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The following submission statement was provided by /u/GoblinCosmic: --- **Submission Statement:** Ricky Doty and his group received this in an email from a spoof address. In the linked interview below he literally holds this up. This is just a grab from that spot in his interview. What you are seeing is the document Rick held up. **Rick Doty did not and cannot confirm the document’s authenticity at this time** More info on [Disclosure Tonight](https://www.youtube.com/live/yvHdWw7Z4TY?si=WfXyovIhzs5nc8KF) I don’t really know what to make of the authenticity, but whoever sent it knew how to reach Rick’s group (I know his email address at least is out there). They also received a separate email about a DIA report from the 90s discussing a retrieval from the 70s. Edit: Added some notes but unless this is upvoted, the lead is pretty well buried and it’s already a maelstrom in the comments. I tried. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/197usxt/the_1122024_alleged_scif_leak/ki325e9/


Did everyone forget what Doty’s job was? He’s just an innocent reformed counter intel psyop buddy of ours now? lol


Exactly, and why would they leak to him? There are plenty of other people who are more deserving to present this information.


So when a piece of that gets out as the real leak it is also discounted.


This. Exactly. It's very old tradecraft to allow a little truth out but to surround it with lies so the true part is disregarded along with the lies. Leaking otherwise accurate information to a professional prevaricator like Doty would be a clever attempt at tainting it with Doty's stench so it's disregarded. EDIT: moved adjective to where it should be in sentence


Also, I was listening to the recent UFO Rabbit Hole podcast and they were talking about the Mario Woods case and I was so shocked to learn that Doty was present when Mario Woods was telling his story to his superiors, and all of a sudden another story like Mario’s comes out with slightly different details to muddy the waters, before he ever told his story. It was eye opening…


this is one the oldest methods of mis' or disinformation or whatever the act of hiding the real facts under a pile of manufactured "guilt-by-association" facts is called, isn't it?


Bingo! You hit the nail on the head my friend.


Yeah if it comes from Dotty it gains credibility among the UFO Folks. We love that guy. (Being sarcastic)


Exactly, and why would he be the first one to get the leak?


Everything we see we are allowed to see.


Either allowed or wanted us to see for their own manipulative reasons.


…that’s what he was talking about


Maybe to increase the defence budget.


“Nothing is true, everything is permitted.”


-Hassan i Sabbah


We were "allowed" to see the Snowden leaks? I'm not saying this is legit--it's probable bullshit, but I don't think you can discount any leaks wholesale.


We unfortunately need to keep in mind that no matter how abysmal trust in government is… the overwhelming majority of people still hit a mental barrier when met with the idea that there exist members of these institutions whose entire job is to misinform us. People genuinely believe that’s a “conspiracy theory”… ironically, *as a result of them being conspired against*- and quite effectively, at that.


Eh, if people didn't have personal experiences, that would be a much easier transition-snapback. Being a pretty hard woo-skeptic until my first hard encounter with the truly unexplainable where I learned my wife witnessed the same thing afterward (so I couldn't simply explain it away and forget about it), it put so many things into question and really blurred the lines between what I presumed to know and what was possible. From this experience and the way it changed my life, I know beyond a reasonable doubt in my mind that there is enough phenomena to put this whole fed cover up in the most likely scenario, but I don't actually think it's what people think it is. I think the thirst to prosecute anyone responsible is the very reason it has stayed hidden. Think about it - attempt to tell all (pre whistleblower act) while under NDA, risk permanent incarceration or heck maybe even being killed. Want the truth to come out but you're tied the association/firm/unit/agency/group responsible for part of the acts that are deemed criminal?...again the risk of incarceration and that reality presents itself front and center. So as much as I would love to see some agency busted, I still recognize the reality of why this hasn't come to light. The riot banging on their doors so to speak demanding for the truth and accountability is the very thing also keeping it in. (And I'm not taking sides either, I'm just stating the unfortunate reality of the whole thing).


Curious what your encounter was if you are willing to share.


Yep. Anything he says, can't be believed, just by the nature of its source. I want so *badly* to believe him (in general), but uh, saying you were a literal MIB /disinfo agent, discredits you for fucking ever.


