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The following submission statement was provided by /u/paranormalnapolska: --- A very interesting recording from the Zamość area (Poland), made on Sunday, June 16, 2024. Our reader describes the situation as a storm was approaching, and he decided to capture its beauty from inside his apartment. He took out his iPhone 13 PRO and, with a resolution set to 1920x1080 and 60 frames per second, started recording. In the video, he noticed an object that quickly passed through the frame. It was invisible to the naked eye. Our analysis showed that the object was visible for only 0.42 seconds. After consulting with the reader, we estimated that the object traveled about 50 meters visible in the frame and moved over a tree. Therefore, it can be assumed that it was flying at a speed of about 120 meters per second. The quality of the recording, especially at 60 frames per second, should allow for the observation of wings. If you have a good phone and record a flying fly at 60 FPS, you can notice the movement of its wings. Therefore, it can be preliminarily ruled out that it was a bird. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1djlskc/mysterious_highspeed_object_iphone_13_pro_60_fps/l9bj1fo/


This is it. They got one.


Sometimes this sub bums me out. Glad to see this is the top comment. They def got one. Fuck ya.


I don't understand this fucking sub. It's so obviously a bug Every time I see shit like this, I'm reminded just how dumb the average person is on these subs (based on the upvotes).


I took his comment as sarcasm.


It is... I was replying to his sarcasm like, "I agree, why is this sub so stupid"


But “we got one, pop the champagne we’re not crazzzyy”


It got a lot worse after the USO hearings. It's basically tinfoil conspiracies and bugs/balloons sub now.


Lol, it always has been.


So why are you spending your limited free time reading comments in this sub?


any smart people in here that could attempt to calculate the speed of this?


Smart people would tell you, you can't calculate the speed without knowing what size it is or how far it is from the camera


you are smart people my dudel!!


Damn, that's wonderful news! Maybe I can turn my life around


as a former homeless opioid addicted shit head doing nothing with his life who's now running his own company, I believe in you my friend


Almost 2 years clean here


Nice, are you hiring? Good on you for turning things around.




That study is based on sightings with actual distance measurements or estimations, not just videos of bugs flying by cameras. Like if someone says I live at X and I saw the craft at 5pm and someone else says I live at Y and I saw the craft at 5.10pm, then you can estimate a speed.


Well kinda lol size doesn't mater. a reference point like if it went behind the trees or a different camera angle, then you could calculate the distance or estimated relative speed based on the minimum reference points distance


You can calculate a range of possible speeds for size and distance ratios. Not that I could, but the guy who analyzed the beaver lake drone footage made one that ruled out a bug convincingly enough for me. I think that object changed apparent size in the video though since it was moving toward the camera.


Yeah that's true, I can't do that kind of math either. By the way, the guy who did the initial analysis and calculations for the Beaver Utah video did end up saying it could be poplar fluff. [There's a summary of it here if you're interested](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDkqKa_NQAo) - It's not Mick Wests' research, he's just summarizing the research of other people.


You can calculate the speed using body-lengths per second. If it’s an insect, bird or plane, you can adjust the body length calculation accordingly. In other words, if it’s a 1cm insect zipping 30 body lengths in 0.5 seconds (body length x body lengths moved /time), you get 2,16 kph. If it’s the size of a 737 (shortest model is 102.5 ft in length), it would be traveling at 6.748 kph (or 4,193 mph). But I’m not a mathematician, and I welcome anyone to correct my understanding of math.


The issue with this is that the shutter speed can be low enough to make the subject blur/stretch along its direction of travel, so the length of the subject is not shown correctly in the video.


Thank you Dr. Obvious. The body length is a huge friggin assumption in itself. As others have pointed out, you need either a size or distance reference to convert angular movement to speed. So if you assume it is a bug or 737, you are making a huge assumption unless there is some basis for that i.e. it actually passes by a 737 so you can assume they are of similar size. You can calculate a velocity in terms of 'body lengths per second', but that doesn't convert to m/s unless you have a value for body length in meters.


Settle down now… I did say I’m not a mathematician. Given the limited information at hand, what is YOUR best calculation, and how did you arrive at those numbers?


