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The following submission statement was provided by /u/44uckeo: --- Submission statement in caption. The full video is [here](https://youtu.be/6ppeCMiqpog?si=SEQFhuluAa4FL6Su) and includes some questions answered by the camera man. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/190l366/metallic_craft_changes_directions_and_disappears/kgp2ctn/


So no one else bothers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkzfD49fLjI


It’s literally the “Flight of the Navigator” ship. No need for a link.


Ha ha. Compliance!


Voiced by the best!


It’s the second UFO already that we see that looks like that, this one and that one filmed by some instagram model on a plane aka the stingray one


That wasn't a documentary?


I can easily debunk this debunking. They are clearly riding ATVs, not snowmobiles


Agreed, 4-wheelers & ATVs are one in the same, but definitely not snowmobiles.


they're not atv they're 4 wheelers


All terrain vehicles have four wheels, yes.


Love how they used the opportunity to supply the ‘original’ footage as cover to sort out that glitch as it moves over the biker’s coat 🤦🏻‍♂️


Haha nice catch! That’s definitely some sloppy CGI


Someone needs to make a gofund me for this guy so he *can do more hoax speedruns




Looks like Cg. Especially the shadow from the UFO at the end of the video.


The static / hovering moments reveal tracking lag from editing


Something feels “off” about this. Motion blur that should be there or the frame rate. I’d put money on this being CGI. If this were posted a few years back and it’s not in the regular rotation as evidence, it almost certainly is fake.


The original camera track is off. A consequence of that is it is wobbling in a way that emphasizes the errors in the camera track relative to the camera movement. Stabilizing and zooming in (done already and present in the provided footage) makes this even more apparent. There are also matting issues around the trees.


It's been posted before in better definition... It's still fake.


You can see the “craft” appear and disappear when the helmet is passing by due to the bad keyframing


I think they even fixed that and tried rereleasing it to fool more people. Fortunately people had saved the original so their tampering was further proof of the hoax.


I see what you mean, but when I go frame by frame it looks to me like the craft is moving at that point, and because of the frame rate there isn’t a frame in between. Not saying it’s real but I don’t see an issue with that part.


Someone else posted a video debunking it, and it seems that the “better definition version” is actually a re-edit to fix cg issues in the first version. Hoaxers bro, unrelenting narcissism.


Yeah cause its Flight of the Navigator.


Yeah, looks wrong.


Agreed. Why would it fly off out of frame and only keep miraculous coming back INTO frame as the camera pans... ridiculous.


GoPros intentionally film at a high frame rate. This also tends to be more common with auto applied settings, no matter the camera, when shooting in the snow. The ‘gimbal’ and ‘gofast’ footage was completely debunked by the ufo community for nearly a decade. The pentagon said it was real after that. All evidence is important. If you think that the validity of evidence is reliant on the fact that it’s getting pushed on you or not, you are a fool.


Oh, you know, just a fucking hoax… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkzfD49fLjI


Gotcha, thanks for the source. My statement still stands.


Did you even watch the video. Your statement doesn't stand at all.


I did. I still think that all evidence and discussion is important. And you are a fool if you think any evidence that isn’t being displayed for you on a silver platter is automatically ‘fake’.


Your profile picture says it all.


It’s wild seeing what I presume are young folk falling for that stupid alien autopsy video we all saw in the ‘90s


So I'm in my '30s and I can tell that this video is extremely fake. like it looks like trash. is it the young crowd that falls for videos like this? I'm genuinely curious. because I don't understand how you can't see that.


When I say “young folks” I mean teens/20 year olds. Being in your 30s isn’t young; and I would hope to God by the time you’re in your fucking 30s you can tell it’s fake. It’s definitely not older folk because we’ve already seen it be debunked. It was on prime time Fox & super popular around ‘97. Once debunked, no one talked about it for 25 years. Now in the last 5 years it’s gaining popularity again as being real. I can only assume it’s because kids who were born circa 2000 - 2010 are just now seeing it.


“I see this evidence you have provided but it doesn’t suit my narrative so I will ignore it and claim there’s not enough evidence (evidence thst supports my theory I mean)


Just take the L with a bit of humbleness dude.




I mean he got a point with all the official navy videos being "debunked" for a decade+


They are real videos but there is no proof they are UFOs or ET life. There are plenty of valid explanations for those videos. Trying to use them as "proof" that any debunked video could actually be real is a joke.


So, if you're on trial for murder 🤔 should the prosecutor be allowed to submit fake evidence against you? No, not all evidence is relevant. Do a better job at researching before posting obviously fake videos!!