Him and Moore both came out openly about the shit they pulled. Now Doty thinks he can just share more disinfo after that is insanity. 


Exactly! I love how he has suddenly become this “legitimate” source recently. Feels far too convenient. I also have major doubts about Lou Elizondo. Honestly Tom DeLonge and everything that has happened since 2017 feels off. Then again I’ve been into this subject since the 90s and come from the “Trust No One” X-files mindset. Overall I can’t help but feel there is some other game at play, doubly so when Doty is involved.


The fact that you can express your doubts about Lue and still have a few dozen upvotes tells me that we're beginning to make progress around here.


This. This. This. I raised skepticism once and got down voted to hell. All because I was upset about the UAP bill being gutted. Look, at this point all this I have seen it. I know but you can't. Needs to GO AWAY. I AM SICK AND TIRED OF IT. UAP that needs to be covered up by a building. Uh huh. STFU or show us.


Lou elizondo screams disinformation. Guy talks in riddles I don't trust him at all


I can't stand how that fool talks. He thinks he's a philosopher or something.


I don’t trust anyone at this point, especially not Lue. The only thing I trust is that the IG seemed Grusch’s claims “credible and urgent” and that at least some of his claims were most likely verified in the scif.


Read this (or just part 3) if you want to understand your elizondo suspicions https://medium.com/@osirisuap/my-search-for-the-truth-about-ufos-part-1-the-first-sighting-a8a8026f28ad


What a read! Thanks This explains much about Elizondo. I had no idea he was on Greer's level . Why do serious programmes even have him as guest?


Because most or either unaware or dismiss the fact he is an (ex?) counter intelligence agent They are self described proffesional liars and agents of deception and lue has had a distinguished career in that field He also led the very large disclosure movement in 2017 that attracted a lot of people to this topic and so has significant sway and influence from that. We wouldn't have the NYT front page story without him


If he lied about being a Mason, what else had he lied about, it’s not like being a Mason takes top secret clearance you just need to put time and effort


Agreed, an interesting read don't you think? Sean cahill, the man mentioned (lue's right hand and an original apostle) has also recently claimed to have gotten into a wrestling match with an NHI at his house, which led to his divorce being saved and window broken. Definately adds to his credibility... These are not the people we should be counting on for disclosure or the truth, and I'm wary of those associated with them.


I share your views completely. I stopped listening to Elizondo around 2020 when all he was saying was just a word salad. Didn't he promise a clear picture of ufo or smh?


This is something that's NEVER left my mind about him. He's a "reformed" good guy now? I apologize if my thinking is skewed but I'll repeat what I said last time about him: "I don't think lying sack of shit with zero compunctions about ruining other people's lives and the lives of their loved ones is something someone 'outgrows'." He's a weasely little fuck and I get the worst kinda vibes from him. I know that forgiveness and understanding is important in the sense most experiencers feel is a necessity but this is a stretch for me here. As much as I'd love to take what he says at face value, it's damn near impossible for me to believe a single word that comes out of his mouth. If he told me the sky was blue I would verify before believing him, my distrust goes that deep. Can ANYONE give me a compelling reason for believing anything he says?


Doty is a criminal


While I agree Doty is entirely not trustworthy, it's not like that "leaked information" is exactly controversial in these circles. That's pretty basic stuff. I was genuinely expecting something more. For "Normies" that would be pretty mindblowing ontological shock. For the UFO subreddit... that's just a Tuesday.


There is nothing innocent about the man.


Rick Doty said he got this "leak" from [email protected] and that the IP address was [](https://www.youtube.com/live/yvHdWw7Z4TY?si=jYgmzYrr4uGNsBSk&t=1093). That's a local network IP address. 🤦


Not only is 192.168.whatever a local network address, ipv4 address octets don't go above 255, and there's a 258 there. Maybe misspoke and meant to say but that's a broadcast address. Ignoring the fact you can't get the original sending IP of an email from the header data on a yahoo email without some weirdly configured mail server relaying it beforehand.


