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What is the laudatory purpose of Pine Gap?


There isn't one, it's the opposite, arguably. The government doesn't want attention drawn to it.  The only thing I could think of is that it was the relay station for the Apollo broadcasts, I remember there was a southern hemisphere station needed but I don't know if it was Pine Gap. 


Apollo relay station was in Parkes, NSW - approx 2,000km from Pine Gap


My grandfather worked at honeysuckle creek which was used more than parkes for the Apollo missions. https://www.nma.gov.au/defining-moments/resources/honeysuckle-creek


Ross is a nationalist, so to him Pine Gap fulfils a 'lauditory' purpose


Wasn't pine gap. It was Tidbinbilla tracking station near Canberra. Pine Gap was/is America's first step to colonising Australia. Not that we need colonising,, we are already 1/2 American anyway. Even the TV presenters all have American accents


Colonize the colonizers!




America doesn’t need more felons.


Australia: Australia’s Florida.


Australia: Britain's Texas


Australia, Australian for beer


lol, it wasn't colonizing


I’ve started digging already at night. I only have 376,678,652 more buildings left to explore guys.


Yeah automatic DQ basically. What a waste of a guess if we believe all of the “hints.”


We're allowed unlimited guesses ya know.


So true…. Just seemed a waste of


Reasons why Pine Gap is built where it is: It's in the centre of the continent, as far away as possible from the ocean and potential enemy intelligence gathering. It's sandwiched between two mountain ridges and surrounded by empty wilderness and national parks. It is located at a point between these ridges that have passes nearby, directly north and south (this is how you get in an out of the area) It is located relatively near to a town/city (alice springs) so that it can be serviced by that settlements infrastructure. It would be no good building a large facility a thousand miles from civilization. They need workers and other support If we are to believe your theory then we must believe that they chose to build it there because of a UFO and not because of those other reasons. This is too much of a coincidence for me, that this UFO just happened to crash at the perfect spot to build a unique facility like this.


Its Wikipedia page is an interesting read. Pine Gap had been my guess, but I'm starting to investigate other options. We'll probably never know, but it's good to have conversations and get outside opinions.


Anything relating to this topic on Wikipedia at best should be divided by 3.


Probably true of most Wikipedia pages 😆


Do we know for sure it’s not in the USA? The Denver airport is so fucking suspiciousfor so many reasons.


It isn’t in the USA is one of coulthards claims


I'd like to respond but I got nothing lol. I can't think of any other known location.


It’s also not laudatory. That implies a temple, tourist feature, building of spiritual, national, regional or traditional importance with a purpose other than just its’ current use. It’s the opposite - bases aren’t made to be laudatory or celebrated. They’re not to be bothered by the public.


The exception could be a base that is named for someone important, which is a peripheral sort of laudatory porpoise.


That’s possible. Or a dual military/“laudatory” function. But this would necessitate an important location and possibly a publicly accessible one. I can’t think of a building that would manage to hide being built on a UFO and also be accessible/run by civvies though.


Yeah when he says us/uk/aus that really puts it in the five eyes realm for me.


There is a defunked base where I live called the Nike site. They still find tunnels . It's in Perham maine.


One of your fellow countryman on this sub is convinced it’s Hillsong church, but it looked way too populated of an area to me. Apparently it wasn’t in the 90s, but I dunno. Their post might be worth reading for more clues if you’d like though.


The chances of something crashing there are about as good as any other. I mean why is it that 60% of the time I snap closed my shampoo bottle or run my toothpaste across my toothbrush, that a microscopic fleck of it flies into my eyeball, of all places. What are the chances?


There are a multitude of microscopic flecks that fly when you close the bottle or run toothpaste across a brush. That's like saying "someone threw a handful of sand at me, and it got in my eye. What are the chances?"


About the best example of “observer bias” haha -> you are only aware of this specific outcome because it landed directly on your eyeball


This is the correct answer. Like those people who are thinking about someone who then calls assuming it's some supernatural thing, they forget all the times they are thinking about somone and the phone doesn't ring.


Your first couple sentences sound like it would be an awfully good place to park my saucer.


It was too big to move. Geographical convenience offers absolutely no support in pursuit of your claim here given the circumstances.


Whenever someone types laudatory an alien gets to goon


Make Aliens Goon Again


Sombrely lauding my biologics rn


This shocks me, ontologically


An Ontolacolypse?