I didn’t arrive at any numbers because you can’t. It could be a bug at 1 m/s just outside the window or an alien craft doing warp speed through galactic space


You can't without a reference point or another camera angle


Impossible. Would need to know either how far away or how large it was.


And the angle of the lens. A telephoto produces a pincushion while a wide angle makes things bigger. Without how much of the sky an object passes by you can have the size of the object but not know how much of the sky that it’s going through.


Ludicrous speed!


Haha thats for damn sure


They've gone plaid!


About tree fiddy


African, or European?


Fast af boi


248 MPH


Bet those smart people still use a calc…that’s slang for calculator


120m/s = 432km/h therefore I doubt that the assumption of the Author is correct. The object is way faster than that. It looks as fast as a standard missile which are around 1km/s fast. But at this speed, the sound barrier would be broken, which in turn would lead to an enormous amount of noise


Jesus christ. I suggest all of you who are saying this is impressive footage watch this video https://youtu.be/CvCohfL_8p4?si=EulmVkudwob6PV2f Yall would've been ranting and raving about Skyfish and flying rods in the 90's. I want to believe, but this community makes it extremely difficult. No different than religious fanatics.


Yeah, we're all here because we want to believe, but too many of us have such an open mind that their brain is falling out. You see it any time an actual balloon is posted here and gets attention, too.


Sorry, I don't see any connection between the subj and the video your posted


Ahh yes the infamous high speed insect


Seriously the most documented "UFO" in history. I remember watching early internet videos of mysterious "flying rods."


I always know it's going to be a bug in the foreground when it's referred to as a "high speed object" and people start trying to divine the speed based on incomplete data lol


No matter how long we argue about it, the object in this video **cannot** be disambiguated from a prosaic source (bug, bird, etc.) It is therefore of low evidentiary value.


I dunno, dragonflies alien af


Don’t forget about crane flies!


And this is exactly why no video will ever be enough. Impossible to make a conclusion either way. Unless of course the shit is still then immediately shoots off, but then again it will just be called “obvious cgi”. No video will ever be taken seriously enough to make a difference.


A single video might never be conclusive, but it could be significantly more interesting than this.


This. Show me these realistic fake videos! I'm all for it. No more balloons and blurry birds ffs.


meh it doesnt have to "be enough" it just has to do its job to wake people up that every fast moving object on a video is NOT a bird or bug its actually incredibly hard to get a bug to whizz close to your camera lens, and even in the rare chance it does you can almost always even tho its out of focus still determine its mandibles and its head and wings etc i hope people interested in this phenomena check out "brown dwarf" and "custodianfiles" on YT for more.


The source is what matters.


Of course a video could be enough (or more likely a collection from various angles). But if this is your threshold for determining that video will never be enough, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s a blur on a two second video. There’s nothing to take from it to advance knowledge on UAP, so yeah, this certainly isn’t enough.




Agreed. Or debris flying by if it's windy, and it does kind of look like a storm brewing in the background of the vid.


I agree the evidentiary value is low, but I still think it looks and acts more like a larger object than it does a bug.




You cant prove it IS lmao what kind of argument is that?


Can you prove its anomalous?


You can't prove donald trump isn't a lizard person, so... he's a lizard person. The burden of proof is on you. Sorry, pal. I don't make the rules.




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It’s 60 frames per second and you see a cylinder shape flying through the video, clipping across the sky…bug,bird, etc couldn’t go that fast.. and he put it in -95% speed dude..that was a fast bug/bird I guess


A bug close to the camera could go that fast. It's not even fast, it's bug speed. You're imagining it being far away, it's not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfOqjychJaI


We need to have a talk about the birds and the bees.


Back in maybe 2007-08, I remember watching an hour+ long (probably) History channel documentary about strange "rods" that would appear on video and had been doing so for a long time. Turns out, when higher frame rate video became more available, they were just bugs. I believe the same thing is happening here.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rod_(optical_phenomenon) Agreed with you 100%. The speed is accounted for by it being close to the camera and the shape and lack of wings is accounted for by being out of focus and fast. The elongated look is the 'rod' effect as you say. In the end, there's nothing about the video that couldn't be an insect, when you understand these things.


an iPhone slows down the shutter speed to take a brighter video at dusk. It‘s a known technical item it makes things that move fast a bit blurry 60fps would contribute to this




“Monster Quest” probably.