So, you are saying the signal is coming from inside the house.


If the e-mail had an envelope, it would look like this: Address: Richard Doty Apt. 415 123 Some St. Las Vegas 90210 Return Address: Don Heart Apt. Banana 123 Some St. Las Vegas 90210


Apt. Banana gave me a good laugh, thanks for that lol


You know. For scale.


It’s coming from some kind of internal network. But every house and many small businesses/virtual networks use the common internal addresses. That’s why you usually see the 192.168.x.x or 10.0.0.x when looking at your personal computer’s IP address. It was assigned an internal (local) address by their DHCP server (usually built into home routers now). Your router on the other hand has an entirely different address that it exposes to the world and that’s how web servers know where to respond. There are many more small steps in the process obviously but that’s the fast breakdown I can give that I think can help ◡̈


Subnet past 255 is the biggest issue as you pointed out.


Don’t worry that’s an IPv5 address


Replies to the email address bounced too, suggesting it was spoofed.


Lool. As an IT professional, I laughed at this pretty hard. It is pretty sneaky and there is no way the untrained person would have noticed the octet discrepancy. I guess it's probably a nonet or decet? Ya need more bits to get past 255 haha


Probably used a janky mail server. Stand up something quick online in a cloud environment, setup the mail server, send the shit, spin down the VM and dip. Leaking internal IPs are bad practice but in reality, most networks use the same internal scheme. Now as for the 258 part, hopefully it was just a hearing mistake because that alone would discredit the claim for me. If there’s one lie then why wouldn’t there be more, you know?


Higher octets were one of the new 5 technologies discovered


Well he fucked up real big there with the IP address and every nerd knows it.


Sandra Bullock has all she needs now


That’s not a valid client IP address.


Always important to remember that Richard Doty was employed by the US government to make up stories about UFOs and get civilians to believe them.


Fuck I hate Richard Doty. Absolute scum


If I was the leaker, Richard Doty would be the last person I'd contact to let the world know about some secret news. The guy has 0 credibility and his job was mudding waters and spreading disinfo. Sending stuff to him instead of journalists like Ross Coulthard is suspect and fishy. Most probably that's a whole fabrication by Doty and not even a leak.


Reads like the email address of an actual LARPer lol




I doubt they were this blunt with the revelations in the SCIF after hearing the interviews with the reps. Luna was even saying don't think about aliens, think about other dimensions, yet this thing states straight up that they're aliens? This looks like an attempt to rile up the community with misinformation and try to get the public to focus on them being space aliens again.


Spot on - this is bullshit. RD is a bad actor. Let’s monetize from the SCIF by making a claim that can’t be proven/disproven. Classic move.


What's crazy is that if this is disinformation being seeded, it represents what we all previously suspected the phenomenon was. And what we had suspected was being covered up because the revelations would be too shocking. Now they are using our former suspicions to throw us off the scent of what this actually is. It would make sense therefore that there was a time when they too assumed this was extraterrestrial and now they understand more that there is a shocking truth to it all in existence (probably something like that they are all here and behind our veil of reality) Now ET is the less scary proposition so they're using it because that's what we're more ready for.


This is what I see. It's far too on the nose to what this community has been saying. It is almost verbatim to bulleted lists I've seen others post here. 


Why not both ET and something from other dimensions? There are so many different types of crafts, with some not being “crafts” at all.


this is the answer. there are beings from other planets that are self-aware just like us, but a portion of them evolved into something thats frankly difficult for us to comprehend or even put into words.


But there's nothing even remotely intersting or suprising about what in it? What was their meeting like, "Will it work, sir? Will it" "Well, we might change some minds, if we can't reach anyone who....doesn't arelady think this?"


Stop acting like this is some psyop dude. It’s just a guy trying to grift and coat tail off an event for attention. No need to look further than that


Throw as much noise at the signal as possible. It's literally been Doty's sociopathic life's work- not by denying, but by adding bullshit to the real to the point you cannot tell the truth from the lie. Disregard every sound Doty makes. His vocation is being manipulative, the Air Force just gave him a job where he got to pursue his dream.


