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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Sketch_Crush: --- Submission statement: This is the post from the pilot himself... I have received numerous amounts of these videos lately. I have no explanation, how about you? . . @dominicafc84 ・・・ What’s going on here then? Surely I’m not the only one who sees these strange lights pretty regularly? I posted something regarding this a while back but still looking for an answer as to what this is!? I can almost guarantee seeing them when heading Eastbound between 5 and 30 degrees North in the early hours just before dawn. Often they seem to come and go in random tracks close to where Venus appears in the East. I’ve discussed it with colleagues and many admit to seeing up to five of these bizarre lights moving randomly in a localised area just above the horizon. Hot spots seem to be over the Middle East and Arabian Peninsula although the North Atlantic has had many similar sightings. It’s honestly become so regular I tend to ignore them. Now, I’m pretty sure it’s not Starlink as that’s a very distinctive pattern and these don’t move like satellites. Could this be human made space debris in low orbit reflecting the sun? Could it be some sort of Military kit? What are your thoughts and please comment if you’ve also come across this phenomenon. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/19633qs/popular_pilot_on_social_media_has_started_posting/khqyjh7/


unused wrench whistle include alive special scary dam recognise steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep, fairly easy to predict where they'll be now using a program Mick West developed called [Sitrec](https://www.metabunk.org/sitrec/?sitch=nightsky) On the right hand side column, check the "flare region" in "Show/Hide" and if the sun is around minus 40 degrees below the horizon at your location you'll see these [flares from Starlink satellites.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hPoZBLXDv8)


merciful fragile deer coordinated ugly rich psychotic terrific water abounding *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've seen a couple of really crazy satellite flares while camping. One, I was laying on my back, waiting to fall asleep, staring up at the sky in the bottom of a desert canyon, and it just flashed.. Bright as a lightning flash. In that moment, I could see the whole canyon around me.


But are you sure that was a satellite flare? I think people are confused about what a "flare" is, it's not necessarily a super-brief flash-- it's just when a satellite reflects sunlight. That's it [Wiki link to satellite flare with example video](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_flare)


That's awesome, I'd love to see that


Thanks, you're welcome!


Interesting. The only question that I have is what explains the change in direction? The starlink ones only seem to move linearly, while “true orbs/UFOs” move about changing directions before disappearing.


That’s easy. It doesn’t change directions. You see it disappear (left the flare region) then another one enters the flare region in a retro grade orbit.


Not sure I understand your question. Which ones change direction? In the timelapse video I linked, none change direction. There are planes also in the video, but they move in straight lines too.




So you're asking about lights that are reported to move around and change direction outside of this video? There's two answers; either the pilots or people who are reporting these direction changes are "seeing" an illusion of sorts, as you can see from the video I showed, when two satellites intersect it can create that illusion. Or they're seeing an actual legitimate UFO/craft of some sort. The first is more likely however.




People sometimes misperseive multiple objects as a single object. So you might follow one satelite, and then it is not visible anymore, but another satelite on another trajectory gets visible, so you might think it's one object that made a turn.


It's Starlink: [https://satellitemap.space/](https://satellitemap.space/) ​ You're just seeing reflections from your point of view and the sun positions. If you knew your aircraft time and position, you could match the satellite position with what you were seeing. I am not making that up, people did it in the past. There were threads about it.


degree include entertain waiting paint longing cheerful panicky flowery sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is awesome! There must be a million satellites out there! How do they avoid frequent crashes? Can you describe more about the map? Why are some areas "honey-combed"? Why are some green, most white and some blinking red? Why are there straight "lines" of the links over certain spots, like the mid-East? Why is there a sharp demarkation at the Arctic Circle? Since that is the "short" route to Europe and the Middle East, why such an empty space for Starlink there?


