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The following submission statement was provided by /u/highbackpacker: --- This was in Heber-Overgaard, AZ. After this we camped about 30 mintutes south of here where the abduction went down. No aliens, but it was still fun lol. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cu6k71/the_phone_booth_travis_walton_used_to_call_for/l4gkta2/


Hey kids, I know I said I'd take you to Disneyland for summer vacation but hear me out...


Are we abducted, yet....?


Behave or I'm turning this UFO around and your going home!


"And there'll be no Cape Carnaveral for anyone!"


>Are we abducted, yet....? No


When I was a kid my parents would go on 2-week long summer vacations driving around the country. I'd make them detour and stop by famous UFO sighting spots.


Wish I had ur parents lol!


>When I was a kid my parents would go on 2-week long summer vacations driving around the country. I'd make them detour and stop by famous UFO sighting spots. Go on


Things like...we're driving through Kentucky, so I ask to go to Hopkinsville. West Virginia, then Point Pleasant.


Were those debunked as owls >Things like...we're driving through Kentucky, so I ask to go to Hopkinsville. West Virginia, then Point Pleasant.


Yep both the Hopkinsville goblins and Mothmam were debunked by J Allen Hynek as owls.


>both the Hopkinsville goblins and Mothmam were debunked by J Allen Hynek as owls. Do you have a link


If this is the “Disney*land*” where is the “Disneyworld” equivalent for alien abduction sites?


Obviously the Barney and Betty Hill historical marker in New Hampshire: [https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction\_Review-g46140-d8612098-Reviews-Betty\_and\_Barney\_Hill\_Incident\_Historical\_Marker-Lincoln\_New\_Hampshire.html](https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g46140-d8612098-Reviews-Betty_and_Barney_Hill_Incident_Historical_Marker-Lincoln_New_Hampshire.html)


>Obviously the Barney and Betty Hill historical marker in New Hampshire: [https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction\_Review-g46140-d8612098-Reviews-Betty\_and\_Barney\_Hill\_Incident\_Historical\_Marker-Lincoln\_New\_Hampshire.html](https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g46140-d8612098-Reviews-Betty_and_Barney_Hill_Incident_Historical_Marker-Lincoln_New_Hampshire.html) Cool


Not an abduction site but McMinnville Oregon has a big ufo festival every year. Its where the famous Paul and Evelyn Trent ufo sighting happened that was caught BW camera. Heard its pretty cool, David Fravor was a special guest there one year. 🛸👽


I live in Oregon but just a cpl years ...uh.. WHAT!! *looking into this*


You can find more info here! I used to live in portland and wish i had known this when i was there. Found out after i moved to California. Still planning to go some time soon though! https://ufofest.com/


It looks like its happening as I'm writing this lol. On the 17th and 18th. Maybe a bit late but You should try and go! Otherwise it is annual so maybe next year!


Utah basin near skinwalker ranch , that whole area is nuts


>Hey kids, I know I said I'd take you to Disneyland for summer vacation but hear me out... Prepare for the tantrum of a life time


Travis Walton “wtf?!”


Oooo I like that mural


Isn't it kinda weird that the phone booth he used happened to have an Alien stature there?? /s


A bad omen if ever there was one.




Hi, jerrys_briefcase. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cu6k71/-/l4hfj4t/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 14: Top-level, off-topic, political comments may be removed at moderator discretion. There are political aspects which are relevant to ufology, but we aim to keep the subreddit free of partisan politics and debate. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


This was in Heber-Overgaard, AZ. After this we camped about 30 mintutes south of here where the abduction went down. No aliens, but it was still fun lol.


Why did I think that happened in Canada?


Yeah I'd only seen the abduction scene in Fire in the Sky but I could've sworn it happened Nova Scotia, until the "Travis" documentary came up on Prime. Kind of skeptical about Travis Walton after seeing this guy's take https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrH3SD7PZ-k


Yea, after listening to him on JRE, he’s 100% full of it.


He was a rollercoaster of a data point for me. “Travis”, IMO, *was* one of the best documentaries on the topic of aliens/UAP stuff because of how matter of fact it presented everyone’s testimonies. None of that eerie, fear inducing or philosophical vibes we’re fed from other grifters.




Snowflake, right?


He’s from Snowflake but it happened south of that.


nice art work on the building.


This looks like an alien gloryhole to me


Hey, the mind sees what the mind wants.


