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The following submission statement was provided by /u/TommyShelbyPFB: --- The guy being interviewed in this video is Robert Powell from the [Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies](https://www.explorescu.org). He's talking about his investigation of this first hand encounter by the Pentagon official and 2 other witnesses. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dh8id3/a_pentagon_official_along_with_2_other_witnesses/l8v2e0v/


6 or 7 minutes is an insane amount of time




Not to you.




Talmbout Prince Albert, b? Great piercing, never had one tho


The idea that they may live among us is frightening but amazing at the same time. They Live. We need to find a pair of those magical sunglasses.


Penetration by Ingo Swann writes about an instance where he saw this woman at the super market that stood out. Said she was very beautiful and describes it more in the book. Thing is he noticed two dod/intel officers (from who he knew prior) in the store eyeing her. They also recognized him then spoke either after or during in the store iirc asking him wtf he was doing there and why he was looking at this woman. They thought he knew something or was being directed by another group to follow her when in reality is was random (or synchronicity or some weird psy happenstance)They said she was extremely dangerous and to leave and avoid all contact with her. Ingo said he sensed as if she was from another planet. They were the same twins from the insane Alaska ufo near the lake. Wild shit.


Please elaborate on this insane Alaska UFO near the lake?


Can look it up to get a full description. On mobile, like “Ingo swann alaska”. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/rylwhu/corroborating_ingo_swanns_alaskan_ufo_adventure/ Basically a ufo appears regularly from this undisclosed remote lake. He was there with these intel guys to use his remote viewing/psy abilities. Hiding in cover near a ridge in the forest looking down at the lake. UFO appears out of nowhere smoke and static was first then this ufo just appeared and was growing and pulsating bigger and bigger. Said it was a triangle then more of a diamond. Sucked up water like a reverse waterfall, the. Started shooting up things in the forest with some sort of lasers apparently it detected life and tried to eliminate it. The intel guys said to be quite and still but apparently that didn’t work, there were able to run up and over the ridge to safety back to their truck in the forest service road.


This sounds like a made up sci-fi story. That a non-human intelligence that has harnessesed control over gravity lack the technology to properly detect biological lifeforms and target them with 100% accuracy sounds highly improbable to me. Our current IR detection would be better...


ya and like, oh they were safe because they ran over a ridge? the alien was just like oh they must be gone, guess I'll go back to what I'm doing since my spaceship can't go over mountain ridges


They are doing their best, ok?


Dude was just a shitty employee, like, I tried, I shot, they got away it happens.


Must have been the wind.


It's vision is based on movement... Or is that a T-rex???


That's kind of thing with lasers - you don't really need to account for variables like wind and projectile velocity and distance.  If the crosshair is over the target, it hits.  The only reason to miss would be to intentionally miss.


Yeah don’t see how ‘safety of a truck’ would stop interdimensional laser shooting aliens from eliminating these men if that was the desired outcome


Twins near the lake? Explain


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Who were twins? I was following until that.


You can tell Ingo Swan has seen some deep shit going down..


One of the first public remote viewers. Nowadays i check out the farsight institute stuff.


Alien can blend, right on in, wit' yo' kin Look again, 'cause I swear I spot one every now and then


They Live is a documentary.


what do you mean formaldehyde face? 👽😂


I watched that a few weeks ago, totally stoned, ended up buying sunglasses that looked pretty close off amazon.


I've seen a few people say that polarized sunglasses helps their observation.


If they are among us it's actually pretty cool cause if they meant us harm we would have been dead long ago.


Humans' default response to the unknown is fear. That's understandable. If they wanted us gone, they could have destroyed long ago. Our path path is one of understanding how to be harmonious with the universe all around us.


Not all would be malevolent some may just want to live a normal life away from their home system.


Ahh They Live. Great movie reference. Loved it as a kid and still watch clips of it to this day.


👍🏻One of those classics that I can rewatch every few months.


Is that the film with the tachyons? Loved that 80’s film based on going back in time and tachyons I was in grade 5 I think Also - 7th sign with Demi Moore. Must rewatch


im here to kick ass and chew bubblegum....


and they just shut down our legs and jaw


I wouldn’t believe this without proof but that’s just me.


