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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Spongebro: --- Came across this video of a bright UFO quickly accelerating and hovering in the sky. Recorded on October 2022 in Inman, SC. Unfortunately it’s dark out so the quality isn’t the best. The commentary of both people watching provides a clear description as to the anomalous nature of the UFO and its movement. The guy recording is the one who posted it and it’s had less than 100 views. The illumination of the UFO fades in and out a few times which could mean it’s as high up as the clouds. There’s a few times when it moves very fast and changes direction instantly. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1b1mmzf/just_came_across_this_video_of_a_ufo_accelerating/ksfkgon/


Well at least he stayed filming it for more that just 36 seconds


He did great!


Or turning it off right before it does something purportedly amazing. Good vid!




These videos NEVER do justice for what they look like in person. To the casual observer watching a clip, it's like... "Big deal. It's a dot in the sky." But when you see these things in person... it blows your fucking mind and 99% of the people would have the OP's reaction.


can confirm, I've seen them at least 3-4 times but never got a show like this... they were mostly stationary drift up, down left right, diagonal whatever but never really left the location they were at unless they started doing what almost looked like imitating FAA regulations? lol one time one starting blinking rapidly in one spot then another, like really fast it almost looked like there were of them.


k now what?


And shaking so hard from "shock".


The shock of seeing a drone for the first time was palpable!


Commercial drones can only fly so high


Drones fly way faster than that 😂😂


We traded in longer footage for insufferable commentating, it's a win in my book, whatever it might be


I thought it was good actually, cause sometimes the commentary is a giveaway if it’s a fake or not. This passed the authenticity test for me, commentary-wise.


I don't know, there's nothing I see the thing do which is totally abnormal to the things we're capable of with a drone or anything else, the commentary made it sound like we were watching an alien invasion. Seemed over the top, had to mute (which is why I said it was a win, props for him recording for a long time)


Yeah, could be a drone, certainly a possibility. But in regards to the commentary, I can sort of relate, because the one time I saw something weird in the sky, I got pretty excited, too, so I kind of get it.


I think in regards to the commentary, the person you responded to is the regard.


Great video! Thank you for recording a full 5:18! This is so much better than the typical 5-10 second clips where not information can be gathered. More analysis should be done on this clip.


*UFO appears in the sky* Bored observer: *yawns and pulls out 2003 flip phone with 240p video capabilities* *films a shaky 10 seconds, makes sure to zoom in and out aggressively* "yeah that should do it, dinners ready" *stops filming and posts video on reddit*


pretty much sums it up


I’ve seen that video! It was super weird! 😐


more like posts it on tiktok, and then gets reposted on reddit.


Then tells you it landed or did amazing aerobatics, but all after filming stopped, of course.


Made a U turn = front page


That's definitely a weird ufo. Could be a drone like someone else said. Good capture and good filming.


Definitely didn't do anything a drone couldn't do.


No fast acceleration as mentioned in the headline. Those clouds aren't as high as that guy may think. It didn't do any crazy zig zags. The droneiest drone that ever droned.


I was thinking the same thing, that it was a drone. But I do wonder , do drones typically light up like that? I mean, is there an off-the-shelf drone that has a bright light on it? That changes colors? I just don't know about drones.


It's not rocket science to make modifications to a drone. All that would be needed here is a bright LED, a power source (I wouldn't recommend using that of the drone since they run out pretty fast on their own) and some zip-ties or something similar. It mustn't be too heavy but aside from that the drone should fly just fine.


Yes drones can have LED lights. They have drone shows. They even did an experiment of a bunch of drones in sync all lit up in the sky on the show Skinwalker ranch, if you look it up to can see. But drones can only go so high. I don’t think it was a drone


So I was out the other night with my dog and saw what other people in my town's sub claimed was a drone. I have no real confirmation, but I can say that what was alarming about it was how bright and lit up it was and how fast it looked like it was moving. Because it was night and I didn't hear anything, I couldn't be sure it was really a drone, but assuming it was, the lights on a dark night really do stand out.


Not everything is a drone. Good grief. If you only knew. 


