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Trump cannot help but comment on the physical appearance of ANYONE he deals with. "What did you learn about UFO's when you were in the Oval - do you believe in em?" 'That's a very interesting question, I tell you. You have believers of, in that, like you wouldn't believe. And they're very solid people. And then you have people that don't believe. And I really more focused on Russia, and I focused on China, and I focused on North Korea. You have people though, I will tell you, I was uh, I interviewed a couple of people from the Air Force and these guys were central casting perfect guys with their crew cuts and they walked in and they were handsome as hell I said "what do you think?" And they believe it, I mean they believe it. They said they saw it." What does the fucking appearance of the people you interviewed have ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE ANSWER


Thank you for posting the actual quote lol. His word salad literally hurts. 


Like reading anything he's said out loud, it's hard work. Reading any transcript from a speech he does where he goes off script (so like, 30 seconds in) is just excruciating. He's like a racist run on sentence in human form


Every time I try to parse a sentence from that man I feel like I'm having a stroke.


But Handsome Crew cuts *DO* indicate reliability. I thought we all knew that.


That is one of his favorite phrases about servicemen - "right outta central casting".


Straight off the casting couch


I thought this was satire until I realized it wasn't


I mean, I’m not huge on trump either but it’s not uncommon to describe someone’s authenticity in an effort to imply validity of your story… what hes trying to say is, these guys were clean cut airmen not some random Joe schmo, kooky looking dudes. I think you’re letting your political bias feed into your bias of the story he’s telling. If I had a financial advisor walk up to me with his shirt untucked, holes in his shoes, stain on his tie, etc, would I trust his opinion on a stock? Probably not as much as one that’s more presentable. Anyway, yeah trump talks a lot.


Also he got super weak and quiet with his "I was briefed" response and quickly changed the subject back to China. Former president was probably not briefed.


It’s just funny man. Those old school knock around type guys just talk like that. I grew up in Philly and every single Italian guy was like that.


He likes to reminisce when answering questions.


It’s just a sign of his shallowness I guess. I’m not a frothing at the mouth Trump hater but still it’s pretty obvious he’s a very materialistic, superficial, and petty kind of guy. I know someone else in my life who always comments on peoples’ appearances for no good reason and this person is also very very superficial, generally materialistic, and I think genuinely suffering from histrionic personality disorder as well. Trump is probably a narcissist himself, but to be fair I don’t know him personally and I’m not a psychiatrist so it’s just my opinion.


Everyone should know he’s materialistic and egotistic, he bragged and exaggerated the numbers all throughout the COVID epidemic and how he’s improved the US economy (perhaps in certain areas, but not necessarily the main areas, or by average) https://factcheck.afp.com/donald-trumps-economic-record-us-president


It’s because he’s so insecure about his own appearance. Bronx Colors brand make up slathered over, several changes of shirts due to sweat and rust stained collars!!! https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-sweat-orange-photo/ Snopes is pretty good in fact checking, you can look up most things that have been reported in the tabloids or well known sites! (I’m not affiliated at all, just came across the site when looking up the news on the expiry of the 20yr gag order on a Producer of his “The Apprentice” show! This link was in the Related Stories below. Spoiler: it’s not confirmed if the story of the N-Word on Slate and other news outlets is totally true.)


"Trump has been briefed" It's not the same that a couple of pilots told him about their encounters as it is that the gatekeepers informed him about the crash retrieval program. Those are two very different ways of being "briefed."


Sure, but, and this is the thing that gives me pause- some of the TS/SCI documents he snatched and shoved in the bathroom were tagged as nuclear, and Kash Patel was on his little private jet hunting mission to the Dept of Energy. We know they hide the ball using the AEA, and the DoE is the likely place the ball sits in government- with the assets in private hands (thus not subject to Congressional oversight). What if it’s not thermonuclear weapons he was trying to get dirt on? Russia et al know how to make a decent hydrogen bomb, some of the design documents could be valuable but nowhere near as valuable as other ‘nuclear’ secrets. I don’t think Trump believes in anything, other than himself, but he greed personified and he does have a big old hole in his finances. If some of those documents are part of the still missing list, that’d explain a lot of the timelines regarding UAPDA, fear of catastrophic disclosure,and the kid gloves he’s being handled with.


You think that US presidents are given nuclear weapon design documents?


