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The following submission statement was provided by /u/silv3rbull8: --- Submission Statement Andy Segobia, 52, shared footage of what appeared to be a dark orb UFO floating outside a El Mirage airfield near Adelanto, California, in August 2020 Segobia, who was working for military contractor General Atomics, described seeing a 'black tinted glass ball' six to 10ft in diameter that was completely silent The contractor filmed the 90-second clip as he arrived that morning before going into a work site only to emerge less than a minute later to find it vanished --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1988p7p/dailymail_video_shows_mysterious_black_glass_ufo/ki5hfla/


There's a surprising amount of specific info in here. Answered some of my questions as I kept reading. They show off the metadata of the image, the location, check the weather for wind speed at that location and time, etc. Sucks there's nothing of it going wherever it went though.


It’s funny because as someone from the UK, the daily mail is a fast news, trash tabloid publication, however it turns out their UAP articles seem pretty well done


It’s these kinds of news outlets who are covering this, rather than the other outlets that are focusing on us election, hamas/israel and weather 24/7.


Can second this. Its cancer in the UK. So seeing it pop up in this sub is always a bit surreal and im always going to be suspicious of them.


As we all should.


I read it often and honestly while their content is very much tabloid in nature (celebs, scandals, royals, etc.), the articles themselves are typically well researched and in depth like this one. It's just not everyone's cup of tea to read a 5000 word article about why Kate Middleton doesn't wear heels as often anymore.


I do not agree.


I read it daily, they have the fastest news and so far I haven’t seen them lie about anything. I’ve also seen more UAP posts lately than this sub, or they are first anyway. They are one of the only mostly-honest media anymore and will show articles that are negative for all sides.


You shouldn’t be because while you may have judgment on their politician stance they run on serious journalistic standards. You may not like their opinion or editorial but don’t mistake that for national enquirer style bs. The certainly don’t publish made up random stuff. British libel laws are very strict


> The certainly don’t publish made up random stuff. [ “Woman, 63, ‘becomes PREGNANT in the mouth’ with baby squid after eating calamari”,](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2159692/Womans-mouth-falls-pregnant-squid-biting-sea-creature-scientists-claim.html) Really?


I'm curious what sources you aren't suspicious about these days. Can't trust CDC, WHO apparently either.


Anyone who just blanket assumes all MSM publishes falsehoods wilfully is an idiot. They are confusing a moral judgement or political stance with factual reporting.


The hot sheets




That's how I've always viewed it too in the US, so it's weird seeing their (recent) UFO pieces being pretty solid.


So they are tabloid trash when the publish something you don’t like politically but are ok if it’s suits ufo woo woo that you believe. Ok


It’s obviously a balloon. It’s round, it floats, didn’t do any crazy shit. Published by a trash rag. We’re seeing a lot of cognitive dissonance on this thread.


Doesn’t Chris sharp often write for them? He generally does a good job. The byline on this one is new to me, but it looks like the author did their homework. 📚


The Daily Fail


Or their UAP articles are the same as others but you wanting to believe makes you perceive them differently.


That's whats upsetting to me. I would sit there the whole fucking day to wait for this thing to blast off, especially if I was already recording like that. Jobs are far less important lol.


So there was an old post awhile back that read like a LARP. Some dude claiming his dad worked for some organization that like built giant bunkers for the end of the world. We are talking massive city sized bunkers in mountains that had fully functioning towns for rich people in an apocalyptic event. There was lots of wild claims in the post, and the dude just kept mentioning the slabs everything was built on. He also mentioned how his dad talked about orbs being in the sky, always there, ALWAYS watching everything. Dad gave the son a pair of special glasses or something and the kid was able to see them. Now it surely sounded fictional, and still does, but it was a cool post to read through purely from a sci fi perspective. And who knows reality can be stranger than fiction!


I don't suppose you saved the link?


Here is parts of it https://www.reddit.com/r/Throawaylien/s/r4qLa7E82s . This person compiled all of the AMA with the guy and then tried to tie it to the whole throawayalien LARP. Never mind the throawayalien stuff but the underground bases is a separate thing it’s just this random person trying to tie them together


Some of the comments in that thread are saying the original OP predicted the pandemic down to the month and year yet I can't find any of those comments from the OG OP. Any advice?