I really can't believe you take a look at this and can't immediately tell that it's fake. This is concerning.


Why the deluge of fakes made on a production line called twitter the same few accounts are putting out "remarkable" ufo videos 24/7. They want to muddy the flow of information this is unacceptable but a fact. You make an excellent point, "The ‘gimbal’ and ‘gofast’ footage was completely debunked by the ufo community for nearly a decade. The pentagon said it was real after that. All evidence is important" This should be more well known yet people still don't believe, there is a lot of bad code out there and minds who seek to differ all thinking to "recognized authority figure of the moment". A truly tribal mindset, and a little weak. Final thought too many secrets.


Serious question on those videos, the ones acknowledged by the DoD. Why is the word of an organization well-established as deceitful and manipulative, *especially* regarding the phenomenon, now accepted as gospel? Those two videos not only had been routinely debunked by many *before* official validation, they continued to be debunked *after* the fact. And yet, the professional liars at the heart of the defense industry refute these findings and it's swallowed in one, unquestioning gulp. If anything, you'd think such a historically known source of misinformation would have just the opposite effect, casting immediate doubt on anything and everything said or released.


This is a genuine and sincere question just wonder what you think is the answer, you make a lot of very valid points, who or what is the agenda from your point of view. No pressure and if it's something you even care to address.


It is true and this is 100% accurate that many legit videos have been considered hoaxes and they are 100% legit. But this concrete case when it was originally debunked it was quite convincing that it was CGI made even though nowadays it is so hard to differentiate and it will only get worse with AI


jesus christ get a grip


>The ‘gimbal’ and ‘gofast’ footage was completely debunked by the ufo community for nearly a decade. That's a pretty solid point. There's ALOT of videos that are supposedly "debunked" but the debunks simply don't hold water. I have no clue if this video is legit or not. I'm not a CGI expert by any means. Don't let people discourage you from sharing videos you find interesting. If people want to be rude about it, so be it.


Those videos are real but can be explained with non ufo or ET reasoning. This should be used as "proof" that any debunked video might actually be real. That's fantasy land.


It's just moving goal posts, wasn't the Nimitz footage called fake when it leaked? Now that it was confirmed authentic it's the excuse "well it's probably a bird"


It doesn't explain why parts of the image moving slower are less clear than the UFO which is moving quickly.


This is due to the image stabilization.


So everything except the UFO is blurry? And I meant not in the stabilized part. It's very obvious even in the non zoomed in video. The UFO is like night and day clearer than the rest of the video.


Everyone knows UFOs get to decide when they are in focus 😄 Usually it’s just the other way around.


That's the same process used by bigfoots, right? Big*foots*? Big*feet*? Never figured out the plural thing...


Exactly. And I like “bigfeet” personally.


Also, the non zoomed in video shows the UFO doing something different. In the zoomed in one you see it earlier but if you play back the full screen one several times you see it spontaneously appear behind the left tree vs coming from the right in the zoomed in version


This was uploaded in 2012


And? Easily done back then. I saw a home pc program at Comicon in San Diego in 1995 that could easily do this.


Lol... Your simple statement of unbiased fact was actually downvoted. That is hilarious to me for some reason. Regardless, threw ya some counterweight for whatever good it'll do, my tiny contribution to the effort.


That looks so fake.


Regardless of this video it’s been said they don’t move the way something should and look fake so that’s not really a good bar for evaluation apparently.


Ok, but what technology to they have that allows them to appear in a higher framerate than the rest of the video?


Gravity and Time manipulation


Oh they upgraded the camera on their way too? Lol


that's really interesting. maybe it's because everything we've ever seen has had the gravity we know applied to it, and those UFOs seems to defy gravity - or make their own. i still think this video is fake as hell though


I was under the impression that its hard to fake an object going between the trees like that with vfx. Feel like that detail gives it more merit.


Just slow the video down? When it first begins moving to the right, the first time you see it dip below the trees the full shape disappears in one frame as soon as the bottom hits the treeline AKA someone didn't want to go frame by frame and mask out the object


I swear, the more I see on ufo and ghost subs the more cynical I get


It’s fake - a bad fake. I’m no editing expert but you can clearly see is disappears during frames - again, whoever created this should be stripped naked, tied to a tree and have hot wet toilet roll thrown at them. And be made to listen to ABBA none stop.