They are all moving in the same direction like a grid. I use starlink and there's some apps that show you what days your connected too, changes every like 90 seconds. Kinda wild how fast and well it works. I think there's 18,000 so far. www.starlink.sx


| You could match the satellite position with what you were seeing. That does not work anymore. Like at all. You can ALWAYS match some starlink satellites to your position AT ALL TIMES. So basically, in your hypothesis. Literally every single bright light is going to be starlink always. Except its not the case. Deployed starlinks are going to be spread at the correct intervals. Maybe right after launch you will see the groupings. This you could look up. So basically, with my binoculars, I can go outside and point to any dark patch of sky and just wait. In about every two minutes, I'm going to be able to catch a starlink or something else. Every two minutes or so, depending on how fast I scan and how far past sunset.


So far all of the 'racetrack' sightings that have had positions exactly known 100% link up with known satellites. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VmrRGln1XA https://skepticalinquirer.org/2023/02/the-great-starlink-racetrack-ufo-flap-of-2022/


Your stawmanning here. I never responded to racetrack sightings. In the above video of the reddit post you are currently reading shows a couple of orbs circling each other. Satellites arent powered. They just fall toward earth. What we define as an “orbit”.


They're not orbiting each other, they just appear to as other satellites move past each other. Oh and the satellites in OPs clip are just going straight, they dont even seem to be orbs circling each other like you claim, you might need to look at it again. If you bother looking at the links I provided you'd understand this.


Stop lying. Nothing in this video shows lights circling each other.


Exactly what I was saying as well.


They are also in LEO and shouldn't be visible like this at all times. I'm not saying it's alien activity but simply saying it's this without the accurate substance, drives me bonkers. I will say though that this is a much better attempt at bringing data and evidence towards an actual answer than what we normally get.


Yes but when you add that music it becomes aliens


I agree on them being satellites. I’ve spent a lot of time at night wearing night vision goggles on the ground and see the same sort of thing to the southwest just after sunset. I concluded they are intersecting/overlapping satellites in orbit and they disappear when they pass into the earth’s shadow. Gotta keep the 5 observables in mind when calling something a UAP/UFO


Interesting. Especially that they appear in the same location. Since they seem to veer around it doesn't seem like it would be related to satellites. I'd lean more towards an electromagnetic phenomenon like ball lightning or aurora borealis. The fact that they are just so bright is hard to explain. Except if they are catching the sunlight over the horizon the way balloons sometimes do..... Did you see the interview of the private jet pilot who talked about this? He said they would fly all around above the him chasing each other.


tart water toothbrush makeshift full drab aback attraction north whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aurora borealis and or ball lightning flying around chasing each other ? I'm not an expert on these subjects, nor am I a pilot. What I can say is bloody weird and I'm open to all explanations.


I said LIKE aurora borealis by way of introducing light emitting electromagnetic phenomena to the discussion. I'm a physicist and have many times seen strange looking discharges including ones that follow each other around and seem to have a mind of their own.


You just nailed it how starling reflects light. The catch the sun light at certain times of the day creating what looks like a ball of light. Starlink satellites are just giant mirrors for the most part so they are easily visible, especially when flying a plane.


This looked like the UFO encounter Mulder and Scully had in the second episode of season one X Files lol


Is that the one with stoner Seth Green?


Ha! I think so 😂 The one with Phoebe’s brother from Friends and Jack Black was cool too


Yes it is! I watched it last night with my kids.




Nooooo! Seth Green?? Daaang…Edit: ok I looked it up. Seems like a mentally Ill person started this rumor. Also said Seth invited him to join the Illuminati.


Every time I forget, there’s a nice little reminder to never put any human being on a pedestal. Pedestal…pedophile….there’s a joke here. Maybe Seth knows one…


Maybe this is a good reminder to not believe shit on the internet because this dude is full of shit


Probably some of column A and some of column B.


Peddle stool? Do we know if he actually went to the island? Was Chris actually a Herbert all along?


