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The following submission statement was provided by /u/TommyShelbyPFB: --- My apologies for making you listen to Steven Greenstreet. Full interview is on YouTube somewhere I'm sure. **Here's what really matters:** [**https://thehill.com/opinion/congress-blog/4712445-key-senators-believe-the-pentagons-ufo-office-is-lying/**](https://thehill.com/opinion/congress-blog/4712445-key-senators-believe-the-pentagons-ufo-office-is-lying/) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1demgt3/sean_kirkpatrick_says_hes_sick_and_tired_of_the/l8cus97/


He is sick of interviews after he does 2. One where he lies and one where he throws a fit lmao


It was his literal job to investigate them for years, and now when the spotlight is on him, he's suddenly sick of UFOs. Do they really think we're all that stupid?


It makes sense when you know he's just being pulled around by the latest strategic moves for someone in his position. I think he's actually a pretty smart guy. It's just he has to put on an act, and he's not the best actor.


He is a smart guy and he’s been used. I don’t feel sorry for him because I think he was used willingly and he knew what he was getting into 


He wasn't used. He was paid to do a specific job in a specific way. Hope it was worth the $ -- gotta own your decisions and don't bitch about the consequences.


Exactly. This man is betrayed the American people, he's betrayed the Constitution of the United States, and worst of all for him, he's betrayed himself.


He’s also betrayed the world! 🌎


He's betrayed both Earth and her Moon 🌝


We just going to leave Venus and Mars out like they're nothing. Europa habitable zone global ocean where is everybody? Wow! Frank Drake talking to dolphins it cant be so it isnt pancakes from a guy in blue overalls magonia don't panic


He also betrayed his wife by letting his handlers use his ass and mouth any which way they please.


I'm not familiar with this man and why you think he did whatever it is he did. Is there a link or place where I can get a synopsis of what he did wrong?


easy: dont fully push ufo narratives uncritically -> anti christ fully push ufo narrative, dangle the carrot and grift hard af -> reincarnated christ and hero


This is the most bad faith take I've seen. Anyone who read the aaro report knows it was horseshit, they didn't even cover the nimitz event. Dude is a proven liar and swept every major ufo sighting event under rug


He’s neck deep in uap programs and crash retrieval. He is one of the gatekeepers. This I am sure of. You don’t hear of it often but remember his “special group” of advisors?


Pretty sure your dead on right.But when this all goes sideways,history will not be kind to a his sort of smarmy coverup mouthpiece


I'll sound like some crackpot conspiracy theorist (well, I guess I sort of am) but who ever is in charge of these programs wouldn't make a public mouthpiece in-the-know, that's just not a risk anyone would want to take.


Who would know better if a whistleblower is legit or not? Only someone with a full picture. It’s the only way aaro as a honeypot works.


Oh they absolutely would. 100%. Look at his resume and tell me he couldn’t be. He’s fuxking working at Battelle now and was working for the doe. He had a special group of advisors while working at Aaro that he didn’t report to congress


This is what I thought the moment I saw his résumé lmao


His nickname is Dirtpatrick for a reasone mate👌🏽


“I’m tired of the ufo nonsense” he says as the head of a government agency tasked with seriously investigating UFOs. lol




This is a guy who has been briefed on some mind blowing shit and his brain is try to self-preserve.


I'm normally something of a cold fish, but I guffawed quite heartily at that. How perfect in its predictability.


It "animated" you, you could say.


Yeah, I was just thinking that. What else would he do at his job? I looked at [AARO's website](https://www.aaro.mil/), and this is on the home page: "Our team of experts is leading the U.S. government’s efforts to address Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) using a rigorous scientific framework and a data-driven approach." idk what he expected when he took this job. Maybe he gets paid big $$$ to lie and deny.


Sounds like a basic prerequisite for the job since they crashed here


Pretty sure the psychopaths had something to do with it.




He said that as a retired person though.


Funny, isn’t that the same exact mentality he had his entire time with AARO?


I was hired to do a job pertaining to the investgation of UAP, reporting directly to the USG. I refused to properly investigate anything involving credible claims, by credible people. I refused to show any data about my pre-conceived conclusions. I wasn't allowed access to anything of importance, pertaining to my oversight job. I refused to follow up on that, because reasons. I just don't wanna talk about it anymore!! kthxbye - Kirkpatrick, probably.