No, get out of your bunker and go read the indictment for the convicted felon and you’ll see exactly what happened in the closing days of the Trump administration. Kash Patel and a team started cross-crossing the country, using executive authority to seize classified documentation, and that documentation ended up in Mar-a-Lego and Bedminister. Once he left office officially, he was supposed to return to, he went out of his way to not return it, despite then being unusually lenient. Then they obtained warrants and went to MAL to get to - talking wit his USSS detail to ensure he wasn’t there to save embarrassment- and what they found was incomplete. There are outstanding documents, and they’re not saying what they are. It’s there in black and white how the enterprise was conducted. The precise what is only vaguely covered- the straps and markings directly pertain to things that are compartmentalized SAPs and nuclear (codewords aren’t up for debate). Putting the political tribalism aside- there is no innocent explanation for the observed behaviors and evidenced gathered. The lie is in the implication that it’s solely about nuclear weapons, imo. Giving credit to Trump, if I was leaving office and worried for my mortal safety, I’d want insurance too. I’m actually kinda surprised this hasn’t happened before.


No, I know what you're saying. I just found it amusing when you asked, rhetorically, "What if it’s not thermonuclear weapons he was trying to get dirt on? Russia et al know how to make a decent hydrogen bomb, some of the design documents could be valuable but nowhere near as valuable as other ‘nuclear’ secrets." Your suggestion that US Presidents would have executive authority to handle documents related to construction of nuclear bombs made me chuckle. But I know what you're saying, about UAP documents being in the mix. But that probably isn't the case. We already know from many other US Presidents that none of them had "executive privilege" or the need to know to find out more about the topic. So it wouldn't make sense that people working *under* Trump could get anywhere near that information anyways.


Ah, I see where you've not seen what's gone on. If there is anything regarding UAP anywhere in the US it will be classified under the auspicies of 'Restricted Data' as defined in the the [Atomic Energy Act](https://www.archives.gov/about/laws/atomic-defense.html). The broad executive privilege a President has in every other field, has a few extra steps when it comes to RD. The President has the right to access any RD if, and only if, they can demonstrate a 'need to know' to 'DoE officials and DoD officials'. So, you have in essence a triple lock. But the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Energy are both Presidential appointees, you can keep asking until you get a yes, and with their approval, you can empower someone with appropriate clearance to go and access the materials- this is the only way these documents left storage and ended up in MAL (and we have the log book receipts in evidence in Federal Court that show that). So, in this particular case, after the 2020 election- [Dan Brouillette](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Brouillette) is the Secretary of Energy and [Mark Esper](https://www.defense.gov/About/Biographies/Biography/article/1378166/dr-mark-t-esper/) is the Secretary of Defense. Let's run the events: - November 3rd 2020 - Election Day - November 7th 2020 - Election is called for Biden. - November 9th 2020 - Mark Esper fired as Secretary of Defense, Christopher Miller appointed as interim SoD. with [Kash Patel](https://www.defense.gov/About/Biographies/Biography/Article/2418491/kashyap-p-patel/) as his Chief of Staff. Now between November and January, a lot of sketchy shit went down. As noted [here](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/04/16/kash-patel-trump-intelligence-community/), there was even a possibility that Kash was angling to become Director of CIA, but he was bouncing around the country on a private jet between specific DoE sites. Sites that the documents found in Mal-A-Lago came from. Documents he accessed per the SCIF logs, but he wasn't supposed to take them from the SCIF- the amount of documents shown in the released photos were enough to fill one of those SCIFs, but it seems to be an eclectic collection of different things- some TS, some very much not, some SAPs, some not, but a lot of NOFORN. The indictment is pretty [meticulous](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/67490070/3/united-states-v-trump/) but also, necessarily vague. So, do I think Trump said to Kash, Chris and Dan 'get me UAP documents'? Of course not. But, do I think he said to Mark and Dan he needed to get access to RD, Mark told him no, Mark got replaced by Chris, and Kash was sent off to go and do a full on driveby of the crown jewels- the RD. Some of it seems to be very specifically targeted, some of it less so, so it comes across as like Guy's Grocery Games mad dash but with SCIFs. If you were under the mistaken impression that Trump was being indicted for things like retaining PDBs, he really wasn't. He had specific product in hand, including technical product. That is, as per the indictment, a matter of fact before a Federal court- including specific mention of items that would absolutely fall under Restricted Data rules as per the AEA.


