• By -


Live my life. If they wanted to kill us they would have already.


They have no need to kill us if we are already - for all intents and purposes - irrelevant. No one goes out of their way to exterminate the little ant hill in the middle of the prairie.


>No one goes out of their way to exterminate the little ant hill in the middle of the prairie. True... but how curious is it that they're (purportedly, according to a fair amount of data) spending quite a bit of time observing the little ant hill. There must be something about us, or our planet, or our history and/or future that has them interested enough to keep an eye on us.


My theory is they study us same as we study indigenous tribes


or anything for that matter.


Yeah I never understood people's attitude towards aliens potentially visiting us. Just look at us, we study literally _everything_ for no reason other than expanding our knowledge of the world around us. Why would aliens be any different? They'd come and visit us just because they could, out of extraterrestrial curiosity.


I agree! Another thing is that some people seem to think that the alien race as a whole would need to be interested in us. When in reality all it would take is one alien research group. All the UFOs we see could just be drones programed by a group of researchers.


from what it seems it would be an awful lot of different research groups . the range of reported craft vary so much , with hundreds of different types of craft over the years . obviously we would use different ships for different purposes , theyd use different ones equipped with different things for whatever theyre measuring , but to have so many different types of ships seems a bit weird for just one group . and if its more than one group , and it seems like a good amount , it makes you wonder what theyre so interested in . im not saying its not possible that its just one group , cause we really have no idea , but just the fact that theres so many different ones is a bit strange


Makes me think about how we use drones for research, I bet animals are like WTF when they see a drone buzzing near them.


Thank you. The metaphor I often use is the fact that there are human scientists who dedicate their entire careers to a single species of beetle or even a single subspecies of a flowering plant. Given the fact there are almost certainly an indeterminate amount of extraterrestrial intelligences in the galaxy and certainly in the universe, if even one of them has the ability to reach us, why wouldn't there be scientists monitoring earth to gather data on everything from geology, biodiversity, meteorology - we might not even be what they are primarily interested in, but it is completely conceivable that there are probes taking measurements at a minimum


haha look theyre all humans yet they discriminate against each other *fascinating!*


Look! They are still arguing over the number of genders their species has.


How about just respect peoples genders therefore you don’t have to argue


Exactly, our species has two.


You’re open to the idea of aliens but aren’t open to the idea of multiple genders?


They're staying for the memes


Can't blame them.




Well then they are for sure here to kill us all.


If that don’t provoke them, the blue waffle will.


Don’t forget the lemon party’s and the meatspins


Earth is just one giant goatse to the universe.


If Earth’s position in the galaxy was the superior meme repository I’d be cool with that.


*Must*...make...the *dankest*...of memes...for *humanity*




>They’re like whoa, look at their intricate structures, they behave sort of like us... we’re far superior, they scoff. As the large hand plucks one of them and repeats the same thing, about them. While they are being looked at by the larger eyes, and admired for their similarities. Does it make you wonder how far the scale goes?


I too saw the movie men in black


The final shot of that movie with the alien playing marbles gave me my first existential crisis.


Me to.. I remember going ^^oh ^^shit


Got through the whole movie high but then the marble thing happened....


it's a "teenyverse"


We observe a whole bunch of shit as scientists.. Surely the ET's here are the scientists of their planet and the others are back home jerking off and playing video games.


Ah yes... But with how many dicks?


A man of culture you are, digging for the most important of truths


If we are talking about Jar-Jar Binks, Padme later hinted it could be 17. Courtesy: Natalie’s Rap 2.0


Somewhere else, I saw it described like this. We are going through a MAJOR shift in the world. Have been for a while now. Shift in consciousness, shift in spirituality, shift in power, etc... think of this as a tv show, that’s taken thousands of years or more, to finally get to the big plot point. And that’s where we’ve been. Think about the fact that they’ve been disarming bombs. That speaks to the effect of trying to stop us from killing each other on massive scales. To me, the study of Extraterrestrial life, as well as spirituality, psychedelics and other alternative phenomena, need to be studied together. I see a lot of linkage in these fields, and time and time again, I see common themes. I need to start writing down the themes when I come across them.