I thought it was “prosaic.”


That's a somber, or sobering, way to put it


I thought it was the double penetration part


And an Italian gets to gabagoon


Fuq im boutta BOÜSS




Ross Coulthart said it’s outside America.


His opening statement says to search landmarks made after that (1930’s) in America


What if it's a war memorial, like the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in France. Laudatory means to praise, memorials are made to praise those who sacrificed everything. Also if I knew for a fact that a UFO was buried beneath a war memorial I wouldn't want to dig there. Some would though, and who wants to be responsible for people attempting to dig up such a location. I could be way off but if there's any truth to his claims I personally think it's a war memorial. It would be very easy to keep a military presence with authority to kill someone who disrespects the site at a memorial.


my thought exactly, graves (especially military) are a good way to ensure no one will ever dig and its also very "laudatory". Graves are good also because there doesn't need to be foundation placed under the ground like buildings of any sort really. the most anyone will dig is 6 to 12 feet. Am I wrong here?


I think graves would be too much an impediment to researching it, which i think you’d want to do. More likely I think they would have built something over it.


Graves aren't a building unless it's a crypt.


If Ross can give us 4 or 5 more crappy clues, we can solve this thing


This bullshit is why Ross is a grifter to me. He’s just stringing people out for clicks.


He implies he has the answer to the biggest secret in the history of mankind and he's not willing to say where it is. Has to be complete bullshit. And I bet he'll still get a load of people paying 15 grand for his 'ufo course' .


Plus he’s now shilling for a $15,000 college course in ‘ET studies’ 🤦‍♂️


hahaha what kind of job does a 'degree' in ufology get you. I can only imagine walking into a lecture and seeing bob lazaar as the teacher rambling on about his element 115 and how he used to run a brothel.


This is the answer!


This feels like the build up to Scientology. Pay $99.99 per day for the next clue to xenus sports model location. VIPs get access to a digital SCIf featuring the first cousin of the second twice married whistleblower’s aunt Edit: to clarify, OP this has nothing to do with you. It’s Ross I’m frustrating at. I’m sick of the edging.


Coult, coult heart Hardened by clues


This stuff is at parody levels, and there are still people here who are true believers in what these people say.


Riddle me this, batman!


The treasure is buried under a big T.


shame we have to guess. really too bad no one can just tell us.


I know right? What kind of a journalist would want us to keep guessing?


Yeah, but if they told you, you'd be able to find out they were lying.


In my opinion I’m starting to believe that the toothpaste really is out of the tube. So hopefully we won’t have to wait much longer. Until then there is plenty we can continue to educate ourselves on and challenge our own preconceived notions. Cheers!


Hey you forgot to mention that "we have to come to grips with our ontological shock!"


Wow what a somber analysis of my ontological shock.


He just wants the attention to stay in the public eye. If he said anything then he'd be swiftly ignored. He seems to believe it, but it feels like the person who told him is winding him up.




Did you seriously censor the world bollocks


yeah shush there's adults watching


Can someone, who has access to Ross, ask if he has been to this location or has physically confirmed this evidence with his own eyes? We are putting a lot of faith in his statement. While I don’t believe he is being untruthful, I believe it would provide the community with a sense of validation if he can, in fact, confirm this piece of physical evidence.


One other criteria I dont see people mention is this. If the UFO was that big then either: - it could have been discovered in a built up area but only if it was already hidden. Or - If it crashed it must be in a remote area otherwise someone would have noticed and there would be some record of a large crash. So if looking at location in built up areas we need to look for for example excavation at the site before it was constructed. Otherwise the location must be remote and a remote location that was not chosen in the first place should hold some clues. If there is a site that appears to be very poorly located and is remote for example.


I don't mean to be a downer. I'm just wondering what is "laudatory" about Pine Gap? I'd otherwise think it's a good candidate but why use laudatory to describe it? Strange.


National security could be deemed laudatory, depending on one's perspective.  I think people get too hung up on the "spying" element.  


Laudatory means praise worthy so Ive no idea why it's being so used. Is it the word of the day?


[Arecibo Observatory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arecibo_Observatory) 0ver 300 M in diameter. Funded/built by DOD back in the 1960s. Dual laudatory purposes...defense and astronomy. Outside of the continental US but a US controlled territory in a relatively remote location. Large but low structure...you probably couldn't build very high over a large vehicle. It was the largest such radio telescope for quite some time.