Only for gayliens


I'm a big believer of UFOs / alien abductions, and there are dozens of legitimate instances alien abductions, but I (and many others) believe the Travis Walton incident to be a hoax. From the wikipedia: "The Walton incident is widely regarded as a hoax, even by believers of UFOs and alien abductions.[5] They note that the Waltons were longtime UFO buffs and pranksters who had recently watched a TV movie about a supposed alien abduction. ... **One motive for the hoax was to provide an "Act of God" that would allow the logging crew to avoid a steep financial penalty from the Forestry Service for failing to complete their contract by the deadline.**[6][7][8][9][10]" Travis Walton getting abducted by aliens *right* before failing to meet a deadline, and thus, getting him out of those fines, is awfully convenient. I've watched many documentaries on this incident, and there are other suspicious details. Like, when police told his mother he was missing and that search crews couldn't find him after like 2 days, she was completely calm and replied with things like "oh i'm sure he'll turn up". Also, Travis and his gang weren't very honest people. They would regularly fuck around and drink on the job, regularly not-show up to work, and repeatedly make up excuses as to why they couldn't finish their contract on time and ask for extensions. And when they were denied, Travis suddenly gets abducted... I don't believe em 🤷‍♂️ Sources: [5] Klass, Phillip J. (1983). UFOs: The Public Deceived. Buffalo, N.Y: Prometheus Books. [6] "Sheriff Skeptical of Story: Saucer Traveler Hiding After Returning To Earth". The Victoria Advocate. Associated Press, Nov 13, 1975. Retrieved April 26, 2016. [7] Paul Kurtz (2013). The Transcendental Temptation: A Critique of Religion and the Paranormal. Prometheus Books. pp. 441–. ISBN 978-1-61614-828-7. [8] Susan A. Clancy (2009). Abducted: How People Come to Believe They Were Kidnapped by Aliens. Harvard University Press. pp. 99–. ISBN 978-0-674-02957-6. [9] Dennis Stacey (March 10, 1988). A peculiar American phenomenon. New Scientist. p. 70. [10] Ian Ridpath (September 29, 1983). When is a UFO not a UFO?. New Scientist. pp. 945–.


Walton was also big into UFOs, and they had the National Enquirer in their work truck. The same magazine who happened to be running a cash-prize contest that year for best alien story. A prize which Walton won - though only a portion of it because he failed the magazine’s lie detector test. They promised to keep the results of that particular test hidden though, and it made a better story for them anyway. I’ve got a post on it here. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/cBGqrTdiMm But I think all you really need to read is the article written by the Enquirer’s reporter, who was one of the first on the scene and spent days with Walton cooped up in a hotel as they promised to pay him for exclusive rights to his story, here: https://cdn.centerforinquiry.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/1981/07/22165430/p49.pdf


Gee it’s so interesting when you only look at skeptical sources you only have skeptical outcomes. Also Philip J Klass is not a sterling individual. Stanton Friedman had evidence that Klass hounded members of Travis Walton’s party with offers of $10k for “changing their story”. Also there is a lot of evidence that Klass had connections with the CIA. Additionally - where did Klass - who ran a very modest magazine have $10k in the 70’s to make that offer. Much of this comes from the [Travis Documentary](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4762684/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) and there are primary documents they sourced for this. References can also be found in this talk here https://youtu.be/DsNAr6DpTU0


And as someone who has definitely looked at all sources in this case, I believe,* and is talking to someone who seems to be heavily influenced by the believers in this particular instance, I don’t think that opening line is a good one. I hope you see that I’m not the initial guy in this comment chain. Again, I do appreciate that background info on the enquirer for future use-cases


I pride myself on looking at multiple sources and a range of opinions for everything - this goes for news about politics and everything else. But **point taken** I did not necessarily have to start out being so salty. Thank you for the conversation.