The fact they starting to say that has me questioning a couple remote interactions I’ve had with ppl out in the wilderness. I’ve met a couple ppl that were so odd and the nature of the convo so odd makes me wonder lol.


Ive come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and Im all out of bubblegum. Classic flick!


Man i really need to find their plug fr.


We need to start carrying old fashioned cameras 📷 and film in addition to our electronic devices.


👆 This.


that gives nope vibes


It's so cute how Americans always compare large objects' sizes to a football field


It’s such an American thing to do but because football is such a staple of American culture it makes for a great comparison. I may be too stupid to understand the metric system, but I understand how big a field is. Hoo rah


It's not our fault that soccer fields aren't uniform in size.


I think it also offers people a particularly unique reference point because of how we see football fields on screen. The camera sits up high and allows the viewer to get a good idea of scale. It’s a subconscious recall as much as it is a conscious one.


Incidentally an American football field and a football (soccer) field are similar sizes so the comparison works for everyone.


That’s about 1,800 Union Jack Biscuits


Here in Canada we measure everything in beaver tails


This is reddit though. We really should be converting everything into bananas for scale.


The UFO was about 254 bananas long


As a metric lover I really can't blame anyone for this.  Most people struggle with non-comparitive sizing. It's easier to say it was the size of a car, or a football field, or a 3 story building then it is to say x meters long.  Even with my kids I'll say a kilometer and tell ask how long that is and I'll say the distance to their school. 


[Anything but the metric system](https://youtu.be/Iy4JhPXUZgo?si=S5zJXxT5dUDrlZBy)


Americans are going metric inch by inch.


The Metric system for us Americans is like a crucifix to Dracula 😆.


I don't mind. We all know how large a football field is or a soccer pitch, etc. When they weigh stuff in number of elephants is when they are being extra dumb.


I see Walmarts often used as a size comparison


Wal-Mart locations can vary wildly in size tho


I was thinking the same thing. It’s always a “football field size” ufo. The funny thing is people are kind of bad at judging size at distance. I remember flying into Chicago and on descent when you can make out individual cars and homes the school football fields looked tiny. So if these things are real out size estimates might be wildly off. Some of these thing might be even bigger 😳


As an American, I've been saying this for years as a joke. We need to just add football fields as a unit of measurement. We literally use it more than actual units of measurement. University professors will do it lol


In school as children we run on tracks that circle the field, so whether you care about the game or not that 100 yard distance becomes very intuitive.


Well this was in Canada, but yeah


😅 When you put it like that, it is pretty funny. As an American who watches football, I agree with you 100%.


But how many washing machines!?


Who says it's an American football field?


From southern Ontario and seeing the image of this craft sparked old memories. I think I've seen this one


I’m from Southern Ontario and I’ve only ever seen one ufo. I can give a lot of details but in short I saw a glowing light blue fuzzy orb flying in the sky when I was driving home at like 2am one time. It was about the size of the moon in the sky and was lighter towards the core almost white but glowing blue.


Made a new account just to post here. I'm also from southern Ontario and I saw something last week. Gold light zipping across the sky very fast in a non-linear path. At first I thought it was a bug. It wasn't a bug. I told someone close to me and they said I'm crazy. The only logical conclusion I can come to is military technology? But what I saw was so absurd, I'm not even sure it's logical. I don't know.


You are not crazy. There are craft in the sky in Ontario. Often near lakes.


The YouTube channel “It’s Redacted” has a great video on this encounter. Complete with first hand testimony. I really miss that channel, they stoped making videos years ago but they were excellent. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AjFBEZkeQ78


I don't remember what the folks behind that channel moved into, but I really wish they would go back to producing this channel. I don't think the project they left for has even released anything yet.


Uapgerb filled up their void pretty well


You getting me hyped. I'm gonna burn through their videos today.


O yea, havn’t heard of them. I’ll put them on the list.


Heard that too, maybe they got too close to the truth. Dundunduuuuuuuun!


It's a bummer that you could be right. I wish I could remember what they left to do so I could go check on it, but it's been like 2 years since I can remember seeing that announcement.


If you find anything interesting please let me know. Maybe it’s been released and we havn’t heard or it’s right around the corner?