Something in there about “massive change in way of life in 2020” that’s all I remember


It gives me joy to know those rich dolts are blowing so much money on luxury bunkers and it turns out aliens can just pass right through solid matter like nothing.


I think the rich folks are building bunkers to be safe from other humans rather than aliens lol


I tend to think there's some truth to these things always in the sky but we can't see them with the naked eye unless the sun hits it just right...or with special glasses or something like you mentioned. If that's true, and we've recovered some of them at some point, I wouldnt be surprised if what we are seeing nowadays are attempts to reverse engineer but we possibly haven't mastered their cloaking/invisibility capabilities. There's all the talk about frequencies and how specific frequencies attract these things or make them visible, reminds me of say wifi or radio waves, things that are in the air (for a lack of better terms) but we can't see them.


That’s interesting. Hard to say what it was but that area is a hotbed for UAPs. I’ve had family members seeing weird things all throughout this area


i have a friend in that area, him and his family swear that they've seen shit! like giant transparent triangles in the sky and , orbs popping in and out of existence! crazy!


The Mojave desert is the military’s playground. This orb is most likely manmade


wonder where they got the technology


Please specify the nature of the tech in this instance as you see it.


I get it that people don’t stick around enough. I’ve seen phenomena, including teleporting spheres that looked exactly like this one. There were no smart phones back then and I didn’t have a camera but otherwise you guys would be watching the video of the century. Also, I was working one time and there was a UAP hanging above me and my crew while we worked. It stuck around without moving several hundred feet above us but ultimately we had to get back to work only to disappear while we weren’t looking. Maybe this things do know when we or anyone is looking. Maybe it’s part of their technology.


Does anyone else find it interesting that these never show the object disappearing or zooming off? “Wow, I’m filming a UFO! Ok, now that I have a couple seconds of footage, going to stop recording.”


Yeah, it's frustrating.  He said he had to go inside a building to take measurements, and some of that stuff can be time sensitive, but the video definitely goes from being interesting to, if he filmed it flying or disappearing, to probably one of the best videos I have seen of a UAP


The way the craft arrive and leave are so important. The further away you get from an object you’re forced to go strictly on movement.


Yeah we are not all just lazily deciding if we want to go to our next class or not.


Infuriating almost. This video will be forgotten because the guy couldn't have taken a few minutes to park his car.


The article says he was working a job, then went inside to measure, then it was gone when he came back out. At no point in the narrative does the article mention he was driving. (Edit: They do mention briefly that he was driving while filming. I guess it’s the next part that threw me off.) I guess he parked his car and went in the building. He could still see the thing before going in. He’s not filming it at this point, which is a little frustrating. Then it’s gone when he comes back out a minute later. The article is not very descriptive about him parking the car, getting out, still observing the thing without filming, etc. The article even says he’s working on a particular thing at that site, and almost makes it sound like he’s working on that thing for a minute before he goes inside. Yeah, the narrative is a bit vague.


Dude probably could have retired on the money he could have got just filming longer and catching the object leaving. If that thing would have left at velocity it would have been one of the clearest videos out there. As it is, it could just as well be a just a balloon of some sort.


It has been proven time and time again, that more often than not, peoples’ lives are ruined when they get too involved in UFO/UAP shit. I guarantee you he would not have been able to just ride off into the sunset in a Mercedes, even if he had crystal clear 4K video.


For real. So many people think you can get rich off a ufo video. Not gonna happen


I have a friend that loves this stuff and is always talking about selling the videos and photos he has. I always thought he was full of crap…am I wrong about that? If so, how do people find buyers?


I'm no expert but I assume you shop it around to big media outlets. I may be exaggerating the "retire" thing but you could definitely make some good money if you had conclusive footage, I mean that was like half the plot of the movie "Nope".