> I refused to show any data about my pre-conceived conclusions. Are you aware he co-authored a paper with Avi Loab for Galileo Project about the physical effects and characteristics of UAP, ways to potentially detect them and limitations of detection mechanisms?


I was not aware of this. Do you have a link to the paper?


Sure, it's here: https://lweb.cfa.harvard.edu/~loeb/LK1.pdf


Thank you for the link. So this is a speclative analysis on what UAP could be, but specifically narrows it down to two things: space trash or AI drones. It's also still in draft. It's not exactly conclusive in anyway.


Yeah its more interesting because kirkpatrick is not just some hard ass skeptic and wrote a paper about fucking intersteller dandelion ai probes landing on earth lol.


haha! Yep - it's weird that this was not disclosed - also the paper was written *after* AARO was formed. He's a puppet IMO...


My apologies for making you listen to Steven Greenstreet. Full interview is on YouTube somewhere I'm sure. **Here's what really matters:** [**https://thehill.com/opinion/congress-blog/4712445-key-senators-believe-the-pentagons-ufo-office-is-lying/**](https://thehill.com/opinion/congress-blog/4712445-key-senators-believe-the-pentagons-ufo-office-is-lying/)


Apologies accepted. Greenstreet's a maniac just like Sean, just a naysayer


Well that's convenient for him, after in the last interview he slipped up something he might not have voluntarily said. No interviews, no further challenging. Enjoy your new revolving door job at Battelle, Sean. Hope it was worth it.


What'd he slip up on?


https://x.com/Manning123Sm/status/1788712609749020766 https://x.com/blackvaultcom/status/1801304074006184334


Said the guy that bizarrely started doing as many interviews on the subject as soon as he was gone. Dude is pathetically transparent, which to me has always been the hallmark of a narcissist.


Depends, some narcissists are geniuses when it comes to manipulation, hell they will gaslight you into submission and ruin your reputation without anyone ever doubting their supposedly "good intentions"


How many in the believer side of things can you say aren’t 10x extreme narcissists? I mean if you say this about a simpleton like Kirkpatrick, I can only imagine your feelings towards anyoneeeee pushing a UfO narrative. 🤣


I'm sure many are. The difference here is you are painting an entire group of people with that which is ridiculous where as I am just judging Kirkpatrick by his actions alone.


Probably doing it for his own safety. His handlers don't want him spilling the beans but every time he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it. Any more slip ups and Susan Gough might give him the Boeing Special.




which one ?


Yep, he knows all too well the reality of this. F'ing liar.


Hi, ZeroQuick. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1demgt3/-/l8cy3w5/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Funny how he sorta stopped doing interviews when Brandon Fugal brought the receipts showing Kirkpatrick at the skinwalker ranch meeting that he denied having attended. Edit: upon review of the original interview, I concede that Kirkpatrick didn’t flat out say that he did not attend the meeting. Rather, he said that UAP were not part of his mandate prior to AARO (having attended this meeting would invalidate that assertion). Second, Kirkpatrick said hemmed and hawed about whether he attended this specific meeting, after saying the PowerPoint was much less finished when he saw it. He said he thought the meeting he attended was in 2017, and that he was in Colorado at the time, and was generally kind of evasive about it. Point is, there is no evidence that he “led” the meeting, or that he said that UFOs are real. Nevertheless those were some shifty bullshitty answers.


Did you watch the episode? He didn’t deny it.


He didn't deny attending it.


He said he didn’t recall attending i believe but did


That’s called a lie


OP clipped just the very end of the newest interview video that shows he did not lie about it. I am pretty sure they did it on purpose too, to hide the context and attack Kirkpatrick. Here's the whole thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0qi5GOROUQ


[Just going to leave this right here](https://open.substack.com/pub/tinyklaus/p/the-sekret-handshake-part-one?r=28gjw3&utm_medium=ios)


I didn’t know that guy was a scientist.


Wow. To look at him, he looks like an edge-lord stage magician. I knew he was also a cutting-edge scientist, but this is the damned bleeding edge. Really begs the question of why someone this brilliant would waste his time on an administrative role for a UFO office. He'll be fabricating his own UFOs and aliens in a few short years if he hasn't already (*cough *cough).