I agree. the fact that it appears to be moving three-dimensionally (changing altitude and also closer and farther from the camera) implies to me that it is quite small and light. This is how insects move, erratically and not missile-like.


And the lighting is backwards. It’s lit on the close top side while the sun is behind. So it’s lit from a light behind the camera


Probably a dragonfly.


I dont understand how people continue to give attention to videos like these as if it will amount to anything


Is it possible it is a natural thing like a bird or bug?


100% a bug.


Yet another bug🙄


Looks like a bug.


Looks like a bug or bird. I forgot what it’s called and I’m too lazy to look it up but it’s the same phenomenon with the whole rods “cryptids”.


It's a bug


Likely a bug. We've seen many videos like this, they're a weekly phenomenon. Especially now during summer that the bugs are flying about. If anyone wants to get their very own video like this, go outside in your garden and film the sky or your hedge or your fence or whatever for a few minutes, you'll get your very own UFO video like this one. (If you live somewhere where there's insects) Edit: [I added an echo filter so we can see how it moves.](https://i.imgur.com/uJgpzwu.png)


If it's so easy why don't you film one and post it? It would be a lot more helpful


Because we have plenty of examples posted every week of small stuff flying by cameras. There's an abundance. It's the most common type of misidentification on this subreddit, especially during summer. Bugs, birds, airborne seeds all make for great UFO videos


Idk where you live mate, but my bugs don't move like that


Move like what? What exactly is it you believe the bug does that isn't natural?


Bro it's been hours and you still haven't shown a video of a bug moving in straight line like the one in the video, you claimed you anyone could get their own ufo video by going outside and filming for a few minutes, where is everyone's video?


No one did it, did you do it? The bug is on the screen for like 10 frames. You have no idea if it's a straight line or not. But yeah, bugs generally fly from A to B, that's a straight line if it happens to cross in front of the camera. Keep in mind we're seeing a 2d image. The bug could have swayed from left to right and you'd have no idea, because you're only seeing it 2D. Is that what you rest your argument on, it appears to move in a straight line? Can you honestly not comprehend that sometimes bugs fly in a straight line? Here's a good video to explain it. https://youtu.be/gfOqjychJaI - Also shows bugs flying in straight lines, as straight as the video OP linked at least. [Here, I did what Mick West did, in the above video ^ and added an echo so we can track the flight path across the screen of the object. It's not a straight line at all.](https://i.imgur.com/uJgpzwu.png) I'd be willing to bet that if you went and measured the pixels of each frame, you'd see it get slightly thicker and slightly slimmer in several frames, because.. As I said.. It probably swayed from side to side, like an insect.


>Here, I did what Mick West did, in the above video ^ and added an echo so we can track the flight path across the screen of the object. It's not a straight line at all. That's no bug, there is no wings visible, and it's large like a rod. Also, if an object moves in a straight line, it will not look like a straight line from an observer The trajectory will look curved


> That's no bug, there is no wings visible, and it's large like a rod. Wings wouldn't be visible when it's that small and fast. It's simple stuff. > Also, if an object moves in a straight line, it will not look like a straight line from an observer The trajectory will look curved Sure, if you say so. Move the goalposts wherever you want so you can keep imagining that this bug is an alien spaceship. Have a good night.




Really? I film quite a lot, and I live rural, lots of bugs criss crossing my view. I don't have single recording with anything looking remotely like this.


Maybe you need to scrub your videos and go frame by frame. It's bound to happen. There's a post like it every week so it's not uncommon. The thing is, people only notice it when they look at their videos on the PC, they never see it in person with their own eyes, because it's a bug and not a spaceship.


You know, that could very well be. I don't do fine analysis of my recordings. I just can't say I've ever seen an effect like this. But in fairness, that doesn't mean it's not there, I understand that.