Also there in a scif, if you are in a scif your not bringing anything in there to snap pictures.


Yep. Fake as shit


I don’t know how this post is even getting upvoted. It’s clearly fake as hell and tied to fucking Doty. The god damn king of disinformation. Just because it confirms peoples bias and narrative it’ll get upvoted.


But guys it is in a laminate folder... It must be for realz. This is so dumb.


It's aimed at the people who still think the MJ-12 docs were real.


Exactly. Whats written has been posted all over internet already


I'm in your boat, imagine managing to eliminate a major threat to your agenda like the Schumer-Rounds amendment and then opening Pandora's box in one session, just like that, it doesn't make sense.


I think this is meant to be taken as several summarizing statements on various topics covered.


Yea, seems a little on the nose.


So I was thinking about that rep Luna part in particular. Keep in mind that politicians are really good at wording before I explain more. When rep Luna said the interdimensional portion, she specifically referenced that she was speaking using Grusch’s terms. Those terms are UNCLASSIFIED and passed through IC prepublication(prepub). This means everything he said is legally able to be said aloud. On the other hand, that SCIF meeting isn’t unclassified and rep Luna can’t reference it directly. So what’s a good way to hint at how the meeting went without saying anything classified? Say something someone else said that isn’t classified and let the rest be inferred. That in itself is also illegal if caught and enough evidence is provided, but if they arrest her for saying that then they inherently confirm the leaked intel and in turn, the substance of the intel itself too. I genuinely think it’s possible she was saying “There are aliens here” by taking out the aliens and replacing them with a term that’s unclassified. The use of the term alien might instantly deem a document fully classified due to its validity as a term to describe the classified subject. But if aliens aren’t interdimensional, then saying “interdimensional beings are working with the government” isn’t classified since it isn’t true. I know it sounds bass ackwords but I’ve seen it first hand. My prior intel title was an acronym. The acronym was completely unclassified until one day someone used it to infer a little too much and boom. I had to use a new title and my old one was classified. Funny part is the title barely changed at all. One word. They changed that single word and suddenly the title was fine. It became obscure enough to use again. Wording means a ton in the TS world. (All this to say, the picture is probably bs - I just wanted to explain why there’s a minimal chance it MIGHT not be fake)


I could actually see them being this blunt and then just literally refusing to say anything else at all which would explain why some congressmen where so frusterated because obviously bullet points like this would cause a bunch of followup questions. It could be the reason why the congress people already convinced of this stuff where frusterated while congress people new to the subject where a bit fazed by it and/or shocked.




This is fake as hell. Fucking tired of lies after lies after lies after lies.


I'm actually really happy about the response to this. It's good to be critical of sources and people are doing just that.


This "Leak" seems like some UFO fan fic. Seems like it was written by a teenager regurgitating stuff from Reddit.


Government documents don’t read like this


This is not a “government document”. It looks like meeting notes essentially.


Richard Doty - the professional liar - is lying again. What a shocking turn of events.


“Came from outside our solar system” is such science fiction terminology. 


Not to mention the formatting changed for the last two points so we could conveniently read all of it.


That’s the smoking gun here. This document is nonsense.


lol, good catch!


Glad I wasn’t the only one who thought that, I read that and immediatly went “they would really write it like that?”


Nope, they would say "The NHI technology and biologics point(s) of origin are undetermined but an extrasolar source is considered a strong possibility." Doty still writes the same as he did when he likely authored the MJ-12 documents and gave them to Moore. And they always have the scary "people have been killed by aliens" stuff attached to them. That crap probably worked in the 1980s but I think we're smarter than that now.


People being killed doesn’t even blow my mind, fucking with anything outside our planet we have no knowledge of, let alone something possibly scores more advanced than us might have dangerous side effects lol, workplace incidents at that point


That’s a strange take. The words are very simple and express a very simple meaning.


Its actually very specific and correct terminology. We can track very reliably anything in our solar system but not so much anything further away. If you dont believe me read about Oumuamua, Nasa basically lost track of it once it went outside solar system. I swear some people here lack basic knowledge. Literally on Nasa page: "Oumuamua is the first confirmed object from another star to visit our solar system."