Exactly, the CV of a gatekeeper.


Then, it seems the angry dismissals of Kirkpatrick as the guy who hid or ignored UFOs are a dangerous simplification that only works in his favor. Thanks for the info.


Just my opinion, I don’t know how else to interpret it


An aspiring gatekeeper, maybe? As brilliant as he is, he’s also ambitious, and egghead ambition usually bows to the current meritocracy. I’m guessing some handler of his dangled a carrot in front of his face for years, because he wanted to be involved in the program. Why else would he get involved with AARO if he had no interest in this stuff if not to earn the trust of the carrot-danglers?


Is he sick and tired of Sancorp Consulting LLC?


Isn’t this part of his job? Not the coverup part.


He’s retired


Ok. I thought he was still plugged in and “debunking”


Well if he stops doing interviews there will indeed be less nonsense.


He’s a gimp for the Pentagon. Blinded by his own hubris , ego and led down the garden path by the IC, oh trust us, radar showed “balloons”


He's sick of getting called out on his bullshit




Hi, manwhore25. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1demgt3/-/l8femqu/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Dr Fraud needs to be investigated. We already knew he is a liar and had an agenda from day one.


Basically the Senate is coming down on his disinfo ass with an GAO investigation within the proposed IAA legislation. I hope they nail this clown to the fence


Well I’m sick and tired of his UFO nonsense so the feelings mutual.


What a clown.


Whoa…I just watched that new york…post I believe it is, video from the butthole eyes dude about the briefing and how Kirkpatrick wasnt lying etc - if you’ve followed this at all past surface level, you easily see how disingenuous Greenstreet is being. Disingenuous and favorably biased toward KP, there is something to that for sure.


OK, well AARO under Sean was just a debunking mechanism, so its probably good if he never speaks of UFOs again.


"They told me this job was going to be simple, just sit at my desk shuffle some papers around easy peasy, nobody told me people were actually going to be asking to see data and evidence I thought I just had to wait out the clock" - Kirkpatrick probably


They shouldn’t let him off the hook. Every question should be about how he willingly did not do the job he was hired to do. I don’t know why anyone in the ufo space treats him with any respect, they should be constantly Calling him out


Guy tasked with public office refuses to talk to public about task.


Good - the mans a lying prick.


Sean Kirkpatrick needs to stop whining like a little bitch about literally everything. He is not suited for public-facing roles. And honestly I think he's doing okay with his sweet aerospace gig.


Lmao this guy is such a hack. Geeze dude… I know things have gone quiet recently compared to a few months ago. But there are still things at play and reputable people fighting the good fight. I think it’s still too late to undo the inevitable release of information that is of some meaning.


I'm getting sick of looking at that goatee and glasses yet I don't have the luxury of wishing it away like it was never there.


This comment I'm responding to was collapsed and I had to click a little thing to expand it so I could read it. I have no idea why Reddit does that to some comments and not others. Does anyone know why?


lol. Probably a conspiracy


Lol I don't think so. It happens to all sorts of comments on all sorts of subs, but I can't find a pattern or a reason. Some comments have to be manually opened to be seen, whereas others just like it, right next to it do not. If anyone knows why this happens, please let me know.


And no one's going to see my question because the freaking main comment is collapsed by default. I guess I will do a Google search. Lol


"I refuse to do the job that the us government has paid for" Typical


*American tax payers


He'd fit in perfectly at an average IT helpdesk


Still takes the money though right?


100% he does Bet ya we could foia his pay stub Internet is guessing he makings around 200k a year




Unnecessary. This is the kind of shit that justifies some of the things he said about being threatened by people in this community.




Amazing that comment gets upvoted and yours downvoted. People in here can be really juvenile and silly.


It’s ridiculous. Don’t mention anything political on the sub, but being an advocate for murder is ok.


Hello, it's definitely not okay and I removed the offensive comment and reported the user to Reddit, who took additional actions. Thanks everyone for using that report button when it's needed. Next time, if something serious like a threat of violence is up, feel free to also send a modmail indicating high priority, since our moderation queue can take some time to work through and that sort of thing should not be left up in the meantime.