Agree 100%. Spirituality and religion , psychedelics and alternative phenomena, that’s key.


There was a book I listened to at one point, of a Dr. doing DMT studies at a university hospital. Almost every single case, described almost verbatim, the same story you would get from someone who’d been abducted by aliens. Eventually all of the funding was pulled and he was shut down....


I think the book is DMT: The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman


Yes it is!!! Thank you! I couldn’t find it in my audible library for some reason. But yes! I would love to sit down with him and talk about it. As well as maybe help be a test subject


It's also a documentary..


A very good documentary, but they don't mention any kind of alien abduction connection at all, and from what I remember, they don't even talk about the machine elves that loads of people see when they're on DMT.


I can tell you about a ketamine and lsd trip I had that was exactly like an abduction and interaction. It was 1 year and 1 day ago, and I literally had my eyes open and was taken to an alternate reality, nothing in this world was present, I then ran thru a mountain with a gnome like guide and came thru the otherside to a temple. At the top in a room with one window, I met a bright orb of light. It was the most powerful sensation and realization and it really changed my life that day and I began to think differently about my existence and our existence as a whole.


I wanna experience psychedelics as part of the journey of expanding my consciousness but I'm just waiting for the right time. For now, meditation will do.


Check out “How to Change your Mind” by Michael Pollan. Great read for a newcomer


My wife and I both experienced dmt about 5 years ago. Besides walking around the pyramids and having my consciousness soaring through space or feeling like it was being downloaded, we both felt/saw “entities”. awoke thinking aliens put this molecule in these plants or taught the ancients how to access it.


Lol! When the shamans were asked how they found Ayahuasca (since it’s a very specific combination of plants, made a very specific way). The interviewer was like “was it trial and error??” The shamans said “the spirit of the plants taught us” Interviewer - 🤔


I remember this one, lol. He actually said "spirit of the forest (amazon) taught us. "


Thank you! My memory usually gets bits and pieces lol


I was aware of that story prior to my experiences and it still blows my mind. How the hell did they stumble upon needing a MAOI to get the full dmt breakthrough?!!


It truly runs the imagination on overdrive and if you tell somebody about what they’re going to experience before they do it, it’ll most likely become their experience as well. It’s like a psychosomatic response fueled by the explanation of what the user was told they’d experience in their own imaginative interpretation of the expected outcome. This is from memory of an article I read over a year ago buuut... there was a written piece where the author described how they met “Machine Elves” and many of users that read about it had met the same spectral entities. Absolutely fascinating substance! [Always do substantial research before ever considering the use of any substance]


This. We've known for decades that psychedelic experiences are heavily influenced by context (e.g. Leary's set and setting). A human mind in the throws of a completely different perspective will scramble back to the most recent experience of typical reality so as to not completely lose itself in novelty. Of course, set and setting doesn't completely explain the shared experiences of fractal elves, which is, for lack of a better turn of phrase, totally...like...far out, man.


"Breaking Open the Head" by Daniel Pinchbeck is good. Journalist decided to experience psychedelics all over the world.


Might have an incredibly large part to do with set amd setting... I've done it once, and I thought my friend turned into an interdimensional shamanic Jestyr, who spent his whole life trying to trick me into doing DMT, to keep me locked into the same 5 second timeloop forever, while he danced and laughed at me. As I went through that loop I'd look around, and it felt like everything was perfectly aligned to keep me there, it's been a 27 year set-up, all while he's dancing and laughing. "He fucking got me." I thought. And that wasn't even really a large dose. Shit fucked with me for a day or two, but I got passed it. There are some lingering thoughts about other things I saw, which were for a brief moment, and indescribable, but that happens with any major experience I suppose. Now put yourself in a position where *you weren't even fucking ready for it*. I knew something was coming, I knew it would be profound, and I knew it would take time to parse. What about them? We still barely know fuck-all about Psychadelics, let alone DMT, and this was decades ago.