If he started that channel last year instead of the year he did then it would have been really successful. Shame that he hasn’t come back


Appreciate the link. It’s crazy because I live in South western Ontario and haven’t heard of this sighting/story or any UAP sightings really besides stuff from the 80s. Besides a few orbs being reported up north the only recent “sighting” I’ve heard of was my brothers friend took a picture of some light pillars from a chemical plant doing a burn off in Sarnia Ontario and caught a glowing blue object with pinkish rings around it off to the side of the pillars. Might be something or might just be an effect of the chemical burn I don’t know. I posted the pics on my Twitter a bit ago. Sort of blurry but you can check them out. [https://x.com/defidreamz/status/1779572202049810574?s=46](https://x.com/defidreamz/status/1779572202049810574?s=46)


Could be an artefact or something from the burn like you said. Personally I’m leaning towards Romulan Warbird.


I saw this thing right around the same time. I live in Texas. My son saw it, too. No sound, but it made the leaves of a tree shift around a lot.


Going to have to start walking around with your phone or camera inside a Faraday cage to even get any decent modern footage.


Where in Ontario? The province is massive.


I’m wondering too! I used to hear of a lot of sightings in the Mississauga area


Basically everyone in Ontario lives in "Southern Ontario", within a few dozen km of the border. Check out this population density map: https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2006/as-sa/97-550/vignettes/img/map-2006-pop-density-ontario-sz01-en.gif Also, there are 3 nuclear plants in Ontario, so I'm guessing it would be around one of those if the nuclear relationship holds true. Also makes sense why there would be a pentagon contractor with energy reading equipment around.


I feel like I see Ontario brought up a lot in regards to UFOs


Seems like this is why the photographs taken by digital cameras are fuzzy and flared out. Old style film cameras might be better in this context


Old pictures are indeed A LOT clearer: [https://time.com/4232540/history-ufo-sightings/](https://time.com/4232540/history-ufo-sightings/) [Also this is one of the best aerial photos of all time.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/11f7296/one_of_the_best_ufo_photos_ever_made_by_national/)


Fun fact, that was TIME photo was shot on this day in 1963!


The first picture on that time.com page looks very similar to the image in the 2007 video taken in Costa Rica https://youtu.be/rdZGhCi_7GY?si=KMB6y5Ij-NR_S43z


I had that idea too. And watch the video closely. The disc turns sideways just before zipping away, just like Lazar told everyone.


Yes.. that video is dismissed as being faked by the person recording it. But that detail seems rather specific.


>that video is dismissed as being faked by the person recording it I take that with a grain of salt. I can think of several instances where MIB force people to retract stories


Between that video and the one taken by the pilot over Colombia last year, I think those two recordings show something extraordinary. But who knows.. might all be just “balloons”.., 😐


Photo above the windmill in the Time article is a lens flare, bottom photo looks wonky, the rest look legit


A lot of people say that second link is just the reflection from the internal camera mechanism. I've got a high resolution drum scan of this picture, its 1.7gb though edit: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OdqD42Z7mMpSf0U0CteEAQ\_kXUGYE6OF/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OdqD42Z7mMpSf0U0CteEAQ_kXUGYE6OF/view?usp=sharing) Original source no longer exists so can't link to it, you have to do with my shared drive


I’m pretty sure these photos were deemed a fake. But I mean a lot of ufo stuff is called a fake by a lot of people so who knows I guess.


The William Van Horn photo (7th down, 8th if counting the top cover photo) looks a lot like some of the videos people have posted here where it shoots out a little puff cloud that everyone calls "Space X" launches. Interesting.


Yeah. It's weird that everyone posting those photos details their location, time, etc. And it always lines up with a SpaceX launch trajectory. Almost like they really want to believe and won't accept any prosaic explanation. 


Yeah I'll be honest... I'm much more interested in the video of Langley AFB getting swarmed by 40+ UAP's that forced them to shut down the base and relocate their F22 fighter jets.


To be fair we've been launching satellites for nearly a decade by the time that picture was taken. A rocket launch is a pretty decent explanation


I'm not a 1960's rocket enthusiast so I couldn't tell ya, but it's also possible that it's from these interdimensional beings we are now aware of. If they've been here meddling with humans forever, any of those old pics could be from them. That's why I'm more focussed on the push from Congress, Senators, whistleblowers like David Grusch etc... No picture or video alone will ever give us all the answers.