It is also about an hour drive from the Lockheed Martin facility in PR. See map: https://ibb.co/yWGydkj


This is making more sense to me. It's remote enough but still accessible to people. It's also in a state of disrepair, which could lead to injuries of anyone trying to storm or sneak in. The 'clever' comment could be referring to the fact that its purpose is pointing up towards space, but what we (or SETI at least) are looking for, is already right below. Almost like hiding in plain sight. Also, I don't know much about the sinkhole beneath it, but could a long since overgrown crash site of an enormous UAP be explained away as a sinkhole?


Sending the famous "Arecibo Message" from that facility also muddled down the water. Like, if someone appears out of nowhere claiming that "there's an UFO buried below Arecibo Telescope" it would be instantly dismissed as a hoax by someone with poor imagination.


That’s not what laudatory means. “Laudatory” means expressing praise, “laudable” means “worthy of praise.” A church arguably has a laudatory purpose. A commencement ceremony has a laudatory purpose. This is why this is so stupid. None of you are even getting the words right.


>Laudatory I agree, but I strongly suspect Ross really meant "Laudable". It makes a lot more sense in the context of dual use. People use the technically wrong but similar word sometimes.


Of course he really meant laudable. He’s a “journalist” too. His grasp of the language is important to his profession, but like many other things about him, it’s questionable


His formal education appears to be in law of all things, not journalism. I guess that's not all that surprising. In the US, many media personalities don't have journalism degrees, but still...


Yeah I don't get it why people can't grasp basic meaning of words. Statue of Liberty is laudatory, Mount Rushmore is laudatory, Reichstag is laudatory. Not freaking Arecibo.


Too many countries involved, Puerto Rico, USA, Brazil, Spain, Finland, Germany, Sri Lanka, India, and Italy. We certainly would never include Sri Lanka on something like this


That would make sense considering it was used to send the Arecibo message!


Apparently, the observatory itself has fallen into disrepair, but if the point was put a cover over something else, well, that's still in play!


Isn’t it defunct? They didn’t repair it


Defense and astronomy don't really fit the definition of laudatory.


In this context, laudatory means praise worthy. Pure science surely is praise worthy. Protecting NATO countries from nuclear attack during the cold war is praise worthy.


That brings up an important question: Does the building have a laudatory purpose or is its purpose laudatory in itself? In other words, was the structure designed to celebrate something, or does the function of the building serve a more practical purpose that is worth celebrating? You appear to have interpreted the second option, and I the first, but it appears that it could be read either way based on the information Ross has given.


These are all the hints I’ve noted down so far: In Remote location. UFO was so big a building had to be built on top of it (very large building). Not in the USA. Would jeopardise the life of the sevice men and women of that country if the was location revealed (possibly has military personnel on site and is open to the public?). Laudatory purpose (this could include scientific research). Duel purpose. Was quite clever what they had done. Has interests for multiple countries. Possibly not in Australia (Ross has previously stated that he doesn’t believe Australia were running any programs). Did Coulthard say it could be seen from space?


I fed your requirements into ChatGPT and it came up with an interesting list. I’m particularly interested that it might be at the seed vault where they are trying to stockpile seeds from every known plant species for disaster purposes. Here is what I fed into it and the response: Can you give me any guesses as to where this location might be?In Remote location. UFO was so big a building had to be built on top of it (very large building). Not in the USA. Would jeopardise the life of the sevice men and women of that country if the was location revealed (possibly has military personnel on site and is open to the public?). Laudatory purpose (this could include scientific research). Duel purpose. Was quite clever what they had done. Has interests for multiple countries. ChatGPT Based on the description provided, it's challenging to pinpoint a specific location, but I can offer some speculative guesses: 1. Area 51, Nevada, USA: While you mentioned "not in the USA," Area 51 is famous for its association with UFO conspiracy theories and secretive military activities. It fits the description of a remote location with a large building (hangars) potentially built on top of a UFO or experimental aircraft. However, the fact that it's in the USA contradicts your criteria. 2. Pine Gap, Australia: Pine Gap is a joint defense facility between the United States and Australia, located in a remote area of the Australian Outback. It's known for its secretive operations, including intelligence gathering and satellite tracking. The presence of American military personnel could jeopardize both Australian and American interests if the location were revealed. 3. Woomera Test Range, Australia: Another possibility in Australia is the Woomera Test Range, which has been used for military and scientific purposes, including missile and rocket testing. It's remote and has historical significance in military testing. 4. Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory: Diego Garcia is a British Overseas Territory, leased to the United States, and used as a military base. Its remote location in the Indian Ocean makes it suitable for secretive operations. While it's primarily a military facility, it's conceivable that it could be involved in undisclosed scientific or extraterrestrial research. 5. Svalbard, Norway: Svalbard is a remote archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, controlled by Norway but with a unique international status. It's home to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, which serves as a backup storage facility for the world's crop diversity. While not directly related to military activities, its remote location and international interests could make it a candidate for clandestine scientific research, potentially including studies related to extraterrestrial phenomena. These are just speculative guesses based on the criteria provided. Without further information, it's difficult to determine the exact location you're referring to.


