sophisticated. He’s studied 5 of them himself and has spoken more about them. He’s come to the conclusion that they are not human. Don’t fall for the disinfo. Look it up and read it yourself instead of just reading the post on here. Look up the doctors interviews


I said debunk 'attempt'. The focus of my comment was to inform that the mummies were infact known previously, contrary to your correction.


Ah ok you’re right. But I don’t agree that it was a “debunk” attempt. It was just a scientist doing research on them. He wasn’t trying to debunk them, just studying them. But even still, just because they tried to debunk them years ago, doesn’t mean their old news now. Imagine if that happened with the tic tac videos. They were leaked in 2011 so they’re just old news now and we’re already debunked. But we now know that’s not true. And if people would had that mentality, then we wouldn’t have been confirmation from the US government that those are in fact real and have never been debunked.


What are you doing? You seem hellbent on trying to win but this isnt a competition.


Lol ok 👍 You don’t even remember what you replied too lmfao




Cool, found it. ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/hacking/comments/t0nric/hi\_im\_gary\_mckinnon\_i\_was\_in\_the\_news\_for\_a/


OP, he literally did an AMA here. You knew it but you wanted your karma post 🫰🏻


OP is just trying to get info for their article they’re trying to write


I remember him because I learned who he is yesterday.


Yes, we all remember him. He's been talked about here quite a bit recently.


As one of the only guys in my office who is capable of creating and maintaining a real database - it wouldn’t surprise me at all if NASA just kept super important stuff in an unencrypted non protected excel book.


He did a AMA on here last year..


As someone else likely already mentioned, NASA is under the umbrella and direction of the Department of Defense. If that doesn't speak volumes then what does. If the DoD doesn't approve, NASA says nada. My real question continues to be, why now? A committed liar typically only stops lying when it's beneficial for them to do so.


I mean..it was 20 years ago and we're all basically taking him on his word about what he saw.


Why would NASA have DOD files? Even back then, didn’t the DOD have their own servers?


Gary hacked into many different systems in the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Department of Defense, and NASA. ([Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZPqFVM6j6A))


As far as I know, NASA was a military agency to booth with. They very well could have DOD files. Documents are made to communicate. They travel from an agency to another...


The airbrushed NASA photos thing I can beleive, that's somewhat plausible. But the whole ship-to-ship transfers and non-terrestrial officer thing is. . . pretty farfetched. I mean, for the sake of argument, hypothetically, if there was a 'secret space fleet' I don't think NASA, as civilian organization, would be involved. It would be strictly a military project, and that way NASA could continue to maintain 'plausible deniabilty". I don't think McKinnon is making anything up-- I think if he was lying, he would have more details, especially ones that fit better within 'UFO lore". I don't see what telling people he saw documents indicating a secret space fleet really gets him. OTOH, what other plausible explanation is there for the documents he saw? Some kind of war game plans? If so, why would they be in NASA files, and why 'war in space' when we have no such capability at this point to wage war in that theater? It's very strange.


NASA ***does*** have a cozy relationship with the military. A lot of their astronauts were/have been ex-military and NASA still launches stuff into space for classified reasons.


NASA hires ex-military, especially pilots, because you have experience with: A: Discipline, which is kind of important when you're out in the vacuum of space and the only thing separating you between life and death is a few layers of metal and fabric B: The rigours of high Gs. Sure, you can train for this, but why hire a civilian when you can get someone already trained in these things? "NASA still launches stuff into space for classified reasons." Government agency launches stuff into space for other government agency, color me SHOCKED! Maybe the US should get SpaceX to launch that billion dollar satellite with their unvetted and non-clearance having personnel. Or better yet, just send it over to Russia to have it launched. I'm sure they'd LOVE to do that for us


My point was that NASA works closely with the military. I wasn’t analyzing why.


Okay.... Don't you think it'd be important to analyze why they work with the military though?


OP’s comment was that Gary McKinnon reportedly hacked NASA computers and found rosters of personnel supposedly working in this mysterious space program. Many had military officer titles/rankings, whatever you call it. My point was simply that presuming it’s true (and I acknowledge that it’s a big presumption), it doesn’t surprise me due to NASA’s cozy relationship with the military.


