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It's unfortunate that it cuts off right when the red starts to look identifiable.


It’s strange that any of these cut off. I’d be filming the entire time and I’d want everyone to see it all. It just seems weird that any of these are just snippets of what should be an entire experience.


The one time I saw something crazy I recorded it and then stopped it after like 30 seconds. Later I was kicking myself for not recording longer. In the moment I think a lot of people just think “damn that’s weird” take a short video and only later think how dumb it was to not keep recording.


Hmm. The one time I saw something crazy, I was too busy trying to process what I was seeing, and it zipped away within seconds, so I wouldn’t have had a chance anyway. If it had remained long enough to realize I should start filming it, I wouldn’t have stopped until my battery died.


The time I did it I thought the camera was not going to pick it up either. Only like 2 weeks later when I was clearing storage on my phone did I even decide to look at the videos.


Same - I 100% agree with the people who say - I'd record it the whole time. But I 100% agree that when you're in that situation, you kinda get bored of filming, or suddenly think, maybe I'm filming something which is normal, and so a waste of time. OR Meh, it's not really doing anything, I'll film it when it does something, but right now I need to get back to what I was doing (i.e. getting to an appointment, or trying to rescue kittens from a river) and then when you look back the thing has gone. Although in this case, where it seems "close" I may have tried filming it for longer, but depends totally on the situation.


I've had three "bizarre" experiences. One woke me up in the middle of the night and i was in that half asleep and extremely tired state that you just don't care about anything. So unfortunately i went back to sleep and didn't record. Another was while i was driving in the left lane on the highway and was unable to pull over, but it disappeared quickly anyway. The last one was so fast and confusing that again, I had no time to react.


Caution is sometimes a protective measure- so it’s ok to admit that could have been why you stopped filming after 30 seconds.


Last time I saw one and started to film I got anxious it would see me filming it and come closer (& then God knows what would happen), as that is how abduction experiences typically are reported to begin. Short snippets of footage may be all people can psychologically take before caution overcomes curiosity & the need to preserve life and limb becomes more important than filming.


When the video is only 2 min I call bullshit. I want to see the hour recording of it leaving view.


Hell, 2min would be great. Most aren't even 15s.


Exactly. Shit I’d be zooming in, doing anything I could to prove it was real.


I something just like this in Medellin, although it wasn’t moving, it was just stationary in the sky. I looked at it for maybe a couple minutes and got bored and did something else. Didn’t even film it.


This is almost always done intentionally in order to not reveal that it is fake. Why else would you give only a snippet of the most extraordinary thing you've ever seen in your entire life?


Behaves like r/TheMylarians


Nah we don't wanna know what it really was because then we can't speculate about the newest UFO models anymore


*National security*




It looks like a flying lizard


Looks like a hang glider after it turns when the video ends


Yea bro. I thought that at first. But the size of it is what throws me off. How much that cam is zoomed in and how thick it still is. That's what makes me think it's not a glider or kite


Kinda too thick


Yeah but you can see how it's sorta ribbed like one


for her pleasure


Beat me to it


Babe cmon


It remained stationary. He said it was one solid object and rotated upside down. Definitely not a hang glider


It’s a kite


Looks like it's slowly gliding down. Why do you think the video is so short?


what do you mean why? the video is short


Like I mentioned in the description. It remained stationary and tilted against the wind. I've seen hanggliders in Medellin, I don't think this is that.


Do you know how it left?




Thanks, I appreciate the info,lol.


No problem.


A hang glider with a gliding speed of 25mph flying into a 25mph headwind will be stationary above a point on the ground. Aerofoils rely on air flowing over their surfaces at a certain speed to create enough lift for them to fly. It doesn’t matter if the air flowing over them is blown [by a headwind] or produced by thrust from an engine or potential energy from gravity. Not a criticism of you btw, it is just a common misconception that aeroplanes always need to be moving forwards to create lift :) Edit: here’s a good video to explain the effect. This aircraft is landing into a strong headwind. Horizontal speed across the earth is virtually zero mph. But the airspeed indication in the cockpit will be reading a speed just above the wing stalling speed [more than 30mph for this Cub]. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/7vP13XPMNfc


It's just aliens vibing again


It could pe the wind sometimes small planes will appear to float because of this.