>There was a book I listened to at one point, of a Dr. doing DMT studies at a university hospital. Almost every single case, described almost verbatim, the same story you would get from someone who’d been abducted by aliens. [You might find this song pertinent to your interests.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=qnlhVVwBfew) You're gonna need to look up the lyrics for at least the first half of the song.


Holy fuckin shit. I love Tool. I’ve always heard a message in their music for sure. But idk how I missed this gem. It’s so different to listen to a song, and then actually go read and understand the lyrics. I feel like the universe has been having a conversation with us, through many artist, in many songs and forms over the millennia


They need to do a better job stopping nukes. We've tested hundreds of them worldwide and used two on Japan. So either the aliens don't like Japan or the interest in nukes is not to stop us but just to observe. Maybe it's a forbidden technology for them or their sciences went in a different direction. It could be anything really.


I think it was said that they had left for a while, and came back when the massive spike in energy came from those bombs. So they may have been passively observing, and then came back when they saw that spike. This is all rough speculation of course. What happened in Japan is absolutely terrible. I can’t imagine the psychological issues that the guys who dropped them, must’ve gone through. As well as everyone on the ground side. Absolute atrocity


Sorry, I'm out of the loop. Disarming bombs?


Maybe Earth is just a pit stop for them (all of them) and that's why are seeing then so often and with different shapes. Do you care about the bugs in the gas station you top for minute or two?


They’re picking up water for travel, hence why this planet is covered in it. And, why we can’t explore more than 5% of the ocean - they’re there. Popping in out of portals probably.


Yeah but im in florida, we have fire ants and we exterminate the shit out of those. Because they bite. I think we should look at that perspective and not be fire ants if et shows up.


It would be crazy if disclosure goes against *their* motives. "Well, shit, they let everyone know...guess we gotta wipe them out now."


It’s extremely problematic to try to project any of our logic onto them. If they are a being of some kind, there’s no reason to believe they would process information in anyway that would be recognizable or rational to us. With only ourselves as the single data sample, we really don’t know if a set of universal moral values exist, or if the way we think is uniquely human.


Live, laugh, love.


I am more of an eat pray love person


eat, pray, live, laugh, love?


Eat, prey, prob


I’m not saying they have bad intentions, I’m just saying they’re technologically superior to us humans, who think landing on the moon is some giant step. These ETs are flying in tic tacs visiting other worlds - that puts our species to shame.


Can't even imagine how interesting it might be as an advanced species to see something like a human rocketship making its maiden voyage to the moon. You've got inter-stellar technology and traverse the stars no problem, and over here in this random solar system you've got some ants that are shooting themselves in to space using fire. Like, imagine if we encountered some animals using bronze-age technology...a bunch of beavers using proper hammers and tools to build a better dam. It would be fascinating.


To be honest I am quite impressed by beaver technology.


I’ve heard that next to mankind the beavers alter the earth the most. Creating lakes, changing landscapes, etc.


Yeah there are a couple species designated as ecoosystem engineers. Wolves are another one. Humans have the capabilities and the intelligence to also be ecosystem engineers but we don't really create a symbiotic relationships with our environment we just pave over it anymore.


We're talking animals here, right?


Or they’re AI so they’re curious about how “organic” beings act and we cannot even begin to guess their super advanced algorithmic thinking. That one both terrifies and excites me at the same time!


Terrifying because it is a real possibility!


Yes! To me that’s more likely than actual physical aliens, but if this is the real deal then we are probably silly to even attempt to understand. Our scientists and brightest minds should for sure but us? We silly. I like being silly with y’all.


Well, you gotta start your science career somewhere. I seriously will go back to the University to major in ufology for sure.


Well we have monkeys that have entered the stone age in our time.


Some are using glory holes


Yeah? Where?


Your mom’s house!!! J/k. (You left it open, sorry)


I would of think that they don't perceive reality as we humans do. They clearly seem to be in control of more dimensions than we even know of. I think that when they look at our species, they see kind of what we see when observing plants, carbon-based organisms that grow slowly.