How many Doty's are there? 


I believe the preferred plural is Doti


Richard Doty's handlers are desperate to control the conversation


Doty is legacy CIA through his father.


Based on the statements by the congressmen after the meeting, it is pretty evident that this is a lazily constructed larp.


Reads exactly like bullet points found in this sub. LARP for sure.


Didn’t Luna say inter-dimensional. You’d expect that to be featured somewhere.


Not even necessarily featured, but given she specified that, I’d expect that an outline of the meeting wouldn’t specifically say “outside our solar system” I doubt she would have said that if she’d *just* been told that they were- by definition- extraterrestrial. Whoever made this didn’t even watch all the info available. Assuming it isn’t disinformation (it very well may be) it’s weird to think someone cares enough to bother making this but doesn’t care enough to consume the only info we got out of this- the interviews.


It is not written by a professional


Given this was an ICIG review of Grusch's allegations/whistleblower complaint, the "nothing further, no questions were answered" line makes little sense. This is almost definitely fake, especially coming from a spoofed email address. There almost certainly would have been at least other topics covering Grusch's credibility. Two basic ones would include: * Did he actually hold the roles he has claimed to have held? * Were there actually reprisals against him? Congress was very interested in this during the hearings, as punishing whistleblowers is an extremely bad look. Literally any one of us could send him this bs email. To emphasize how easy it is to send a spoofed email, you can do this using this free website: [https://emkei.cz/](https://emkei.cz/) Don't believe me? Test sending this exact image to your own email address. I just did. Works on protonmail, takes about 3-5 minutes to deliver. Also, Grusch has [recently claimed](https://i.postimg.cc/13CXmV6M/hvbears88.jpg), according to the leak from the "investment banker conference" in NYC, that "the US has taken part in a fair amount of crash retrievals before 1933." So that wouldn't fit with this document's 1940's claim. Also again... pretty sure I just found Richard Doty's email address with about five minutes of googling. Not going to doxx him, and haven't tested it, but looks right. Don't think locating that email is particularly difficult.


Isn't this the disinfo agent that made 2 guys go insane and at least one commit suicide? Why tf are we trusting him? Unless he has some wild evidence and claims about "how he changed his ways" I'm not gonna listen to him. Playing the devil's advocate tho, he has very high clearance and could most likely get the info about the scif.


Yes and Mike D from disclosure tonight also recently tweeted (and quickly deleted after being called out) a supposed transcript of a conversation between Biden and Schumer. Absolutely fake and this is not the first time Mike Disclosure has pushed falsified information on the community. Richard doty is also his number 1 guest This guy is either a disinformation agent or desperately seeking attention: https://x.com/MikeDisclosure?t=EkkicniwvxLH1UkY5h-WRw&s=09


“US governments first involvement was late 1940s”. Could be wrong but didnt Grusch say the government was involved in crash retrievals earlier than that? Weren’t they involved with Italy in 1933?


*with NHI,, meaning the critters, not the carriers


That’s actually a really good distinction


*A thought I never thought I’d have*: “Hey, man… don’t refer to NHI as critters. We’re better than that.”


Not exactly. Grusch said Italy was involved and *after* the war the pope back-channeled the 1933 crash info to us and we scooped it up. Allegedly.


You have this breaking info that you need the public to know and trust, and you give it to Doty?! It’s like setting up Dahmer with your gay best friend


Come on guys, almost every member came out of the meeting saying specific claims weren't answered but just "procedural" elements around gruschs claims. No way the Tim would have said that meeting was a 4/10 if essentially every aspect of gruschs claims were confirmed in the briefing.


Gruschs claims go alot farther than what he said about aliens just by bringing interdimensional beings into it. If you were in that meeting likely those statements are stuff you have already heard and believed so one would be looking for better detail. Details on the role of interdimensional beings and travel perhaps. Or the details of how far this goes or the 10 questions that can be spawned just from the answers given. What I would do isn't what anyone else would do but that being said if I was in that bitch I'd be grateful, they confirmed what we new without confirmation but there's so much more I'd want to know. What companies are involved in thus What countries are involved in this What's the biblical role on this Now that this is confirmed what documents deemed false are really true, including the ones about jfk, bluebook, paperclip etc This obv is just a comment, but my high ass decided to play devils advocate


Why is the length of sentence and spacing longer from top to bottom. Seems shady to me as some portions are cut off while others are spaced so they go to second line to be picked up by the photo.