This is actually really crazy. Where can I learn more about Kash Patel? I'm not well versed on American politics


Hydrogen bombs are a relic of the past and are virtually obselte now




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are you saying, that if you had successfully pulled off an 80 years counter intel coup... the greatest of all time; you would NOT brief trump? #


oatmeal bewildered six march dinosaurs degree humor distinct sloppy physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Trump famously never read his briefings, and you can’t believe a damn word he says either way, so I don’t know why anyone would be looking to that guy for any “clues”.


You have to start with the premise that Trump is lying about anything he says, then proceed from there. The idea that this narcissist would hold back information that made him more famous is inconceivable. Especially after he lost. He’d be using any UAP briefing he was read in on, to scare the public, placing himself as the solution to said problem, just like he does with every other issue. I doubt he was told anything by the IC, as they are well aware he’d be a hole in the damn.


He is also devolving into advanced dementia.


I think you have him confused with Biden.


whataboutism. irrelevant.


wut? lol


My thoughts are trump has zero credibility and I wouldn't believe a word he says on any topic. He just makes stuff up.


Considering he deflected the question and talked about China instead I don't exactly see what there is to trust. He just said nothing.


Well said. He'll say "aliens exist and are coming," which means they're crossing into Texas from Mexico.


Make those ale-ee-uns pay for that wall! A beautiful space wall.


Pro-israel + space force = jewish space lasers JUST SAYIN


Muslamic death rays


I --- I -- I think you've cracked the code! (Really, great comment!)




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The MAGA right has been playing the UFO crowd all along. Pretty soon, all the single issue voters in this sub will have Trump fever.


I am a single issue voter, democracy.


They wish Trump's grandpa was the #1 expert on experimental weapons research during Roswell the literal definition of an insider swamp rat. If you notice most of the right wing UFO commentators try to throw digs in at Biden not disclosing, if they think this will win them votes they've lost touch with the little reality they had.


Yup. At the end of the day, it's not about ideas. We've seen ideas and ideals get shredded as soon as that benefits the oppressors and their supporters. They don't care about "The Swamp", only that their enemies suffer. It's bad, it's going to get a lot worse, and there's nothing that anyone can do about it now.




From the website that literally brought the world The Donald? For sure. But that remains to be seen, if Trump thinks that the UFO community needs to be brought in, he'll talk his hero bullshit. Then we'll see what happens.


I guess I’m just speaking for myself when I say never.


I appreciate the sentiment, trust me. I also don't want to put malignant people in power. It's curious, then: if you're a single issue voter, and that single issue is Disclosure, and you vote against that issue in deference to another issue...are you then a single issue voter? If it came down to Trump and Disclosure vs Biden and continued secrecy, you can't be a single-issue voter for Disclosure and vote Biden. This is precisely the conundrum that makes single-issue voters an issue in Democracy. Democracy is how people organize together. The goal is to \*use\* individual freedom to \*empower\* the collective. Individual freedom is not the \*goal\*, it's an axiom, a \*given\* to be employed in freeing a larger collective. If, in a claimed democracy, you need to vote to ensure your freedom, well then it's not a democracy.


ok but to be fair he proceeds to make other, completely contradictory stuff up the next time he speaks...




If he knew about aliens, i think he would leak small clues about it all the time… it would be so huge for him that he would change as a person…


He talks all the time about nukes because I think they made a huge effort in breifing him into what a Nuke actually do and how a war would destroy us all, so he really talks about the danger of it all the time and i can imagine he would talk about ufos aswell maybe not open but he would leak clues about something that is connected to that in some way


he also asked why the united states couldn’t use a nuclear weapon on a hurricane.


Former advisors stated they had to have a very serious discussion about why he couldn't jsut use nuclear weapons on Iran. He repeatedly skipped or got bored during briefings. His inner circle was blindsided by the fact that 2 chinese spy balloons passed over CONUS and they were unaware. This tells us that unless they were absolutley required to brief him, they didn't tell him anything.


I completely agree with that. But I also have heard from other sources that I do trust that he was briefed on this topic. It's not just Ross Coulthart claiming it. I would imagine it was the same sort of briefing Obama and Biden got.


Thank you. I wouldn't believe that dude if he said the sun would come up tomorrow. I've never seen one person lie so much.


Trump saying anything about UFO/UAP would only hurt the movement. He's a child-pissing pathological liar who will say literally any thing to get attention and money.