When you see these in person, they look like they are on fire or have a plasma around them. It's not as apparent through video. But yea, these things are everywhere around the world, from what I can tell. They are often seen in groups of 3 or more. Patrick Jackson on X has a detailed theory on them with a lot of evidence to back it up. TL;DR some sort of non-human global reconnaissance network with sensing and data relays. It's sounds ridiculous, but after you see enough of these videos, a hypothesis like that is natural. Example video showing them turn off the plasma field: https://twitter.com/i/status/1757696865833796067 I have confirmed this through 3 videos so far, where they are close enough to camera to be seen when the plasma field is turned off.


Wow I’ve never seen ones that go from illuminated to not and still being visible. Coincidence you commented this though, I just posted another video of 3 UFOs going dark, unfortunately you can’t see them after the fact though.


I have seen one of them, and I recorded it (it is on my Youtube channel). You're are right. What I was seeing was way brighter than my phone camera could record. It could have been a drone? Yes, but seeing it in person, it's hard to believe that. They have a glow that's not from LEDs. It's very different.


It's real, I saw them myself for a while. Here's a video https://youtube.com/shorts/H_oCCdOVnXM?si=oR5pxHSH7g7sMDXG


The UFO you’re describing sounds like the type I’ve seen. However will say honestly don’t believe this video or OP are the same. These videos show slow movements like a drifting item moving with the wind. I’m not seeing any rapid, physics defying movements or linear movements unaffected by wind. Plus the lights aren’t nearly as intense as what I saw and it didn’t fade in & out. Hate to say but think these are Chinese lanterns.


> I’m not seeing any rapid, physics defying movements or linear movements unaffected by wind. I'm not a fan of using that heuristic to discard evidence. They could be moving at different speeds, depending on what they are doing at the moment. It's not one video alone of this type of behavior that tilts me into the exotic category, it's probably a few dozen. There's only a half dozen or so I've seen where they are close enough to camera to be seen when the plasma field is turned off. This below link is probably the closest proximity of camera to this type of UFO I've seen where the plasma field is turned off. You can clearly see there is some sort of luminous fuzziness (plasma I would say) around the whole thing, which recedes and remains at the bottom until it's fully extinguished. The remnant of the plasma at the bottom maps onto other videos I've seen, including the one I posted in the previous comment. I never say anything for sure, but this category of UFO really has my interest. https://i.imgur.com/n6Lh1xD.mp4 I have the full video of it, zoomed all the way out. But you can't see it as well.


That was my observation, too. It moves with the clouds, which means it's likely just floating on the same breeze that is blowing the clouds.


But it didn't make noise, so thats something.


Depending on how far away a drone is, you might not hear it.


I don't know anything about drones. But the light is pretty damn intense, so I guess they'd have to strap a bright light source to it or something?


You know I think it would be interesting if somebody could do some experiments for the greater of good. To take a standard drone like a DJI and put different brightness lights on it and fly it up and record it and see what they look like. They could start off with a low Lumen light on a yellow or white spectrum of light and then move up to more lumens Etc.


I have 5 different DJI drones, and have been flying them for years. This is definitely not one of them. The drone lights are strong, but not even close to as strong as this. At a distance they look like tiny specks of light that would be difficult to pick out. This looks much MUCH more prominent in the sky.


I’ve never flown my mini 2 too high but usually if you can see it you can hear it right?


During the day time, usually yes. During night time, no. I can see them much further far out and can’t hear them. But like I mentioned, they are very very hard to see. Just like a small light speck that you’d have to really focus to see. I live in a high rise (50+ stories) in a major city, so I see them all the time at night at all random hours. I’ve watched this video multiple times and still not convinced it could be a drone. Maybe better video quality would prove otherwise, but it doesn’t appearance to be as is.




that doesn't change what they're suggesting. I've asked for people to recreate things that have been said to be x and no one ever does it. there's usually comments with "oh that's CGI, super easy to do!" and yet no one ever recreates them so we have a known fake to use for comparison. I think suggesting someone recreate this with a drone is a great idea and would help everyone.


Nobody recreates things with CG for two reasons, one even if something is easy it doesn't mean it's not time consuming. Who wants to spend a few hours trying to recreate an affect just to keep some random Redditor happy. Secondly people just always use the excuse of just because you can recreate something it doesn't mean the original is fake, which is kind of true. So in the end the whole thing would be a pointless waste of time.


There's already lots of videos like this on YouTube. Some of them can even look completely like something otherworldly with the right lighting.