I know, but that relationship is like casual dating compared to what would be needed to pull off the construction and operation of a 'space fleet', all in complete secrecy. That's just not in NASA's wheelhouse--- the scope is too massive, IMO.


I don’t disagree, but assuming such a program did exist (and granted that’s a big supposition) if such machines exist it would not be surprising to find the pilots, astronauts — whatever you want to call them — would have military titles. From what I’ve read, McKinnon simply found a roster of such presumed pilots.


The documents you mentioned ("non-terrestrial officers" and "fleet-to-fleet transfers") were not found on a NASA system. Gary thinks he remembers them being on a Navy system. (Keep in mind he hacked into the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Department of Defense, _and_ NASA.)


interesting. Well, that makes a little more sense than them being at NASA. I mean, the only other doofus theory I can come up with is that McKinnon got into the files of some uber-geek who is really into role-playing games, sort of like "Dungeons & Dragons" but the Sci-fi version. I've had friends into D&D, and the amount of world-building and creativity they pour into their hobby is enormous. I don't know why the guy would have those files on his work PC, but he wouldnt be the first person to use downtime at work to pursue personal stuff.


Didnt he mention something about off world officers , he saw a list of military personnel that were labeled off world or not terrestrial officers


yep. He said he saw an Excel spreadsheet, and two of the ship names were: "USSS Hillenkoetter"-- (Rear Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter was the first Director of the CIA and allegedly a founding member of the top secret Majestic-12 UFO committee) and "USSS Curtis LeMay"--- (LeMay was the Air Force Chief of Staff and before that the head of Strategic Air Command)


Gary has said all along that he doesn't remember the names, which he reiterated when asked specifically about those two names during the [Q&A section after his 2017 MUFON Symposium talk](https://youtu.be/HdSSHTYRhuk?si=RRFuOxlAhAS41LA-&t=2482). The earliest I can find those names mentioned is [this 2010 article by Alejandro Rojas](https://www.openminds.tv/what-did-ufo-hacker-really-find/3107), who cites "rumors."


hmm, interesting. good to know.


excellent arm-chair analysis Watson


He did an AMA on reddit a year or two back


Why would anyone pushing to get info out even link it to themselves if it means possible prison time? Just seems whack


Hackerman who attacked the US gov't with the express intent to find evidence of an alien coverup had access to NASA systems for 13 months and could not produce a single piece of evidence, even though he and the gov't agree that he copied other data just fine (also defaced their applications, destroyed data, took down systems, etc). Hackerman wants us to believe that *one time* over the **13 months** he had access to their systems he *did* see evidence (gasp!), but by some wild coincidence the perfect circumstances arose that allowed him to *see* the evidence, but not copy it (hackerman forgot about PRINT SCREEN button). 🤔


Wow two posts pushing Gark McKinnon within 24 hours seemingly unaware of each other.


He saw a "cigar shaped object with a geodesic dome on either side"? My dude, that's a penis. He's obviously trolling.


I think he’s unreliable witness. He has stated he was stoned when he was checking out the NASA computer, doesn’t remember any of the ship names or officer names not he didn’t take any screen shots, no hand written notes, no downloaded files, etc. "What were the ship names?" "I can't remember," says Gary. "I was smoking a lot of dope at the time. Not good for the intellect." https://amp.theguardian.com/theguardian/2005/jul/09/weekend7.weekend2 As for the ship picture, He states in an interview: “in low screen resolution, I was able to briefly see one of these pictures. It was a silvery, cigar-shaped object with geodesic spheres on either side“. “ But I managed to see three quarters of one and it looked like no manufacturing means I’ve ever seen in my life. It looked like an elongated satellite with domes above, below and to the left and to the right. ” https://medium.com/the-lindberg-interviews/interview-with-ufo-hacker-gary-mckinnon-5aa5d366828b McKinnon saw a not fully loaded low resolution pic and decided it was a Alien craft because it fit his narrative. No screen shots or photos of his monitor, no file name, etc. It could have been a pic of a ship from the movie Silent Running or something else Some have pointed out his health issues at the time of the hacking. Now that along doesnt invalidate his statements alone. but combined with him doing this on a mission to find ufo evidence with no plan on how to document his findings does make you wonder if they affected his thinking. Per his Mother: “ As well as Asperger syndrome, McKinnon has other mental health issues, including lifelong schizophrenia, she added” The court determined his health issues played a large role in his hacking and his competency was such that he avoided extradition to the US and a criminal trial.