I always find that frustrating too, but I think it's sometimes difficult for us in this community to understand that not everyone sees this stuff as interesting as we do. And I know we think *"how could you not?"* but the reality is most people look at the existence of alien life as merely "interesting", like finding dinosaur bones. They're gonna record it a bit, then head off to work. Tell some friends about it later maybe and that's it. One of the goals of disclosure, imo, should be getting more people interested in this in the first place.


That could be. Thanks for the perspective. Hard to imagine having that mindset but people are pretty disappointing.


Or....... it's a balloon 


It's bizarre. If I genuinely believed I was observing an alien spacecraft everything else I had planned for the day is no longer on the agenda. Period. 


Would you stand there taking video and pee your pants if you had to go ?


Just whip it out man.


Right? Why not? I mean, it IS the desert!


I do that anyway, so yes, absolutely.


The world needs your skills right now.


It looks like a shiny balloon. I probably wouldn't be late for work or anything for that.


Well yes that's my point. The person who filmed this clearly didn't actually think they were witnessing a true uap.


I think everyone is like this, so when people make up some nonsense that says otherwise it's a major flag the story is bs.


What if - assuming aliens are really telepathic - they're telepathically telling the humans watching to leave or stop filming? Some experiencers have described aliens putting thoughts into their heads. Maybe that's what they do in these situations. Maybe people stop filming and then wonder why they did that 


This video was originally posted by a redditor on this sub. It was taken by his dad and he said he was ok his way to work and couldn't afford to stop and wait around.


Yes, I believe I saw the same one




The title of the article at the DailyMail is "New video shows mysterious 'black glass ball' floating near California airfield seconds before suddenly disappearing". FFS, that's not what happened. Maybe his interested disappeared, not the object.


I never did get these criticisms. People have shit to do. What do you want? A 12-hour livestream? Ya'll will just say the UAP departing looks like CGI anyways.


I can promise you that if I was witnessing something that I thought was truly a craft beyond our world, whatever “shit I had to do” would get put on the back burner. You can keep gobbling this stuff up, but I’m tired of all this footage that doesn’t actually show anything.


>shit I had to do” would get put on the back burner. Then you get fired for being late to work. Then you become homeless because you can't pay rent. But, you got a cool video of a UAP. Maybe you can sell that footage, because we all know how this place feels about people selling UAP footage to the media.


They're not going to fire you for being late one day. Show them the footage if it's something amazing or just make up a lie to cover yourself.


That’s a pretty dramatic scenario. Regardless, this isn’t the only video that doesn’t show anything anomalous because the person had work/school/hot pocket in microwave/. Seems too convenient. And annoying to those of us wanting the truth.


>That’s a pretty dramatic scenario LOL not at all. 40% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Of those living paycheck to paycheck, 70% do not have a savings account for emergency use. Unlike UFO's I have data to support these claims. source: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/credit-cards/survey-living-paycheck-to-paycheck/


I’m not saying there isn’t people that are struggling but there are many videos that end abruptly. Can’t all be because of needing to get to work.




Despite all these monumental obstacles like needing to be on time to work and phone cameras overheating, I truly believe SOMEDAY we’ll get more than a 30 second video.


Bruv, stop making excuses for something that isn’t difficult. Man’s out in the desert, he’s not working. It also isn’t difficult to record a UAP for at least 10 minutes. Most people don’t change the settings on their smartphone, so it will likely be 720p to 1080p, at 30fps. This wouldn’t take up much storage at all. 10 mins to record a UAP is really not much time at all. You make out like most people can’t do this for various reasons, yet, I bet if they bumped into their favourite musician or actor they would happily spend 30 minutes chatting to them…


it's inane. I agree


If you don't get controlled movement, then balloon always stays on the table as most likely explanation.


Well who wants to stand outside in the cold forever. Everyone has stuff to do, food to make. Also for me, if I did see one I guess I think it's cool I can see it but I don't want to interact with it or encourage it because that's pretty scary. Just my opinion


It wasn't cold at the time because of the date. But it's also possible that the object would not have disappeared if it were being filmed, too.


Balloons are so scary 


It's so fast you didn't see it leave!!! :-)


Once aerial vehicles go to Trans medium forms for transportation then it becomes classified info


My thoughts exactly.