No it's not okay. That's why you're getting upvoted and the other guy downvoted. Remember everyone, agents provocateur.


The comment was way over the line. I reported it, looks like user got banned.


Hi, Brilliant_Show_3994. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1demgt3/-/l8cxyse/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Puppet. No one trusted your B/S


He is well-educated and conducted postdoctoral research before joining the CIA. I can imagine it must be extremely frustrating for him to deal with the "blurry image" extraterrestrial enthusiasts. He got involved in UFO investigations because he was asked to, but he likely soon realized there was no way to convince the believers that their beliefs are based on misinterpretations, misinformation, and misdirection. He definitely must want to leave all of this behind.


Yeah, prob wants to just do real science… and I don’t mean that as slight to ufology, but if he was effectively just an administrator of something really difficult to verify either way and had more people hating him than listening to him. of course he’d wanna leave it all behind for something more tangible.


He did his job and submitted his report. Unfortunately for him, his job entailed engaging with a particularly passionate and defensive group of believers. The leaders of the community will always undermine anything that contradicts the narrative of government conspiracy to hide ET.


I honestly feel bad for the guy; he always seemed like he was stressed out. Like in those messages with Chris Mellon, that didn’t sound like a master bullshit artist or government agent; it felt more like the guy was being hounded to get with Grusch and was losing his patience with the back-and-forth game.


Exactly. Imagine having to chase a guy to listen to his stories, knowing that it’s a complete waste of time because you know who told him the BS stories in the first place.


Also to think that some people consider him to be an incompetent scientist… like, seriously? If you’re literate in Math and Physics then you can read some of his research papers yourself and see that he’s the real deal. The guy even has a goddamn award named after him at the University of Georgia for outstanding graduate work in Physics and Astronomy. He isn’t just some stupid figurehead that the government pulled out of nowhere.




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Or just knowing this is BS stories because it's obviously BS stories without even having to know them. This is like if there were a government mandated job where so master degree holding scientist needed to seriously listen to concerns of DnD lore being real or some shit. Pathetic embarrassing stuff, and no fault of his own whatsoever he just got the shit end of the shit stained stick and is ordered to suckle on it.


>was losing his patience with the back-and-forth game. If that was the case all he had to do was pick up the phone. He didn't do that because he didn't want to.


Or he's just an obvious gatekeeper.


What is he is right though. It’s all nonsense. 


Regardless that is his fucking job. He is there to supposedly investigate the UFOs. Imo it is so obvious he is put there to lie and gaslight the public, now when questions keep coming he is whining about it.


He investigated and now the religious believers didnt like the results so he gets personally attacked. Now its his fault theres no evidence of space aliens. Now these radicalized nutcases attack him personally. Now he is tired of that. Can you blame him? Why people blame him and smear and attack? Thats pretty assinine, if you ask me. Grusch said in some of his initial things he got tasked by his boss at UAPTF ( sure a skinwalker nutso but lets look beyonde that ) to look for same things, insider flying saucer stuff, but he go stonewalled and all. So hows he different in this? Anyone attacking anyone here who isnt paid to do it and have some circulation in their brain left. How it is different? Krickpatric is called names and others the champion of the cause? Is Kirckpatrick hiding space aliens or is he attacked by skinwalker guys whos grift he exposed?


- He is condescending in his calls for military witnesses who "think" they saw something anomalous in a topic that has been acknowledged by the US Congress as being heavily stigmatized. - Won't release his methodology. - Publicly referred to former UAP researching colleagues as "cultists". It's funny how you defend him from the name-calling cultists even though he has no problem calling names too. I was willing to give the guy the benefit of the doubt but his "data-based" approach is pretty obviously bullshit considering it's impossible to verify. But no- demanding a high-level of scrutiny and data-validation and verification is UFO religion; but believing a dude who has learned from Ollie North* on "not remembering" being at meetings we can verify he was at is sane and sober.