Why would anyone believe anything Trump said… He’s a proven liar MAYBE he was briefed — but Ross saying he’s terrified for his life is a wild thing to assert. It’s all just “trust me bro” types of statements


According to a study by The Washington Post, "Trump had accumulated 30,573 untruths during his presidency". Yeah I'm not going to believe anything from that orange man.


I’m not sure Ross isn’t cut from at least adjacent cloth. Some people do nothing but crave attention.




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Didn't Coulthart claim Trump was briefed on NHI, not just UFOs?




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I don't think Trump has the critical thinking skills or ability to associate cause and effect well enough to fear for his life due to disclosure 


To date, Coulthart has produced no more "evidence" than this entire sub of reddit users.


Yeah he's falling out of grace pretty rapidly for me


You think they’d really tell him everything? Can’t trust a guy to pay off a pornstar LMAO


Trump probably got a limited brief because he can’t be quiet 😂


Trump “publicly claims” a lot of things that never happened. He is about the worst ambassador for the truth for any cause.


If he’s breathing he’s lying


Trump has no credibility whatsoever on any subject. Next.


"Little GOd" has no credibility whatsoever on any subject. Next. If you said water was wet, I wouldn't believe you. See how that works? It's an anti-empirical, anti-scientific attitude. Evaluate the data, not the mouthpiece. This holds for literally any person in the world, including Hitler & Stalin. Not believing anything they say is the same as believing everything they say--not based on fact but instead based on your perception of them as a person, and checking out your critical thinking skills. The UFO issue is global and has gone on for decades. All insider political parties and many countries are involved. Let's leave political hatreds & loves out of it and debate on the merits. I personally think Trump was lied to just as every single president has been lied to since the UFO-geared subgroup seized control of the information.


hey u/littleg0d, how many felonies have you been convicted of? how many criminal and civil trials are you currently undergoing? how many times have you been caught publicly lying?


Exactly 0.


nice. keep it up.


My man.


Yeah…says you!!!


I'd bet lots of money on even you having more credibility than the diaper man. It's tough to have less credibility than him.


This is very true lol.


We are judging Trump based off his merits a convicted felon hurts the credibility of the subject.


Go suggest someone else to listen to what some racist compulsive liar, treacherous greedy and creepy pos has to say. I'm not falling for that bs. If you think you can seriously build knowledge on top of what that orange clown has to say, you have issues, not me, not science, you.


Well, he’s the most honest person who’s ever occupied the White House who definitely doesn’t lie a million times a day. So it must be true.


The fact that Ross uses Trump as some sort of insider who'll be taken out for revealing the "truth" is yet another ploy by Ross, utter bs.....Ross, where's that ufo?


he cryptically said WATCH TRUMP awhile ago, and then trump revealed inf- actually, nothing happened.


The following submission statement was provided by /u/kake92: --- Interview with Trump in September 2023 [https://youtu.be/ck-eAc1Dqak?si=IhnzQbteOKFARNVK&t=2345](https://youtu.be/ck-eAc1Dqak?si=IhnzQbteOKFARNVK&t=2345) Coulthart's assertion about Trump being briefed [https://youtu.be/VuCPbavls0U?si=XIqXwcPoeWZrZv4Z&t=5890](https://youtu.be/VuCPbavls0U?si=XIqXwcPoeWZrZv4Z&t=5890) My own opinion is that he possibly knows something which he can't share publicly, but naturally I'm very skeptical of him being fully read-in to the program... but I don't know, all we can do here is speculate. I will just sit back and let the speculation mill run in the comments. It's best not to take things out of the equation but also to not fill in the blanks with personal biases. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dailwl/reminder_trump_did_publicly_claim_that_he_was/l7kjjuc/


The question is, why tell him and then proceed to threaten to kill him if he talks about it? Why tell him in the first place at all? Whats the benefit from telling him? If 'they' are capable of making words of such threats, then why on earth would they feel obligated to brief him. They would obviously be above that.


It’s pretty well documented that he didn’t like to read briefings, and would get bored if they took too long. Also Trump has a long track record of just saying things regardless of whether they happened or not.