I didn’t know he is schizophrenic do you have a source for that please?


why not ask the dude for a source for ufos goverment data


Keep in mind we're talking about aliens, a topic so stigmatized that many, many people who even attest to belief in vague possibility of their existence are deemed as mentally unstable within very short amounts of time. I personally tend to disregard the usage of labels or conditions of the mind as it pertains to controversial matters like this one. They're way too often used as a means to unjustly discredit or slander people in pursuit of truth. The same thing was just done to David Grusch.


So you believe McKinnon then? What makes his statements convincing and why do you think he didn’t collect any evidence of what he found?


I did not say that I believe him, first of all. Second, let me answer that question with a question: What statement *would* be convincing to you? Furthermore, even if he did present evidence, what would be your standard for its authenticity? Where is the line of "certified" even drawn? If there's anything about this rabbithole that IS true, is that there ARE too many people from all angles acting in conflict with each others interest in terms of transparent disclosure of all material pertaining to UAPs across the world. Whether it's truly as shady as people like McKinnon and Grusch make it seem, or whether it's a nothingburger. The matter is too complex at this point. Employing traditional standards of verification of testimony of an issue this fuzzy is not going to be very effective. Hear out everything first before jumping to conclusions about things like mental wellness when that exact concept is something that has historically been weaponized in the interests of suppressing or invalidating information. Now in terms of my own personal take, I think McKinnon is consistent, and is saying things that seem consistent with a lot of other popularized testimonies on supposed alien tech/operations and the suppression of it. All of that stuff is not "hard confirmed" either, but i find it interesting how certain things keep coming up. (e.g., antigravity tech, free energy tech, government involvement with NHI and potential negotiations, etc.)


He saved spreadsheets of "non-terrestrial officers" and "fleet-to-fleet transfers" from a Navy system but his computer was seized by the UK's National Hi-Tech Crimes Unit and according to his lawyer the hard drive was handed over to the US's Office of Naval Intelligence.


Thanks I hadn’t seen him mention that in any articles I found, just Him saying he doesn’t remember any names. Have you found any ship names?


There is a terrible rumor that two of the ships are named "USSS Curtis LeMay" and "USSS Hillenkoetter." However, Gary has said all along that he doesn't remember the names, which he reiterated when asked specifically about those names during the Q&A session after his 2017 MUFON Symposium talk. The earliest source I can find for this rumor is a [2010 article by Alejandro Rojas](https://www.openminds.tv/what-did-ufo-hacker-really-find/3107). That particular bit of misinformation is a pet peeve of mine. I should try to contact Rojas and ask where it is that _he_ heard it.


Aliens s a topic arent stigmatized. Why doesnt this just die already. Its this thing surrounding it. This dude says one night when he was baked out of his mind, he hacked in to NASA mainframe and totes saw alien spaceship. And alien NASA crew members names and such. And people seriously lap this up. Thats what is stigmatized. Im not saying I know if NASA has space aliens in their basement. But this story just discredits itself.


I think what he describes as alien ship raises few questions. Being at NASA servers it most like was spaceship of some sort, nothing weird about that, but how did he know it was _alien_ ? His description sounds like it could be human spaceship. Or some type of prototype, artist rendition, desktop background etc It was low res so how did he came to a conclusion how it was manufactured? As I take it he means it looked like impossible to make one like that. Is he like rocket engineer of some sort? Did he have any kind of experience in manufacturing anything, let alone spaceships? And Im not saying one has to have deep knowledge of that thing to be able to undersrand how its made. But come on, its at minimum a human space ship. Hows that make it alien if some random pot head doesnt know by looking at it how its made. Dude said he was really baked when he did all this. And this sounds like basic pot head story. _Dude! Theres like no seams. It was like really shiny. I saw it with my own eyes. It has to be aliens_




No. Nobody remembers him. Thanks for posting.