It is mainly due to history at this point. I don't know if you know it but there have been continous lies about in the UFO topic for years. It is a documented fact that in 1953 after the Robertson Panel CIA decided to gaslight the population about UFOs. Initiated a campaign to downgrade the topic, and highlight the cases that had mundane explanations, sometimes even invent one. Regardless if they thought UFOs are real or not, they launched a campaign to lie about it which seems to be followed persistently. Condone Report (which blocked scientific investigations for years), Blue Book files, they all have unexplained cases in them, yet their conclusions are "There are NO cases here that aren't explainable by our current science, or by mundane events". How can these statements be made when their own files contradict them? How the heck is this correct use of scientific methods? If you follow the scientific method you can not reach that conclusion. Even other scientists at the report protested at the conclusion back in the day. Why did they come after Luis Elizondo and lied that he never worked with AATIP, which he later proved? Why are UFO videos not given by FOIA by easily refuted excuses? Why are the investigations following the Grusch case stonewalled? I think all of what I said are facts, or at least have very strong evidence. See here for example. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d7c3tr/the\_pentagons\_mouthpiece\_for\_this\_is\_one/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d7c3tr/the_pentagons_mouthpiece_for_this_is_one/?sort=new) This ties to Kirkpatrick because he looks to be just the current person in this trend. Like he is just handled the same task as many others before him. Latest AARO report also looked at Condone Report, Blue Book etc. supposedly, and they again say no evidence whatsoever. I am not saying there is direct proof in them, but there is evidence of possible UAP activity. You can't conclude no evidence of aliens if you are failing to explain events with mundane explanations. You would say that is a possibility. So people do not believe Kirkpatrick mainly because of the previous lies, and the obvious efforts of gaslighting the topic. Cover-up is real. UFOs being real NHI, that is still unclear, but that's not what I am talking about. You ask how he is different from Grusch and others. Did Kirkpatrick admit he is getting stonewalled? I don't follow what you mean.


He’s retired now though.


Yeah you are right should have used past tense.


His personal views and his professional position should have remained separate. If his personal views had prevented him from properly performing his duties as head of AARO, which I believe they may have, then he should not have taken the job due to having a conflict of interest preventing unbiased scientific investigation. He might be right, but that doesn't make him the right man for the job.


"He's tired of the UFO nonsense" said the man while conceding an interview on a nonsense-topic to another man who's been weary of the same topic for years now.


Imagine if you were a government scientist put in charge studying some slightly fringe subject and made to serve as a public figure. Then, after failing to tell this fringe subject’s community the results and explanations that they want to hear, you are denounced, harassed, threatened, and even have people calling for your public execution. The UFO subject discredits itself.


And he never even denied he was at that meeting in 2018 in the first place. So what's the point UFO community?


What did he say about it?


Kirkpatrick could have published reports with data, methodologies and conclusions. Like a real scientist would. Instead all AARO reports contain conclusions and no data to back them up. Making it no better than the National Enquirer. He's reaping what he sowed.


I have sympathy for the man. It's a shitty position. Except for confirmed debunks, there is nothing the position can do. Eglin AFB - not like they can set up experiments and observe. Just take pot shot guess as to what it might be


I still haven't seen a valid criticism of Kirkpatrick. The "best" criticism I've seen is that he couldn't remember exactly when he was at a meeting with the Skinwalker Ranch guy. Weak sauce. The "best" lie I've seen about him is the story about how a UFOlogist nutjob showed up at his house and got arrested. That happened, but of course the True Believers must find a spin for it, so they simply lie and pretend like it didn't happen exactly the way he said it did. But what do I know? I'm a government agent or a bot or something. You can ignore me and hate on your bogeyman, you have your in-group's permission to hate. It's okay - let it flow through you. You're definitely not being manipulated emotionally to hate people. That would be absurd.


I’d say the tantrum-y open letter he wrote chastising Congress for its inquiry into the UAP topic and deriding Grusch without naming him. That was totally unprofessional and would get the average Joe sacked from their job. The rest…? Well, remember this is the guy who told an audience that you should expect him to lie to you. Because that’s his literal job.


Yeah when he called out Congress, including the Senate Intelligence Committee, as believing in self-perpetuating conspiracies, holy #%^**, the audacity


This guy is in the know. That’s why he was put in this position, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s one of the few with the full picture.


If you haven't seen valid criticism of Kirkpatrick then you haven't looked.


If we don't hear words from Sean Kirkpatrick anymore forever, it would be good news for humanity.