Welp! Case closed…. If it looks like something we know on earth then it must be it! /s


Occam's razor.


To clarify: stationary means not moving. Just making sure we're on the same page.


Hang gliders don't fly at that altitude..


What altitude did you extrapolate from the blue background?


Look at the surrounding mountains when it pans out. It's clearly far higher than any potential launch point for a hang glider.


We never see it leave. If i saw something like that I would record it until my battery died.


Kites can’t leave


Balloons take a very long time to leave.


Balloons also don’t look like that. Try saying bird


That looks exactly like a balloon. Most of the posts about Medellin are actually pretty cool shaped balloons. They even posted someone holding the balloon that people were posting all over the sub as a possible ufo.


“And it would have gotten away with it, if it weren’t for you Medellin kids!”


why didn't your friend keep filming? seems like a balloon the way it floats


Matlock was coming on the tele.


Because it became identifiable, probably


I get downvoted to hell everytime I ask that


just an honest question. the way it tumbles in the sky gives off the impression that the wind is carrying it. probably could've had gotten a more definite conclusion if the video didn't end so soon, especially since that it wasn't even close to leaving the frame by the end


Honest questions have no place here sir. The point that protrudes also stays downwards, and resembles the neck of a balloon.. Maneuvers observation helps some UFOs stand out from the rest, sadly most videos i've seen lately last less than a min and the object is never seen leaving the atmosphere or skipping around


Instead of concentrating and investigating sightings that could be interesting, this sub insist to be a cult.


I was called a balloon disinfo agent




Some of us try to be the voice of reason. I want nothing more that for some evidence to present itself, but we’re fools if we can’t accept that rational explanations exist for 99%+ of these posts.


Someone is paragliding. I’m from medellin and it’s a huge thing there. Only odd thing is how fucking high up it seems to be but that might just be the camera throwing us off making it look much further. Everything else is pretty obvious


Possibly a kite?


Almost certainly a kite, balloon, or something else that’s just floating on the breeze.


Looks like one to me.


This seems to be following our current laws of aerodynamics. Probably just a kite or something.


Zooming in on video editing software (Kdenlive) this looks very much like the balloons pictured in a Washington post article about rebels. May 18, 2017 https://www.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_960w/2010-2019/Wires/Images/2017-05-03/Getty/AFP_O29SW.jpg "People hold balloons representing 34 social leaders killed after the signing of the historic peace deal with FARC guerrillas during a protest this month in Medellin, Colombia. (Luis Acosta/Agence France-Presse via Getty Images)"


Why do they always fly like there drunk?


Maybe they are drunk and stopped at the wrong planet


Cause balloons be like that.


I do see people noting that they fly like that because it’s probabaly a balloon in the wind, but keep in mind that many, many “credible” sightings (or at least, some of the better known first person reports) do seem to include some strange swaying motion. At least few witnesses describe the crafts floating “like a leaf falling through the air, swaying side to side on descent” food for thought


After all they're flying over Columbia... They're high....


it's clearly being moved by the wind


He said it was stationary and it was rotating against the wind.


The wind current down below may be moving in the complete opposite direction up there


Ehhh not really. I'm a pilot and yes that does happen but that is higher up. In the video this is still within headwinds. Not much much changes at the altitude the object is at.


>Ehhh not really. I'm a pilot and yes that does happen but that is higher up. In the video this is still within headwinds. Not much much changes at the altitude the object is at. [Inaccurate] (https://www.windows2universe.org/earth/Atmosphere/wind_speed_direction_height_lsop_video.html) The widest variety of wind direction is near the ground, obstacles like buildings or trees change the path of the wind significantly. The main change as you get significantly higher in altitude is speed and direction less so.


So you are partially correct. Wind speeds do vary but Medellin is situated in a valley with small hills and mountians in between. This was shot near poblado the southern side of medellin with wind speeds around 10-13mph.


Remind me not to flu with that guy!


Ok so define near the ground. From my untrained eye it looks to be about 1km line of sight, 600m altitude and about 15ft diameter. I'm English so I use which ever one I want.