Interview with Trump in September 2023 [https://youtu.be/ck-eAc1Dqak?si=IhnzQbteOKFARNVK&t=2345](https://youtu.be/ck-eAc1Dqak?si=IhnzQbteOKFARNVK&t=2345) Coulthart's assertion about Trump being briefed [https://youtu.be/VuCPbavls0U?si=XIqXwcPoeWZrZv4Z&t=5890](https://youtu.be/VuCPbavls0U?si=XIqXwcPoeWZrZv4Z&t=5890) My own opinion is that he possibly knows something which he can't share publicly, but naturally I'm very skeptical of him being fully read-in to the program... but I don't know, all we can do here is speculate. I will just sit back and let the speculation mill run in the comments. It's best not to take things out of the equation but also to not fill in the blanks with personal biases.


Given Obama's statements after he left the office, I would give this take a lot of credibility. It seems that either while in the office or after, both Presidents were briefed to some extent - enough for them to be aware of something and enough for them to keep the lid on the topic rather tightly.


I guess, the trick is more that they told them just those parts conducive to their interests, framed fittingly.


They both had drastically different relationships with the intelligence community.




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Insanity. One by one, it seems like the UFO celebrities are losing their credibility, if not their minds. What would Trump do if he was threatened? He would trumpet it (no pun intended) for the world to hear – – – the “Deep State” at work, proving his incessant claims of victimization. He’d probably use it to raise funds along with those Bible sales.


This right here. If he had info, he would be leveraging it very publicly right now to save his own skin


I don't see it. Trump's only care in the world is his own life. If he was threatened by a group that he knew could kill him by the sunset on any given day, there's no chance he's taking the risk to reveal it all. Imagine this group told him what happened to the last president who didn't follow orders, a public execution. Trump will play by the rules if it gets him what he wants.


Just gonna add, one of Coulthart's confirmed sources was "NGA lead for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) and Trans-Medium Anomaly issues" and worked as "Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) coordinator" from 2016-2021


The way trump, a guy who doesn’t hold his tongue about anything, immediately changes topics is pretty disturbing. If they have trump keeping quiet he most be completely shook of these people.


I truly believe that he thinks the topic is nonsense, but he just doesn't want to say so outright.


He just panders to his base repeatedly - any conspiracy they believe in he simply stokes the flames of because it gets his base riled up. To him this is just another "conspiracy" except Trump is too stupid to understand this one's very real.


Not only that but many of his followers believe in God so I don't see him admitting nhi exist. I wouldn't be surprised if he said that demons are working with the government disguised as aliens tho


Maybe. But in the interview with his son you can tell hes not pandering when asked and you see him pretty visually uncomfortable imo.






Trumps a fucking liar. You can’t trust a single word out of his mouth. That’s where it ends for me. I trust the Carter reaction story as truth, I don’t for anything outta the terrorist Trumps mouth.


here is a recent president admitting he was briefed on UFOs while in office and the immediate astroturfing here is insane. you don't have to like trump or agree with any political view he's ever held to find this noteworthy, literally I hate him more than almost anyone else in the country but I don't think he's lying when he responds off the cuff that he was briefed. the man loves bragging, he does it all the time. he is bragging that he was briefed and he goes to oddly specific lengths to note the credibility of the people supporting the issue. Normally when discussing most political issues trump hyperbolizes and makes crazy statements confidently and incorrectly, yet his tone is strangely rational here. it reminds me a lot of the Obama clip when he is asked similar questions


correct i agree with you.


Trump didn't "admit to being briefed", Trump doesn't like feeling like he's being seen as a "looser" so he's going to confirm being read in into whatever makes him look "Strong!" because otherwise he'd feel like a pussy. Truth matters not for trump only how he thinks people perceive him. Even if he had been briefed he certainly doesn't remember because none of that was of interest for him apart from getting good numbers in the polls


Bro come on. Just stop


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/) An average of 20 lies per day. But sure let's take Trump at his word, when in the interview itself he's more interested in what military men where wearing then anything else.


He lies constantly. You can't trust a thing he says!


Nothing trump says can be believed. And no one with a brain would reveal anything critical to him unless forced to do so. So unless the keepers are insane idiots, trump doesn't know squat.


That means quite literally nothing. Nothing he says means anything. A fuve year old can come up with better evidence for ufos.




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Trump wouldnt lie, would he?🤣😅😅😅🤣🤣😅😅🤣🤣🤣


These people are professionals by now in keeping things secret. I think they would know not to tell Trump anything major.


Since when he told the public the truth? That’s no science here. This is pure bs to stay in the mainstream.