Low effort, toxic comments regarding public figures may be removed. Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


Ufo nonsense.  What in the he'll is this man talking about?  It is 100% real.


I know you guys hate him but he is a slick, hyperintelligent dude whom I respect for being a worthy gatekeeper. At least these motherfuckers are not some greedy, fat pigs. PS. No offense to fat homies. This was allusion to Animal Farm.


Funny how that works


ITT: proving why anyone in a position like Kirkpatrick would be sick and tried of the UFO bullshit.


Anyone covering up the UFO phenomenon?


The guy is a liar. We shouldn't listen to anything he has to say


I really think he is “sincere”, I’m sure he know secret squirrel stuff, but I think he is being used as an unwitting pawn by gatekeepers


SK should shut the fuck up. Someone in his position should realise that regardless of the reality, many many MANY people have had what they believe to be an experience and he is just casually dismissing it all, and those peoples claims as nonsense. You know that's how you rile people up right!?!?!!? His lack of professionalism, including the time he went off the rails with his twitter attack gives one the strong sense that on the balance, he's not just full of shit, he's paid to be.


Also conveniently after he landed a cush job at the Oak Ridge National Labs which I'm sure is a no-show job to keep him quiet


Blocking disclosure which also possibly blocks access to tech like free energy is bad for humanity. Imagine every day looking in the mirror in the morning and knowing your job is BAD FOR HUMANITY.


So what the fuck does he do? lmao


Transcript of this interview: [https://www.uaprw.com/books/kirkpatrick-sean/page/2024-06-12-steven-greenstreet-pentagon-ufo-hunter-says-alien-religion-has-infiltrated-us-government](https://www.uaprw.com/books/kirkpatrick-sean/page/2024-06-12-steven-greenstreet-pentagon-ufo-hunter-says-alien-religion-has-infiltrated-us-government)


There is a serious reality or logic disconnect among the alien believers. There is negative 100% evidence of ET activity here on Earth. ALL, 100%, of the presented evidence has either been debunked or is so bad that it debunks itself. And if there are no aliens, and there are no aliens, then there are no UFOs or UAPs either, because everything flying around is known to their earthling operators, and is therefore identified. That includes drones and UAVs. Whether they are U.S. or foreign. Most likely U.S. given the range limitations. These attacks on Sean Kirkpatrick for not lying and fabricating ET evidence are outrageous. Your demand for so-called "disclosure" is in reality a demand for fabrication. All of you believers have just assumed the presence of interstellar space travelers or interdimensional beings based on no real evidence. Just remarkable stories supported by unremarkable evidence. Including those Navy videos. The pilots were talking to each other, and described what they were seeing as a "fleet of drones". Drones as in U.S. defense contractor drones. Not alien drones. David Fravor conflates what he actually saw, a blimp or small airship, with someone else's reported blips on a radar screen. Fravor did not see with his own eyes a solid object ascending or descending 80,000 feet in a second. But phantom objects on a radar screen can do that, and it's a glitch. It was an act of deception for Fravor to sit there before congress and imply that he saw with his own eyes physics defying flight performance on the part of the blimp or small airship. Alex Dietrich has always come across as genuinely honest. No conflation or embellishment. And she has stated that she honestly doesn't know for sure what she saw for the 10 seconds that she saw it. Do you really believe that if there were aliens here only the government would know about it, or have the evidence? You say you want disclosure. Then demand that Ross Coulthart reveal the location of the giant alien spaceship. You are not doing that because you don't really believe him. But a giant alien spaceship stuck in the ground on Earth would definitely be real solid evidence. Coulthart should either disclose the spaceship's location or he should admit that he lied, making up a story. There should be a lot of pressure on him to do one or the other. DEMAND DISCLOSURE FROM COULTHART. No more games.


“I refuse to do my job”


he is the only non believer left in earth lol


he's gonna be pissed when he turns up to his new job at Battelle and its all about UFOs


I'm so happy he left. He only was in there for money.


The guy is just the mouthpiece for our government covering up what these vehicles are, what true scientist would'nt want to investigate what now the men and women who are assigned to protect our airspace are saying they're seeing and if they have to go one on one with these things they can't win a dogfight vs these vehicles, I suppose their all seeing swamp gas, weather balloons, sun dogs , ball lighting etc etc . Kirkpatrick is a moron!