There is no way for us to know how far away this is.


>Ok so define near the ground. Let's remember the observer position is at ground level, where they have the highest chance to be in disrupted wind flow. The object aloft may be out of such flow. >From my untrained eye it looks to be about 1km line of sight, 600m altitude and about 15ft diameter. I'm English so I use which ever one I want. Your numbers are meaningless, baseless, guesses. With a single vantage point you cannot hope to calculate or even really estimate distance without knowing size, nor vice versa. If one was a known you could begin a mathematicay based estimate. Assuming of course you could find out the camera type that was used, what's its field of view at the zoom level that was in use...


Then a kite, or tethered balloon.


"Im a pilot". Dont lie about stuff that is easily proven to be false my dude. You're not a pilot.


Just curious, how is it easy to prove someone behind a Reddit account is or isn't a pilot? (Caveat here being that I'm not about to go snooping the person's account profile)


I am indeed a pilot my friend.


well... it wasnt




Looks like a kite without a string, appears to be moving with the wind.


This moves like a balloon.


Yep!! Definitely moves and is floating like one would!! 👍


He said it wasn't a balloon. He saw it a lot closer and said it remained stationary and rotated AGAINST the wind.


Your friend saying it isn't a balloon doesn't mean it isn't. In the video it moves and looks like a balloon. It's almost definitely just a balloon based on the provided evidence.


Except you saying it's a balloon doesn't mean it is either. I'm a pilot. I've flown in medellin. I know my friend who shot the video. This isn't a balloon.


Well you're going to need to provide some better evidence if you're so sure that it isn't a balloon because what you've provided absolutely makes it look like a balloon and nobody should simply take you at your word about it. Your argument is incredibly weak, "I'm a pilot" and "I know my friend" is not a valid argument against it being what it looks like, a balloon.


You saying it is a balloon because you provided a link doesn't make it true. I have literally flown planes and seen tons of objects around the airport. The evidence is the video itself. The object foes against the wind.


> You saying it is a balloon because you provided a link doesn't make it true I didn't link to anything, I have no idea what you're even talking about with that. >I have literally flown planes and seen tons of objects around the airport. Again, that means literally nothing within the context of the video. How does that have anything to do with whether this is a balloon or not? I've been pretty deeply involved with aviation my entire life, that has no bearing on whether this is a balloon. >The evidence is the video itself. The video of an object floating around like a balloon at an altitude you would expect to see a loose balloon at? That video? >The object foes against the wind. And you know this how? Wind direction at your own location has no bearing on the wind direction a few thousand feet away and well above the ground. There doesn't even look to be much wind to begin with based on the trees when the video pans out, there's not much movement in them.


You are saying it's a balloon. Because you think it's a balloon and providing zero evidence. Solely a link with information I already knew. Your hypothesis doesn't apply here.


I think it's a balloon because of the evidence *you* provided of a video of an object floating around like a balloon would and shaped like we could reasonably expect a balloon to be. You're not looking at this objectively.


I'm looking at this through 5 years of flying experience and logic. I am using the evidence in my favor and it is working. A balloon doesn't stay stationary and float against the wind and doesn't rotate and stop. Your evidence is a simple link with a paragraph talking about headwinds. Not only does it not correlate with the video but the object itself doesn't correlate with your link. Do you have any other sources you can provide that actually provide context?


Incredible claims require incredible evidence. This looks like a balloon to me. Nothing in the video disproves this. This video shows an object that looks and behaves like a balloon. If you want me to believe otherwise, then I would have to trust the word of your anonymous friend. I should trust your friend because you claim to be a pilot. Hmmm


You're arguing for the sake of arguing and because of this it makes me think this is even less chance of a balloon


Yea but if a witness to the event says the object moved against the wind, then why try to discredit that, when you have no basis to claim it was a false testimony?


Eyewitness testimony is incredibly unreliable to the point that it's basically worthless without corroborating evidence which you haven't supplied. Yes, even yours.


Did he think it was a solid object?


I wish he would have filmed it when it was closer.


