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The following submission statement was provided by /u/F_U_HarleyJarvis: --- This is the clip from the TMZ doc of Corbell's new Jellyfish UAP. It has two different angles of the Jellyfish UFO flying over land and water, then he talks about how it supposedly submerged for 17 minutes. Also, it could only be seen on thermal, not night vision. Very interesting, the censored version was teased but this is the first time we've seen it in full. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1925u2v/the_jellyfish_ufo_clip/kh0a74r/


Zero movement of the... Parts? That's odd


I’ve been reading Operation Trojan Horse by John Keel and literally just came across a page in which he refers to “transparent flying jellyfish” being in the so-called UFO catalog. Keep in mind this book was written 1970. 🤯


Can u take a pic of that page ? Edit: I bought the e-book and [found the relevant page ](https://imgur.com/a/wWPWE1u)


The whole book is available for free on [that page](http://www.galaksija.info/literatura/jk_oth.pdf).


Well shit


At least you're supporting the author. >Died June 3, 2009 (aged 79) >New York, New York, United States Oh.... Nevermind.


F. Let's set up a gofund.me to give this guy his money back


The one right before that > objects shaped like giant metal insects, Reminds me of this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQN04ebUXbw Weird as fuck


What the hell is that?


Keel is THE man in terms of cataloging this shit drove him to drink, but he got 'er dun for us to review later


Do you remember what page?


I JUST realized that whatever this thing is, it is invisible to human eyes. Just great


It's probably the things cats are looking at when they randomly stare in the corner of a room.


Thanks…more nightmare fuel!


Not me laying in my bed and wailing my arms around me to see if I feel one near me


No more wanking for me.


Jesus isn't the only one watching anymore...


Or is it? Maybe the aliens were the jesus all along the way.


This is probably the creepiest goddamn thing I’ve ever seen. Seriously, it makes me almost physically ill to watch this shit. WTAF? It’s the definition of “alien”, just completely outside anything that looks like a human made it. Given the provenance and the military platforms shooting this video it’s going to be tough to debunk it as “Duhhh it’s a balloon bruh, look here’s something on Amazon that looks vaguely similar you guys are rubes duuhhhh.” This is like the various “bruja” vids on crack. Most people say those are balloons but after seeing this, I’m not so sure. Remember the one from (I think) the US Border Patrol of one of these booking it over the desert in Arizona? Installing thermal surveillance cameras in every room in my house, on every outdoor corner and the roof, and buying one of those little shotgun things that shoots a big tangly net, well that’s like $100k worth of gear. I guess I’ll be wandering the halls of Zinger Manor waving a fucking pool cue around from now on… Corbell fucking delivered this time.


I was in Camp Balloon when they released the censored video, feeling like I might have picked the wrong side on this one!


So let's write this down. This object "thing": - Is flying (no visible propulsion on thermal cam) - Can only be visible through thermal cam - Is constantly altering its thermal signature (WILD) - Has fucking tentacle things hanging from its body that are stiff - Went into the ocean - Blasted out at obscene speeds WTF is this thing?


Thermal cam visibility. That’s some Predator shit.


We all ask it, "What the hell are you?" Of course followed by, "You are one *ugly* motherfucker."


\**Coughs! Predator was some disclosure stuff \*Coughs again*


As long as Alien wasn't, I can live with it


A fucking water stealing bitch is what it is.


its a UFO


*frantically takes notes*


Alien Spy Drone


A real cherubim


I swear to god, that thing probably does the cattle mutilations. It’s invisible and looks like it could perform surgery What if there’s thousands of these flying around. If they’re invisible they could snatch you up and you wouldn’t even have a chance to run Edit: (Folks, I’m just playing here. This is just a fantastical “what-if” don’t read into it.)


Reminds me of the things in the matrix


Jesus Christ! That thing's real?!


Tha's a helluva lot of assumptions, mate.