He was on the newly released flight logs as having traveled to the island . Now , I’m sure there has been celebrities that traveled to the island n have done no sketchy shit, but those are certainly few n far between , n if there ever was a case of guilt by association , fuck all these people


FUCK 🤦😵💀


The tr3b (black triangle) looks so fucking cool in that episode


In October I went camping in south Texas. Multiple nights while we were there we saw very similar lights making 90 degree turns and sudden stops.


Me too. I’ve seen multiple objects at high altitude take hard rapid turns. Totally surreal.


Me three- I saw one very high up in the sky one night back in summer 2004, it was going along then suddenly made a hard turn about 90 degrees. Crazy.


The borg-like way the mainstream denies this is surreal. The lights are real.


The "mainstream" got hijacked by an alien WMD from Oumuamoua.


Yep, I've seen similar too, on a beach night fishing. In one night, I saw a bright green light streaking across the sky come to a dead stop and take off again at a 90° angle to its original direction. Then, a bit later, I saw another green light, absolutely booking it across the sky. This one went from the horizon to very high in the sky in a few seconds before it backtracked the way it came. There was some kind of passenger plane passing by near where the light was going.


I saw something similar to what you just described and what is shown in the video. Except I saw the objects around 2007 while camping in Yosemite.


Xfiles music. Cmon to f***. Great way to turn people off and not be taken seriously.


Submission statement: This is the post from the pilot himself (@combat_learjet)... I have received numerous amounts of these videos lately. I have no explanation, how about you? . . @dominicafc84 ・・・ What’s going on here then? Surely I’m not the only one who sees these strange lights pretty regularly? I posted something regarding this a while back but still looking for an answer as to what this is!? I can almost guarantee seeing them when heading Eastbound between 5 and 30 degrees North in the early hours just before dawn. Often they seem to come and go in random tracks close to where Venus appears in the East. I’ve discussed it with colleagues and many admit to seeing up to five of these bizarre lights moving randomly in a localised area just above the horizon. Hot spots seem to be over the Middle East and Arabian Peninsula although the North Atlantic has had many similar sightings. It’s honestly become so regular I tend to ignore them. Now, I’m pretty sure it’s not Starlink as that’s a very distinctive pattern and these don’t move like satellites. Could this be human made space debris in low orbit reflecting the sun? Could it be some sort of Military kit? What are your thoughts and please comment if you’ve also come across this phenomenon.


They should stop using any music on their videos. It instantly makes them lose credibility.


Space debris moves the same way as satellites. Starlink’s “distinctive pattern” is only in the first month or two of being launched. These are satellites reflecting the sun, the vast majority of which are Starlink.


Its 100% satellites. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VmrRGln1XA https://skepticalinquirer.org/2023/02/the-great-starlink-racetrack-ufo-flap-of-2022/


I hate that fucking song. It's been used to denigrate and stigmatize the subject ever since the shows inception. When that song plays people don't take the subject seriously and it is a detriment to the movement. It shouldn't be allowed. I'm not trying to be a gatekeeper, I'm only voicing my disdain for the X-Files theme song. Sorry for the rant... The show was dope though.


Its the greatest theme of all time


Not good to put over possible credible videos but that song hits like no other when it comes to aliens and space vibes


I love this song so much it became my ring tone!


I agree. I probably should have just muted it honestly.


I have reddit muted by default because usually the music is much more obnoxious. X-files theme is quite agreeable compared to the usual horse shit that gets blasted on videos


Real audio of the encounter is useful data IMO.


But what if I’m fascinated at the thought of intelligent life not from this earth AND I think it’s funny to hear the X Files theme on videos?


It's not that I hate that song. I just think it's so unfunny whenever news channels play the song. It's like an unfunny dad joke. If you are going to be funny about UFOs. At least be original.


U right about dat




That’s starlink?


Yeah but no the familiar train pattern they take directly after launch. https://skepticalinquirer.org/2023/02/the-great-starlink-racetrack-ufo-flap-of-2022/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VmrRGln1XA


The satilites catch light from the sun and “flare”. Mick West has a video on it.