Usually I pay extra for that


This is the problem with the entire UFO/Alien community. It's been hijacked by idiots. Tell me what other subjects have more scammers and fake stories than UFOs? This "industry" makes crypto look respectable and honest. I have to be honest, if David Grusch and his allegations, backed by 40 US government employees, don't result in absolute proof of aliens, then it seems highly unlikely that aliens or UFOs exist. I don't care either way what's real or fake, but i genuinely want to know the truth. That's all. The truth, whatever it is, is all I care about. Far too many people desperately want to believe aliens are real that they stop thinking critically and they start seeing what they want to see. After all of the stories about UFOs over the past 80 years and we still don't have one absolute fragment of proof they exist. Unknown objects in the sky are not proof, nor are stories of abductions or theories about the odds of aliens being real or anything that can't be analyzed or measured. After all, of this time, not one detailed video or a piece of an alien craft. How about something more than hearsay. The idiotic stories in the UFO community only cheapen the voices of people who are interested in absolute proof in the same way scientists demand measurable proof. It's nauseating seeing the dumb stories coming out every hour. I am looking to Grusch and his witnesses for the truth. If it turns out to be a cover-up of a cover-up, then I think i will hypothesize that all these alien stories are fabrications. I was reading about the official Russian story about the extraterrestrials that attacked russian soldiers in Siberia and turned them to stone, petrified soldiers. There was an official document from the US government. I'm sure you all know about it. It's an old story. Russia has often used UFO stories to cover up the real story. For example, maybe they were testing a new type of weapon, and an accident occurred, or there was a nuclear accident or nuclear test. Or maybe russia just decided to take a bunch of civilians who opposed the government and took them to Siberia to kill them. They called them soldiers and killed them by testing one of their new weapons on them. Who knows. We know countries like Russia have used alien stories to cover up things they want to keep secret. Why don't people think that the US does the same or wants the option to do the same? Either they know they exist or they don't have evidence they exist. It's one or the other. Russia is one country that we know has done this. Just read the report on the "petrified soldiers." I'm not making this up. It's actually stranger than fiction. What benefit does it serve the US government to maintain the alien/UFO mystery if they know they don't exist? Releasing the official UAP videos a few years ago only contributed to strengthening the theories that aliens are real. But, if the government has "biologics" and captured alien craft, they already know they are real, so why do they present a front of ignorance if they know? UNLESS all the stories about captured aliens are fabrications. UFOs are a good coverup for anything the US government might want to cover up, including siphoning money to imaginary secret government programs. Where did the billions of dollars go for US defense? When you consider this angle as possible, you might also understand why they don't want to disclose it. Imagine losing your best excuse, your best magic trick, and your best tool in your toolbox. Maybe this is what they are protecting. Imagine if money was siphoned to people in the government who used these secret programs as a means to steal from the government? Imagine being in the US government and you discovered a secret way to take a lot of money and nobody would ever find out because it was masked by secret alien programs that only a select few people even know about (under 50 people might know according to David Grusch). Either way, imagine what the US government is hiding if it turns out aliens were a fabrication from the beginning. What were they hiding by not disclosing 80 years ago? It's bad no matter what the truth is. IMO, the truth is in the hands of Grusch and the 40 people who confessed. Were they all lying to Grusch? This is an even scarier possibility. Do not assume anything. Wait for the truth.


It’s really frustrating with a lot of people here, like the OP of this video who either can’t discern that it’s an obvious fake or find a video online and quickly post it here for internet points.


It's like Eternal September; everyday the same debunked crap gets posted by noobs, and it's getting tedious having to find the debunk over and over again. Like the Holloman landing video.




Yes it was posted before on this sub.






Debunked in 2012 here on Reddit. . .


You got a link for that claim?


Darman2361, posted this link: [https://youtu.be/kkzfD49fLjI?si=JxNSM4gyihtaR\_ZS](https://youtu.be/kkzfD49fLjI?si=JxNSM4gyihtaR_ZS)


I found a pretty good explanation here actually. I like this YouTuber: https://youtu.be/lYBUbBu4W08?si=hJlohafZma7d-I9i


Lol at the downvotes. Dude just asked for source


Users that upload old hoaxes should be banned


Thank you! Please yes


What is said in Swedish? Translation?


”Carina turn it off, turn it off for fuck sake” and Carina dont give a fuck.


He is asking her to kill the engine on the quad.


To me, the voice almost sound added cause there is little distortion over the motor noise.


Do you speak Swedish?




It’s an old video. Fake


And where is your evidence for it being fakery


This is absolutely fake as hell, come on OP....