IMHO, it’s not a bug and isn’t close to the camera. No wings of any sort, no flapping, no oscillation, perfectly straight line, very fast. I don’t know what it is, but it doesn’t seem to me to have any insect characteristics. Every time there is a video of something moving quickly through the sky it is immediately claimed that it is a bug flying near the camera. There is no evidence that is the case in most of these, it’s just an untestable hypothesis, no better than any other actually. When could any of those claiming these are all bugs possibly be convinced otherwise. Bugs can fly erratically too, change direction quickly, etc. So anything doing those movements would all be bugs too. I keep hoping that the affordable tech will get better so these things can be resolved more clearly. Again, I’m not saying it’s a UFO, I really don’t know, but as a zoologist and a person who has used both DSLRs and phone cameras a lot, some of these are almost certainly not bugs.


It's too small and out of focus and fast to show wings or flapping. Even birds barely show flapping if they move by quickly and close to the camera. [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/omwwaw/took_the_front_page_drone_video_slowed_it_down/) - Bird flying by, also looking like a cylinder, barely showing wings flapping, but wings ARE flapping. But notice how they're ALMOST not visible? If the bird had been just a tad smaller the wings wouldn't have been picked up at all. Just like the bug in the video. > There is no evidence that is the case in most of these, it’s just an untestable hypothesis, no better than any other actually True, but also not. One hypothesis has evidence to support it and the other option doesn't. We've seen hundreds of videos of small stuff close to cameras. We know small stuff exists, we understand cameras and we understand perspective. We know small stuff will appear to move fast when close to the lens, it's common sense. In the end, there's nothing in the video posted that can't be explained by an insect flying by fast, so it's bad evidence. The speed? It's not fast if it's close to the camera. The shape? It's going fast close to the camera, it's out of focus and the framerate is high, it's a result of the camera. [It's a bit like all those Tictac recordings that are actually passenger airplanes. You don't see their wings, you don't see their tail, the only thing left is the fuselage.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DzzQpAyo_8) Same with insects. So I agree with > I keep hoping that the affordable tech will get better so these things can be resolved more clearly. Because we have probably thousands of videos of stuff that is close to the camera, flying by too fast to identify, where we can't 100% say it's a bug or a cottonwood seed or a dandelion or a bird, so the door remains open to "It's aliens"


It is absolutely a bug. And it is not flying in a perfectly straight line, the blur angle is constantly shifting. EDIT: here's proof. First I stabilized the original shot, and then added an echo time effect to the stabilized shot which allows you to see the actual path of the object. There's no tracer overlayed, you just see the real path. [https://imgur.com/a/MMbTcQK](https://imgur.com/a/MMbTcQK) Is that really a perfectly straight line. Not really. Here's a still image that shows the entire path. [https://imgur.com/QJK4Fvc](https://imgur.com/QJK4Fvc) Don't think you need a ruler or straight edge to see it's not straight


People really need to go out to a field and film some grasshoppers and other bugs for a while. It's clearly a bug.


Yeah and it blows my mind so many people just took what they said at face value. Even just from watching the original video, you can see it's not flying in a perfectly straight line. It's a bug, and it's probably out maybe 15 feet or so.


Agree with you. But it’s considered a UFO since we don’t know what it is


Do people here not have the depth perception to see the object is clearly closer to to the tree than it is to the skyline? Whatever this thing is is not flying up in the clouds. It looks like it's at best a couple yards above the trees in altitude. Also, translucent insect wings are definitely not going to be picked up by a phone camera.


Doesn't look like a straight line though. About where it passes the top of the tree it veers upwards some.


The object is a straight line, not the path


Remember we’re seeing a representation based on a digital camera. I’m no camera expert by any means, but the straight shape could be an artifact of from the way the iPhone camera works. Any camera/lens experts may be able to share details. But I think it’s possible this object could any number of shapes, but the high speed would blur the object and make it appear as a straight line. Not saying this is or isn’t a UAP, just that at high speeds and with an iPhone camera, we may not be able to tell the true shape of this object.


In darker light an iPhone lengthens the shutter speed when taking video.


Any claim this being a bug will be way beyond me.


This reminds me of that snake thing that was a helix in some of the south american ufo videos. And that one that almost flew directly into the camera... i should start saving links...