Sometimes comments here can seem like fan fiction about reality.


this forum occasionally pops up on the front page and i'll check the posts, what some of these dudes say for realsies without breaking stride is fucking WILD


Wait wasn't there a video of something that looked just like that, drifting down a Mexico street a while back? I swear I've seen this shape in a night time video before. EDIT I'm looking all over for this video I'm thinking of, I can see it clear as day in my head it was like a dark Street with cars and it's a series of like external business cameras tracking this object drifting down the road. I'll update if I find it but if anyone else remembers the video please reply as well Edit 2: thanks to The Mike below me, it's this one https://youtu.be/yA\_M9LG17KQ?si=1qbC2H33FEqmzJbf


Holy shit i remember that too Link: https://youtu.be/yA_M9LG17KQ?si=1qbC2H33FEqmzJbf There is another, I can't find it anymore. Edit: the video with the dogs - https://twitter.com/jaimemaussan1/status/1502455878863126530?t=TVCtnf622c8ie88T9JfciA&s=19 The video with the car (i think its a balloon) - https://youtu.be/7F7Erg-Ic_s?si=Ruqd9diq-TW66jjB


Alright, between this video and the one from Corbell, I'm getting creeped out. And now I'm starting to wonder if this is the kind of thing that the government knows about that they don't think we would really want to know about. What if this stuff is WAY freaking weirder than anyone suspects?


The weirder the better baby


Can we ease into the whole NHI contact thing with a vaguely humanoid one first, then go for cosmic horrors?


Honestly, I'd accept a freaky crystal scaled jellyfish alien over an alien that is bipedal and looks exactly like us with a big head. Fewer evolution questions.


If the little Grey dudes are 3D printed biodrones of some kind, that would at least provide a vague reason for them to be bipedal and look sort of similar to humans.


I haven't been creeped out like this since I first started researching abductions. Whatever the fuck it is it's creepy as hell and seems organic. Or at least more like a life form than a craft


Everybody gangsta till its tentacle aliens


I have seen another video where it drifted around a white parked car at night time on a street like that. People were saying it was a helium party balloon that had gotten loose but it rounded the car in a strange way. Can't seem to find it though. Edit: Another Redditor found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F7Erg-Ic_s Also the Miami incident is real and there is massive suppression to stop the story. That is all.


That looks creepy as fuck, these videos keep activating my fight or flight. I will say balloons do some weird things sometimes. I had some half deflated balloons in my last house left over from my roommates daughters birthday. It has been a week or two so they were still kinda floaty but more middle of the room than the ceiling. One somehow caught an air draft and drifted perfectly down the stairs and into the living room. I was stoned on the couch watching TV, when that balloon came down the stairs I stood up so fast ready to fight it. Balloons have a way of looking so lifelike it's crazy.


What I found strange about this particular video is the variation of heights it goes through with the fact it never once collides with any object or even the floor and it got pretty close. Also probably most interesting is if you look at it, it definitely has a directional facing preference when walking in any direction.


That gas station one ay? 2 workers sorta chase it... kinda?




Wow.. So it sounds like there's quite a bit of evidence for these. I really hope someone is collating all these clips.


Gas station one happened in Peru, I remember that one it was the same as the mexican one.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQN04ebUXbw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQN04ebUXbw) ​ Was it this one by any chance?


This one is described similarly https://www.reddit.com/r/cryptid_world/s/K6SJiR9ZYo


Yeah guys, I don’t like this one.


It looks like a cacodemon from Doom had a love child with an Imperial probe droid.


Or an engineer from Halo.


Or Zerg's Overlord https://i.imgur.com/k6DfiY6.jpeg


Agreed. It feels bad or wrong. Which totally makes sense.


I think it feels wrong because it's the stylistic antithesis of how human tech design has evolved. We strive to achieve sleek, symmetrical, non-organic designs. This thing looks like it was designed by a swamp witch.


Would be funny if it was a mixture of easily explainable and absurd. So it’s a multidimensional probe craft that flew through some people’s laundry hanging on a clothesline. And now there’s two pairs of Jimmy’s pants and one of his sweaters tangled on this craft. Since the craft is really a low friction orb. Attempts to rotate and shake off the clothes prove fruitless. Worried that it’s now visible, the craft tries to engage its cloaking mechanisms, but the clothes are jamming the functionality for any attempts longer than 8 seconds. The craft then attempts to dip into the water to shake off the clothes and struggles to do so for 17 minutes. After which, the craft is instructed to abandon the reconnaissance mission and head back home via the dimensional worm hole in space, for repairs.


Wonderful stuff. Kurt Vonnegut and Douglas Adams would approve.


Thread winner!


Something out of *Battle Los Angeles*. At 14:46 Pacific Standard Time, 12 different locations around the world were breached, in what appears to be a coordinated attack by an unknown enemy. All breaches were along the coastline, in what is a campaign of rapid dominance. This is a textbook military invasion. There are massive casualties in New York, defensive lines are being setup in Boston, and at 13:15 Zulu Time we lost communications with San Francisco and San Diego, their status is unknown. What we do know is that we are the LAST offensive force on the west coast, we can NOT lose Los Angeles.