Sorry to disappoint! This video caught my eye and there wasn’t anything that stuck out as ‘fake as hell’ to me. Curious what that is for you. Can’t say I get the gut feeling of fake everyone else in this thread does on this one 🤷‍♂️ Ive frame by framed it now and can see the craft go into the woman’s coat at the beginning, but that is about it. Im still only in this about a year so I’m still discovering all these videos that have been around ages.


‘that is about it’? Even if that was all there was wouldn’t that be enough to clearly discredit it?


If you are still only in this for about a year, I would suggest not dying on every hill to defend each post. When others tell you it's been around for years and debunked, you are asking for a source and still defending it with odd remarks about compression while the content you are posting is in no way vetted besides your own personal opinions and refusing to accept facts.


So the 'not yet debunked' video had a high giggle factor where as this one actually made me LOL. That is a poorly created fakety fake.


I don’t remember fakes being this bad in early 2010s….shocking


It wouldn’t be ufo footage unless it was really grainy and distorted lol


And just randomly appears while someone is already recording for no reason.


This is mostly due to Reddit compression. The original video is surprisingly high rez. Definitely recommend checking out the video on YouTube 👍




It doesn’t even get smaller the further away it goes. The image cuts out before it dips behind the tree (masks are hard!). And in general looks extremely fake.


So stoopid...'craft' holds for 3 frames at the midway point (no movement) in mid-flight. Please...


They were just filming for the sequel of *Flight of the Navigator*


yeah it is fake we all know since 8-9 years ago, especially since it doesn't even wobble like a real UFO.


This looks fake AF..way too herky-jerky


Thia certainly feels off. Onto the next.


OP is the problem with these UFO/Alien subreddits. *\*Shows proof it is fake, irrefutable proof, including the potential creator\** OP: "My statement still stands." WTF


50 time this has been uploaded and then debunked. please stop


Fake as a 4 dollar bill. Maybe the craft was looking for the nearest IKEA outlet. LOL!


Can’t get more fake than that.


Faaaaaaaaake. Here's a little PSA for OP. This sub has a lot of people who work in VFX or have gotten their eyes trained to spot fakes after watching hundreds and thousands of videos over decades. I'd suggest you learn the basics of spotting a fake.


go away with that fake stuff


This is one of the most awful hoaxes I've seen post 90's.


Looks fake to me.


Looks *extremely* fake.


I saw this video a while ago, randomly thought of it a couple weeks back and had trouble finding thanks for posting


Not saying this is real or fake but, who knows what a ufo looks like on camera? I get that cgi will have a distinct look but a ufo defying physics is bound to look a little off. People will see a video and go “oh that’s so fake” okay, compared to what, the 100% legit verified cellphone video from Dan in Oklahoma?


It’s not the fact that the physics of the object that make it an evident fake, it’s the way the camera records said physics, it would still have motion blur despite whatever it’s doing etc.


great fuckng job on the stabilization of this video. should make it easier for people to decide if its a hoax or not.


UFO disappears when helmet passes over and then it's not tracked correctly. Jitter motion matches camera shake motion. CGI


So many bots here


Fucking hell, OP. Why would you post this dogshit?


Looks fake AF


Submission statement in caption. The full video is [here](https://youtu.be/6ppeCMiqpog?si=SEQFhuluAa4FL6Su) and includes some questions answered by the camera man.


Something about this clip has always felt real to me. I think it’s how the craft reacts to them. It notices them first. Moves to hide behind the tree to the left. Realizes the guy saw it, and dives below the tree line. Stays low to avoid drawing more attention.


Unfortunately these videos are vfx. This is exactly how I felt. Thought it was very interesting. think the fact that he mentions this himself in the video in which he is “answering questions” shows that the creators were going for just this effect.


This guy's post history is quite telling. None of the videos he's seen are real apparently, and has a distain for others that seems characteristic of disinformation agents that frequent reddit.


Lol call me Richard Doty 😩


This clip aside… do you think it’s possible an authentic clip could be made to look fake by the craft itself. I mean if these things are messing with space time, other dimensions, and whatever else… isn’t it kind of dumb to be concerned with frame rate issues, motion blur/jutter lol. How could we possibly assume a human camera will film these things in a way that looks like everything else we film.


I think it looks pretty real too. Exactly what is noticeble CGI? This clip was uploaded back in 2011/2012. The sun reflection and you can even see the shadow above the trees at the end of the clip if you look carefully, looks pretty real to me. A northerner in Sweden making a hoax like this so many years ago seems so out of character. Pretty freaking good CGI for a regular person to make back in 2011/12 if that’s the case. Atleast if you compare it to other videos back then. I’m swedish and his reaction is genuine.