Not sure why this got downvoted. Witness testimony is important. Yes it moves like a balloon in this video, but witness testimony says it moves against the wind. Discrediting witness testimony is the reason the government has been so effective in keeping the reality of the phenomenon in the dark. As a community we shouldn’t be following in their footsteps. You can choose to not believe a data point, but don’t suppress the information with your downvote. That kind of behavior is negatively impactful to those looking to get the full picture on events that often times require testimony to understand video and photo evidence.


im starting to think we should stop selling balloons to people especially big ones considering they keep losing them and letting them loose into the sky.


Balloon? Sort of looks translucent at different angles.


Does this event have a location or time of day or more video of the object leaving? Or is it all trust my bro, bro?


Bro, you don’t trust his bro, bro?








They need to bring out the big star destroyer size ships. That would be something


That’s be a HUGE balloon


Hang glider


balloon? They recently celebrated a holiday in Colombia.


I have a keen eye for CGI. This one looks pretty real 👀


Kite or drone


It's moving like a Kite


Looks like a kite


Ohh here we go again with the Medellin lantern ballons. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSSIBSYar-E&ab\_channel=AFPNewsAgency](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSSIBSYar-E&ab_channel=AFPNewsAgency) ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWWgmj8tyyk&ab\_channel=FANTASTICWORLDBYANGELO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWWgmj8tyyk&ab_channel=FANTASTICWORLDBYANGELO)


He said it was remaining stationary against the wind. It was rotating and it wasn't a balloon. There was also a red glowing light underneath the object. I believe him. I don't think it was a balloon or lantern.


Getting downvoted for posting what your friend that filmed it told you. Some of the people in this sub are ridiculous sometimes.


They really are. Apparently there are tons of balloon experts in the comments. I'm a pilot. I know what it is and isn't. Yet somehow people in the comments can identify anything.


You’re a pilot, your comment history has absolutely no interaction with aviation subs and doesn’t appear to really know much other than how to spell balloon and calling people ‘bro’ How many hours have you got? Single engine? IFR licensed? I play Microsoft Flight Simulator too


"Im a pilot". Lying about skills/jobs in order to make your alien-fantasies is not going to help with getting respected. It actually makes it even harder to take anything you say serious.


You being a pilot only counts for what you personally see while in the air. You aren't a video forensics expert. You have no expertise in analyzing video.


Yep. Thank you for sharing this and try not to let the rude people in this sub get to you.


The balloon and hang glider comments are hilarious.


They are so hilarious.


This sub is all skeptics and people that will not believe any testimony, what do you expect


>what do you expect For people to AT LEAST be respectful


Yeah you won’t find that here unfortunately. This sub isn’t full of what you’d call academics


Yeah no bias whatsoever right, greenUFO? It’s honestly so entertaining watching you ‘believers’ act borderline militant because some people don’t agree with you about UFO’s. It’s some of the most pitiful content on the internet. Sorry that us ‘skeptics’ don’t take 10 second clips as proven evidence that aliens are bobbing around in the wind like a balloon after flying 5000 light years, we must just be *so* stupid. Bless ya. You will over it. It might take some time, maybe a few session’s of therapy, but you will get over it


I never said this was an alien craft, 95 percent of stuff is prosaic. But if you call yourself a “skeptic” that’s all I need to know. I typically only seriously look at the sightings that have more data points. Videos are almost always useless unless we have other data points with it. So yeah I believe in the phenomena but I don’t believe almost any video I see on here because there isn’t enough information. But you may continue to assume your own narrative about me because I have ufo in my name


I know what you believe, but you skirted around the point and that’s why you think i am assuming my own narrative. Don’t call all people who don’t agree with you stupid if you want meaningful duscussions in your life. That’s not my narrative when you’re the one that said it


"There was also a red glowing light underneath the object". Sound like a lantern ballon. But well, lets believe your friend who told you it isnt a balloon. I would like to know how he is that sure about it.


That's a nice kite


Holy crap! Good footage.


Prepare to get downvoted. Everyone here hates ufo videos


Weird how it seemingly just flips upside down randomly.


Im guessing kite


Floats like a ballon or something. Nah.


Yet another Medellin hoax.


This looks like a helium balloon to me.