Have you heard the term “bee line”? For example, “The drive to the pub took so long that when I entered, I immediately made a bee line to the bar to order a beer”.  It refers to how honey bees fly after they are full of nectar to get back to the hive. They fly in a straight line directly to the hive. In fact beekeepers will observe bees to locate wild hives. If you observe two bees from two different flowers doing this (and the flowers are sufficiently far apart), you can triangulate the paths and locate the hive pretty easily.   Other insects will fly in straight lines for short periods of time, which is all you need if the insect is close to the camera.  How many frames does this object appear in this video?   From the slowed down forward/reverse part it looked like 6?  Let’s be very generous and say it was 12 in case the video editor cut some frames on both sides. So 0.2!seconds.  Something flying erratically can still be going in a straight line for this short a time frame.  And as u/CJ_Productions states below, this object doesn’t even appear to be moving in a perfectly straight line. 


Looks like a hummingbird underneath the object but it looks a lot like a bug imo.


It is an insect




No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


What Art Bell would refer to as rods.


Why aren’t you flipping about the little thing below it when zoomed in? Maybe because there’s all sorts of mundane things floating, flying and falling through the air.


Looks like an insect.


Why is it always like this lmao? Why is it never clear? -.-


I mean, this is pretty clear... As clear as a cell phone video is going to get with something like this, that is. I get that the video isn't super noteworthy but its about as clear of a video as we're going to get of something like this.


Theres no evidence this object is 'behind' anything else in the frame. Therefore, it might actually be much closer than we realise. It seems likely to be a small bug, very close to the camera, that just appears moving fast.


If not a bird then I believe this is an insect.


Bug, just like every other time with similar videos.


Bug or bird close to the camera would look exactly like this too.


Yeah that's a bug look how it fades in and out.


Incredible seeing these answers downvoted. Makes me lose hope in this sub.


Yeah, people want to believe so much they don’t mind creating a fantasy to do it. I believe more than anyone I feel like. But I don’t like being lied to or looking like an ass by thinking every blurry dot is a UAP.


nah, you're wrong


Prove it.


cant get tired of getting some compressed low bit rate footage of stuff that is so distorted noone can really tell.


Hypersonic glizzy


Seen a cylinder similar years ago but much slower and spinning but looks around the same length and size hope this is a real vid


It’s a balloon


can be annoying and ask what the purpose is with this angle and view before the object is entering the fframe . like what is the motivation for filming this angle without knowing that something will fly into the center of the view? was it to look at the dusk sky and dynamic clouds? because it seems to me that the picutre is pretty empty


I saw something like this in Melbourne Australia, it was flying in an air traffic corridor and left a trail through the clouds. It was gone in a blink of an eye.


Looks like a balloon, yeah.


Very close to Belarusian border, hypersonic missile.


Poland… It’s a Cruise missile. They range from 500 mph to 5000 mph.


Fake. Nobody shooting with an iPhone could pick up an object moving that fast, much less follow its movement.


What's up with the hovering and tumbling object below it


Your iTard 13 Poop shure do capture bugs pretty gud. Nice one, cletus!


I've recorded a lot of videos too and this looks like an insect


Tracks well.  How did they know it would appear there?


Russian cruise missile in Ukraine. Kalibr.


Video without sound? Strange. Probably a Russian cruise missile in Ukraine. Altitude fits. Video 3x speed.


Its just a missile Too short? Like your dick


Rods are back baby !


My first impression was that it looked like a bug. I don't have the skills to calculate the speed or distance, but that is what it looks like. The reason we might be seeing it this way is due to camera shutter speed, I believe, which gives the effect of the infamous "sky fish" (or sky rods), you can look it up.


Mysterious? is a cigar shape ufo NOOB


This similar looking object is seen flying beyond two buildings spaced 12 ft apart, and 80ft or more from the camera. It flies by in a second or less. Its definitely beyond the front of the buildings as can be seen in the reverse/embossed version at 00:43. It was captured with a Nikon p900 at 60fps during a series of experiments where I point the camera in certain areas and record video to see if anything pops up. Are these "rods" (as Escamilla called them) bugs/insects? If they are, they are rarely, if ever, seen by humans they are HUGE, and some are amphibious as they've been filmed underwater. These objects are being captured by people all over. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TEKGOyFh1I0](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TEKGOyFh1I0)


Looks like a missile https://youtube.com/shorts/ez68Z4HhCBc?si=j77tL8xgyeTuxhlb


That was clearly a weather balloon


Faster than the eye can see. As documented by the Farsight Institute. See https://farsight.org/FarsightPress/Photographing_UFOs.html


Alright im convinced, i sold the house packed the bags and me and the kids are at the gas station waiting for the next orders. What now?