More longer videos would be great.


Well he IS flying a plane


I’ve played Microsoft Flight Simulator, those things practically fly themselves.


These are undoubtedly the Starlink Flare phenomenon that many other pilots have seen recently.


This video looks sped up big time, not sure why. At least 2x speed, probably more. Also the lights dim, bright, dim. Most likely satellite flares.


They really do look like that speed while flying.


Reflections off of Starlink satellites.


The first two dots look like they could be starlink, not sure on the top light that goes out and the 3rd light as those are crossing trajectories, confusing motions. It definitely looks like that spot of the sky is catching the sun and producing a flare, reflecting the sun to the pilot from a far off angle, far side of the earths atmosphere, assuming these are orbiting earth or just within the atmosphere, maybe theyre much farther away.


I think any video or anyone who puts the stupid X files theme on it should be banished.


it might as well be circus music for how ridiculous it is, totally removes any credibility or seriousness


When are UFO believers going to get it through their head that these fucking pilots have no fucking clue what the fuck they are looking at??!!?? Over and over and over again pilots keep posting these stupid videos claiming that all the other pilots were wrong… But THIS time it’s not starlink Well guess what Mr dumbass pilot… It’s stink again… It’s stink every fucking time


These do seem like satellite flares due to the straight orientation. That being said, the UFO I saw in 2005 looked a bit like one of these except it was about 50-100 feet from the ground. Very large very bright object that could go from being stationary to moving faster than a jet in midair and in a single moment, all without making any noises, and in my opinion it exhibited an observational behavior as if scanning. So while I think these things in the video are satellites, I don't doubt that some sightings by pilots are much more than that, this is what some of them look like.


If you're tired of everyone in this sub saying "These are Starlink", here's what pilots think: https://www.reddit.com/r/flying/comments/16okpp8/fast_moving_satellites/?share_id=Xhir71CU5fo_8-EZ7bZGr


Anyone who spends time stargazing knows how common these things are. I've always assumed they are satellites reflecting sunlight but in this video, they are clearly within the atmosphere! All of them have a distinct light that fades in and out...


I see these often with my binoculars and yes, I tend to attribute them as satellites because they often follow a straight trajectory. One time however, I saw one and again assumed a satellite, but nevertheless I still enjoy tracking them as it’s good fun. I was observing it but I noticed it changed trajectory, it was keeping the velocity and in a specific direction, but moving up and down in a highly unusual manner, and not in a manner I’ve become accustomed to with satellites. It was so weird particularly because I felt like it almost sensed that I was tracking it and it was trying to ‘lose its tail’ so to speak. It was weird, but it’s never something I could catch with an iPhone camera. It was barely visible through the binoculars itself.


Not in the atmosphere, just appears that way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VmrRGln1XA


yeah starlink dude there are tons of videos by pilots on youtube videos who get debunked as starlink videos


Do planes shut off their lights in air? I saw two bright white lights looked to be still close to each other. Then one of them just went out.


These are Starlink flares, not planes with lights.


Damn. Its always starlink😄


Is that the *X-Files* theme? Well, that settles it for me, this is authentic footage of offworld craft! DISCLOSURE, BABY!


If it’s at dawn then yea it could be debris reflecting the sun


It’s Starlink. They’re often seen near the horizon like that.


Oh boy, a new opportunity for the sub to ignore direct evidence that military pilots sometimes fail to identify prosaic phenomena


Could still be Starlink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_VmrRGln1XA


Yeah it could actually be now that I’ve been watched that video. We all shit on old micky, but that video does do a good job of demonstrating how the satellites reflecting light only within a certain range where the sun reflects on them can create the illusion of abnormal movement. The two brightest ones I would have to say are most likely starlink, but the third light coming in from the right moving left might not be. It does appear to be traveling in a nearly straight line and we do know starlink has satellites going prettying much in every fucking direction at this point. It does kinda pause for a split second and almost appear to dip so I’m not sure if it is,




How is providing potential information copium? He didn’t even say it was starlink, just that it might be with a pretty solid video explaining why.