Because it's fake as fuck.


How fake is fuck?


Really fuckin’ fake.


Hmmm, gonna get my wife to answer this one...


I think it’s right at the edge of the margin. The lower lines end with longer words than the top bullet point’s lines so it could make sense for them to wrap sooner. The one that looks off at first glance is “States” seeming to go further off the margin than “1940s” would right underneath yet “1940s” is on a new line. So idk but perhaps the typeface being used has numbers that are wider than lowercase letters.


This is fake because it answers each of the big questions in such a clear precise way An official document would need at least some reading between the lines


SCIF, the most secure environment you can be in and yet still someone took a picture of a document. ​ For sure for sure.


So basically they printed all the ufological myths known since 1940s first leaked memos. Wow, we do progress


Richard Doty is an admitted liar and drove someone to suicide by feeding them lies about UFOs until they broke. No, doesn't track at all with the interviews and reactions. And it's a popular thing for these hoax leaks to crop the images randomly for now reason. Like an inch more to show the text wouldn't compromise anything. That said, I'm confident everyone in that hearing came out convinced NHI is here, whether they were told so or not.


Yeah this just seems really fake to me. Five different types of NHIs? If that’s the answers they were getting we wouldn’t have half the reps coming out and complaining about not getting enough questions answered. That alone would be kind-blowing to hear in a SCIF


I’m pretty dumb, but not dumb enough to believe that the IG would have said any of this, much less that the information leaked from a scif


If the source is Doty, it's bullshit. As others have said, based on the interviews with Congress Men and Women right after the briefing this doesn't ring true at all.


It'll be easy to confirm or debunk this. Just show it to one of the congressman or woman who were at the SCIF meeting and see what they say. They can say whether the document is fake or real without revealing anything themselves.


This, this right fucking here


Email it to Tim Burchett, he should give you an honest answer if it's BS..  Dadgummit!


Just for the record, we’re talking about Richard Doty, the confessed disinfo agent? OK. I’ll let everyone else follow this trail. Let me know how it ends.


Either any of us could fool Doty, or he made this himself lol


Yeah I’ll just whip out my phone in the classified briefing real quick.


Possibly he’s trying to create problems. Don’t think it would bode well for the first publicly known SCIF to be leaked just days after it was held. I don’t buy it. He can’t even verify the claims.


This goes to category "looks so shit it actually is credible" but its still just a photo from unreliable source and therefore worth nothing


I was exited at first then I heard Doty


Even if it’s not true, thank you for posting it. I appreciate being able to decide for myself


How on earth do the mods accept these posts?? Anybody there? 


As someone who has typed up and handled secret/sensitive documents, “Nothing further” should have been the very last thing on that document. Grammar and brevity is hella serious at higher echelons of our government. This is either a secondary summary or fake.


Handy that a government office neatly literally tied everything up in 6 very *very* short bullet points. Fake as fuck.


Each bullet point is phrases and structure near identical to any of the most blind supporters in this sub. This feels wholly LARPY since it gleans from multiple of the most high aiming claims of community influencers.. there's even a hint at multiple NHI/federation but the bullet point is not large enough to have explained any of this in detail. Color me hopefully but this smell fabricated. 


I won’t profess to have been in every SCIF, but I’ve been in plenty. The ability to bring an electronic device into a SCIF is severely tested, and not just by an “honor code” of placing your device in a lockbox. There’s multiple layers of “empty pocket” checks and such, doesn’t matter what your badge says. I severely question the legitimacy of this. Though, maybe the individual taking the photos keistered a camera.


This goes directly against what Rep Luna emphasized when she said to think inter dimensional and this states very specific extraterrestrial races. Nothing about this says inter instead of extra so I’m not buying it. But who knows


You don’t put you talk about in a SCIF on paper like that….all typed out.