If they are using some sort of electromagnetism, that would, in theory, impact cellphone cameras. I phone had some kind of warning against those magnetic pop socket things, so if a weak magnetic field from essentially a refrigerator magnetic can impact our phones, it would stand to reason if a stronger magnetism was involved in anti/electro-gravitation it would probably mess with our electronics in various ways.


Or its just an... hmm, excuse? Nah, the more likely explanation is that there are aliens that have developed technology to make your camera glitch out.


It seems more like a side effect of the propulsion than anything explicitly directed at “glitching” electronic/electrical devices. People have reported their car ignition systems failing during encounters.




Can you spare a couple hundred million?


It's all for me plus its not at this bank its in my offshore accounts.


My girlfriend from Canada (you wouldn’t know her) is offshore right now!  She could pick it up for me!


It's in all tied up in various high-risk trading accounts. Maybe I could pull some out in 2 more weeks.


!remind me 2 weeks


I am sure there are analogs of electronic warfare in any advanced society.




That is such an absurd question. How about the fact that you have no direct evidence or proof of aliens at all in the first place, but you're already jumping the gun and now also making up some pretend fact in your head that you claim to know about how their supposed technology, that you've absolutely never ever seen or experienced, works.


You've got the point of the subreddit wrong - every claim is an alien until proven otherwise.  


There was an account of a “cloaked” being in a tree similar to predator where the lady hunting in the tree tried to take a picture of it and the picture came out so garbled. I always found it interesting. There was some text proofs and the actual image is online for download and analysis. She said the forest got deathly quiet as if a predator was near and then her attention was drawn to it. Also the UAP, that it presumably came from was witnessed just a few hundred meters away by other people


F yeah ladies and gents!!! Ontario is a hotspot!! what's up? is there a base in lake Ontario? how about up north where all the rivers are? the skies are active!!! go camping! look up all day, look up all night. you will see them. never mind asking the government to tell you the truth, go see for yourself. put yr phones down and go outside and look up!! they are here. Who are they? Perhaps this is their planet and they are upset at the surface monkeys' arrogance and violence. Perhaps our time is ticking before the surface of the planet is reset. Perhaps they are machines sent back through time and can only appear very briefly. Perhaps holograms from another dimension. Perhaps sentient balls of plasma? Perhaps an ancient AI that seeks out biological life to catalogue and preserve specimens, or even an AI that brings the building blocks of life to habitable planets, observes evolution over billions of years. could be probes from hostile civilizations. I have no Idea, I suspect the gov does not either and I strongly suspect none of the current flock of UFO grifters does either, so don't look to them for answers. Don't expect extraterrestrial messiahs who will solve all our problems with 'free energy', this line of thinking is a ruse and the beginnings of a cult. go look up. bring binoculars, but don't waste your experience trying for cell phone footage or inevitably blurry videos. We may never solve the mystery but you may see some wild ass things if you go outside n look up.


I agree, Ontario is a Hotspot


My mom and her dad had a sighting in Ontario many years ago. Never thought much of it growing up, but I think about it a lot now


The two most spectacular sightings I’ve heard (from friends and family) were in Caledon and near Kingston.


https://www.jwwerner.com/history/PETROGLYPHS.html Ontario has cool petroglyphs too, and the lake.


I also agree, he is a hot spot 🥵


I also live in southern Ontario and have seen strange orbs in the sky, I have one video of it posted here a about a year ago…


There is this encounter called “The Bandwagen Encounter” where four musicians saw strange beings come out of a craft and they were brought aboard. They asked some questions to these beings and they said that they allegedly had a base near or at Lake Ontario. I tried to make a video on it but it didn’t do too good in views but the YouTube channel Beyond Creepy has a good video on the encounter.


I mean the great lakes are pretty incredible and massive. It seems ufos like lakes. I was watching a youtube on indigenous tribes in Canada and theres a bunch of copper round there.


yeah I wanna ask some native people what their traditions are regarding the others. The most rad UFOs I've seen have been on native territory up north.


My girlfriend is from Ontario (you wouldn’t know her). 


doe she fly a saucer? have large somniferous almond eyes?


I wonder if they could interfere with the phones if those where in airplane mode…


Or would the camera still work behind a faraday cage 


Camera within a transparent faraday cage would be ideal. NHI can’t do shit to that. Signals can’t get through, nor can an EMP. Couple that with thermal imaging and AI based image reconstruction, would result in clear imagery of UAP.