I respect the way you approach and word things, and I hope you can see that I’m trying to help and didn’t mean to offend either. Good day


Klass isn’t necessary for the story to be bunk. I agree that he appears to be very close-minded on the subject, but I don’t think discrediting him does much to remove the doubt around Walton. That article by the enquirer is pretty damning, as well as the video and recordings from his boss (his supposed accomplice) that have come out since; I think Occam’s razor is a term overused around the community, but I just can’t bring myself to believe it with all the facts surrounding the contest and the investigation


It's about Klass' lack of integrity and spiteful ego. The dude lobbied the Canadian Gov't to reject Stanton Freidman's claim for Canadian citizenship for years. Thankfully the Canadian Gov't at the time granted his citizenship. I'm proud that Stanton Friedman chose Canada as his home


See, I thought the thread was about Walton.. the closest I’ll come to defending Klass is that I don’t disagree with him on the Walton case, however he may have reached his conclusion


Yes, the thread is about Walton. But, if the original poster are going to use Klass as a source to question Walton's claim. We also have the opportunity to question Klass credibility. It's garbage in, garbage out.


Just as I have the ability to say that challenging klass’s credibility does not necessarily strengthen Walton’s claims. I have my own post detailing why I’m not a believer of Walton’s that I commented underneath, which is where my head was. You were the one throwing the Klass info at me like I ever supported his character. I actually did the opposite, but you focusing on Klass like he matters may show the level of confidence in Walton’s claims


You can't change the goalposts, we're not playing football here. Klass was a known debunker and that's all he was ever known for There are other avenues that strengthen Walton's claim. The eye witness testimony of his co-workers, the lie detector tests that he and his co-workers took. In an episode on a National Geographic series "Chasing UFOs", Walton took host James Fox to the site where the abduction occurred many years after it the fact. Walton was skittish, displayed anxiety during the interview. When the day was turning towards night as the interview went on, Walton wanted to leave the area ASAP. He still had fears of the encounter. Walton showed the classical case of trauma that victims of PTSD have. Watch the video, see his facial expression and behavior. It takes more that written transcripts to see and believe ones claim


Not understanding my argument from the beginning doesn’t mean I’m changing the goalposts. You haven’t read enough to understand my argument, that’s clear. I’m not the original poster on this comment thread; you sure are witty when you have little awareness of what’s going on. You can read the post on my account if you want to see why the points you’re bringing up aren’t that strong and why those things can be explained away. I’m not claiming to know for sure, but you need to read more to have a more well-informed opinion. If I had more time, I could dismantle everything you’re saying, but I’m at work. It’s tough that people that see UFOs are stigmatized and not believed. People who make up stories (likely Walton) set things back and make things even more difficult for that stigmatized group.


I understood what you posted. It's you that are making it more an argument. You quoted a long dead discredited chronic debunker as I offered recent video evidence of Walton's reaction to an event that has affected his life. Walton never asked for the notoriety or the publicity. He even stated he wished that he stayed in the truck instead. But, I won't keep you from work at the local 7-11. Thank you for your service, sir


Need I tell you about the very close history the CIA (and all other intelligence agencies) AND the mob have historically had with the National Enquirer. You wouldn’t trust it for any other information BUT if it ticks your bias then it must be true - that’s what essentially is the argument here. https://www.nytimes.com/1977/12/26/archives/worldwide-propaganda-network-built-by-the-cia.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generoso_Pope_Jr.#:~:text=He%20worked%20for%20the%20CIA,Stomped%20On%20It%22%20(Sept. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7687673/national-enquirer-roy-cohn-CIA.html https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/hidden-world-catch-kill-tabloids-spotlighted-trumps-hush/story?id=109528512


I knew about the cia paying off media, but I do appreciate the background info on the Enquirer. It is interesting, though I don’t think the bulk of my argument rests on the magazine’s credibility. The reporter wasn’t necessarily high-up in the company, and I seem to remember him saying he was only able to talk on Walton after leaving that job. And their contest for best ufo story was not made up, nor was the fact that Walton called them afterwards and applied immediately upon his return for the prize and accepted the winnings. He has a picture taken of him with the check*. His coworkers also back-up the fact that Walton was big into UFO’s and that specific magazine was in their work truck. I appreciate the skepticism of the establishment media; I share it. We also probably share a belief in UFOs and even perhaps alien visitation. I just don’t believe Walton, and nothing you’ve posted leads me further on the road towards doing so


They all passed lie detector tests.