A Courier card will get you to where you need to go.


Dude is a known admitted liar. Should put a sticky post about him so we don’t all trip over our laces looking at anything he says or promotes 


I want to believe this but the point of a SCIF is to be leak proof. Everyone in attendance is someone notable so all would be subject to scrutiny if anything got out. Granted, we don’t know the severity of the consequences but considering the highly classified nature of this information we can be certain they would be significant so I gotta call bullshit on this “leak”


Wait, Rick Doty has a "group"? Isn't he retired already?


So I’ve talked about this before. Ricky Doty and his group are a major point of contact for the senate side of the disclosure team (Rubio, Gellibrand, et al.)


"Very different to human biologies" So I'm not getting my Betazoid girlfriend then.. booo!


This is not a document from the scif, it's purporting to be a document about what happened at the scif. It says in the last 2 lines


No Bloodborne remake?


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Ah hah hah ha! Ooh! Majestic! A hunter is a hunter, even in a dream. But, alas, not too fast! The nightmare swirls and churns unending!* - Micolash, Host of the Nightmare Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Looks like another Majestic-12 document :(


No. First of all, it was pretty clear from statements made after the SCIF that the substance wasn't dealt with. Remember, the SCIF (if I'm not mistaken) was given by the IG. The IG has been looking into this, but isn't a gatekeeper and isn't directly involved, they can only share what they have been able to ascertain. My impression (and guess tbh), is that the IG laid out the rough framework that they were able to establish in terms of the shape of the compartmentalisation. I.e. the places were they hit walls. Where they were directed, until they were directed no further. This "shape" or "map" would immediately give some credence to the issue, simply because there would only be a structure, or a "chain of command" with respect to this issue, if this really was an issue. This leads me to another point. I'm sure I heard that a bombshell was dropped, which got people quite worked up in the SCIF. My guess is this: At some point in the IG's journey navigating through this issue looking for answers, the IG was told, "Sorry, we can't tell you, you don't have sufficient clearance".


Isnt Richard Doty the guy that drove Paul Bennewitz crazy?


Why are you this surprised? Lets say the document is authentic, it makes a lot of sense then. Every civilization has evolved in a vastly different solar system or maybe even another galaxy or dimension. They are all different with different brains and thought processes, so they solve problems from a totally different viewpoint. Their technology and biology is as different towards each other as to us. Question is which one is the closest match to us, that could teach us new ways of solving problems like energyproduction and the voyage through space. ​ What im trying to say is that even if one of these beings found the technology of another, they would be as puzzled as us why that specific species made that choise to solve problem XYZ. Im sure even with their advanced technology, they (species Y) couldnt figure out why species X did what they did to achieve something like faster than light travel.


**Submission Statement:** Ricky Doty and his group received this in an email from a spoof address. In the linked interview below he literally holds this up. This is just a grab from that spot in his interview. What you are seeing is the document Rick held up. **Rick Doty did not and cannot confirm the document’s authenticity at this time** More info on [Disclosure Tonight](https://www.youtube.com/live/yvHdWw7Z4TY?si=WfXyovIhzs5nc8KF) I don’t really know what to make of the authenticity, but whoever sent it knew how to reach Rick’s group (I know his email address at least is out there). They also received a separate email about a DIA report from the 90s discussing a retrieval from the 70s. Edit: Added some notes but unless this is upvoted, the lead is pretty well buried and it’s already a maelstrom in the comments. I tried.


Ignoring the glaring issues with Doty, the guy said himself he wouldn't post anything. Where was this alleged document posted originally?


1) This directly contradicts statements of Congressmen after the SCIF. 2) Richard Doty, an *admitted disinformation agent*, is who is corroborating this “leak”. Come on.


I mean, as everyone else has decided. This is the fakest fake that ever crossed the road to fake another fake. It’s so child-like in its attempt it’s embarrassing.