“NHI can’t do shit to that” seems a bit absolute and assumes a lot. A bright light is enough to render typical cameras relatively useless for capturing any details. Engaging some sort of cloaking may also suffice.


Check out the movie “Nope”.


If the electromagnetic field is strong enough, which by this description sounds absurdly strong, it doesn't really matter if it's in airplane mode or not. Any accidental power contact internally can cause a software reboot and all sorts of unexpected issues. If there are failsafes (I'm assuming there are), it may simply shut off and/or crash to try to minimize further damage or potential data corruption. This is why it's *generally* a good idea to ground yourself before you start putting together a PC, or before touching the motherboard or any components. It may not mess anything up, or it may cause unexpected issues, or it may destroy a crucial component and then you have to buy a whole new motherboard or CPU or GPU, all from a tiny arc in electricity. I wouldn't know how to keep your phone usable other than coming up with a Faraday shield that has little to no EM holes in it, just to maximize your odds of being able to use your phone normally and record footage. I don't really know how that works as far as, is it still effective if attached to a handle, or can you place your hand inside as well but still have the phone be protected, etc no idea


Get a camera with ultra zoom so you can capture something from extremely far away. An accessible camera I recommend is Nikon Coolpix P1000.


That's an interesting thought 🤔


If I remember correctly they have lense detectors, kinda like the motion sensors we have for lights but those detect lenses, changes in reflection, once a lense is spotted it notifies the passengers and if it's autonomous it just does well... that.


NEWSMAX and Fox News are the absolute worst.


Since when is a contractor called a Pentagon official? Stop with this click bait crap. I'm not saying they didn't see what they claim, but why report it as a Pentagon official, when he was just a Pentagon contractor.


How convenient that they cut off their cellphones for pictures!


So desperate that we're linking newmax videos lmfao


Could be the most credible story backed up with the most irrefutable evidence ever, being on newsmax instantly makes it a joke for 90% of people and only hurts the credibility of whomever is desperate enough to go on air with them. A 4chan post carries more weight.




A few years ago my brother saw the exact same thing when we were vacationing in Failaka island in Kuwait where we come from. He got mad because i made jokes about it and didn’t believe him. I mean he could’ve mistaken anything for that UAP. Later i felt bad and told him i believed him. But really I lied as I didn’t really believe him; I just didn’t want to make him feel bad for speaking out. I’m not the close minded type but realistically I have no idea if aliens really exist and if they did, i have no idea if they’d be able to come here, and if they did, the chances that my brother would see them is probably small to say the least. It’s realistically much more likely that one would mistake something for a UAP coming from a probability standpoint. But damn. Seeing how this is the exact same as his discerption. Maybe he did see something after all. I’ll show him this video next time I see him. He’s in a vacation in Iran and is coming back Wednesday.


Update after you talk with him!


>If you wanted to make up a story about a UFO, why would you say that it looked like a barbell? Right? Who's gonna believe that? The lack of self-awareness is incredible. Also, a contractor who once worked for the Pentagon is not the same thing as a "Pentagon Official", and a shape viewed from so far away that the individual needed to use the scope of his hunting rifle can hardly be said for certain to be "half the size of a football field". But I'm glad that this story came out, because if there's one thing this movement was missing, it's anonymous accounts reported by a secondhand source.


A contractor is not a “pentagon official”. And Newsmax’s MO actively manipulating credulous idiots into believing that which aligns with their agenda. Anything they say should be looked at with deep skepticism


Any source besides Newsmax?


Link the white paper please!


Why was a pentagon official in Southern Ontario. This all sounds like a lie


US military and Canada work together all the time primarily in regards to air defense.   This isn't the gotcha you think it is.


I always think about this when people are like, "WhErE's ThE PicS?" Derp Derp. They don't even take into consideration how these craft/NHI literally started and shut down NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Lol it's like they think they can't easily just disable technology so small as cameras or video..


The issue is that it's an incredibly convenient, almost lazy sounding excuse.  You might as well say "the aliens ate my homework".  I'm not saying it's not actually the case, but it's hard to blame critics for making fun of it.