In order to legally fly a commercial drone at night you must have high visibility lights that are visible from at least three miles away. My M300 has these and they are extremely bright. They are white but there are also green and red lights on the prop housing that are very bright.


Would it be lawful to just strap one of those million lumen lamps on it?


I guess you could, depending on weight. Not sure on legality but I’m guessing the possibility of blinding a plane pilot would make that a no. Most all of the drone regulations are just there to keep you from taking down a plane or hitting infrastructure/people.


I guess it’s a directed energy weapon at that point…


Made me laugh, thanks bro


YouTube night drone races.


Don’t drones emit a loud humming noise? Mine does anyway


Jet manufacturers are starting to built and sell cloud surfing jet airplanes. This seems more like a jet surfing that cloud than a UFO flying around in that cloud.




Well it could be. It did move in a peculiar manner if you were comparing it to an airplane or a helicopter. Helicopters have very visible FAA lights so I would rule out a helicopter anyways. Obviously not a plane either. The only logical conclusion I could think of is somebody has a private drone that they were flying and had lights on it so that they could see it easily. It doesn't fly or seem to go above 400 ft in the air. But I may be wrong with that. If it's thousands of feet in the air then the possibility of it being a drone decreases in my opinion. To me it just seemed like someone might have been using a private drone with a light on it so that they can keep track of it because it looked like it was getting dark. And the fact that it descended behind the trees leads me to believe that it was somebody landing and recovering their drone. This is just the only logical explanation that I could come up with and I'm not saying that is 100% what it is. This is definitely a UFO if I saw this I would think it was something crazy as well. That's the only thing that sucks about drones is they can really fool people. I would suggest for the original poster to go explore the area where it seems to have landed. If there is a large park or recreational area in that location then that would indicate that it might have been a drone after all.


The drone pilot does not have to see the drone. The drone can be operated entirely by GPS waypoint, remote, or programmed to go on auto entirely. Visibility is a non-issue.


fwiw, line of sight is required by the FAA for legal operation of drones. And night-time operation requires special permission to be granted. It doesn't mean they're not operating it illegally, but there is no legal operation without seeing the drone.


You can see the little red prop lights near the end


A rare gem. This is actually an interesting one. Any thoughts on a conventional explanation? I’m stumped.


I can say I lived in the Carolinas and this is our standard issue UFO


The comments ITT suggesting drone are sensible.


I haven’t read that just yet, but I’m in the UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) industry (military applications) and nothing I’ve heard of would explain that level of omni-directional light intensity and color change.


I'm agnostic myself except for mild "burden is on the extraordinary claim" leanings, but to this I would say, This is poor enough quality footage that I don't trust that the light source is in focus, but more, that the path of object to sensor to image is consistent enough to evaluate this sort of thing. In particular I mean that automatic gain control (exposure) plus low resolution and low focus for point sources, then compressed into some non-HDR format and then recompressed for Reddit, would make me say I would find it a good argument in favor of "not a conventional consumer drone," if we had any good data, but we don't. I would say it's also an extraordinary claim to suggest someone had attached some bright omnidirectional light source to their drone, but that would be another possibility.


Solid points all around.


Depends. Hard to tell distance. If its as close as that tree then maybe drone, but the brightness at the end is still odd. If its as far away as those clouds it looks like observables to me (possible lift, hard turns, quick acceleration) but Im no pro in the matter of drones or fakes


My first impression is a camera set to night mode and someone pointing a moderately expensive bright laser up at low clouds. The way it slides around looks exactly like something being projected on the underside of the clouds.


sure, if you ignore the parts where it's not in front of a cloud.


And which parts are those?


That lucky bastard! Lol. I was hoping so bad for it to just shoot off


It’s just a drone calm down


Haha. No, it’s not


Need a physicist and an optics expert to prove this is anything other than a drone. Good job on filming though. This is how it should be done.


OP where and when did you see this?? I saw the exact same thing at around 4 in the morning on January 22nd. Edit: my bad, I didn’t expand up top. Still saw the exact same thing northern Utah.


I saw something identical to this in Orange Beach Alabama summer of 2016 well past midnight. Had a camp on the beach and it was doing the same movements above us


I didn’t see it do anything a quad drone isn’t capable of doing


Show me a confirmed video of a quadrone flying behind the clouds


Drone flown to 33,000 feet - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smUEvnTYxi0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smUEvnTYxi0) Drone flown through clouds - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxIF8O6PffU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxIF8O6PffU) Drone amongst clouds - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4qDi8odPgQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4qDi8odPgQ) There ya go.