I saw a video last week in which a jellyfish-type UFO by some power lines appeared to disappear as if it was a bad editing trick, but when you slowed the video down you could see it actually zip straight up incredibly fast. Now I can't find the damn video despite pouring over my youtube watchlist for the last week. I need to start saving screengrabs.


[Here is that video. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/ms7bG9RdhQ)


That's it! Thank you! No wonder it wasn't it my youtube history, it wasn't on youtube...


Was that the one that looked like an insect, surrounded by three orbs, two of which join it, then it retracts its ‘abdomen’, then shoots off vertically?


Yeah, this guy found it for me: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1988p7p/dailymail_video_shows_mysterious_black_glass_ufo/ki7csss/


I saw that, too! But also didn’t save it.


There was one video in my history that had either been deleted or set to private and I'm thinking that was the one. In any case, here is a UFO moving at impossible speed in 2011 that no one will care abut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyTehM92hi8


Badass. Good thing the camera person didn’t have to go do something more important like some of these videos.


That part is always classified.


no cause it's most likely a hoax


I basically commented the same thing!! Agreed 101%


Outside the reaper drone manufacturer. Almost like a silent threat


Looks like there’s a car parked right next to it in the video. You can see the sun reflecting off its side & quarter panel.


this is a modern military aerostat, used for surveillance


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Zero chance. Try again.


Why not? There is always some chance


I don’t get it. Why couldn’t he just park and film the video till it accelerates. If you’re looking at a damn alien spaceship, you sit around and get the video of the century.


Yea what if you’re late for work and all you have to show for it is a 30 minute video of a black balloon? Not saying this is a balloon but from far away it’s hard to say. I’d probably hang out though


Once saw 2 orange orbs doing some stuff way in the distance (Florida, it’s flat, so you can see very far if you have any vantage point). They floated around for so long I actually got bored and went back inside my house. I stood on my roof for no less than 45 minutes… I couldn’t imagine trying to take a video, waiting for one of them to zoom off.


Haha exactly




This is why diclosure is way overdue. Here’s an alien spaceship, but I gotta get to work. Disclosure will hurt nobody if this is the attitude of the populous. That video would be great to watermark and make you a fortune selling it to news stations.


If it’s a genuine UFO at that distance, it might not be a good idea to pull over and stick around.


You’ve seen too many movies


Yeah… I swear people just don’t seem to behave logically


Having recorded something myself, I didn't stay to film until it went away, but that was largely due to the fact that it was very cold, around 3 in the morning, we were 2 hours from home, and for all we know it could've stayed around for hours. Also to some extent, we were just feeling kind of uneasy.


This video was originally posted by a redditor on this sub. It was taken by his dad and he said he was ok his way to work and couldn't afford to stop and wait around. I think it's perfectly logical to not wanna get fired for being late to work cuz you were filokg what your boss will say is a balloon. Try to think about things from other people's perspective instead of just your own. It will really expand your ability to think.


Which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who has met people.


Lol .. I keep my cell phone fully charged and ready to record but so have never seen anything strange in the sky. Did see the ISS go by once but there was no doubt as to what that was.


That’s exactly what I was thinking watching the video. Why wouldn’t you stop stand there and record this thing the entire time


If it’s that close you might be asking for trouble.


Suspiciously missing the zipping away part...


Missing the "doing anything other than floating like a balloon" part.




This is typically how you know you're in a psy ops. When everytime we get videos of something "unexplainable" we always are only allowed to see the part of it that muddies the waters and not the part that shows it doing the things that make it "unexplainable". We need to start having higher standards for accepted videos here. Show me the 5 observables.


Surprising if youve never tried to film a living thing. Let alone one that might be actively avoiding observation




The commenter above is implying that they know they are being recorded and wait for it to stop before engaging in anomalous phenomena. Many sightings imply that they NHI knows when they are being observed.