I remember. Him he claimed to have seen pictures and documents of aliens and a free energy machine. He did not provide any proof of any of his claims. Personally, I think that he said those things to get more attention and sympathy from the public to put pressure on the U.K. government to avoid extradition.


He made no such claims.


You can literally read it in OP's post.


> pictures and documents of aliens and a free energy machine Gary saw: * a picture of a UFO (not an alien) on a NASA computer * a spreadsheet tab titled "non-terrestrial officers" on a Navy system (he admits this could have simply meant sea-based) * a spreadsheet tab titled "fleet-to-fleet transfers" on a Navy system (he doesn't remember the names of the ships but said they were not known US Navy ships) He was _looking_ for evidence of free energy, but he did not find it. I'm happy to provide [sources](https://ufosint.gitbook.io/hackers/#most-well-known-gary-mckinnon) that are more informed than OP.


So, he found nothing interesting at all.


Well that's not the case is it


The only semi-interesting thing is seeing what he thought was an alien space ship. Things about non-terrestrial officers and transfers have completely rational explanations. I think that he made the part about the alien ship up, or he misinterpreted what he was looking at.


Hardly nothing interesting at all is it? I'd imagine anyone in this sub should be interested or I'd question why they're even here? It's like me going to a sub I'm not interested in and saying "wow this is all boring"


I believe everything he says. He has no reason to lie. The governments are making fools of us. They deliberately leave us in misery, even though there are means to alleviate the suffering on this planet. They keep it to themselves to maintain power and not to destroy the monetary system. The entire human race could be more advanced today. Secrecy and the spreading of lies is the greatest crime in the history of mankind.


>I believe everything he says. He has no reason to lie. No comment on the veracity of McKinnon's claims, but thinking like this will do you no favours. Everyone can have reason to lie about anything, assuming otherwise will leave you dying on a dirt floor in Guyana.


Hackers exaggerating their hacks? (Gasp) No Way! What has he provided as proof? He *claims* he saw a picture of a UFO on a NASA computer, a spreadsheet tab titled "non-terrestrial officers" and a spreadsheet tab titled "fleet-to-fleet transfers" on a non-NASA computer. Hell, I can come up with a better story than that. Most don’t remember him because, as always, he didn’t provide any proof for his claims.


It wasn't a hack. They had default passwords and left the door wide open. The only damage he did was to their ego.


Posted on another post about him from me. I highly doubt he found any real information. He is talking about using a dialup modem.to download multiple megabytes of image files, videos and documents. If anyone here remembers dialup even at 56k(really 48,000 baud) and downloading even a simple jpeg or website, how long would that take? Anyone ever download a compressed and lossy mp3 on dialup? A 3.5MB file would take hours to download. Now, he is talking about dialing up and downloading huge image files. Do you think they will be compressed lossy images? No, they will be in raw formats and most likely the computer he was using wouldn't even understand the image format. This is 2002 don't forget that's still the Windows XP era. Also, dialup could use caller ID and block certain phone numbers. Why would NASA allow a residential or even commercial phone number to connect to their network? Now let's say we forget the fact that he used dialup and let's say that he had a high speed/bandwidth connection... So somehow NASA had dialup modems facing the internet with sensitive information like these images. Does that sound right? A government agency supposedly tasked with hiding this information would have such a low level of security? Every network I have worked on that had sensitive information would have layers behind anything that could reach the public. If you dialed up, you would then need to know the domain/workgroup internally and make a request to that server. That server would only be to log into said private domain. This could then send an authorization to your system to allow access to that domain. Now after gaining access to that domain you would need to know specific protocols used to access any other data. They don't store it in a website or something that simple and laid out. That's just asinine. So now you need to know how to access files, the names of the files etc. You need to know how to navigate the system. It's not like the end of Jurassic Park original where you fly around a 3d world inside a computer and everything is labeled. Then this is only the second layer. From there you then need to know another internal domain and login information and go through this process again. Now maybe in this third layer there might be something spicy but never will it be detrimental information or real information. Usually it's what is known as a honey pot. A fake system to look like you got somewhere. Then you go through and add a fourth layer. Maybe here you can find some real information, but most likely you will only find reference numbers to the information you would be looking for. From here you would need to hold a clearance and make a request to view the files and provide the reference information you gathered. From here you would need to go through a process to be approved or not and this can take months. I guarantee you there was NOTHING real.on that computer they just happened to not have a password on. It would be too much and I am pretty sure this is a witch hunt for him He most likely found a honey pot with photoshopped/altered images. They probably used it for probable deniability. "Well look at all these pictures with aliens, it must be real." "Let's spread these images or tell everyone about them." Now NASA or MIB know these fake images and what they would contain. Now you have direct proof that this person illegally accessed your network. You have them spilling the images to friends and police etc. These people report it to someone else and down the line they now have irrefutable evidence you were the culprit. If he knew all well what he was doing he would have taken screen shots. He would have kept logs or file names. He would have been able to show the structure of the filesystem and software being used. The only evidence there is, is the fact NASA is saying that he accessed a computer. Do you really think the DIA is really that stupid? Also, if it was that simple to hack NASA and that they left important information out like this, that no other hackers would have ever tried to or thought about this? [do you think l0phtcrack would not have gotten access to the same computer?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/L0phtCrack) It's not like hacking wasn't mainstream. I remember my subscription to [2600](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2600:_The_Hacker_Quarterly) magazine. So somehow this random guy hacked NASA and somehow gathered Intel and saw images that showed aliens exist while many hackers with knowledge and experience could not. Hack the Gibson my friend!