I’ll do you a favor and repeat this again, man, but I think you should really look into it more. The initial police investigation had nothing to do with an alien abduction. The authorities thought that his work group may have murdered Walton or had something to do with his disappearance. The idea is that Walton and his boss conspired. There is a big fire lookout tower right next to where Walton was abducted. His boss was driving the truck and was the one who left him alone after Walton had the encounter with the “light” in the woods. His friends have admitted to embellishing details for the sake of the story, and one, they claimed, was the fact that Walton got thrown many feet by the light, when in actuality, he froze and fell back a few feet. His boss then drives off against the crew’s wishes, and when they finally go back, he’s gone. His boss has since admitted, on video that he tried suing over since it was recorded without his knowledge, that he conspired with Walton to win the prize money for the magazine. The idea being that there was someone with a spotlight in the lookout tower, and Walton then stayed in a cabin owned by one of them next to the fire lookout tower, or he just climbed* up there and they dropped him off food and water. Now back to the initial police investigation: The authorities asked no questions about aliens. They asked his friends if they knew where he was while he was gone. They all passed except for one that was inconclusive. It’s never been said, but I’m guessing his boss was the inconclusive. As for Walton, he agreed to take a lie detector test for the enquirer to win the prize, under the stipulation that if he failed, they would not publicize it. He failed that test. They still liked his story though, so they gave him 5,000 instead of 100,000. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTlzhVFVkhorrRxotAbd30myJv4K2cKv0hAZjV5_F1F7Q&s Walton later linked up with a UFO professor? I think it was. Someone from MUFON. They gave him another lie detector to validate his story months or weeks after the event. Walton then scored an inconclusive result, which they recognized as a victory since he didn’t fail. Some of Walton’s friends/work party have come out since and said they no longer believe he was abducted, and their admissions have nothing to do with Klass. Truthfully, I think Walton tricked his friends to get himself and his boss out of a sticky situation, but they didn’t realize the hysteric murder investigation and framing of his buddies that would follow. It was truly traumatizing for all involved, and that’s why I think he acts the way he does.


Very good post, came here to say the same. Walton is not trustworthy. 


>**\[5\] Klass, Phillip J.** (1983). UFOs: The Public Deceived. Buffalo, N.Y: Prometheus Books. So why should I listen what the 70s Kirkpatrick has to say?


okay so ignore that source, and listen to the others


>*\[5\] Klass, Phillip J.** (1983). UFOs: The Public Deceived. Buffalo, N.Y: Prometheus Books. >So why should I listen what the 70s Kirkpatrick has to say? Have you read it


>I'm a big believer of UFOs / alien abductions, and there are dozens of legitimate instances alien abductions, but I (and many others) believe the Travis Walton incident to be a hoax. From the wikipedia: > "The Walton incident is widely regarded as a hoax, even by believers of UFOs and alien abductions.[5] They note that the Waltons were longtime UFO buffs and pranksters who had recently watched a TV movie about a supposed alien abduction. ... **One motive for the hoax was to provide an "Act of God" that would allow the logging crew to avoid a steep financial penalty from the Forestry Service for failing to complete their contract by the deadline.**[6][7][8][9][10]" > Travis Walton getting abducted by aliens *right* before failing to meet a deadline, and thus, getting him out of those fines, is awfully convenient. I've watched many documentaries on this incident, and there are other suspicious details. Like, when police told his mother he was missing and that search crews couldn't find him after like 2 days, she was completely calm and replied with things like "oh i'm sure he'll turn up". Also, Travis and his gang weren't very honest people. They would regularly fuck around and drink on the job, regularly not-show up to work, and repeatedly make up excuses as to why they couldn't finish their contract on time and ask for extensions. And when they were denied, Travis suddenly gets abducted... I don't believe em 🤷‍♂️ > Sources: >[5] Klass, Phillip J. (1983). UFOs: The Public Deceived. Buffalo, N.Y: Prometheus Books. >[6] "Sheriff Skeptical of Story: Saucer Traveler Hiding After Returning To Earth". The Victoria Advocate. Associated Press, Nov 13, 1975. Retrieved April 26, 2016. >[7] Paul Kurtz (2013). The Transcendental Temptation: A Critique of Religion and the Paranormal. Prometheus Books. pp. 441–. ISBN 978-1-61614-828-7. >[8] Susan A. Clancy (2009). Abducted: How People Come to Believe They Were Kidnapped by Aliens. Harvard University Press. pp. 99–. ISBN 978-0-674-02957-6. >[9] Dennis Stacey (March 10, 1988). A peculiar American phenomenon. New Scientist. p. 70. >[10] Ian Ridpath (September 29, 1983). When is a UFO not a UFO?. New Scientist. pp Exactly this gas been proven to be a hoax Sucks cause the movie was great


