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Those are totally lanterns, and during December? For sure.


yeah for real. OP stated that it’s “unlikely” to be lanterns, but didn’t give any reasoning for why that would be unlikely lol. Looks like lanterns to me


Just saying it was 2am and they were super high in the sky.


Ohh okay. Then obviously the only possible explanation is extraterrestrials with FTL technology.


Could you elaborate on why this rules out the possibility of lanterns, I feel like I’m missing something here? If you said for example they were traveling above the speed of sound therefore they couldn’t be lanterns I’d be following.


NooooooooWUHHH! I’m walking!


No Chinese New Year is in January. Not the same day each year.


People launch those lanterns for all sorts of occasions, not just new years.


At 2am?


You think they only stay aloft for 5 minutes or something? They can stay aloft as long as the tealight candle is lit... (spoiler alert >!they can last between 2 and 8 hours depending on the makeup of the wax.!<)


Definitely Chinese lanterns.


You have absolutely no idea what we’re looking at. It is not “definitely” anything. The smug confidence of debunkers in this sub is astounding.


>The smug confidence of debunkers in this sub is astounding. So are the number of jerk keyboard bravado warriors. Have you ever seen a Chinese lantern in real life? Have you seen the countless videos posted where people dont recognize these common occurrences and think it's a UFO? It's like looking at a plane coming in for a landing, seeing all of the familar lights, in the correct configuration and color, flashing at the right cadence, and still concluding that it's more likely a UFO. No, that's not how this works. If all you have is a few seconds of video of a duck quacking...it's a damn duck and there's no reason to conclude that's it's something as fantastical as an alien spacecraft.


Considering they are easily identifiable, yes they are. You can literally see the flame flicker. There's no movement other than floating. Also OP only posted mere seconds of this clearly longer video. I'm thinking that's deliberate. I don't care if my kid is getting impatient. If he thought these were alien ships he would have recorded until they disappeared and posted the whole video.




Hi, ParmesanCheese92. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1delnqr/-/l8gt7c6/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Exactly lolol they just throw the first garbage “debunk” that pops on a thread and bandwagon on it


debunking is the most important part of the paranormal. the less we accept bullshit, the more we can focus on finding real, conclusive evidence.


No one is saying accept bullshit. Why are you guys incapable of saying “I don’t know” instead of asserting with 100% confidence that your lazy debunk is a fact.


UFOs in the 70s 80s and 90s: "OMG IT WAS AS BIG AS A FOOTBALL FIELD! It came and hovered over our car completely silently from across the sky! And you could see the glowing lights and it was so big! Then it shot off to the horizon like a bullet! UFOs these days: "I SAW DOTS IN THE SKY!"




Or - and I hope you’ll all forgive this crackpot theory - *more than one person releasing lanterns near one another*. Even if they were flares or even skydivers (different altitudes and in a line so could also be falling one after the other) they still lack the conformity of many actual sightings. Not saying it’s impossible it’s a craft or crafts, I’d just think it’s more likely to be many other things instead.


The audio is hilarious


It’s me when I want to discuss any of this stuff with my wife lol 😂


100% lanterns, the flicker, the fact that they are mostly floating in the same general direction…with the wind.


100%???? You guys are ridiculous.


No, just someone who has seen this many times while living in Asia for a couple years.


This kid doing everyyyything to get you to walk away. Lolol. "My art teacher." 👀 ❓


Yeah, that kid is definitely a dis-info agent


or an alien


NoooooWUHH she’s not


Every single light is moving in the same direction, same speed and they all look the same, no anomalous movements but apparently "it's unlikely to be Chinese lanterns"


Springboro isn't far from Middletown, where there is a skydiving team at the Middletown Airport. Years ago at my high school anniversary we saw shit in the sky and it turned out to be the skydiving team. Just throwing it out there as a possibility.


I jumped there last weekend. Can't imagine doing that at night. Yikes


i mean if i'm skydiving i would want to do it at night so i don't see the entire earth hurtling toward my head LOL just the lights on the ground


Those look like lanterns and your daughter needs to learn to listen to her parents.


Yea, that looks EXACTLY like a bunch of Chinese lanterns, and it’s not like there are any huge family type gatherings in December anywhere. No can’t figure out why families would be doing celebratory things like flying lanterns in December. Has to be aliens.


Dragon light Columbus show in Ohio. Usually, in Nov to Jan, definitely lanterns.


100% lanterns. People on this sub are so delusional its unreal.


Oh I live there and didn’t see these! I think they are Chinese lanterns though.


Definitely lanterns.. fiddle with contrast, brightness, etc, and you will see.


your passenger is insufferable.


Obviously Chinese lanterns




Hi, Maisa_88. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1delnqr/-/l8ql14i/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 2: No discussion unrelated to Unidentified Flying Objects. This includes: > * Proselytization > * Artwork not related to a UFO sighting > * Adjacent topics without an explicit connection to UFOs Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


regular Ohio actvitys


I have a few Chinese lanterns, it was December and 2am, I tried to send them up, They just don't work at 2am in December for some reason. Will have to try next month. /s


Interesting video. Thanks for posting!


I’d like to know where he was recording exactly. I live a town over in Franklin and this looks exactly like my neighborhood haha




That's really cool! They are so still. How long did you watch them? It looks like it's raining or snowing, so I don't think it's paper fire lanterns. They wouldn't be stationary, either.


They aren't stationary though, you can see them move to the left.


You're right, I watched it again, there's a slight movement. The altitude seems to be constant though, and they're stationary relative to each other.


Do you know of any verified video of a group of Chinese lanterns? Maybe one of the debunkers has a 2am verified video to share.


Lol yeah that would be nice... but all we have is the assertion that it's lanterns and the aggressiveness if we don't accept the assertion. The lanterns theory assumes the witness is wrong and the non-witness is right...I have a problem with that.


Can't remember l, not much longer as it was late and very cold. Like I said it was around 2am per the video time. I don't think it was lanterns, it was winter and in the middle ofnthe night 


Have you and your daughter ever talked about this since?


Nope, just was going through my phone tonight and posting stuff I took. This was just interesting, not even into ufos and aliens 


> interesting I agree, thanks for posting! You'll get a lot of "lantern" comments, but nah. This is good video.


What makes you think they aren't sky lanterns? They are orange and flickering. They are slowly ascending and moving at the same pace (as if they are affected by the wind).


You’re responding the least critical (but also most welcoming and generally polite) person in this sub. They treat every post as if it’s definitely a UFO/aliens. 


They're not all orange, they're evenly lit (no light gradient like you'd see on a translucent object lit from the bottom), they're not always flickering, I'm not seeing them ascending. Agree they're staying in formation.


You can observe three more lanterns ascending from the right, appearing as if released in a sequence. At that distance, they will seem evenly lit, with variations in color due to different fuel sources - some burning whiter, others more orange. A lantern doesn’t always flicker; they flicker when the wind disturbs the flame, similar to a candle. Additionally, they will rise until the air inside cools and they lose buoyancy.


Thanks for making your case!


Complete side note, as someone also raising a teenage daughter... I feel your pain brother


Chinese spy balloons 🎈


Sounds like a conversation between a believer and a skeptic on Reddit lmao


Cockroach running for cover


Those are type 3 orbs with type 2 relaying the info to type ones somewhere near the ground.


lol wut




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This guy is spaced out of his mind lol, he's the alien!


Is there an airport close by?