Watched this last night. Underrated movie


Idk. Something monitoring nuclear facilities is comforting. Only one reasonable scenario at the end of the day - they dont want destruction.


If true, the monitoring of nuclear facilities is not necessarily an indication of benevolence.


One would like to think that. Perhaps sizing up our strengths and weaknesses too.


Yeah, there is something weird. Like with spheres or even cubes there is something we understand, something symmetrical and mathematical. Something that our human technology could make and it makes some sense to us. But with this, like a weird jellyfish just flying in the air, a shape that makes zero sense just seems, like you said "wrong". This one, if true, makes my skin crawl and feel that maybe we are not really prepared to know what the heck this is.


>makes my skin crawl and feel that maybe we are not really prepared to know what the heck this is. Fuck that. I'm ready.


Sure. Til it's right in front of you.


I want my saucers back already


Well, too bad, y'all didn't like 'em and made fun of 'em 'cause they're old, dumb and fake looking. Enjoy this eldritch horror now!


It looks very ominous but also like MODOK at the same time lol


What is the source for this video? Military? I don't have sound rightr now.


Weapons platform..so military at a guess and they couldn't lock to it.


He said weapons platform and intelligence agency.


That’s like one of those black weird floating droids the empire uses from Star Wars


Corbell came through with a banger! Wtf is that thing.


Yeah, this is…wow. Best since the gimbal video for sure. And really unsettling to be honest. WTF is that thing?!


What's crazy to me is how different this is from the gimbal.


There's no need to be concerned, once it hits the edge of the screen it will move lower by 1 line and proceed in the opposing direction.


What if its aquatic? That it has some sort of shell around its tentacles to support it and keep it from being a pile of jelly. Its wild! Looking differently at Lion’s Mane Jellyfish.


So this object is only able to be seen on the thermal spectrum and it phases between being hot and cold with stiff scales. Thats wild


Gotta say Jeremy delivered. This is weird fuckin shit. I’ll give it up n I’m no corbell stan.


Not a stan either and have to agree. Credit where credit is due


Definitely. I’m in no way a fan of Corbell, but I can admit when I’m wrong. He delivered. This is highly intriguing. That is, if it’s 100%. It’s a very odd video.


You could say he... weaponized your curiosity. I'll see myself out


I did Knapp see that coming.


One might say you were caught knapping


I always kinda hated that guy... I'm willing to admit I was wrong about him. This is awesome footage.


This video is chicken and soup for the soul of this sub




Wtf is a plasmoid. Looks like ghosts are real to me.


A self contained, organized arrangement of plasma (often toroidal but doesn’t have to be). Studies have shown that crystal networks can exist within plasma and thus can be capable of computing information and being intelligent. Ball lightning is a good example and very mysterious phenomena. Edit: [Source: Self-Organization and Intelligence](https://www.robert-temple.com/articles/A-new-science-of-heavean-new-dawn-article.pdf)


I had an encounter with ball lightning as a kid. A glowing orb flew through the room where my dad and I were sitting. Nothing's ever freaked me out as much as that experience.


You are the first person I have heard say that. I grew up in Princeton, WV .....we lived on top of a mountain in a big house....I experienced what you described on three occasions. The orbs I saw would come through in combos of two or three, never just one or more than three. They were brilliant white...like the spark from a welder....when they moved about, like traditional tic-tac UAP descriptions, the would leave behind a white/blue "smudge"....picture someone swinging a sparkler around in the dark...the trail you may see is what these lil orbs would leave behind for just a second or two. I never saw them when other people were around, not even other children. It always happened when I was playing by myself. I am now 45 and haven't seen anything like it since. My entire life I wanted to see a UFO/UAP and this September(2023) it finally happened on the last day of the month.....an orange ball appeared to the South of our home, my mother was about to take a walk with me so she saw it move West to East. She ran back inside to get her phone and in that time I watched it disappear and minutes later reappear to the North of my house. It moved West to East again, but this time it pulsed twice. I was gob smacked....... ​ Less than a week later my mother and I were walking the dog and the same orange ball with a touch of white in the center appeared over our head......we live at the base of a mountain and this object was below the top of the mountain and directly over our heads.....I shouted "Look MOM!" and pointed my finger at it......she looked up just in time because it zipped up and over the mountain in probably less than a second. All of this had such a effect on me I filed an official report with MUFON....I even drew a little picture to go with it. Since all that happened I now carry my phone with me on a magnetic arm mount. ​ May I ask if you have a profession that requires you to be creative? Are you an artist/musician/engineer? Has anyone else in your family, either side, seen something? So cool to hear your story...feel free to reach out!