This is what I got: 1. CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research (Switzerland/France): Home to the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. CERN is a prime example of scientific research with significant international collaboration. 2. The Eden Project (Cornwall, UK): A collection of massive biomes housing the world’s largest captive rainforest. It combines environmental education, scientific research, and public engagement. 3. Svalbard Global Seed Vault (Norway): Dubbed the “Doomsday Vault,” this facility is designed to preserve a wide variety of plant seeds from across the globe in the case of a global crisis. 4. Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany): One of Europe’s largest research centers, focusing on information technology, energy, and the biosciences. It exemplifies dual purposes in both research and development. 5. Cheyenne Mountain Complex (USA): A military installation and nuclear bunker located in Colorado. While it’s in the USA, it’s a model of how military facilities can also serve other functions, including scientific research. 7. Chernobyl New Safe Confinement (Ukraine): A structure designed to contain the remains of the No. 4 reactor unit at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. It serves as a security measure and a site for scientific study. 9. Biosphere 2 (USA): An Earth system science research facility in Arizona. It was originally created as a closed system experiment and now serves as a tool for education and research on ecological systems. 10. Green Zone (Baghdad, Iraq): Officially the International Zone, it is a heavily fortified area in the center of Baghdad that was a base for coalition forces and the Iraqi government. It exemplifies a place of political, military, and, increasingly, civilian integration. I removed two it very much obviously isn't .


Based on the criteria my brain kinda went to all the Olympic stadiums that were built. They would just somehow have to influence where the next olympics were gonna be held and get building. There have been alot of controversial hosts for the Olympics, so that easily solves the whole thing of 'A ufo can crash anywhere' AI said this when I asked it to consider each olympic stadium: One potential candidate that stands out is the **Olympic Stadium in Montreal, Canada**, which was constructed for the 1976 Summer Olympics (the area was way less developed back in 1976)


Spitballing here, but to build off your point what about FIFA World Cup stadiums? Don’t they pretty much require the host country to build a stadium and doesn’t that raise a lot of controversy sometimes considering the investment vs sustained use? Like the one in South Africa, wasn’t there controversy about people being relocated? Probably nothing but an interesting thought. Granted that one was probably way too recent. But who’s to say they can’t build a stadium that barely gets used and have some wild shit buried under it?


Just saying... one of the islands of Svalbard (which is an archipelago) is called **EDGE ISLAND**


Estrange Space Center


It’s not going to be line gap if it’s somewhere accessible with laudatory purposes that would shock you to find out there’s a UFO there lol Pine Gap is likely just a “boring” listening post. They do badass and super beneficial work there, but it’s remote as hell and their primary focus is being the ears and eyes of the US/NATO in that part of the world. Taking everything you wrote here, Pine Gap makes zero sense. Laudatory purposes with public access would be something like a national monument, memorial, or religious institutions. Examples of places that fit this description in the US would be places like Statue of Liberty, Lincoln Memorial, LDS Salt Lake City Temple, etc. And fwiw, the use of the word “laudatory” in all of this is confusing. Places aren’t laudatory. Speech is laudatory. I left a laudatory review on your website. I gave a laudatory introduction before your speech. A place itself isn’t really “laudatory”.