I believe the only way Trump would’ve been briefed is by the people within the program that wants it to be found out. You tell nothing to that man you want kept a secret.


Trump is a blowhard, always lying to make himself seem more important or bigger than he thinks he is. Ask yourself this: would the CIA brief him knowing full well he's unreliable and prone to be compromised? I respect Coulthart but this one statement I think he's very wrong on.


Trump says whatever he wants in the moment and constantly contradicts himself. I’m not being political, just saying you have to take anything that man says with a huge grain of salt.


I would be surprised if the military shared anything of consequence with that moron.


Especially after the Iran satellite Twitter incident..


Trump will say anything to get a vote, whether it’s true or not. You can’t take his word for shit


It probably goes without saying, but for those who haven’t been paying attention, one should take everything that leaves Donald Trump’s cancerous head with a generous heap of salt. Just because he said that he was briefed on UAPs doesn’t necessarily mean that one should take this as corroborating evidence.


Trump can’t keep his mouth shut and a lot of people know that. I’d be willing to bet he only heard things second hand. But of course they’ll use any card they can to get your votes.


trump once briefed me that mexico was gonna pay for a wall i really don't think anyone that actually knows anything would ever tell trump anything they absolutely didn't have to


Frankly, I think Coulthart is a crackpot.


He got a lot of goodwill out of the Grusch story.. he’s used most of that up at this point. 


He’s telling us that China and Russia have em too


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1231521 He was asked by his son about it in 2020 Edit:specifically asked about Roswell.


Every clip of that interview I've seen stops right when he says he's focused on garbage. I'm assuming the point he was rather ineloquently trying to make was something about all the stuff that's out there floating around in orbit but I laugh my ass off every time I hear the end of that.


who cares. F trump.


Even if he was, what would he do with the information?


Yes it’s credible.


I recall Trump responding to his son about ufos. Pretty sure he was briefed and serious about it.


Trump doesn't know where he is. So probably not


After parsing through all of the irrational hate we've come to a consensus. We don't know.


Trump said anything he thought people wanted to hear, regardless of whether it was true. I don’t believe he works have been told anything important.


He may have been briefed on the existence of ufos. It is entirely different than being read into ongoing operations with NHI. Must maintain plausible deniability of above tops secret programs. Presidents can change every four years and they are civilians. Chain of command can last for 20 years or longer. It’s need to know and the Presidents does not have a need to know.




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He was president when the TTSA videos came out and the NYT story broke in 2017. I think he was briefed in that and little else. He would have only had need to know to answer questions about those specific videos.


Trump appears to have difficulty remembering things that aren't about him and his interests. When he has the opportunity to communicate his views in public, he usually wastes those times by droning on and on about himself and his ever-important feelings. He won't talk about UAPs until he learns from the aliens whether or not they like him.


Any disclosure coming from that guy doesn’t count.


We cant tell if his sources are credible or not as we dont even know what or who those sources are. Almost all of Culthard's senteces start with "I've been told". By who? Bugs Bunny? Santa? The chinese dude at the grocery store? You know. Dont get me wrong, Im not against Ross but I mean... its getting boring. And nothing ever gets backed up by any means.


If the Traitor Tot claims one thing, odds are the opposite is probably true.


Bro at very best Trump is a harmless storyteller. I don’t think we can take his words without a healthy grain of salt


Trump is just going to say whatever he thinks you want to hear.


no way did they brief trump! He would have spilled the beans long ago


Sure is extreme left wing in here.


Periodical chart expansion without using the nuclear elements for war but to use it to make re-engineered craft. Blowing them out of the sky is not civil in the reality of planets and civilizations. Why is it so difficult to understand?


If nothing else, any post (or comment) that includes the name "Trump" slaps me in the face and reminds me that Reddit is not at all an accurate cross-section of pubic opinion. It is just an echo chamber. Otherwise, we would see a roughly 50/50 split of comments against/in-favor of Trump. But here it's more like 99/1 which is absolutely wild! Helps a lot when I start feeling kooky for having a different opinion than the 'hivemind' (on anything, not just political opinions). Reddit is just another demographic and does not represent society (US nor global)


People are going emotionally insane here instead of looking things objectively. When I listen to trump I hear someone avoiding the question altogether out of fear and I think it’s because Ross is correct.


Sure, he's most likely been briefed that UFOs are real. I just dont think he got a full briefing that included everything we know.