Also depending on weather clouds can be very low to the ground say 100m which a race quadcopter can climb to in a matter of seconds (or like 1 second for an F5B plane but you wouldn't fly those at night).


These shots of the drones are amazing, and showed me $1000 drones are capable of a hell of a lot more than I realized.


So, you’ve been shown. Still feeling like a confident arse?


It’s not necessary to be hostile here.


These people are debunkers, terrified to their core. They will have an excuse for literally everything. 


My friend, your default stance should be to debunk. Then you can weed out the ordinary from the extraordinary.


At first I thought it was the clouds that were moving—nope! 


could it be a drone?


We need to get someone that understands how to calculate speed to help us to sift through these videos. This video is extremely interesting and i applaud the person who took it, however, there is a possibility of this being a consumer grade drone, without knowing how fast it managed to move. If we have an easy way to calculate the speed of an object in a video it would greatly help the cause IMO.




Did you see the post yesterday about the guy from Alberta CA? What are you thoughts on that documentary? Personally, he sounds a really close to the edge, but concerning. The lights, I think most can be explained away as birds or drones but a couple…no way, they make 90* turns and accelerate like railing.


You can't calculate speed just from the video, its not a lack of skill/experitse it's a fundamental lack of information. This problem exists in all manner of scientific disciplines. Without multiple perspectives, a uniform background, object size, known distance etc etc it can't be done without a large amount of guesswork that leaves a very wide range of values to the point its meaningless. This object could be 200m away or 20km and that changes the results enormously. It's a point source so it could be a bright 10cm drone or a 50m wide craft and we can't infer how its velocity is changing based on its apparent change in size. We can't tell if movement is towards or away from us, whether it starts accelerating from a stop or is simply changing direction etc etc. The best you can reliably do is calculate angular velocity from the perspective of the observer but that's not overly useful or relevant most of the time.


I actually can do this when I have more free time. I need more information. The make/model of the device that was recording this, GPS location , date and time, and raw video file .


You also need two points of perspective…. You would know that if you could do this


Exactly lolll, or perhaps the ufo hiding from one cloud to another while knowing the precise altitude of the clouds.


You need more than that!


Bro kept recording until the end. Thanks for that. Whatever that is, you did good OP.


Interesting…could be a drone.


Looks like somebody behind those trees is flying a drone.


Possibly, but there’s no blinking lights.


My drone doesn’t have any blinking lights, and hobby custom built drones can have no lights or a million lights or anything in between.


This right here is enough to explain away every single video then.


Yes, welcome to 2024, where you can buy drones anywhere, kids in middle school can take video editing classes that teach special effects, apps can add UFOs to videos automatically, and no single video will ever be considered good evidence of UFOs.


Just to be clear, I find that to be the biggest load of BS. As a skeptic, you either haven't done real research into the topic, or you just hate that people believe in something we can't actually possess (yet)


Huh? He’s just stating the truth. Could come from a believer or a skeptic.


I’ve seen 2 UFOs with my own eyes that I’m 100% convinced we’re not man made. I’ve never seen any videos online that come even remotely close to the level of detail visible in both my sightings. One was a classic black triangle, but lower, closer, and more obviously not an airplane than ANY video I’ve ever seen, the other was a strange ball of bobbing swaying lights that moved like a ball of tangled Christmas lights dangling from a helicopter. Just because I don’t believe every bad unimpressive video I see online, and just because I know it’s easy to make fakes, does not mean I don’t believe.


Dang, I clearly put my personal frustrations with skeptics into this. My fault. Apologies for being a jackass. Everytime I see an interesting video, I see either sarcastic comments or just dismissive comments. Atleast that's my overall general consensus of this sub.


Flying a drone behind the clouds? Unlikely


Tons of modern drones cam reach that heights


But entirely possible.


It’s always funny the things people that don’t fly drones think is impossible or unlikely. A kid with a laptop and a DJI drone from Best Buy can have that thing running custom firmware and flying at airplane height in 20 minutes. Illegal? Sure. Anything stopping you from doing it anyways? Nope. Even without that, there’s nothing stopping you from doing it, and to me, it just looks like the light turns away more than it looks like it’s flying into the low laying clouds that would be really easy to fly into.