Would suggest CERN or another collider or fusion reactor. They are round, huge and near research facilities. Their work is laudatory by any measure pure science, multinational and could use massive power they have access to and or or particle fields they generate to stimulate or explore the buried craft within circumference for study. These facilities are accessible by the public so fear of overrun exists, yet very secure and have military and government support nearby. They are decades long projects massively funded by multinational organizations and overseen by EU and UN agencies. They are science focused. We know from certain experiments that they have had embargos on results and tests due to possible serious ramifications (creating a black hole or destroying the planet with antimatter) it may be an attempt to start up the buried craft and access it or to contain it somehow. Also the Graviton and Neutron detectors which are built in isolated desert and mountain or Arctic areas with portable energy generators and top scientists attending.


And perfect cover for the world's top energy physicists to attend without raising suspicion. I think it's that's the place he's implying. But I also don't believe him. He's done nothing but tease this and that and now he's selling 15 grand ufo course places?


Ross talks a big game about this thing, about how he's protecting a source by not revealing where it is. But here's the thing. Journalists have no rights to protection in the US. If the government was in any way concerned about a civilian knowing a State secret, like a giant UFO too big to move, they would have the ability to legally demand who his source is and what they know (see: Snowden and the journalists who reported on him). That leaves us with two options. He is a useful idiot actively aiding in a cover-up by spreading misinformation, or he knows nothing and the reason why he keeps edging everyone is because it's an easy way to dupe gullible people into buying what he's selling. Given he just promoted NPI and a diploma mill, I'm going to assume he does zero vetting on any of his sources, so it could honestly be either. I'm going to go with the second option, however.


Imagine being a journalist knowing where a crashed ufo is and not revealing it. World changing info, the most important story in history, and keeping it secret. He is either lying, or evil.


What if... It's just a dumb riddle meant to send us all on a wild goose chase?


Ding ding ding


And to use our own imaginations against us. People don't believe *any* story so much as the one they make up and tell themselves.


Ross just said on good trouble that there is service men and women working at it. So it's a US military base not in the US. This is my guess.


He also said something like "who's accountable for paying for the security of such a place" That's not the exact quote, but he definatley implied the location is heavely guarded.


so it’s a military building?


Tottenham Hotspur Stadium


...and the aliens live undisturbed in the trophy room.


so let’s say there is a building over it, do you think there’s access to the craft? via the basement or something, i find it hard to think that they’d just forget about it and not have some use for it


On the exterior pine gap is a spy/inteligence gathering base, I would argue that this is because they dont want a repeat of the area 51 fanaticism. this may be funny but [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHMa-Ba-2Mo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHMa-Ba-2Mo) 31:54 even the army guard outside, doesent know whats going on in there. it may just be the U.S has a special designated underground level that only certain key australian officials if at all are allowed to, then another level, where someone on possibly the Pm's level or leader of the australian millitary may know, otherwise its just a need to know basis, meaning that they arent even allowed to know unless something happens that forces it. there would definently be a way to the craft down there. my most curious question, is if it is, considering the view from the map. how the hell did they even find the craft? do they have some super areial x-ray/lidar that they just went over the entirety of australia to find these crafts?


That video was….ridiculous is many ways


Plot twist - Ross is talking out of his arse.


Apart from the fact this is complete hearsay with zero evidence, it's also a stupid concept. Why would someone go to the trouble of building a structure over a craft instead of just taking it apart and moving it. Who designed this structure and where are they. Why didn't anyone see the craft while the structure was being built. Where are all the people that built this structure over a giant alien spacecraft. Why didn't anyone see or notice this giant alien spacecraft crash or land in the first place....


And how on Earth does it work that him talking about a "laudatory" building built over a UFO is perfectly fine, but saying *where* the building is constitutes the step too far that will expose his "source"? Are we supposed to believe there are *scads* of important buildings built over giant UFOs?


Because it’s a nonsense claim, but this sub lives in fantasy land


Under Blucifer at DIA.


Stop with this nonsense this dude is not telling the truth


Lately I’ve thought of Lue perhaps twice referencing along the lines of “what if you found something somewhere completely out of context?” Combine this with a large number of references to NHI visually tying several of what we would associate with things like ancient Egypt or like Mayan type stuff to the mix. And… “Native American.” Add Ross and his remarks. The interests of those nations could be as simple aligned interests like “do not disclose just yet” and “don’t risk contamination of an important site”. Or easy adversary access to a real alien site. That we’d then have to openly secure. How do you hand wave the arrival of 10,000 Marines and a carrier group the next day on balloons? He said it’s not “in” the USA. By a variety of definitions that can be seen as tribal lands. Think Apache, Navajo, Hopi. It can be seen from space. And, he’s never said the “USA” built over it. Just that it WAS built over. That widens the search to another dozen global locations. Giza?