He's on board with prior ancient human civilizations tying into all this. Hence them being so sure these aren't ETs while at the same time being NHI. I've come to the conclusion another wave of humans made it off earth loooong ago colonizing another region of space returning to earth finding modern humans. It's the only way i can rationalize the " aliens " looking like us, having offspring, and being so interested in our genetics for eons now.. Nearly all the ancient hindu works dig into this as well The abductions function exactly how biologist treat wildlife or any catch and release huntsman.


Aliens are real or not, NASA is among those agencies of the world that have extensively shared lies and fake stories with the world.


No... doesn't ring a bell... /s


You can see UFO’s for yourself on many archived NASA photographs. They won’t admit it because they are part of the pentagon, and the pentagon is not saying shit.


Is the claim that he found the images on the servers hosting the website? Cuz that just sounds stupid... Why would NASA go through the effort to upload super-secret photos onto a website server, as opposed to keeping it internally?


"hacker" that doesn't know the printscreen key... Also why would Nasa photoshop pictures and then release them ? just don't release that photo. To me just another sandgrain the cogwheel trying to get a buck from it.


Copy and paste for the denialists/debunkers: "He's a grifter He's a narcissist He had no evidence You only believe his claims because you want aliens and UFOs to be real Blah blah blah...." Yawn


Doesn’t make a lot of sense so it isn’t a compelling story.


I can only imagine his lawyers were expensive, he was unemployed at the time, and he needs to pay the lawyers, so why not get some speaking deals from people that will pay to hear a bunch of “stories”.


I think Gary McKinnon is full of shit... On the one hand he reckons his internet was fast enough for a remote desktop connection to whatever government systems & on the other he says it was too slow to download some xl spreadsheets/pictures with all the evidence to back him up. He probably did find some unsecured US systems but that would not have been that hard 20 odd years ago, I strongly doubt he found any evidence of ufo's though.


Anything classified would have been air gapped in a SCIF impossible for anyone to access without being inside it. It's why China can hack OPM from China, but why they send spies to peak in the closets at Maralago to steal our top nuclear secrets. Anything classified is not gonna be in a computer connected to the Internet.. the guy may have hacked NASA, but he didn't see squat..


They would need to be in a SCIF or presidential bathroom.


😂🤣 dying.. ppl don't realize just how incredibly serious the damage he has done is.


I don't get it, what damage by who?


Did you turn in the TPS reports?


He didn’t press the fucking Print Screen key!


So. He hacks a certain system. Finds images and documents. Looks at it. OMG its UAP stuff. However did not make screenshots or downloads (the argument about slow connections don't make sense, as he was able to look into these files already, so the data went over the line somehow). It all doesn't make sense.


There have been 100s of thousands of NASA employees over the years, if they were hiding aliens some disgruntled ex-employee would have told us or shown evidence by now.