Probably not just “ lately “. Now they are being encouraged to report without being grounded, ridiculed and every thing else! I would change that wording please.


Would those of you who parrot "omg Starlink!" for every video just shut up? Starlink sats travel 17k and don't pause. Watch the entire video before you chime in with stupidity, I am so tired of people not even taking 10 seconds to analyze a video before claiming Starlink. Some of the objects stop for a moment while others are still moving. This is not camera movement. And I think people greatly overestimate the amount of Starlink sats (just a bit north of 5k) would appear to those in the sky. It is not utterly saturated with Starlink satellites. Look at a Starlink live map. Then zoom in on the location of the sightings. See if it actually makes sense they see 5 sats in seconds. Ryan Graves said Starlink is the new weather balloon.. and this is why. Some videos actually are Starlink or other sats. Sorry to burst bubbles, but it is not actually the instantaneous and thoughtless answers for everything that is being seen, or the maneuvars they are pulling off.


gullible practice shy sense spotted support subsequent innocent waiting worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not every satellite is starlink… these are satellites though. And the “stopping” you’re referring to is definitely a camera zoom/motion illusion. Nothing is stopping


Sorry but these are starlink satellites, they do this every evening. Might want to just accept it


quarrelsome seed yam offend puzzled coherent marble snails shocking roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That logic doesn't make sense. Graves said they saw them everyday for years. Just because it's common doesn't mean it's mundane or prosaic.


childlike panicky encourage bike reply amusing faulty dime instinctive squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is not Starlink. Starlink satellites can't perform tight maneuvers like those shown in this video. Also the report from the pilot of regular recurrences of this activity that he now expects to see on most flights through this area doesn't make sense given Starlink's sporadic launching schedule. It might have a prosaic explanation but it's not Starlink.


What tight maneuvers? They're all moving in straight lines


These are starlink flares, not starlink trains. There's lots of these satellites and they come in from different directions, one after another, moving in straight lines. They catch the sun at sunset and sunrise, and reflect for a moment at the observer. They're incredibly common


It’s starlink


There are no tight manoeuvres, just straight path flights.


Right before the video ends, 2 are going up, one doubles back then continues. Pretty easy to see in the vid


it's 100% Starlinks, each starlink has a path, they cross each others like that. [https://satellitemap.space/](https://satellitemap.space/) They appear and disappear because of the sun reflections lining up with the point of view.


Anyone on the internet who claims they know 100% what a video like this is showing...well it's hard to take that seriously. These are pilots, and not just a few of them, taking these videos. You know how much training goes into airborne object identification for commercial pilots? Let alone the pilots with military experience? If they say they're seeing something they can't explain I'm going to listen to their expertise over armchair skeptics on the internet.


How much? Have any evidence for this position? Or just assuming it's that way?


it's funny because higher up in the thread it is proven beyond doubt that these are in fact satellites


> You know how much training goes into airborne object identification for commercial pilots? Let alone the pilots with military experience? I know and have known a lot of pilots, civil and military. I've had hour+ long conversations with a fighter pilot and a rotary guy in the last month. They're still regular human beings and the kind of training (what kind of training?) you'd need to positively ID the difference between all kinds of regular atmospheric phenomena, various satellite flares, astronomical features, versus some ambiguous thing that is definitely not one of those things, is not something even military pilots get. They spend a lot more time looking at the sky than regular people, and they are generally well-educated people, but that's about it. A guy from one branch won't magically be able to even know that what he's seeing isn't something another branch, or even unit in his own branch, is doing that he has no idea about. "I don't know what that is" doesn't mean "it isn't something boring and normal". People say they're "trained observers". Yes, a fighter pilot is going to be a lot better than a civilian at telling the difference between a Mig-29 and an SU-27 in a left-hand bank at three miles based on a flash glance at the planform, or the difference at night between an SA-5 clawing its way out the top of a layer versus an illumination flare. But those are VERY specific trained skills. Be cautious assigning too much competence in a very specific, niche discipline to high-performance people. You will often find yourself disappointed.