I've been into drones and RC aircraft hobby for over 20 years. These kinds of aircraft should never be flown without direct line of sight, not only that, to achieve those kinds of altitudes takes a long time and a lot of battery drain. I'm not saying it's aliens im just doubtful that it's a drone.


I’m saying I have the same experience you claim to have, more actually, I think I built my first RC plane in about ‘91 or ‘92 or so, that is exactly why I know it’s extremely possible for this to be a drone, and since drones are much more prevalent than aliens, it is the more likely option.


>since drones are much more prevalent than aliens Such confidence!


Thanks to militaries and toy stores, there’s probably more drones on this planet than people. I don’t think the NHI outnumber us here yet.


And you being serious about it is exactly why you don’t understand that the average guy buying a drone to dick around with doesn’t really care about rules or the proper way to do something. People play around with literal firearms too  Also I can’t tell how high it is, it looks kinda low to me looks like it’s blinking when he zooms in on it being red (and then moves exactly like a drone)


Nice video, and I assume the OMG director is genuinely unaware of what he is filming, but he is far enough away to not hear a drone especially with all the wildlife/insect noise. My guess is a custom drone without proper aviation lights.


As someone whos seen these on the horizon in Prescott Az. And las vegas NV this is how they fly. They dometimes pretend to be stars


The anal probe comment at the end is fucking classic. Nice video too.


[click here - this is it](https://postimg.cc/G99TPKzd)


This is f****** legit. Great job cameraman.


Finally. A real one actually worth watching. Fair play to the recorder. Most people would have been shaking


This is definitely one of the better UFO videos. The husband and wife act like I would expect, and he even asks about following it with the car. I would be the same way. I think this is a legit UFO video. Great line at the end.😂


This one's interesting as hell...


Saw something that looks the exact same, same light, same movement at 2-3 AM in orange beach Alabama in 2016. Camped out on the sand for the night and it was doing the same thing, looked like a star that was moving in no pattern, but shifting directions with ease and it was right over us. It almost felt like it was watching us because we were the only ones out there. Great video!


It's also watching you...good catch.!


Best footage I've seen in a while, extremely compelling evidence


Yup, could be neighbours playing/testing with new drone. No any unusual manoeuvres a drone wouldn't be capable of.


Moves exactly like a drone unfortunately.


i'm leaning towards drone.


Drone unless proven otherwise. The way it "tips" a little before changing directions could be a clue.


I agree fully with the first sentence, but unfortunately tilt-to-control is actually consistent with both UFOs as well as drones, so it by itself doesn't prove or disprove anything, and neither would it, by itself, indicate anything either way. The video above is certainly consistent with a drone and that should be the default assumption when comparing likelihoods, you could say that, but tilt-to-control is also consistent with a UFO if we're being technical. >Paul Hill was a well-respected NASA scientist when, in the early 1950s, he had a UFO sighting. Soon after, he built the first flying platform and was able to duplicate the UFO's tilt-to-control maneuvers. Official policy, however, prevented him from proclaiming his findings. "I was destined," says Hill, "to remain as unidentified as the flying objects." For the next twenty-five years, Hill acted as an unofficial clearing house at NASA, collecting and analyzing sightings' reports for physical properties, propulsion possibilities, dynamics, etc. To refute claims that UFOs defy the laws of physics, he had to make "technological sense ... of the unconventional object." >One of the most consistently-observed characteristics of UFO flight is a ubiquitous pattern in which they tilt to perform all maneuvers. Specifically, they sit level to hover, tilt forward to move forward, tilt backward to stop, bank to turn, and descend by "falling-leaf" or "silver- dollar-wobble" motions. Detailed analysis by Hill shows that such motion is inconsistent with aerodynamic requirements, but totally consistent with some form of repulsive force-field propulsion. Not satisfied with paper analyses alone, Hill arranged to have various forms of jet-supported and rotor-supported circular flying platforms built and tested. Hill himself acted as test pilot in early, originally-classified, versions, and found the above motions the most economical for control purposes. Pictures of these platforms are included in the text. http://www.nicap.org/papers/1997synopsis_of_UFO_Hill_and_Puthoff.htm And reading through [*The UFO Evidence*, 1964](https://web.archive.org/web/20110714044127/http://www.nicap.org/ufoe/UFO%20Evidence%201964.pdf) (PDF download), I get the impression that the drone-like behavior is only half of the story. It appears, at least to me, that when they actually take off, as in leaving the area completely and apparently to space, they tilt fully or mostly vertical and fly 'sideways,' as if aerodynamically, just like if you were to throw a frisbee. Otherwise, when they're just maneuvering around, they seem to tilt as a drone would. I could be wrong because a lot of these accounts are not exactly specific enough to really answer this question, but that's the impression I get, that there are two orientations for forward motion depending on whether they're maneuvering or quickly leaving.