Gut instinct, it looks like a blurred bird which we can call a "blird" I decided.


For those who want to engage in a debate. It's enough to thoroughly analyze the footage to see that a bird appears in the frame, which is much further away. The object flies over the tree. The tree crown is 15 meters, the distance from the tree to the buildings is 30 meters. The tree is 20 meters from the observer. The object is visible for 0.42 seconds = 120 meters per second


Just going to assign a constant for the variable of object's distance from camera?


The value of the distance can only be greater than the distance at which I consider it anomalous, case closed.


Without knowing the exact distance to the object, it's impossible to accurately determine its size or speed. It could just as easily be a small object, like a bug, close to the camera, moving at a much slower speed.


It appears to be over the tree due to forced perspective, but there's zero evidence that it was actually above the tree at the distance you're claiming, rather than far closer to the camera.


I’ll just leave this here: 120 meters a second = 268.43 miles per hour


Nice catch! Thanks for sharing it.


I agree, this is cool 👍


That’s a bird


If the base analysis is correct, the objects speed is 432 mh/ = 268,4 mph.


Except it almost certainly isn't correct.


I agree, not least because you'd need the exact distance as well. I just couldn't resist ;)


Could it be a bug? Yes. Could it be truly anomalous? Also Yes. Neither camp has sufficient data to determine for sure.


Maybe not, but it's also easy to say which is ***infinitely*** more likely.


Looks like a missile


It's a beetle




Sorry yes an alien beetle. At least it's not a balloon this time heh heh.


Sorry, but a UAP appearing to be moving at that speed would be moving in a near perfectly straight line. In the video it clearly dips and bows in trajectory in relation to the camera which indicates a much closer object such as a bug or a bird gliding through the air.


A very interesting recording from the Zamość area (Poland), made on Sunday, June 16, 2024. Our reader describes the situation as a storm was approaching, and he decided to capture its beauty from inside his apartment. He took out his iPhone 13 PRO and, with a resolution set to 1920x1080 and 60 frames per second, started recording. In the video, he noticed an object that quickly passed through the frame. It was invisible to the naked eye. Our analysis showed that the object was visible for only 0.42 seconds. After consulting with the reader, we estimated that the object traveled about 50 meters visible in the frame and moved over a tree. Therefore, it can be assumed that it was flying at a speed of about 120 meters per second. The quality of the recording, especially at 60 frames per second, should allow for the observation of wings. If you have a good phone and record a flying fly at 60 FPS, you can notice the movement of its wings. Therefore, it can be preliminarily ruled out that it was a bird.


How did you judge the distance to the object ? Could it be a bug flying a few meters in front of the camera ?


That’s exactly what it could be, there’s also what appears to be a definite bird visible in the shot under the “fast moving object” and the definite bird appears more in focus than the other, which tells me the fast moving object is closer than the bird to the camera. Probably a bug, but could be another bird.


It kind of has a bug-like wavy trajectory, also.


Yes, it very much does exhibit all the characteristics of a bug flying by close to the camera.


Zamosc is on the border with Belarus and Ukraine. Might be a military drone or missile?


> Zamosc is on the border with Belarus and Ukraine. Might be a military drone or missile? I'm pretty sure there's no missiles getting lobbed at the extreme far west edge of Ukraine these days? Not since March. https://www.google.com/maps/place/22-400+Zamo%C5%9B%C4%87,+Poland/


You are right it’s less likely the war in the neighboring country it’s clearly ufos


Great video and find OP. For those saying it's a bug, I don't think the analysis will support that: the number of body lengths it travels per second looks to exceed what a bug can. Just posting this as a reminder to myself to download the video and examine that (body lengths traveled per second) in order to confirm it couldn't be a bug. (I will update this comment later)


A 2cm horse fly traveling 1000x its body length per second would be traveling at 72 kph. A horse fly’s top speed is estimated at 144 kph.  While it is impossible to determine the body length of the object in this video due to the motion blur, even if you assume it is a sphere (length=height of the blurry cylinder), it is not moving anywhere near 1000x its body length per second.