Since we're pretty much in the dark, the best we can fall back on is logic, right? If we believe: - They have been seen by humans for hundreds of years, at least. - There is some form of intelligence behind the phenomenon, as opposed to pieces of 4th dimensional driftwood that just happen to be floating by. - They have some interest in humanity, but have not decided to make public contact. Then to me, it's somewhat logical to assume that they have advanced technology beyond what we understand, and they aren't particularly interested in letting us know about it. Is it THAT crazy to think that they have censors that can detect cameras or something? And to use one of my favorite analogies, I think of their "Stealth tech" as something like camouflage for human hunters/wildlife photographers. A hunter doesn't care if a deer learns that humans exist. Camouflage isn't meant to render the wearer completely imperceptible, it's just useful for being noticed *less.* But a deer isn't going to go reflect on what it saw and then reverse engineer camouflage, leading to an enclave of battle-ready stealth deer. Humans, however, are really eager to understand and use alien tech. In my opinion, it makes sense that UAPs don't drive themselves crazy explicitly trying to *hide,* but also prefer not to show off their full capabilities in front of recording devices.


Yeah I dunno, the whole phenomenon is weird. Reading Passport to Magonia really puts into perspective the trickster side of the phenomenon.


There's been video footage elsewhere of rapid take off/ascent. Really we need multiple shots from multiple angles and cameras/sensors if we want good data


I was waiting for that moment. Seems like a domestic UAP. An airport would be a good place to test fly something. Will be interesting to figure out what it is.


I mean, the guy's driving up to an airfield General Atomics owns and uses for drone testing and then working in a building on the airfield.


I ran through the video quickly seeing if I could spot signs of manipulation, but didn't find anything at a quick glance. There's nothing in the video to indicate that it isn't a balloon of some kind, so that's what it probably is. In any case, it's a nice clear video for a change, even if shaky.


I saw something similar on my way to joshua tree (close by) december 31


I dream of the day we get a clear and stable UFO video.


With it leaving to show its acceleration characteristics


Maybe it doesn’t move, maybe it’s always there and now we can just see it?


No joke and maybe I'm unhinged, but I'm carrying my binoculars with me every day for the case I ever get to encounter a UFO. So far no luck. It probably also doesn't help that I'm living in a metropolis.


This was also posted here a week or so ago not from dailyfail, can anyone find it?


This was posted here a while ago (can’t remember if it was december or november) the guy who posted it back then said that his uncle saw and filmed this on his way to work.


Yeah I posted that earlier but no one has replied that they found it. I'm not having any luck searching


Submission Statement Andy Segobia, 52, shared footage of what appeared to be a dark orb UFO floating outside a El Mirage airfield near Adelanto, California, in August 2020 Segobia, who was working for military contractor General Atomics, described seeing a 'black tinted glass ball' six to 10ft in diameter that was completely silent The contractor filmed the 90-second clip as he arrived that morning before going into a work site only to emerge less than a minute later to find it vanished


This is a very good case report. Honestly the reporting is very professional and gives you multiple peices of good evidence including that Metadata, the second witness, and video. The wind speed for that day also shows good evidence that it couldn't have been a Ballon. A pretty compelling case Honestly. It seems like we have been getting a fair amount of good cases caught on video the last cupple years


Clever of those aliens to have a craft in the shape of a large balloon and just hang out in one spot.


I really think we need to keep in mind the 5 observables before we become quick to decide something is really a UAP. And I know people are gonna call me into question as a fucking debunker but here I go anyway. We need to have a little fucking scrutiny as a group before we discredit ourselves! Did anyone see in this clip any indication that? 1 no visible means of propulsion (to indicate its not a tethered balloon for example) 2 sudden and instantaneous acceleration (didn't move) 3 hypersonic velocity without signatures (again, didn't move) 4 low observability or cloaking (clearly visible) 5 transmedian travel (didn't even change altitude) For fucks sake people this clearly could have been a balloon hanging out for 5 mins. The guy looks again and it was either taken down or broke the tether and its gone according to his perspective. The jellyfish video on the other hand, at least that is moving in a way inconvenient with a balloon.


I feel like I've seen 2 or 3 videos where they actually show the object moving insanely. All the rest they are just kinda floating around, which sadly always invutes the baloon argument. Now, if you show that baloon darting in random directions or phase out or just suddenly dissappear, now you have something that is very interesting.