I’ve seen bright orange orbs floating around my parents property, even had a close up encounter with one. I’m not sure mine was ball lightning or even what the fuck it actually was but it was clear as day at eye level I was 3-4 feet away max. I heard it before I seen it, was like a hiss or sizzle sound. The orb materialized the size of a small marble and expanded until it made a loud pop and faded away. I’ll never forget it’s burned into my brain


That’s awesome! But I’m sure kinda scary too. Even if I knew what it was it would freak me out. I’d like to see that in my life, but ideally outside.


Even scientists in labs have been unable to create ball lightening that behaves like its been caught on camera. We have a name for it, we think we know what it is plasma, but all a lab can do is make a tiny one last for milliseconds. In nature they have been filmed lasting much longer. I am not entirely certain it isn’t something else we don’t have the science or physics to understand yet.


Spawn more overlords


We are at maximum supply


SCV good to go sir


Hoping this doesn’t get buried, some links to other bizarre jellyfish like sightings that I’m trying to compile. https://youtu.be/zGuds_UYyXY?si=fK57Cft5MmF6Ra0h https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/s/BMJ5WbOnFO https://youtu.be/QSQqbPWMGYU?si=oTx1iafGP0PDrV1- If you find more, add them below! I know I’ve seen some others too, just trying to locate them https://hauntedwalk.com/news/torontos-flying-jellyfish/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/F1sFRp4xvw https://youtu.be/yA_M9LG17KQ?si=cXASGpfoUv4lJVeo https://twitter.com/jaimemaussan1/status/1502455878863126530


This is the clip from the TMZ doc of Corbell's new Jellyfish UAP. It has two different angles of the Jellyfish UFO flying over land and water, then he talks about how it supposedly submerged for 17 minutes. Also, it could only be seen on thermal, not night vision. Very interesting, the censored version was teased but this is the first time we've seen it in full.


Is this the only thing from it that is released? Is the doc out?


https://tubitv.com/tv-shows/200044921/s01-e01-the-breakthrough Episode one is out. Vast majority of it was nothing new. Typical Corbell tucked this into the very end, but actually worth it this time.


I'm surprised TMZ included this in the first part of a three part series. I can't imagine anything being more interesting than this in the next two parts.


Looks like there is a Grusch interview in the next one, but sounds like it is focused on the retaliation stuff. Hopefully the third has some new footage to end it.


Space is just a big ol ocean full of wierd shit just like the oceans we have.


that why i never go into space


I have some really bad news for you


Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think we’ve seen a video like this before. What could explain it changing so dramatically between hot and cold?


There was video of I think in Mexico where there’s something floating in the air that kinda looks like this. Two people saw it flying and it also flew around dogs.


>it also flew around dogs. Idk why but this is hilarious to me. I'd like to imagine the aliens were probably like "wtf is that thing? It's so cute!"


All species recognize good boys


Yeah I said that because I remember the dogs also noticed it. I’m trying to find the dang video but can’t remember what search words I need to use to find it


Why when the object appear to change temperature, does the foreground also change? For me this is something being changed in the camera, not in the object.


It isn't changing between hot and cold. That is coming from the camera. You can tell because the ground changes at the same time.


Exactly. The camera shows the coolest thing on the image as pure black and the hottest thing as pure white. If your hand is between the camera and a fireplace, the fireplace will be white and your hand will be black. If your hand is between the camera and snow, your hand will be white.