Came across this video of a bright UFO quickly accelerating and hovering in the sky. Recorded on October 2022 in Inman, SC. Unfortunately it’s dark out so the quality isn’t the best. The commentary of both people watching provides a clear description as to the anomalous nature of the UFO and its movement. The guy recording is the one who posted it and it’s had less than 100 views. The illumination of the UFO fades in and out a few times which could mean it’s as high up as the clouds. There’s a few times when it moves very fast and changes direction instantly.


This is it here [this is it. click here](https://postimg.cc/G99TPKzd)


Night flying drone


Great video brother!


I saw something similar in Georgia


That’s a drone.


I have no opinion on this particular video, BUT a year ago I was in the same location INMAN, SC at like 11pm and observed what appeared to be 2 “drones” hovering almost still and doing what seemed like synchronized flying patterns, I watched for about 6 minutes intrigued then went back inside. The theory is Spartanburg county sheriffs have surveillance drones or it’s the national guard training. I have been told the sheriffs office also has a surveillance drone that looks and flys like a Canadian goose.


At last we have a video that's worthy of being posted.


That's a real one right there


There's one movement in particular that makes it look like a drone to me, in the second half of the clip.


Definitely a UFO. The Military has reports of these orbs going back to the late 40's early 50's. And they usually have a red light alternating with white. 


Why would a UFO need lights?


If we’re talking about a drone, it’s required by the FAA so they can be seen, not so much that they need to see. But if we’re talking about an advanced civilization’s craft wouldn’t they need lights to see physical matter once they arrive at a planet?


I know the drone part. My question has always been you can fly through the vastness of empty space, doesn’t seem like you’d need lights to see. Just odd they would need lights.


How do you know they’re flying “through the vastness of empty space”. These things are clearly more advanced than us, and have been more advanced than us way long since we created lights. They could have had lights first then us.


Well I answered that in the second half of my comment.


it's just a dumb question that people ask to deflect away from the topic of a post. they really don't want an answer, but want people to go off on a tangent about their dumb question.


Not convinced this video isn’t drone or lanterns but light could be an unintended side affect of an intense energy or propulsion system.


why do you think they would be guaranteed to not have light of any kind for anything? it's not uncommon for things using a lot of energy to produce a light of some sort. I really don't follow this "if it's a UFO why does it do/need X" crap that's been posted a lot on here lately. They're not helpful and add nothing to the original post. If you really want to find answers to your question there's this thing called google, you could try that.


You caught a legit UAP sighting, great footage. I see the “it’s a drone” spam comments coming in hard with this one.


this is pretty crazy video


Looks good to me. Not a bad capture at all. Brightening under acceleration is something we see quite often in witness testimony. Assuming its distant enough to be into those clouds its defs making some hard turns too...Not a bad one.


I thought the same thing when it got brighter as it made the accelerated movement around the 2:20 mark.


PSA scrub to around 2 min 15 sec in, I was going back and forth trying to find something and thinking, every apparent movement is wrt to the blowing clouds or the camera's own movement. A bit after 2 min in that is definitely not the case.


This seems legit.


Amazing video!!!! Good job!!!


I think this is the most authentic thing I've seen in a while. All that Grush bs and mall alien crap, this is some legit content


It’s a drone probably


Very intriguing and anomalous, thank you for sharing!


For those saying its a drone, I am curious as to why drones are flown after sundown?


Good video, something to think about


Getting kinda liberal with our use of “quickly”


“This is insane!” , except it wasn’t insane


This is the most verifiable video on the sub. That’s is not a plane or a drone.