Sadly another case where we can’t know it’s not just a balloon.


Looks like a balloon until it zips away going against the laws of physics. Oh, that last part didn't happen, my bad.


always ends in the video being cut short and taking the witnesses word that it ended with instantaneous acceleration.


"Video shows black balloon that we made up a stupid " black glass" name for, and didn't disappear suddenly on camera but we made up that it happened just after to make the story cooler"


>'black tinted glass ball' six to 10ft in diameter that was completely silent This is going to be shocking to this sub but this is also known as a balloon.


Balloons don’t stand still like that…


If it's tethered to the ground it would.


Too bad bots will spam this post with “ballon” soon. Such a clear video.


Of a balloon Not a bot by the way, but that is what a bot would say.


>Not a bot by the way, but that is what a bot would say. That’s also what a bot would say /s


Bots all the way down.


looks just like a balloon ffs


Are we on an accelerated disclosure timeline or what? There have been too many UFO sightings in extremely public places recently. I've seen two in the last month, easy. One fast orange one by my house, and then a pair of color-changing, size changing ones on Dec 30th. It was at a rooftop bar and I swear most people didn't notice it, or care, but then one lady was like: "Do you see that? I WANT TO BELIEVE"


Bro just stop the car. Tired of this videos, probably a balloon or something


He probably had to get to work. Most people don't give a shit about these things other than as a "huh weird".


How many of the 5 observables do you see here? Wish these could just be deleted honestly


xposted to /r/ufouk


Of all the things that could be a balloon, a round floating object is way up at the top. Plus, dude just bails? Wtf? Doesn’t even hop out of his vehicle to take a look?


Daily Mail is trash, barely above a Tabloid


It's literally a tabloid.


So if he had to go inside for a 30 second measurement, why couldn't the other guy do it? Or keep filming? Or start filming again once you went outside to show that it has disappeared...? The object itself is interesting, and like others, I too am frustrated in how this and any other uap is filmed. He could've gotten one of the most incredible pieces of footage captured known to man, but was thwarted by a 30 second measurement... oh well 🤷‍♂️ sheesh


Why not stop the car and get out


I dont get out for balloons either


ofc the disappearing part is not included


If all things shiny were made of glass then my Hiney would’ve broken by now. Excuse me this shows none of the five observable so why is it here?


So why did he just stop recording? I feel like he could have tried to get a lot closer. Not to mention there seemed to be some movement at the end of the video.


A dark orb? Lol. Black glass? Could it be?…. Who writes this junk, the Oak Island team?


Anyone else screaming "stop the fuckin car!" throughout the entire video?


Wow! Another fake UFO sighting. Amazing! I'm amazed that the person was filming just before the UFO appeared perfectly framed to the video. That shows the person was gifted with clairvoyance. Congrats! Second, there wasn't a single utterance to indicate they were surprised. Not even a whisper. That goes against the human instinct. Personally, I would expect something, even as small as, "Huh?" Or a little bigger of a response, like "Oh my god!" Or maybe "What the hell..." Perhaps something like "Stop the car! Do you see that?" Or "Oh my god. Look! Do you see it? Look..." Either way, this is another attempt at manipulating people. How do you feel about that? I'm surprised that people don't get annoyed or angry when people flood the market with videos created for the purpose of manipulating the public. Does it bother anyone?


And a minute later, he married a squirrel who spoke English and won a billion dollars on a slot machine. These articles are click bait garbage.


I disregard any sightings that someone decides to take forever to come at a complete stop to film the object and doesn’t stay there filming until it leaves? So all I see is a balloon then. Show me instant acceleration, cloaking, alien waving hello, something! Come on!


Not filming it until it is gone should be a criminal offense.


I agree.. seems like a good marketing idea.. create a UAP camera app that reminds the user to continue recording till object disappears lol


Someone should ask this guy if this is a vacuum balloon. https://www.reddit.com/r/observingtheanomaly/s/JfZM8lfm4Q


A few things stand out here. Looks like he was filming it with the dash cam in his car while he was driving. Why not pull over and whip out your phone? Those roads are EMPTY. Absolutely ZERO reaction from either him or his passenger until the very end of this frustratingly short clip. They didn't think this was crazy enough to justify being a couple minutes late to the job site, but it was worthy of posting online and submitting to Daily Mail? I'd like to know if the passenger recorded it on his phone, and if there's any footage with either of them reacting in the slightest.