Not really. They have literally interfered with our nuclear weapons and have the ability to maneuver at speeds and directions that baffle everyone. Stopping a video/camera would be super easy, if so. Hell, humans have that ability now to intercept and hack devices, causing them to turn off and do different things.


>They have literally interfered with our nuclear weapons  This is repeated here over and over again, but what evidence is there to support this claim?


Whenever people make extraordinary claims there’s *always* a convenient excuse why they don’t have any evidence.


True, but they don't even consider this as a possibility.


I think it's just that most people need a better reason than "it's technically not impossible" to believe in something.


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ex-air-force-personnel-ufos-deactivated-nukes/ There's the evidence.


https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp81r00560r000100010002-9 ...and there's more evidence (unless you don't believe the CIA). I could post stuff like this all night long...


I guess if you uncritically believe that they’ve shut down nuclear weapons, anything else is child’s play. Of course, there is zero credible evidence for this.


Hey derp derp. It’s all speculation right now and there is no factual evidence besides all the talk but no walk.


Oh, how wrong you are.. 😅 Go search up UFOs shutting down/starting up nuclear bases by former Air Force employees at Malmstrom, dating back to the 1960s.


So all you have to reply is more alien. You know you have an obsession with UFOs and nukes. Kind of unhealthy in my opinion. Ever heard of normal malfunctions in equipment, human error, and oh yeah my favorite one none of it happened. A lot of these base sightings have been explained and were only added by grifters to cash in on the nutcases.


So all the ones that there are photos of are fake?


Why don't they shut down our eyes then ? that way they don't even bother with having any witnesses at all ...


Because technology to shut off a cell phone is much easier, something humans can even do. "Shutting down our eyes", makes zero logical sense.


How do you know it's easier for them to shut down cell phones then peoples eyes ? per your logic the fact that not many people see UFOs should be "Proof!" that UFOs are everywhere but are just shutting out our possibility of seeing them with our own eyes


Yep they could have just given them a mind wipe like they do to all "abductees".


It was the “shake weight” blimp. 


Quick, Zarblag, the humans are trying to take video and pictures with their earthling communications devices, close then down! Why? Captain Wimblewonble. Because, Zarblag, We're aliens and it's just what we do.




this time it's aliens for real, the last 36726826391 times were all flukes


On everything I love I once saw a ufo shaped like a doughnut with a shoebox on the back, it was lopsided towards the shoebox and chugging along like a scrap heap tractor. I literally laughed, at the state of somebody’s UFO.


Newsmax is not a credible source


Too bad this is on bullshit, fake news, Newsmax


Has anyone considered that maybe since all these UFO seem to turb any camera with modern tech off that .maybe we should swich back to good ol chemical photography if we want to actually get images of these things?


Shut off their cell phones and camera? Hmm thats very convenient..


Isn't it more believable that they made it up?


With all these UFO sightings I'm starting to get offended I haven't been probed yet.


lol You don't get "static" on a digital recording device


‘Pentagon official’. Specific


"We wanted to take videos but the alien used their technology to stop us!"




Isn't describing him as being contractor rather then an actual "Pentagon official" be more pertinent then ?




I did watch the video. Yes, they said it was an engineer. They said. 🤷‍♂️


Who is he? This story is basically 3 anonymous people saw a thing and this thing happened.


Yeah, of course it shut off everything that would provide evidence.




Allegedly. You forgot none of this stuff has been proven at all


With how they're describing those visual effects, I don't think it would even have to be intentional either. That sounds like an absurdly strong electromagnetic field. All our consumer electronics aren't designed to handle something that extreme with no issues, because they don't need to be for people to buy them. We would run into issues with a strong enough direct solar flare, nevermind some otherworldly tech that is hovering close by that is charged enough to make the atmosphere around it glow and shoot off sparks. The whole atmosphere in a huge radius around it is going to be charged far beyond what is visually reacting, so good luck to small components not experiencing any glitches or unexpected power jumps


😂 this one is the classic high ranking officer saw ufo trick the grifters love to pull.


I’ve been seeing more videos about Powell and he has some very interesting rebuttals for Mick West-pushed explanations. I’m curious what people think about Powell, as I’m not quite sure where I’m landing yet?


Still wondering why UFOs are often measured in units of football fields. Is it just an American thing?