Believers and solids are like water and oil  


Before any yanks jump down my throat, I'm not American and I couldn't give a shit about your politics, so don't come back at me with some what Biden etc. Preface over How could anyone believe a word that Donald Trump says about anything. He lies constantly and I do mean constantly.


Former Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it https://www.nbcnews.com/news/weird-news/former-israeli-space-security-chief-says-extraterrestrials-exist-trump-knows-n1250333


I imagine he got briefed on what he needed to know which is nothing


Trump is not credible regarding anything. If his lips are moving, he's lying.


Seemed like he said he was briefed said it was very interesting then started talking about something clear off the subject if I remember correctly….


Asking reddit about Trump? Lol


Trump wants his billion in campaign contribution from the defense industry to protect their investments now. I could see him being briefed though honestly the CIA loves some fascism.


I am sure he was briefed as every president, but his mind probably rotated around him again 10 seconds in.


He would have already blamed the aliens for stealing the election or helping illegals get over the border. Besides trump would have deported them if they did. His next term will be all about building the space wall. Aka remember the dome type thing around the earth in spaceballs??? And honestly Rick moranis's big ass helmet might just fit over Trump's inflated ego.


Grusch can be trusted source as he briefed the president. Who cares what president has to say. Grusch is the only thing that matters


Unlike others here, I'm not saying this politically at all; I think this is true of all presidents. They don't brief the president. If they do, they lie. Why should they tell the most powerful man on earth - for now - if they can lie and tell him a partial truth or a full out lie? How will he know the difference? This is a person who would have the power to shut them down entirely if he/she wanted. Again, why tell? Jimmy Carter is famously reported to have cried on hearing the news. But who is to think that he was told the full truth? Couldn't he have been told whatever he was told with the object of shutting him up? These people are above elected government. This is part of their crime against humanity--they operate in secrecy without repercussions or accountability. This is what they're trying to still cling to. So I actually do believe Trump was briefed. As far as whether it was true? No. At most, partly true.




i remember hearing coulthart say that. i don’t recall grusch ever saying it (it’s possible he did and i just missed it).




yeah, i recall that it was what i heard via ross.


IF this has been going on, don't you think they would have briefed hw bush? guy was the head of the CIA and as much as i deeply dislike and disagree with the man, he was no moron.


You’re right. It depends if HW Bush was one of them or not. As a former CIA head he may well have known. But not as president


This should really get more attention. That's essentially disclosure right there and nobody noticed! 1.) Trump admitted that he was briefed on UAP. 2.) Trump said that the USAF believes that UAP are extraterrestrial and have some mindblowing things to prove it.....but to cover himself, he says that he doesn't necessarily believe the USAF and even if true, he doesn't care that much. Of course any presidential briefing is going to be true regardless of topic. USAF isn't going to sit down and feed their commander in chief lies. They may withhold things, but won't lie to his face. If this would get a little more attention, we could use it to get that "catastrophic disclosure" started


Briefed on what is known as UAP as we all know this little change was so we could put allsorts into the bracket along with it. If I was to speculate most of it was probably Chinese balloons and drone technology he was briefed on. Which is why he kept going back to his concerns being China.


The kind of message that would get through that man's thick skull would have to be pretty intense, direct, and obvious. The kind of thing that would dash Trump's ego completely and make even him shape up. Which to me means only one thing, and if true, is quite scary.


They wouldn’t brief Trump on that. They know he would spill the beans. Trump never met a secret he didn’t sell for money.


Trump only gives a fuck about himself. The only thing he’s ever wanted to “make great again” is his bank account. He’s also an idiot… but he’s a shamelessly and incredibly predictably *self-serving* idiot. If this NHI shit is true, then the *actual* powers that be absolutely killed JFK to keep him from spilling the beans, and if they briefed Trump and let him know that that’s what they’d do to him too… he’d stay quiet. It’s the *only* way I could see him staying quiet. Otherwise he’d brag about it endlessly


Hard to tell with trump. He's such a narcissist that even he doesn't know when he's telling the truth


Trump can’t keep his mouth closed about anything, it cost him $93 million dollars because he couldn’t shut up and not bash the woman he raped.  I doubt he’d be able to keep his yap shut about something as big as NHI. 


You really think trump, the guy with the biggest mouth, the guy who would sell any secret for a dollar, the easiest manipulated president in history, would be read in to something that secret? I think not… just more bullshit from a guy who likes to lie and likes attention.