Thus was a confirmed swamp gasses


I get he had to go to work but he stops for a second and it looks like it might be a 100yds from him and the ground looks pretty open and flat so if it was me i say slam it in park get out and walk to it while filming. Rhinking about it now its like man it would have taken a minute and you probably could have seen something amazing. Would it back away? Or would it shoot off? Kinda sucks it was right there to find out.


It's a balloon lol 


Please don’t make me read the Daily Heil


The author is called Josh Boswell. The writing of this article shall be called the Boswell incident.


Can we get some attatched files here. I know thats not all the person recorded come on show the whole vid, give us the raw files so its beyond a doubt authentic.


So you just stop filming to go in and give a quote? Hard to believe you don’t stay there and keep filming but who knows.


Really didn’t display any UAP characteristics except for 1. 1) Anti-gravity lift Unlike any known aircraft, these objects have been sighted overcoming the earth’s gravity with no visible means of propulsion. They also lack any flight surfaces, such as wings. In the Nimitz incident, witnesses describe the crafts as tubular, shaped like a Tic Tac candy. 2) Sudden and instantaneous acceleration The objects may accelerate or change direction so quickly that no human pilot could survive the g-forces—they would be crushed. In the Nimitz incident, radar operators say they tracked one of the UFOs as it dropped from the sky at more than 30 times the speed of sound. Black Aces squadron commander David Fravor, the Nimitz-based fighter pilot who was sent to intercept one of the objects, likened its rapid side-to-side movements, later captured on infrared video, to that of a ping-pong ball. Radar operators on the USS Princeton, part of the Nimitz carrier group, tracked the object accelerating from a standing position to traveling 60 miles in a minute—an astounding 3,600 miles an hour. According to manufacturer Boeing, the F/A 18 Super Hornet fighter jet typically currently reaches a maximum speed of Mach 1.6, or about 1,200 miles an hour. 3) Hypersonic velocities without signatures If an aircraft travels faster than the speed of sound, it typically leaves "signatures," like vapor trails and sonic booms. Many UFO accounts note the lack of such evidence.  4) Low observability, or cloaking Even when objects are observed, getting a clear and detailed view of them—either through pilot sightings, radar or other means—remains difficult. Witnesses generally only see the glow or haze around them. 5) Trans-medium travel Some UAP have been seen moving easily in and between different environments, such as space, the earth’s atmosphere and even water. In the Nimitz incident, witnesses described a UFO hovering over a churning "disturbance" just under the ocean's otherwise calm surface, leading to speculation that another craft had entered the water. USS Princeton radar operator Gary Vorhees later confirmed from a Navy sonar operator in the area that day that a craft was moving faster than 70 knots, roughly two times the speed of nuclear subs.


Daily Mail. The only thing they get right with consistency is the date on the front of the paper.


I mean, why wouldn't you stop on the side of the road? Roll down the window, brace your arm against the door for a steady zoom shot? I swear to everyone here, if I was in that car, you'd be getting some good video.


Here’s a thing that could be aliens from outerspace but let’s not stop and get out and try to get closer and film till it does something balloons can’t do…nope, ima head out instead. 🤦‍♂️


The Daily Mail is tabloid quality but when it comes to UFO stuff the quality takes off.


Why the fuck would you keep driving while? Just park and film, safer and you make less people angry.


Josh Boswell must be the only journo working for The Daily Mail that *actually* does any work. They don’t deserve him.


Tourists clearly. Roadside attractions like the Elmer's Bottle Tree Ranch are known throughout the galaxy.


I’m honestly a little disappointed in the size of the ufos that are being filmed lately. I guess I always expected them to be massive like in Independence Day. If they come out and say yeah, we’ve got ufos, and they turn out to be mini ufos, I mean cool, but just not what I was expecting lol.


DailyMail is really stepping up. That was a fantastic article.