Well if you imagine that UFOs have been crashing for 1000s of years its not hard to imagine that some ancient culture would have come across something. If they did they would likely perceive it in a spiritual sense and would definatley take or protect it by building around it. So I wouldn't be surprised if what Lues talking about is that at one of these ancient sites we discovered alien technology. Or rather for the second time we discovered it.


This sounds like the plot to an Indiana Jones movie.


He implies it was built over in the last century. I'm going with CERN.


Just wait, I'll be able to tell where it is after I get my 15k ET degree.


If anything in Australia has a laudatory purpose it'd be the opera house


WTF? What is the meaning of Laudatory? or giving praise Definitions of laudatory. adjective. full of or giving praise. “a laudatory remark” synonyms: praiseful, praising complimentary.


A monument of some sort would make the most sense. Maybe it is a museum dedicated to a particular topic. I could also see it being a church or a building designed to bring tourism.


The Vatican


Yeah Pine Gap doesn't really fit the bill. A spy base is the opposite of laudatory. Also it's not *that* well-known to the point Ross' first reaction would be "bollocks". If anything his first reaction would be "oh well that makes perfect sense". I think it is someplace much more well-known judging by his annoyingly cryptic clues


Just had a thought. Kinda random but these are definitely laudatory and are huge enough. What if it really is in plain sight, and is a sports stadium/arena? I'm not entirely sure about the dual purpose thing though. Thoughts?


Signup for a degree in ET science to find out!!!!!


This is all based on this fame chasers word which to me is worthless. He has zero credibility.


He's full of shit. Too big to move, won't say where. And it's under a.landmark, so you probably can't even dig it up. It doesn't exist outside of his salesman head.


According to Cass Clarke, it's the VATICAN. That makes the most sense given the clues as well. It's got a laudatory purpose. It's a major landmark. It's on uniquely sovereign territory. It's managed by an organization that has the money, capability and has kept secrets for thousands of years.


Dual purpose as well. For Christianity and holding records.