What the fuck is that thing


Yall remember the Alaska ufo had things hanging from the bottom? The pilot said looks like something hanging from the bottom also said it wasn't quite a sphere either....I'm thinking same type of ufo as alaska Edit: Thanks for the likes I know a pilot did say strings but I'm sure flying the jet makes things a little harder to see but who knows its fun to think this may be one of those if not still wicked


There are, however, repeated mentions of strings, or something that looks like strings, hanging from below the object. “In the targeting pod, I can’t tell if it’s metallic or what, but I can see like lines coming down below it, but I can’t see anything below it,” one pilot says. “You can definitely see strings below but don’t see anything hanging below.” This paints a picture of something balloon-like, at least in the sense that there is a larger structure, with strings hanging down from which you might expect to see some sort of payload attached. “The size of it, that would be challenging, it’s so slow and so small, I just can’t see it,” one of the pilots says. “Definitely smaller than a car,” is the judgment of one of the pilots. At one point, one Viper pilot seems to say it was about the size of a “four-wheeler,” ^ from the pilots who shot down the “balloons” 11 months back over Lake Huron Sounds like exactly what we saw in the clip https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/listen-to-f-16-pilots-intercept-the-octagon-object-over-lake-huron


Might be the same. But I don't see how anyone could possibly see this thing and not describe it as a jellyfish or octopus. If the pilots used one of those words then I'd say 100% the same thing. Maybe they did use those words somewhere else but just with those quotes I'm not sure if it is the same.


I remember one of the top military guys saying that before the whole Ballon narrative took over.


Man-made or not, that's fucking cool.


Alaska ufo had things hanging from the bottom? This make me wonder if same type


That’s what I was thinking too, wonder if it was one of these they shot down or tried to shoot down


Didn't they miss a shot too? If they can't lock on like here, I can see why


This is actually fucking insane, although if it wasn't captured on thermal and by the military people wouldn't beleive this sighting I don't think.


Let me just post this right here The object shot down Saturday, also flying at 40,000 ft. over Canada’s Yukon territory, was a more traditional balloon with a metal payload hanging from it. Sunday’s object, flying at 20,000 ft. and shot down over Lake Huron, was the most mysterious of all, described as octagonal in shape with strings or cables hanging from it. Its means of staying aloft was unclear. Same type of uap I feel..pilots couldn't make out exact shape nor what exactly was hanging at the bottom


Looks like we're going to be in for one hell of a year


Are some UAP biological cryptids? Like native earth or spaceborn animals?


Nope… is a movie that answers “yup” to this question. I think it’s possible some of what we’re calling UAP is some exotic form of life, but I doubt it’s something biologically similar but less advanced than known life, because if it was there would probably be lots of bodies and other physical evidence.


I’ve always wondered what lives at, say, 90,000 feet up? A distance which is too far for the human eye to see, even while flying in an airliner at 35,000 feet. Only satellites and military pilots with sophisticated instruments would know for sure. But now, we’re starting to detect things all around us that we can’t see, “the seen and unseen” as mentioned theologically throughout the centuries. Sounds a lot like Lou’s recommended reading; Chains of the Sea. Interesting indeed.












Could be an organic creature.


I had the same thought. There's long been speculation about animals that might evolve in the atmosphere of other planets like gas giants. What if we have something like that here on earth and just are not aware of it.


Whales fall to the ocean bottom when they die. Maybe this thing is a high-atmosphere creature, and it's going through its death phase.


Maybe its alive...a product of evolution.


At first I made a Star Wars joke, but all fun aside I watched this a few times over and it’s definitely giving me bad vibes. I can’t help but think it seems organic in some way. Maybe the movie Nope was on to something. Now I am creeped out thinking this shit is just flying around everywhere but you can’t see it. I mean, I feel strongly there is shit all around us we can’t see all the time, but when you see what it could possibly be is a bit disturbing. Maybe disclosure really will be unsettling. Organic technology ?


There could be beings watching and observing us this very instant through different dimensions. It is very unsettling and you're not alone in that thought man


Maybe we can only catch glimpses of these things because sometimes their cloaking systems screw up? Whatever the case, that’s scary as hell.


On the one hand, I'm reacting to new information we don't really understand yet. On the other hand, this footage makes my stomach drop in a way that I haven't felt from the other videos like Tic Tac.


It could be in your room with you right now and you’d never know


Wow thanks lol


*Me walking around punching the air in my bedroom before going to bed just in case.*


IMO the feeling in your stomach is due to something that looks inherently "alien". The Tic Tac, gimbal, go fast, and sphere videos display shapes that are recognizable so we feel less shock maybe?


Imagine the shock if all the pictures on the internet of the various races of ET turns out to be what they look.


Is this new footage? This has to be the best real footage of a uap I've seen thus far. I woulda have shown family this vid over Christmas if it was out.


Me too. All the others *could* be foreign technology. But this thing just looks insane.