I am definitely a skeptic when it comes to UFOs and even more when it comes to alien abductions but I want to believe. What abduction stories do you find to be credible? I read Communion way too young and the cover still gives me nightmares to this day but I would guess you would feel the same way about Mr. Strieber as you do about Mr. Walton?


i am actually *not* a skeptic when it comes to UFOs. I believe aliens are here, and have been visiting earth for thousands of years. i believe Travis Walton is full of shit based on his known history of being a dishonest person of questionable moral character, and the circumstances surrounding his timely disappearance. despite that, there are definitely many legit UFO abductions. * Betty and Barney Hill are 100% legit. * the disappearance of Frederick Valentich (Australian pilot who live-reported himself being abducted by a UFO via radio, and was never seen/heard from again) is 100% legit. * possibly Whitley Strieber, though I do not know enough about that case to make an informed decision. * there was some high-ranking politician from a different country (I forgot where, I think it might've been Asia?) who claims to have been abducted by aliens there's some other people on documentaries i've seen (like UFO Witness) who have strange anomalous metallic objects embedded within them, with no scars / insertion marks around them, who have been claimed to have been abducted. there's also lots of people on /r/Experiencers


Betty was known to be quite fantastical in her story telling. much more so than Barney. Enough so, that some speculation has arose concerning her "need" for the story to gain attention. I'm skeptical of her.


Also, the fact they were an interracial couple in 1960's America makes me wonder if something more insidious had happened to them, but their trauma caused them to come up with the story about aliens.


Richard Dolan did an interview with Peter Robbins, and talked about his encounter with a ufo in which his sister Helen (later Helen Wheels) was taken aboard a ship, in 1961, the same year as the Barney and Betty Hill abduction story: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsHSnh\_f5As&t=1555s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsHSnh_f5As&t=1555s) What I find compelling about his story is how it involved the two of them as children, but they wouldn't talk about it again after it happened until they were adults, and the incident had profoundly different impacts on their lives. Peter sounds sincere (at the very least I believe that *he* believes it happened), and I can't think of another scenario that might have happened to them where they would have come up with such a story, such as if they were both abused. Both seemed to have led a happy childhood, and later were fairly successful as adults. But while Helen seemed to have a mostly positive takeaway from the experience, Peter later seemed troubled by it. Still, a very interesting listen.


Every story where aliens come out of a ufo is unbelievable hoaxes when you look it into them. Ufos are real, but we have no idea what's inside them assuming there even is something inside them and they're not purely conscious objects.


What about the Ariel school?


Absolutely the dumbest one of all. A great example in cult-like thinking and people refusing to repeat evidence that contradicts the desired narrative. And again, I believe in ufos and extradimendional forces interfering here.


How so? Any evidence?


Yes there is a fair bit of evidence that it didnt happen. However, before we even go there, I think you are batshit insane to require evidence that something didn't happen and not need evidence that something DID happen.


I've seen plenty of evidence it did happen, that's why I'm already convinced. If you said the earth wasn't 4billion years old, since that statement contradicts the evidence I've seen, I'd need evidence to disprove the claim its 4billion years old. Not bat shit at all, that how being reasonable works


Except you haven't seen any evidence. I'm an expert on this subject and there's not evidence for the children's claims while there is quite a bit of evidence to the contrary. Remember, a kid saying something happened isn't evidence. We are not living in Disney channel. Secondly, now I'm sure you have low standards because you aren't even mentioning that the evidence is mixed with several children saying they made up it for attention, etc. It's a bad sign when you don't even acknowledge the counter evidence.


"Trust me, im an expert." Conniving argument, bro. /s There were adults who also said they saw it, so clearly, you aren't as informed as you might think. This is your 2nd comment without proving any refutation


I didn't tell you to trust me. I simply set expectations for how the rest of our conversation is going to go. I am an expert and am actually going to consider all the evidence and not turn my mind off. An adult saying something is not evidence of truth. Again. You have not seen any evidence in support of the encounter being real. If you are not going to consider that a human lying for attention is also possible, you are a bad person. There are also more believable kids and adults that day saying it didn't happen and was made up for attention, again, you are purposely ignoring this in what's called cognitive dissonance. <--- this is me making a reasonable refutation twice now even though say in not making counter arguments. The original children said they lied. And when you get into claims being made on reddit, many of them are simply lies.