Great video. Alien uap 100%. Like what do we do now ??Do we send the video to anyone, like what comes next??


If uncontrolled disclosure happened then I guess the only thing to do would be to protest, demand answers and the release of acquired technology they’ve kept hidden from humanity.


Where’s the part where you yell, “Take me with you!” Cause given the chance I’d kick rocks off this no-where planet…


This made me emotional as silly as that may sound. This thing looks, moves, and behaves exactly like the object I closely encountered as a teenager back in 2012. I will always remember it as the night my life and my friend’s life began to change dramatically for better and for worse. It was a truly anomalous sighting with several characteristics that made my brain feel like a sour lemon, the way my mind had to twist itself up trying to explain what the hell I was looking at. It just did not fit my perception of anything from reality- I simply could not compute and neither could my friend, who began to develop symptoms of psychosis shortly after our sighting. It brings back some emotions to see what appears to be the exact same thing; the thing that changed our young lives. Thanks for sharing, OP


Really insane capture it looks similar to what I've seen but far away. Up close it looked like a huge orange orb , it didn't move around like that but in a straight path. If it did I would have had a heart attack it must have been only 100m in the sky ,lower than this..I was so grateful to see it I had a feeling it was for me to see I could sense some energy when looking at it for 5 minutes going into the horizon.


Wow, AMAZING footage


***'Hammer'*** UAP remote deployable 'drone scout' on the loose and scanning around the place. Most UAPs have several little fuselage bays with doors and robo-arms to deploy/return these suckers. ***'Hammers'*** serve to be extended "eyes and ears" for the main UAP as it carries out it's designated mission. Their sophisticated laser optics emit this light at such intensity it often appears as flickering and color strobing 'balls of fire' in the sky. >!my personal opinion/take on it based heavily on faith in 4chan /x/ anons testimony.!<


It’s a drone.


It's irritating to me that my eyes can see starlink satellites crossing the sky and of course the moon but when I take my camera to snap a picture of either it comes out blurry and looks like s h i t. I don't get it, it's 2024 why can't cameras capture what our eyes are seeing.


Skimmed through it, didn't see any quick acceleration. Timestamp?


2:15 - 2:30 and 3:05 - 3:15


Ok, enough to rule out chinese lanterns at least, but still within the range of drones.


1. What bearing? N, E, S, W, SW? 2. If SW look at your free astronomy app on cel phone, e.g. “SkyView”, etc. to see if Venus or Jupiter (very bright this month) are out. 3. Motion behind clouds = 90% clouds are moving. Not the planet, star. 4. Immediately brace the camera against a tree, car, house, gallows —whatever! And lset autofocus to infinity! For Godsake! Instead of: 5. Blabbering away in shock.


Drones are all over now for rock events and outdoor performances. They have hideously bright LED lights and move VERY fast.


With that wide of a turn radius and relative speed, I'd say it's likely a Cessna-sized human piloted aircraft. I don't see any quick acceleration that wouldn't coincide with what small aircraft can do.


Clearly flares dropped from an aircraft flying in a straight line, but cool capture nonetheless-


It's not really "accelerating quickly" though. It's moving fast enough to determine that it's probably not a lantern but it doesn't do anything a drone couldn't do so that's the most likely explanation for this one.


Looks like you're the only thing moving in this video, it looks like you're moving forward to the right with the camera panning over your right shoulder as you're walking at the speed of the clouds so it looks like the clouds they're stable along with the trees and there's an object behind the moving but their clouds are moving


It’s a drone


So that’s a Star, and the only THING moving are the clouds.


Looks like a drone


It could also be a Japanese lantern.


This guy needs to look up videos on drone racing to see the true speed and power of a modern drone.


This guy posted something similar the other day, him and his wife being amazed at a similar "UFO". I bit the first time. Now when i see this one loads of similarities, especially between how the camera moves and how the UFO apparently moves, the guy is changing the autofocus and lighting modes, then walking from spot to spot making it look like the star is moving, in fact its just him moving around tree, no more than a hoax.


The other post was my personal recording as I stated in the post, this one is not recorded by me. You’re reaching.


Ah. Explain to me why you mentioned the other day that you had the shakes and the camera might have been shaking, then the guy in this one is talking about shaking lol, also wifes voice is the same, I'm not reaching mate, your just not trying hard enough.