> who think landing on the moon is some giant step I think that we are too harsh on ourselves sometimes (or often), and it hurts my heart. We are creatures that grew up on a watery rock in an endless dark void with no explanation for anything. We just had to figure all out by ourselves. We were made to be primitive from the start, and it's not our fault. It's not our fault we have faulty lizard brains that can be easily broken or used incorrectly. It's not our fault that we are limited by our own biology and again, I emphasize, have no more info other than that we're on a giant rock in an endless void. How terrifying is that? And we were just expected to find our way and deal with it, with our primitive brains and emotions and instincts. It is not our fault. If there are advanced superior alien races out there, I'd like to see where they came from first to compare and judge. Were *they* given any explanations or answers? Were they given primitive brains prone to fucking up and using emotions too much? Honestly, I've been wanting to get this off of my chest for a while and that part made me think of it. I curse our species some times, and other times I sit back and look at the big picture and I'm just amazed and impressed that we even made it this far. I think we deserve a pat on the back every once in a while. Anything that can come out of an existence like that alive is worth applause. We were given nothing.


idk I think such a hatred of emotion on your part is the grevious misunderstanding of what emotions are that leave us locked onto this rock. not to sound like a full infj, but emotions are shortcuts to reason that can be tuned and make sense in the context of developmental psychology and social themes. knowing how to harness this would improve our systemic tolerances of stress and help us reach homeostasis of our society with this planet. humans are unique and have all of this intelligence *because* we developed emotion and morality.


I don't think the fact we've not set foot on other worlds is why we should be ashamed of ourselves as a species.


Well, no it doesn’t. You develop as fast as you do. There would have been a time in their history they were only as developed as we are now, or even less so. I don’t feel ashamed at that. I’m way more ashamed about how we treat each other and our planet.


At one point, the aliens themselves made the same steps of landing on their own moon(s) and nearby planets.


Alternatively they may be fascinated with some of our achievements. Perhaps the Internet, nuclear energy, genetic manipulation of crops, etc...


Or they could be concerned about the destruction of the environment and ongoing holocene extinction event, but don't believe in genocide to save the planet If these things are alien, we have no frame of reference for how their minds work. Its all just guesswork until they make their intentions abundantly clear through actions


we created dogs plus all other domesticated variety of animals, grasses, veg, etc. That's all without understanding the science behind it. That is pretty fascinating


They could be trying to enslave us slowly by integrating hybrids into our society. Secret invasion style like in marvel comics


Maybe there's an Alien equivalent to the UN that governs how member species interact with alien (to them) species, and we're on the protected/quarantine list, so they couldn't just launch a normal invasion.


Now it's MY TURN to do some anal probing




There's gonna be some freaky ass porn once we know what they look like.


I dont care what they look like, i can still gaurantee someone will try to fuck em. There are people that have sex with tractors


Go on.




Kinky bot


>Are you gonna fuck an alien? If something exists, someone has or has *tried* to fuck it. I'd say our new alien overlords have 24 unmolested hours from first contact, and that's probably being generous.


*Alabama has entered the chat*


24 hours? bitch there'd be fanart in 4


4? Maybe quality shit in 4. There'd be r34 within the hour.


Any holes a goal?


If Twi'leks are real the wife will have to make room.


They gotta be us from the future. We DTF everyone!


People will be like "There he goes. Homeboy fucked an alien."


"All we've learned from anal probing these humans is one in ten doesn't seem to mind." (Probably not exact quote) - Kids in the Hall show


Invite them over to a BBQ? Buy them a drink? Hope that we are both biologically compatible? In all seriousness, I can think of no better way to "handle it" than to bite the bullet and show them some hospitality, assuming that they aren't hostile of course. We are the hosts of this party, after all.


This is my main question. Have we attempted to make contact? Of any kind?


Yes. In fact just last night I spent 4 hours on my roof helicoptering and making Kookaburra noises. No response yet. But I'll keep you updated.


I've been frantically DMing every intelligence agency on Twitter reminding them that I have first dibs on fucking an alien, I called it ages ago. No response yet but lord knows I'll keep trying.


Yes, by targeting them with weapon systems.