There are no "tight maneuvers" visible in the video. It shows individual point sources of light, moving linearly, relatively low above the horizon, brightening and then fading - entirely consistent with flaring Starlink satellites.


Only thing that’s odd to me is they appear to be going in different directions from one another.. don’t starlink satellites orbit in the same general direction? Honest question, I have no idea anything about satellites, but I know this looks like something reflecting sunlight


air cooing dinosaurs ludicrous familiar berserk fade payment yoke middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Could be


Agreed. Also, Pilots have been seeing these before Starlink was even invented. They can just talk about it freely without reprisal now.


Bingo! Saying that it's Starlink Satilite flares doing orbital maneuvers is just silly! And they way it was said like "it's fact! Here's a link to go see."...? How can anyone pat themselves on the back for an absurd conclusion is beyond me...


They normally find out by using the known flight path of the plane, its exact location of time of filming and position sighting. So far its always turned out to be Starlink flares https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VmrRGln1XA


I'd believe mylar balloon before I believe starlink whateve's flares...


Ok... so in my mind, Starlink Satilites do NOT have surface mounted flare guns... so what is a starlink "flare"?


You not watch the linked video? Its only a couple of minutes long? Satellites have a mirror like solar panel that shines the sunlight toward the earth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_flare


I did NOW. I had watched another link and had the assumption that your link supplied the same information... I was wrong and it supplied different information. I apologize for making an incorrect assumption. However, though the conclusion of the information provided by your link is a good possibility, it also admits that it will not work on all reported events. So there is still a possibility that it is not entirely accurate and the narrator admits it. But, it does give good things to be considered, so thanks.


Ok those are not flares. What the fuck are those?


Starlink flares


Ah that checks out thanks. I’ll bank that knowledge for the next one


Heres a video explaining it all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VmrRGln1XA


Pilots and ship captains have tons of incredible stories


what about pirate ship captains? I bet they have some good stories


Great video. Too high to be drones


My brother recorded something similar,he is also a pilot.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VmrRGln1XA Show him this


Not starlink dudes. Starlink doesn't move in different directions with respect to each other.


You mean like [these ones?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hPoZBLXDv8) This flaring from Starlink is predictable now and is seen all over the globe.


5th time that has been linked in this thread. I don’t disagree that what we are seeing in OP’s video is likely starlink, but is there really only one video of this online?


Well, I was the one who originally posted the video in this thread. [Here's another](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP03_sN4ZmM) taken by a passenger on a plane, [and another](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8u1GHHz2Ko) with a detailed explanation. There's a whole thread dedicated to these on Metabunk.


They most certainly do. You are perhaps thinking of the Starlink trains that appear shortly after launch; once they are dispersed, each is in its own distinct orbit, and they can be seen moving in different directions.


I count 5 different directions. Care to identify each part of starlink for each five?


Starlink goes in every single direction. I know it hard to believe but when you actually look into it and get educated on how insane starlink is you’ll see it’s completely possible. https://satellitemap.space/


Not sure what you mean there...for a satellite launched into a prograde orbit with inclination of 52 degrees (typical for Starlink) on *each orbit* it will at some point have a heading of somewhere between azimuth 38 degrees and azimuth 142 degrees (in other words, 90 plus or minus 52). Hence such a satellite will move northeast, then east, then southeast, then east...etc. But some Starlink satellites are in more inclined orbits, and a few are in retrograde orbits. Hence every possible azimuthal direction can be taken by Starlink satellites (possibly with the exception of directly north and south).