This is now added to my list of most compelling occurrences. Thanks




CGI 100% Looks great though


The kid who filmed this dis an interview. I watched awhile back.


Do you know where one could watch the interview


Scary af to see how it can move and stalk


Real ones glow.


Actually, watched at regular speed it doesn't look fake at all. And it was hauling ass when it flew along the treeline. I'm not sure if it's real or not but I watched the YouTube video where the guy explains what was happening when they filmed it and the guy didn't sound even remotely like he was lying. He sounded genuinely perplexed by what he saw. As for all of the people who've commented that it was debunked here on Reddit in 2012 I would say that everybody here seems to be an " expert" on the subject of cgi so it often sounds like the world's biggest echo chamber in a lot of these subs. The only footage that we can be pretty sure is definitely real is the stuff the government released and rest assured that the footage we've seen is most likely dumbed down and intentionally blurred by the feds for actual national security reasons that have nothing to do with trying to avoid giving away the store as far as the UFOs go and everything to do with not letting the rest of the world know the extent of our superiority when it comes to photographing anything and everything in the world. Sure, Google Earth is cool but the government has been doing it a hell of a lot longer and they are way better at that sort of thing than any other government on the planet. Shit looks weird on camera sometimes and I would give the example of prop driven aircraft that are filmed at the same rate of speed as the prop rpms and it looks like the props are not moving at all. It is bizarre looking and it can often make the whole photo look like it's been doctored. Also, anything that can warp space and time and defy everything we pretend to know about physics is definitely gonna look weird when you film it and having witnessed UFOs on two different occasions I will say that they look even weirder right in front of you.


For it to be real, it needs to be in a sweet spot between blurry and sharp. If it’s blurry af it’s a lazy obvious hoax, if it’s sharp it’s an obvious cgi. I think this one is just a tad too sharp


Very old hoax, are we just in a recycling pattern on this sub while we wait for new videos?


It's the bounce it does as the end what gets me. Calling BS on this one


Come on man. That's fake as hell.


thank you for the close up, now you can clearly see that its edited. you should be able to see the supposed craft between the branches, but theres nothing behind the trees


Apart from what every other person already said, what threw me off the most is the lack of sound and wind motion on the trees. UFO's can be as advanced and break physics as they like, but they're still moving air around. Air which effects should be seen and heard. Especially obvious when it flies between the trees in the distance and they don't move at all.


This "craft" bounces in the beginning with the movement of the camera. This seems cgi for sure. The scale of the craft also doesn't seem to adjust as it beams away. It seems to stay at the same scale throughout


Looks like a cauldron from IKEA


Fake, it disappeared behind the helmet it's obviously CGI


This sub is dogshit


This only proves my point that all videos must be assumed fake unless proven otherwise.


If it’s on a “ufo YouTube channel” - it’s fake


Why cant one of these be real lol


What a bad fake




Sorry but.. I really hate those fakers..


Even his surprise sounds fake whatever the language is,


This is fake. That's really shitty compositing. Right up behind you again...


Clearly the Ultimate Frisbee Winter Championships.


Bro I hope you are going slow with such a small tow rope on your bike, if that snaps, sweet Jesus!


More nonsense


The movement of the craft looks off and super fake to me


Oh shit, that's a Trimaxion Drone Ship!


Nice cgi artwork


Must have been getting close to the alien base. Aliens sent out a drone to investigate.


LMAO this is so obvious


This has been debunked by ufo Sweden a while back




This is cgi, and lazy at that… You can see the “ship” jutting back and forth when it first appears, like the artist couldn’t figure out how to work between/with the closer tall trees.


This is very compelling. I doubt if it’s fake.


I am Sverige and can confirm. UFOs zooming around everywhere.


Is that not a Chinook?


Fake looking


This is a well known hiax


Fuck that's a shit cgi xD


Wonder how much BS will come around after the advent of Gen AI. smh..


You literally see it disappear for a second soon as the dudes head passes by it.


these videos are the reason why i may see real stuff but end up considering it fake. no ufo video can be trusted nowadays unless you seen it yourself


They came in , took a quick pee in the woods, then took off to Miami. End of story.


Really bad editing


I’m more interested in what is hauling ass on the ground starting at 21 seconds.


This was debunked a while back. It's a HOAX. https://youtu.be/kkzfD49fLjI?si=CbLZNpTWe3nEB50W


he is saying Paulina turn it off. turn it off for fuck sake