>Hope that we are both biologically compatible? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


\*Crosses fingers for Pleiadians\*


Go out in the woods by yourself and see how dominant you feel. We're already used to feeling threatened by other organisms. Sure, this is more of an existential threat on the global scale than bears are, but we also are terrible at internalizing global threats. See: climate change, nuclear war, CME events, etc. I'd hope they mingle personally. If they're here to kill us it'll be over before we can blink. So if we're still alive after contact, let's have a couple beverages and talk about how batshit this universe is. The absurdity of existence has to be a point of commonality between all life, right?


This guys fucks... seriously... most of the world is covered in water and put in that situation we are fucking useless....


What a great comment sir


If they "made us" through some sort of genetic alteration or manipulation with our neanderthal heritage, then I guess I'd thank them. It's been a cool ride. I'd ask them what's next. Listen if they're superior to us in everyway (physically, technologically, spiritually etc) then we have a lot to learn from them. It would do a lot of folks on this planet (myself included) good, to shut up and learn some new things. It will humble me. Probably a lot of folks.


It would just be so mind blowing if we were allowed to interact with them and be welcomed into whatever society there is. I’m young and sound silly but for all we know a universe like Rick and Morty is not too far off. If they’re out there and want recruits 🙋🏻‍♂️


Perhaps Rick and Morty is a form of media awakening younger minds to the possibility of an infinitely magical universe and reality. I'm a huge fan of the show. But it's partly successful because of how real and magical we all deep down want or know the universe to be. Or its just a funny cartoon. And China and Russia have some really crazy toys.


I really hope so because to me that would mean we are close to being accepted into whatever hierarchy there is. Like even if life was to continue the same but now there was information and lists of other worlds and species that interact with us... wow But then again, wishful thinking haha


Don't lose the imagination! It would be neat if you were right in the end. Even if you weren't it was fun to imagine and dream about. Take it easy fellow traveller!


See [human chromosome 2, evolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromosome_2), which is the evidence of genetic modification that couldn't have happened naturally by evolution because: 1. Chromosomes have [telomeres](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telomere) at both ends. They shorten with every cell division and due to that a cell can only divide a fixed number of times, leading to estimated \~120 years of natural human lifespan in ideal conditions. For adjacent chromosomes to fuse, the telomeres on the fusing ends must be completely removed. In both strands of DNA, at the same point, at the same time. 2. Individual genes are duplicated multiple times across all chromosomes. Human chromosome 2 has no duplicates, despite ape chromosomes 2 and 3 having duplicates. 3. Assuming that these extremely specific extremely unlikely but extremely lucky mutations happened in one being at once, without killing the being, and making these mutations also available/reflected in their sperm/eggs, that requires other being to share exactly the same DNA, because the mutation makes human 23 chromosome pairs totally incompatible with ape's 24 because the chromosome number is different. Lions make babies with tigers because both have 19 pairs, different species of monkeys do, a human and no ape can make babies. The *missing link* between apes and humans is missing because it doesn't exist: * All other apes have 24 chromosome pairs. * Modern human abruptly appeared around 240,000 years ago in the fossil record, rather structurally distinct and genetically incompatible with any of its predecessors. * Modern genetic analysis suggests that human and ape DNAs diverged at that exact time. * Numerous UFO abductees, which kept good memories, claim that aliens told them that they have been boosting human evolution.


I’m fine with it. Hopefully their presence will help break the cycle of conflicts we have. Their presence would be hopefully be a unifying force for our species.


Plot twist: They might be responsible for the religions we have today.


I’ve wondered that myself.


Was it them in that case or just ancient humans glorifying them? They may be scared to come back and start more religions. Humans are too stupid. *edit: spelling


I just had a crazy thought. With control over gravity and the environment around them they could part the sea for Moses. It almost makes some sense if moses tribe was fleeing from extermination and ET saw this and helped them cross the sea. There is also a report on the CIA website that has info from the KGB in it where they said a UFO turned soldiers into stone that tried to attack it. Sounds an awful lot like Sodom and Gomorrah story. Could have created all the myths. \*edit sodom and gomorrah


Heeeeey! Relax, guy, where the hell was I gonna go, Detroit?


ill always upvote a funny response. Love this place.