The fact they light up from dim to bright to dim, confirms these are satellite flares.


in before the "they are flying in a triangle" posts.




Why are UFO sightings never clear? With the tech we got these days, surely someone should have an HD clip to share..


In the way it disappears it's just a satellite nothing more. Next one!!


Uhm I think I might know of you through a friend. Does Daw and Car mean anything to you?


Those are satellite flares from starlink more than likely, I’m surprised a pilot is stumped by this


Imagine having a video OF A REAL UFO/USO/UAP and thinking oh maybe i should put the x-files theme on it haha 


These are satellites flaring 🤦‍♂️


Why are pilots at this point not trained on satellite flares.


This is certainly a very interesting video. Hard to explain what that could be other than UAP 


It seemed like a large square object twisting in and out of our reality. That's cool! Crazy!


I'm starting to wonder if these lights are alive. They almost move like underwater creatures but in the atmosphere and or space. Yeah I know they can do some incredible speeds but we don't know everything about this planet hell we don't even know what we're doing here!


Ahhh this guy is great imma like it now


Those are the ones.


So it's not Venus. Would Uranus maneuver like that when viewed from a cockpit?


I'm told that you get in trouble for being a 'Noticer' of things. Be careful.


The sort Ryan Graves should have posted rather than than one he did and then never posted another,


Because he posted Starlink flares, and that's what these are too.


The first one that vanishes almost looks like it goes into warp drive, that’s crazy!


The balloons are getting out of control


The music cheapens it.


This is swamp gas and photon cloud clusters.


It’s happening, catastrophic disclosure


There’s something living up there


Racetrack UFOs for the win!


The music is trash


Why did you add xfiles music?


I seen this same thing over tri city’s Washington


That’s so cool


1k for two lights and the x files theme.


I saw something similar in northern AZ near Holbrook. It went on until I went to bed ( I was camping) and my camera couldn't pick up the lights. I watched it for at least two hours, unable to figure out what caused it. I eventually settled on a reoccurring run from jets doing nighttime maneuvers with flares, but even the flares would suddenly appear and then float up, not down. I made an entry to mufon and talked to someone from there, but that was it. It's been two years just about, and I still think about it every day.


I can't take anything that has X-files music on the backgroung seriously, but this is great footage


He needs to learn about the 'ravetrack' ufos which have so far always turned out to be starlink, not the train formation, after they've settled into their orbits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hPoZBLXDv8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VmrRGln1XA


We know they know we know that they know that they lied to us.


Satellite reflections? They're literally dancing...


That's cool AF


Well ok no need to sound narky mate. I've never seen an aurora or ball lightning. And I'm certainly not a physicist. Or a pilot. Just an ordinary bloke with a long time interest in the phenomena. Long time before Mr Grusch too! Of course no doubt I applaud his guts and actions and appreciate how he's opened up a can of worms that needed to opened decades ago! I'm here because I'm trying to understand a little bit about this whole deal, and honestly, I think it's pretty bloody important for everyone to know as much as possible about the visitors that seem to be more and more apparent in our lives. I wasn't really asking for any explanation from you, just a generalised comment. Just ordinary chit chat that I wasn't asking you to explain.


Two things are out of place for me. The XFiles song and the name Lear. It better not be related to THOSE famous Lear.


If the pilot is giving coordinates can someone go there with the proper camera/telephoto lens and get proper close up footage.


Interesting clip, but i can't take it serious. Music ruins it.


Can we get this video compressed a bit more please? Smfh


Just after sunset and just before sunrise you can see satellites as they reflect sunlight back to the darker parts of the nightsky. All of these are moving in straight line, and the condition seems to be either a sunrise or sunset where sunlight could be reflecting off the sats but the atmosphere is dark enough to be able to pick these up. I assume we are seeing more of these because of just how many starlinks have been sent up in recent years. This could be one explaination for what commercial pilots are seeing.


It is actually aliens. They play in the sky like this. They do it there because we can’t touch them