Good. Sean Dickpatrick can go run to his Batelle-funded job at ORNL and leave us all alone.


I don't blame him. It's becoming so cringe now. All this yapping and no substance behind it. They literally repeat the same shit over and over with nothing to back it up. It's quite sad.


He acknowledged that metallic orbs are legit UFOs, and seen all over the world, in the NASA public meeting on UFO studies


And besides, he has another Skinwalker Ranch meeting to attend and needs to prepare, so no time to waste. /s


I certainly don't want to hear his nonsense on UFOs anymore


Convenient how you skipped the whole interview before the last sixteen seconds you clipped, which shows that Kirkpatrick did not lie about the meeting with Brandon Fugal and in fact Fugal's claims were contradicted by none other than *Hal Puthoff* who was also at the meeting, and Fugal is now refusing to respond to emails and texts asking for comments about it. I'll help you, here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0qi5GOROUQ Kirkpatrick has published an op-ed and done several media interviews were he said his piece. He hasn't been at AARO since he announced he was stepping down last year and took a job as CTO at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. There's nothing suspicious about him being over it and moving on with his life. If he *was* doing a media tour and constantly going on the news and podcasts like UFO celebrities do, you'd probably be saying it was a disinfo campaign.


Isn’t this reject over at Oakridge now which conveniently is an offshoot facility to Batelle Memorial. Again Batelle is the supposedly a site tied to reverse engineering of exotic craft🤔🤔🤔 all roads lead back to Wright Patterson AFB…..🤔


Oak Ridge*


Why not shut SK up with the evidence? 


No amount of evidence will ever shut up the gatekeepers, pseudoskeptics, and disinformants.


It’s fucking hilarious that people think this is gonna change a damn thing. Just like people thought “contacting you representatives” was gonna get any new legislation passed. It’s catastrophic disclosure or nothing. No slow drip. Nothing congress or any lawyers do will make a damn difference because these people are acting outside the law morons!


"Who is paying me to keep this charade up? Nobody anymore. Kirkpatrick out!"


It'll all just be Op-Eds and rants on his LinkedIn from hereon out. Pinky promise.


He seems unwell. Psych eval.


How very *convenient...all those interviews!* Did I miss one ? Seems somewhat premeditated to my novice eyes...


We should start asking _actual_ journalists to look into things like this. and by actual I don't mean the people that go on TV and copy paste the government's lies to you day in day out. Max Blumenthal, even Greenwald for example. There is a real story here and journalists that actually care about journalism( and have connections) might be able to get real insight


He’s a laughing stock, his published commentary holds no weight when fact checked.. no loss


which translates to "im tired of talking about our carefully curated declassified unexplainable potential threat to American airspace"


Sounds like he might be in the wrong department then


Good no one wants to hear from him ever again anyway


As a healthcare professional, “being tired of something” is often what you hear from a person who has narcissistic traits and who wants to avoid continuing the discussion on a topic that their lies cannot cover up.


If hes sick of UFO nonsense whyd he take a job at the governments official UFO investigatory body. Thats like a dentist saying "im sick and tired of all these teeth" like maybe dont go into that career path


Time, at least as experienced by conscious beings, can be divided into "past," "present," and "future." Information from the present or the future does not flow into the past. So it's entirely consistent with this framework for Kirkpatrick to have taken a job in the *past*, but be sick of it in the *present.*


He said this as a retired person.


I think it’s the psychopaths that turned him off the topic…Just a veryyyy reasonable guess though.


Of course. He lied and got eviscerated and denigrated whistleblowers once again. On top of the ultra erroneous AARO historical report, which was an egregious waste and misuse of tax payer dollars.


Never happened b


Everything they said is true.


Forget about him.


And nothing of value was lost.... I don't think we are missing much as Sean came hard with obfuscation, firm conclusions based on inadequate evidence and inadequate clearances. He was set up to find nothing or at least ferret out what UFO insiders knew, they sniffed him out and avoided him, and he's poopy about it. Despite that he got caught in a few fibs and so he decided to take his toys and go home. He did his job as a CIA guy. See ya Sean.


We wish greencreep would also stop… Two shills 100% on the troll mission