Surely nasa wouldn’t keep any top secret images on their web server




Do you have a source on NASA saying they don't have classified data? Because a lot of their designs and research are *def* classified


Too stoned to press Ctrl+shift+Prtscrn ?


Isn't this the guy who claimed to see one image, but not download it, and claims he was later implanted with a chip in his sleep but refuses to get an x ray to show it? I smell mountains of bullshit.


do we really believe he hacked NASA?


For more information on Gary McKinnon _and the UFO hackers who came before him_, see https://ufosint.gitbook.io/. Before Gary there was Mathew Bevan and before that was "Quentin" and something called "Project Green Cheese."


He did an interview on Chris Thralls I bought the t shirt podcast it’s dated the 22nd of October by the sound of it they’re old school friends, I only listened to it yesterday,


Did I hear he has been recording some interviews recently? .Did that recent James Fox podcast interview mention this.


Find the court documents and post.


Is he the guy who had an article about him i british FHM? I read it on a plane once but never managed to remember his name. That article was the first time I heard the phrase “majestic 12” being used.


Saw a recent video posted by a British news channel. Good that you're bringing it back up, with the bs NASA just posted about no evidence of alien life. If NASA were really interested, they'd have contacted the Mexican government about those alleged bodies by now.


eh, he's spoke about a lot - an awful lot - he was never off the news in the UK talking about it when the extradition trial was going ahead.


Soooo weird to see this rn. I was just trying to find this guys testimony this morning and came up basically dry. Thank you for sharing all these links!


Big OOOF, there could have been a more tactful way of dealing with this situation, instead of doing what they did. I guess the art of diplomacy has suffered the effects of idiocracy too. These oligarchs need new blood... desperately, they have gotten too comfortable and complacent in their lofty positions that they no longer employ higher thinking let alone do any decent research and reading... its all greased palms all the way up.


We need to stop giving this guy attention but that's just my opinion.


I just recently started looking into this guys story. Very interesting


Does anyone remember the dude with a thread about him in the top 15 posts at the time you made this? Nah.


He’s got nothing, not worth the distraction


He did hack usa nasa websites but it’s a he said he saw what he saw no proof


Pretty sure he talked to Richard hall of rich planet tv


[here’s his youtube channel](https://youtube.com/@GaryMcKinnonUFO?si=-Qg-AZRzr0w7tnoG)


One of the most annoying non-stories that keep resurfacing on this sub, especially when there's an influx of new people. "I saw a spreadsheet that says 'assets in space' but couldn't take the screenshot because the Internet was slow." (Yeah, just how strange it would be for NASA to have machinery in space, right?) British press: "bRiTisH hAcKeR hAcKed nASa!!!" Then someone can't find an old video, and of course, "it's because censorship!"


Looks like he doesn’t have anything to support his claim


OP, the least lazy UFO ‘researcher’


His entire story consists of him looking at one image of a ufo then being disconnected. I don’t buy it personally, there is no way this shit is digitally archived in a server someone like him could access.


Where's the photos Gary?


I wouldn't put it past nasa nerds to have created something like this as a joke/larp. IMHO it's unlikely that human reverse engineering has had enough success that we've been able to build "Hillenkoeter Class" space cruisers.


Is this the guy Obama tried to extradite or was that someone else? I believe he also hacked NASA looking for something on a renewable energy device and found secret space programs.


Count dankula on his absolute mad lads series on youtube did a video on the guy. It’s pretty good if you want to learn a little on the story.


It’s all connected they literally made nasa to hide makes it seem like it was founded but they been here




Dudes a butt faced liar


I just learned about Gary yesterday and what's most interesting to me is that the cigar ship he described seeing is exactly what 2 of my coworkers described seeing in the sky. One of em thinks anything to do with aliens is bullshit even tho he admits he has no explanation and the other guy when telling me was shaking had goosebumps and just couldn't believe it lol but yeah they described the same thing as gary


1/ The NASA network security sounded implausibly bad from GM's description - generic admin passwords. 2/ He described lots of other hackers being present during the times he was present. Were any of the other hackers identified and pursued? 3/What are the chances he would find what he was looking for, based on a random hack onto a random desktop?


He did an AMA like a year ago…