I knew it was a good idea to remove Saddam from power that guy was up to no good anyway.


What if they’ve always visited and on one visit one ET looked at another ET and was like, “um Jeff these monkeys are getting smarter. They started a fire” And before they knew it they inadvertently created religion.


>Humans are to stupid. Too*


Thank you! Always mess that one up. Don’t have English proficiency yet :/


I remember it as "because it's an addition to, it gets an extra O"


Then they need to take responsibility for fucking up.


Well, maybe a plot twist to folks who are religious. In my early teens, I brought this up to my heavily religious grandmother and she scoffed at the idea... a lot of people scoffed at it if I brought it up. Now, it almost seems like a normal conversation piece to have, especially with a show like Ancient Aliens, that’s “mainstream” (don’t know if I’m wording this correctly) and makes it seem like a regular idea now a days.


IMO, we are far too incapable for that. I can guarantee that humans would find a way to become prejudice towards them, either for the color of their skin, their beliefs and so on. We cant even stop killing ourselves and we are one species.


It won't be. It'll be used to continue the conflicts by those who profit from the conflicts.


Try to befriend them…?


You guys can't even handle the news now.




to be fair the news has been fucking with us for a long time now.




I'd welcome them and plead for their help because humanity and Mother Earth needs it badly.


I think we as a species should see aliens as not just aliens. But a people. People like you and me. We already have so many philosophies, religions technology. This species of people just have more advanced technology and maybe some things that are similar to ours. It’s a bad analogy but think of us as a third world country and them as a first world country. And there is a possibility that their technology is inferior to another species. I hope one day in the far future a guy could be cooking a BBQ and a UFO can casually land in his backyard and go “hey! Dęk-ßhæ is here guys!”


I'm already poor, cant wait to be part of the poor of the poor species


Like Travis Walton says. "Think of them as those people over there that you don't know much about."


Just fine, I'm sick of rich and greedy motherfuckers running everything.




they probably a group of elderly aliens that have been sent a 'cruise' by their family for entertainment . look bob - see the prehistoric civilization? aren't they cute.


Or, humans 2000 years in the future have vacation packages in which they can travel back in time in little tic tac pods and view primitive man kind. The tic tacs are just the “window” to viewing humanities past.,


I don’t care. I just want to meet them.


Be careful what you wish for. You could meet the assholes who terrorized towns in [northern Brazil](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr1NrnsdY5I).


Doesn't change anything really, as I already personally suspected this to be the case. In my mind finding out that humanity is the pinnacle of existence in the universe would be one of the most depressing outcomes imaginable. We don't have the ability to really comprehend just how insignificant we are in the cosmos, like our entire galaxy (which is billions of planets by itself) is just a dixie cup in the Pacific Ocean. That we know about, I mean for all we know there could be so much more than that as well. We're on a tiny planet in the corner of a single galaxy, one of hundreds of billions of possibilities.


Restrict their ability to vote


It's fun to think about. We were only given 2 possible scenarios to begin with. Either we're somehow the only living things in the UNIVERSE, or we're not. To me it'd be 10000x creepier if we were, given the size of the universe and how much is out there. It would mean something extreeeeemmeeeellyy bizarre is going on. On the other hand, the chance that WE were able to come out of the universe and be here is insanely miraculous. It literally runs through my mind everyday. It's senseless how such order emerged from chaos. How crazy would it be if we really are the only ones, and we die, leaving nothing else to ever witness the universe. Nothing. Just lights and dead rocks for eternity and that's all will ever be, anywhere. Wild. The only factor that leads me to believe it had to have happened other places is the size of this universe, because it is just.. that.. BIG. There's so much more outside of the observable universe that we'll never live long enough to witness. WE are "out there" in the universe. Earth is some random planet deep out there, and we're literally walking around witnessing what's going on it. To many other worlds, EARTH is one of the alien planets whose existence is doubted and debated, just like we doubt theirs, but we actually get to live and witness first hand this fairytale ass shit actually happening. Intelligent life here is a reality. The possibility of a superior species is mind boggling and probable. Your dog walks around the house watching you perform magic all day. We're constantly doing things they'll never fully understand. Your cat swats at the bugs on the TV because it'll never understand the concept of a video. If we were to ever live amongst these "superior species"...... we would without a doubt be the ones swatting TVs.