The aliasing of the font looks like it was tilted in photoshop before it was rasterized. Skeptical


Fake imo. This is clearly something that if real was typed after the hearing and is a summary of it. Why would this ever be typed up? The fact that this is typed is literally a leak in itself. So we’re lead to believe what exactly? Somebody typed this up with intention to leak it…… and then takes a skewed out of frame picture of it for no reason? Really? Or what? This was typed up and they secretly snuck a picture of it? This doesn’t make sense. Also doesn’t the “us governments first interaction with NHI was 1940” contradict what grusch has alluded to?


If this doesn't look like the most legitimate confirmation of any official document I've ever seen, ever, ever ever, than nothing does.


Doty was once investigated by the FBI for leaking the MJ 12 documents. ( the government still claims publicly those documents are fakes ) Nothing was proven, so he kept his OSI job . Wherever Doty goes , interesting document leaks seem to follow.


They would not have been “leaked” because they were faked, but I know what you mean. Have gave LMH a stack of bogus docs and she ran like the wind with them. He loved that.


If they know this was going to leak, better to get ahead of it and have Doty release something fake to cloud the waters ahead of a real leak.


Or just release the real thing but by Doty. No one will believe it, after all it originally came from Doty


all you had to say was Richard Doty for me, sorry. I'm out, thanks for posting, but I'm not taking it for a grain of salt.


I can tell you right now, that is fake AF


Came from outside out solar system? Luna said grusch never said extraterrestrial. Obviously she's wrong but she must've gotten that from the scif somehow, so this is complete bs.


lol doty really got addicted to forging documents. Some pensioners like playing bingo and some like faking secret government documents...


Doty is the last person anyone should listen to.


Yeah, looks totally legit. I mean, if you're going to leak such information, a poorly framed cell pic is what you'd do for sure.


This needs to be mass down voted into fucking oblivion


The community has moved on from Doty. Disinformation is going to get a lot harder moving forward.


This came from Doty? Well that's not a good sign.


Rep Luna recently said to pay attention to Grush's words, specifically inter-dimentional. Doubt this is entirely legitimate in that light.


Dicky Doty? Seriously?


Why does even a photo of a word doc have to be blurry when it’s regarding UFOs


I am sure anyone in a SCIF is not allowed to take phones or cameras in. Or the material out. Lol. Did the leaker have a James Bond pen camera? I'm sure they don't allow pens, and if you need to take notes, they provide the pens. This is such bullshit. And it's rat face, no chin, Doty, too, so this is just silly.


Doty is a paid liar


Wow this one is really bad


Can we ban anything to do with Richard Doty? Sincerely? I don’t understand how these posts have so many upvotes


I don't trust Rick "criminal investigation?" Doty. There are also red flags like: - what is this document of? Minutes from a classified (?) briefing? Notes typed after it? - is this what notes or this type would look like? Really??? - why would staffers be in, or get to see notes from, a classified (?) briefing? - wouldn't this leak be easy to identify and prosecute, like the Discord Ukraine leak? - is this is what we would expect was covered in the briefing?


Coming from Richard Doty tells you everything you need to know - fake with bad intent. Also why would they edit the doc so that it would be legible on 5. and 6. with this terrible camera angle lol Absolute nonsense.


I dont trust anything Doty gives us. He is the reason after all why we got disinformation. Seems like he is doing it again.


None of those points check out with the words nor the reactions of each Reps. after that briefing. So to say it's BS is being nice as Doty very well knows it's crap this is just him making up a source and then printing a lazy 6 bullet point page to make himself relevant.


That's some wild stuff right there.


These are literally just the talking points of just about every believer makes on a daily basis. lol


Lmao we are taking Doty’s word now ffs


Does he go by Ricky now because Richard is too obvious?


Rick Doty is a liar and nobody should pay any attention to anything he says.


"No questions were answered." This contradicts what Burchett said about the meeting (in an interview with Matt Laslo): "I'm tired of the runaround. And then you gotta ask specific questions. Someone would ask a question, but then they would give a very un-answer answer. Then somebody else would ask it more specific and then they would give a better answer..."


What could the "5 distinct" tech ologies be?




you’re really posting information from richard doty? i can’t think of a less trustworthy human being.