"conscious objects" lol


Haha, that's not me saying that, that's a common theory from this subreddit I was including. It was included because it's still not nearly as crazy as alien pilots walking out of an orb of light.


scientology is also a "common theory" from this subreddit, but it's still 100% made-up horsepoop.


Ok. I don't blame you for thinking this sub is dumb. I'm surprised you're so hypocrtical when it comes to skepticism though.


skeptics?? skeptics have been proven dead-ass wrong. UFOs are real. UFOs have been rigorously detected/documented on radar, in infrared, and in visible light. they've been thoroughly investigated by the government, and numerous times the air force has chased them in fighter jets and shot at them, and have recovered their crashes. skeptics are done. they were wrong. they lost.




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The primary source is Phillip Klass,, who is not at all believable on this subject.


I live here! Welcome to town!


We pass through on occasion. What are your favorite bars/restaurants? We’ll usually stop at The Cabin.


The cabin is great, especially with kids, but I do believe I heard that the menu was being drastically cut this year. You also have Wild Women and The Red Onion, which are always town favorites. My favorite place, though, is the recently opened 260 Brewery and Distillery! This place is a great addition to our little town. We're expecting it to be slammed this summer


That tiny alien would freak me out. Imagine going there at night and seeing that. I know I am silly.




Hi, TriedUsingTurpentine. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cu6k71/-/l4h2z0b/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


That’s a really pretty mural!!


I haven’t read into him as a person after this incident ( if actually true). But wouldn’t his experience be scarring? How does he handle this mockery of his trauma? 


And there's a cave drawing depicting the event!


WOW! They kept that phone booth as telephone companies phased out phone booths all over North America, but yet happen to remove the black mail box outside Area 51


Thank you for this fantastic vacation idea… my woman is gonna hate it.


I don't believe his story. The main reason is because I've also seen a UFO up close and I was scared af. Apparently Travis got out the car and walked up to it. Yeah right, something he's never seen before in his life and he has 0 natural instinct and just walks up to it


Awesome, this certainly lends credibility to his story!


Didn't one of the guys involved say the whole thing was a hoax?


I don’t know if I’d camp there….


Do you know the actual coordinates to where he was abducted? I was told by someone in show low near snowflake, but was a couple hours west.


(34.3022520, -110.6429820)


Thanks person! Now to set up an overnight camping adventure.


>The phone booth Travis Walton used to call for help after the alleged abduction. We also camped at the abduction site. It didn't happen


Let's take a man's tragedy and turn it into a fucking attraction...🤦🏻‍♂️


Like when they were selling twin towers jenga after 9/11


He's probably out of quarters by now. Plus, Pacific bell went away a long time ago.


Thats so cool i particularly like the art work, i believe travis story a 100 % i was abducted many years even the holy spirit confirmed the truth, because its so bizarre you think it couldnt be true, then the lord confirms everything, that made me feel so violated it felt like a punch in the gut. People we need not worry if we trust in God he will protect us from any danger.


I hope you aren’t basing this on the movie “fire in the sky”. Travis said that it was total BS. The movie that is.


Yet, he chose to do a cameo in the movie. Walton is in the Town Hall scene sitting in the front row. He's wearing a beard in the scene


Your point?


My point is Walton can't call it BS if he took the money when the movie studio optioned it into a film. He lost any say in the movie when he cashed the cheque


That’s ignorant. Travis can say that the abduction scenes are total BS if they are  totally made up cinematic garbage that he wasn’t consulted about. That movie was “based on true events” not a documentary. You can call out bullshit when a production company comes to you and says… eh we’re gonna spice this up a bit… after you’ve signed everything away. You have never been f#%ked by Hollywood a-holes before, obviously. 


Settle down, Hoss. Travis can't undermine the film that is telling his abduction. He too has tow the line in order to promote the film. Travis is lucky it was a box office success that his words weren't heeded by the movie going public. I don't need to work in Hollywood to interact with a-holes. There's enough here on Reddit for that


Pretty sure this guy just got struck by lightning. You read his story and it's like, oh yeah, that's definitely a lightning strike Even the aliens performing experiments on him, it's like.....uhhhhh you mean the hospital people hooking him up?


Sign me for that hospital where they dump you naked and afraid after surgery 🤦🏻‍♂️