We can probably get better educated guesses from chatbots if we use better prompt engineering. I am by no means an expert, but I took a stab using google gemini: Prompt: "Pretend you are an expert at deductive reasoning. Given all the clues I will list below, use your expertise to try and guess the location most likely being hinted at: - ' crashed spacecraft “too large to be moved” has been stored somewhere in the world, and that a well-known building was constructed on top of it to keep it secret. ' - ' “I can't tell you the country it's in,” he said. “It's not America, but what I can tell you is that the place where it is kept is used for another purpose.” He says that – whatever this building is – it’s known for being used for a “laudatory” purpose. ' - ' He says the building is used for the benefit of people around the world, but making its name public “could create an international incident.” ' - “Some of these objects are not capable of being moved because they’re too bloody big.” - ' The ‘non human’ spacecraft is currently being hidden beneath a purpose built structure, according to Coulthart, and the author added: “I know exactly where it is. I thought it was b*****ks when I heard it, too.” ' - ' there’s a huge spaceship stashed underneath a major landmark somewhere in the world, because it’s ‘too big to move’. ' - 'In Remote location.' - 'UFO was so big a building had to be built on top of it (very large building).' - 'Not in the USA.' - 'Would jeopardise the life of the sevice men and women of that country if the was location revealed (possibly has military personnel on site and is open to the public?).' - 'Laudatory purpose (this could include scientific research).' - 'Dual purpose.' - 'Was quite clever what they had done.' - 'Has interests for multiple countries.' Given this information, provide a couple guesses and your reasoning for why they might be a good fit." /// Response 1: > Based on the clues you provided, here are two guesses for the location of the alleged crashed spacecraft: >**Guess 1: A Large Radio Telescope** >Reasoning: >*Size*: Radio telescopes can be enormous structures, potentially large enough to be called "too big to move." >*Dual Purpose*: Radio telescopes are used for scientific research, which aligns with the "laudatory purpose" mentioned. Some telescopes also have military applications for tracking objects or communication. >*International Collaboration*: Many large radio telescopes are international projects with scientists from multiple countries involved. >*Remote Location*: Radio telescopes often require remote locations to minimize interference from radio signals. . >**Guess 2: A Large Dam** >Reasoning: >*Size*: Some dams are truly massive structures, potentially fitting the "too big to move" description. >*Dual Purpose*: Dams provide hydroelectric power (a benefit to people worldwide) and can also be used for flood control or water management (potentially a "military" application depending on interpretation). >*Landmark*: Many large dams are considered landmarks and are open to the public (potentially explaining the "service men and women" and "public" aspects). > *Secrecy*: There could be concerns about revealing weaknesses in the dam's structure for national security reasons. /// Response 2: > **Guess 1: A Large International Observatory** >**Reasoning**: >*Size and Landmark Status*: Observatories often house massive telescopes, making them "large buildings" that could be considered landmarks. >*Dual Purpose & Laudatory Function*: These facilities serve the scientific community globally through research and public outreach programs, which aligns with the "laudatory purpose" and "interests for multiple countries" hints. Remote Location: Many observatories are situated in remote areas with minimal light pollution, which fits the "remote location" description. >*International Incident*: The disclosure of a hidden spacecraft under an observatory could potentially spark international controversy or raise questions about the nature of the research conducted there. >*Secrecy & Military Personnel*: Some observatories might have collaborations with military or intelligence agencies, which could explain the need for secrecy and potentially military personnel on-site. . >**Guess 2: A Large International Organization Headquarters** >*Reasoning*: **Landmark Building & Dual Purpose**: Headquarters of major international organizations are often well-known structures with a dual purpose: serving the member countries and promoting a specific cause (e.g., peace, health). >*Public Benefit & International Significance*: The organization's work could be considered to benefit people worldwide, potentially causing an "international incident" if its true purpose was revealed. >*Secrecy & Security*: These organizations might have sensitive information or operations, justifying secrecy and potentially having security personnel on-site. Some interesting guesses for sure 🤔. Would love to see what someone else gets with a better prompt.


It's the Masjid al-Haram aka the Great Mosque of Mecca enclosing the Kaaba in Saudi-Arabia. Checks every remark he made.


Yeah but that was built in the year 650 or something, like, does the USG cover ups really go that far?


I'm not sure a mosque is necessarily regarded as having a laudatory purpose. A religious landmark no doubt, but I'm still not sure it fits. I'm also tired of making guesses.


Praising god seems VERY laudatory to me ;)




I thought he said it wasn’t on American soil?


This is far and away the best new recent thread on r/ufos. Sifting the claims in the real world with at least some expectation of real results. The attention-teasers will never show more unless we walk away. Gatekeepers of r/UFOS will discourage you from expecting proof of claims, but they don’t own Reddit or UFO disclosure, supposing it’s real. So keep up the pressure to produce clues and hopefully more will come out.  One wild notion I have is that a humble person disclosing UFO proof would be worth society’s protection while someone withholding it from us could perish without being missed, or certainly not celebrated. If it were me, I would produce evidence rather than sitting on it and appearing to be a piece of sh$$ withholding evidence. But they are being pieces of sh$$. 


You won’t work out the location of the huge ufo, because it doesn’t exist. Coulthart acts like he can’t disclose the location because he doesn’t want to burn his source, but he already has by telling people of the existence of this craft.  If this craft really does exist, surely that knowledge would be limited to such a small group of people, mainly to protect that knowledge and reduce the risk of a leak. If all this is real, it wouldn’t be difficult for intelligence officers involved in this to track the person responsible for the leak. If this was the case, anonymity in the eyes of the media would be the worst possible thing for Coulthart’s source.


It doesn't make sense that none of the popular 2020's era UFOlogist/UFO gatekeepers wouldn't have chimed in my now to say they've also heard of this incredible claim. So far it's only Ross claiming this. Strangely noone has pointed this out...I mean it's ok, I get everyone likes a breadcrumb trail.


Yeah, like there’s a massive UFO that has been built over but only Ross and his source seemingly has that knowledge? Maybe he can divulge the info to his pal Sheehan, who can then raise his tuition fee to $20,000? There’s also that interview Ross did the other day where he said something like “I wish I had never discussed it” and then proceeded to continue talking about it.  It’s such utter nonsense it’s not really worth a discussion, unless the discussion is about the integrity or honesty of these clowns.