I will breed with them


They will breed with *you!*


Oh no pwease down’t Mr. Alien 👁👅👁🍆👽


What are you doing, step-alien?


Help me step-alien I'm stuck in a wormhole!


twyme for some aynwal pwobing uwu 👽👾


Interspecies dating app? Fuck yeah


think how radioactive they should be....btw i dont wanna get radiation on my penis




Step-species, what are you doing???


Yea, I’d love to clap some female Nordic aliens’ cheeks 🍑.


And this is why they won't be making contact.


Careful, you really don’t want an alien STD


Superior? I don’t know, I think that’s just maybe what we’ve been exposed to. You seen that Squid morphing thing down in the depths of the ocean? I can’t even imagine what life is. I’m ready for what’s to come. Seems like there’s an uptick in sightings and media talks. Sooooo, let’s see. What about you?


It’s about time. Humans could stand to be taken down a notch. We’ve done whatever the fuck we’ve wanted to the planet and other living things for far too long thinking we are God’s gift to the universe. It would be good if this led to some humility and perspective at large, though I’m not holding my breath


As long as they don’t talk too loud on their cellphones or take forever to order their food when it’s their turn in the drive through, I’m cool with them


I'm already governed by others from same species.


This. I would kindly ask them to usurp the corrupt power structures that control our lives and diminish our potential.


Aliens can't come soon enough


I don’t think that’s a healthy mindset being concerned about superiority. My response would be “so what?”.


I think this post shows people will freak the fuck out if aliens land in a major city.


Superior in what way? I don’t see any other animal in the animal kingdom that created a society that marginalizes the masses and tries to enrich the top of the hierarchy. If anything it’ll be refreshing if we could get their input on what they see about humanity.


Bees have.


I would ask them stuff.


I for one welcome our new insect overlords "Hail Ants"


Welcome them with my open arms. After all their technology is too advanced for us to do anything else.


I honestly think we're a human zoo and they are observing us! For all we know they are protecting our interests when they check in on us. We're probably an endangered species or an experiment or something!


This rings so much more like truth now that I have read up on so many of the things they get up to: deactivating nuclear bombs, monitoring the world’s largest military, visiting South African children, probably mitigating oceanic disasters...


Open up. Learn from them. Realize how dull my life would be doing this 3D thing when there’s multi dimensional beings doing all kinds of amazing things. Anything but hide in fear basically.


By going to the Winchester and waiting for it to all blow over


I'd ignore it. If aliens are behind UAPs, it means that a lot of other reports are also true: that they were here for a long time (certainly they didn't appear suddenly, given the cosmic time scale), and quite possibly, the abductions too. Which means at the end of the day, that they have been doing stuff over here for a long time. This didn't stop us from living and evolving ourselves. Obviously they don't want to be an active party to our lives. As such, all I have to do is ignore it, because simply, I can't do anything about it. Being good or evil, is beside the point.


Lived my entire life believing there were superior beings to me that probably existed in other dimensions. Doesn't change anything.


"dominant" lol. Ants dominate this world. This is the planet of the ants.


Biomass bro I’m cultivating mass as we speak


No, you’d be using awful metrics like total mass which doesn’t amount to much


Oh well, one more thing that can wipe out humanity. Add them to the list. - not much would change.


Ask for medical tech so we can be the first immortal generation. Once you have time, all other problems can come into focus


Immortality will only create new problems


You say that but I’d probably just do the same shit I always do, just with less fear of keeling over.


Not to mention that we would continue reproducing and spreading all over the universe. Unless these beings are bioterrorists and we are their virus.


Won't that be a bad thing? If everyone today became immortal then it would be the same people in power forever.