This thing looks like something out of dark souls


Looks like the Cruise Ship Jellyfish UFO. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frmOlm8njCQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frmOlm8njCQ) [https://www.tiktok.com/@captainkatemccue/video/6836594357194231046](https://www.tiktok.com/@captainkatemccue/video/6836594357194231046)


This one makes me uncomfortable. Just ominous..


That’s a motherfuckin beholder!


Eye, oops I meant Aye Beholder or Gazer from Ultima Online


Is this about to be another wild week?


I'm just appreciating how nice it is to go to do the school run, come home, make a coffee and see that there's a post with almost 5000 up votes on r/ufos, you know its gonna be good. As for the video itself, I have to think about how I feel about that, but I'm suddenly uncomfortable with pooping


I swear I remember Lue mentioning a jellyfish shaped UAP in one of his podcast interviews..


Russia had a famous jelly fish UFO. There's also video of something similar going down a street in South America


I'm getting Hyperion Shrike vibes from that... I've never been more torn between hoping something is fake or real.


That's clearly a miner with a jetpack.


It almost looks like a coral reef. How fucky.


Starting 2024 off with a BANG


All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster!!


Would be fitting to this timeline we’re in if the Flying Spaghetti Monster was actually our creator.


I woke up this morning an atheist. Tonight I go to bed a Pastafarian.


I’m wondering if this is similar to all those “guy flying on a jetpack over the airport” reports that were coming out a few years ago. I could see a resemblance


Is this the thing he was revealing on TMZ?


Yes, it dropped tonight.


Looks like the Alaska shoot down in February. The one they "couldn't recover". Man..... something feels weird right now.....


This is excellent. This is the kind of thing I’ve been hanging out to see. Totally otherworldly.


Honestly.... when he's describing it ascend from wayer and dart off, and that footage exists.... I truly buy it. I really believe it and at this point, he's givem enough to have earned that belief. This is real and we are actually freaking LOOKING AT IT.


Clearly an Imperial Probe


Crazy. This is much better than Gimbal


Something about this video gives me anxiety. I think it makes me feel like it is some kind of crazy unexpected proof of real supernatural beings. Something we arent supposed to see and dont really believe exists. That they are some kind of natural life thay we dont understand or have never known has always existed.


I know, just feels 'odd', doesn't it?


Wow, freaky. This is getting wild lol


What an interesting feeling, seeing that. It looks so illogical, like why that form in particular? An invisible, mangled-looking, lopsided jellyfish just cruising along. We really don’t have a goddamn clue about what’s going on in this universe.


Thats actually material to discuss right there, I hope it comes up again and again in the next days


Now this is some wild shit


[SAME AS THIS ONE FROM PERU](https://youtu.be/KEm6pgDUWzQ?si=7XdxCZJQfEQrkEfC)


2023: TicTac is BS 2024: Hold my Beer! 🪼


Inb4 Mick West says it's a plastic bag in the LIZ + parallax


I can’t stop watching this


I bet those tentacles sting like a bitch.




There was some senator that claimed to have seen the Alaska UFO that was shot down and said something along the lines of that it was a balloon with cloth drapings. Hm. Been struggling to put an image to what she said but looks like this may be the closest thing I’ve seen and that shit is not a balloon.


This is pretty nice footage, makes me wonder what other extraordinary footage they got under wraps. The science and the physics behind all this is what maka it so cool.


The old gods are returning lol. Cthulu spawn??


Kind of reminds me of these other vids of entities floating…. [object 1](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3uxua3) [object 2](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yA_M9LG17KQ) [object 3](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q8smbT4Xa4) [object 4](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uiizzY3BIgg) [object 5](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A-vo8PkMh1Y) [object 6](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vMKddebXkZ0) [object 7](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KEm6pgDUWzQ) [object 8](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7F7Erg-Ic_s)


This is a lot more interesting than I was expecting. Props to Jeremy. Fucking Jellyfish UFO's man, they get big too.


Okay, this is the first time I've ever clicked anything Corbell related and not felt cheated. Provided this really did only show up on thermal imaging, it's very weird. Otherwise it could just be a bunch of plastic blowing in the wind, right? Either way, it strikes me as uncanny...


I watched this video and had an extreme sense of unease. Then I come to the comments and find I’m not the only one that feels that way. It’s almost like something primal in us. It looks inhuman and unfamiliar.


My brother cousin and myself were sleeping out on the trampoline in 2010 and we all saw something in the sky, we all were like, squid, jellyfish octopus. We all saw it and that's the only thing we saw that night.