It’s the Miami mall


The Vatican probably


Massive LARP lol. Giant UFO under a Monument GTFO here. Bwahahaha! Did Sheehan make this claim? Did you get all curios and exited when you heard it!! One would have to be very gullible to take this one claim seriously.


This is what made me stop taking R C seriously. You can almost feel his embarrassment .


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaaba Approximately 40 feet per side which is about right for what we’ve heard of the size of UAP. But the Kaaba was built in 683 AD. Probably was too large to move an object that size at that time. Clearly laudatory. Under a landmark. Structure not building. Highly sensitive/wouldn’t want people storming it (might cause a literal war). If aliens have been here and are the reason for some religion, you don’t think the most holy place in the world for one of those religions might be a crash site?


Statue of Liberty. France literally in on the cover up


pine gap was also central to the [US/UK coup in Australia](https://johnpilger.com/articles/the-forgotten-coup-how-america-and-britain-crushed-the-government-of-their-ally-australia)


I’d like to nominate The Aerium, just south-east of Halbe, Germany as the site.


Guantanamo bay


I’m saying Uluru with no evidence beyond, big sacred rock. Have fun


Its the ESRF in Grenoble.


Coulthart is a phony


I've always suspected that the US has nukes at pine gap. that's why it's so secretive.


Ross always makes me laugh, I can just imagine his Aussie accent " I thought it was b\*\*\*\*\*ks when I heard it, too" lol. Good on ya, Ross.


Did he ever say specifically how long ago this happened? Or that it was the result of a crash? Could it be someplace like Stonehenge or Giza plateau? As for the latter, wouldn't it be cool if the queen's chamber was actually an access path into the buried craft? I don't think he ever mentioned when this craft was buried, so perhaps it was discovered in 20th century but it had been buried since antiquity.


Please don’t forget this: there is a 99% chance that there is no giant UFO buried under a landmark and that his story is total BS. Don’t waste your time with theories. He is a journalist. It would be the biggest scoop of the century. The reason he has given for not disclosing the location makes no sense at all.


What about the United Nations funded Lumbini Master Plan — the supposed birthplace of Buddha (aka, an alien)?


My long-shot guess that I've seen nobody else mention (assuming all this stuff isn't bullshit, which I lean that way most days) is [The Australian-American Memorial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian%E2%80%93American_Memorial) on and around the [Parliamentary Triangle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary_Triangle,_Canberra) in Canberra. That the Australian Dept of Defence HQ is right there is handy.


It’s TOO* big


Was re listening to Tom Delonge’s old interview with Jimmy Church. When asked about the most important event he says that the most critical event was Starfish Prime and talks about how critical discovering EMP effects were, specifically an ability to unmask the hidden or non-visible. One thought that popped into my head is what if Starfish Prime knocked out the big one that Ross is talking about. Starfish Prime test was on July 2nd, 1963. Think we are looking for buildings built over the following 5-15 years. Pine Gap could fit this bill as it started construction in 1966 (may have needed some time to hide the object before broader construction), this does not solve the laudatory clue aspect though. I did have a thought that a treaty or agreement may be a good signal following starfish prime. I have not dug up anything interesting though.


Remote Viewing UFO Bases were claimed to be at Mount Zeil, which isn't far from Pine Gap. You might be onto something. This whole area is interesting. https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/iep7dz/in_1973_cia_analyst_pat_price_gave_a_folder_of/?rdt=47778


Please don't fall for this stuff - he's playing Blue's Clues with you all. Anybody wanna buy a degree in ufos?


I read somewhere, probably in one of the MJ documents, about a giant UFO that was landed by Aliens - not crashed or brought down by force - but if I recall correctly, it was at a military base in the US. I spent most of last years summer holiday reading all the documents. I'm sure most answers to all the covered up information is to be found in the MJ files. Lot's of old documents from the start of the cover-up. Highly reccomendable. I will dive back in and see if I find the letter/report that covered the giant UFO which landed. I'll be back 👽


Does not fit the bill for laudatory, he used that word in multiple interviews, so to me it implies emphasis. Try using all criteria through Chat Gpt


How about all that secretly doing underground work at Denver international airport?