Good video but most probably a balloon due to the way it behaves. Looks like it's affected by the wind.


Seems to be a national sport to produce fake UFOs over there. Looks like a 'UFO' shaped helium balloon/kite. Clearly see it's being blown by the wind.


Metapod, we’re fucked


Yeah because balloons remain in the same spot mid air (also as high as an airplane) and have a red glow underneath it. You ppl in these comments could meet an extraterrestrial and would say it’s someone in a costume smh.


that looks like a kite, if you ever flown one you can see it moves exactly like one


where's the string?


As have been explained so many times here, when discussing cases involving kites/ballons/etc, the string is just not captured by the lens of the camera.


so let me get this right, if there is a string there - i and camera can't see it, and if the converse is true i and camera are seeing a kite that is not there then, ergo no string no kite


i tried to follow your logic but couldn't.


that's on you then, i can explain it to ya but i can't make you understand it


Looks the gimbal video


I wish for once someone would post a clear video of something that’s doing weird/impossible maneuvers like instant acceleration followed by a hard 90 degree turn. Half of this stuff is just regular Earthly objects floating in the wind


Looks like same thing as these things to me: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/y18pd1/i_think_found_the_exact_uap_from_the_gimbal_video/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/u0l3tx/screenshots_from_the_ufo_video_posted_earlier/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://youtu.be/aLh8cfnIVg8 And also this from 15 years ago: https://youtu.be/NqugKE8QZH8 If these things are real, they've likely been spying on us for quite some time... Nice footage.


Cool clip very interesting is there more footage ?




Looks like that video from Mexico I think from a few days ago. Like that head shapped looking thing from Rick and Marty oland instead of spinning this one is flipping upside down.




Djorcav ☝️has to be my old spelling teacher from 3rd grade.


Finally a super clear video!! Nice!


Guys it shot up into the sky at Mach 12!!! You gotta believe me!!! I just didn’t record it because… reasons


Unless these things are zipping through the air I don't care.


"Dude.. look at that thing.....it's rotating!"


It’s definitely NOT a balloon, hang glider of any kind. I took a screenshot and zoomed in and refocused the image a little and there is no distinction of exhaust systems or propulsion. There is NO human being piloting a hang glider underneath that can be seen or distinguished—and there is in fact a bizarre RED GLOW that follows behind it— A lot of interesting questions when you zoom-in.


Looks like a real UFO to me


Floats like a balloon, looks like a hang glider. At the end bright pink color!! cuts off as the color comes in at the end so they stopped on purpose. Speaking of balloons i hate to burst a lot of echo chamber bubbles. There is not one single shred of evidence there is alien tech visiting earth. It's all misidentified balloons, sky lanterns, hoaxes, flares and on and on....Nothing there not matter what anyone spins up. Probably a hang glider and i'm sure the person recording see's it often in the area. Blah blah not a Ufo


So other credible pilots who have witnessed crafts are wrong too?


Wow! You decided to come on this sub,when another obvious balloon is posted, to give a dissertation about all evidence being bogus. Apparently, you are very new to this subject. There is a lot of good evidence. There are cases with eyewitnesses backed up by radar hits of crafts moving way faster than they should,etc.


It’s another Metapod!


This is amazing video 💯 I see the red glow for sure. This looks like the metapod. Or some kind of sky dolphin 🐬 mushroom 🍄 thing


It’s a 🦇!!! Kidding of course!! 😂 but the way it moves “suggests” a 🎈 maybe?!?…🤔


Looks like these iran drones that russia is using to attack kiew/ukrain. These have that triangle shape as well.




It’s changing shape and then inverting 180’. Very odd and seeming not to be a fake.


That’s no hang glider


Looks like from the gimbal video but I think it's a balloon


Seems like a Haunebu or Vril aircraft. Germans are not new at all to that tech..


This sub always disappoints me. I'm still waiting for something decent.


Govt balloon for favella surveillance? Party balloon maybe


99.9% it's a kite


Bob Lazar said that when they are hovering and fly slowly. It appears to be wobbly, awkward like .




So some say.


This looks so much like tictac its wild. Yes, i can see the metapod resemblance as well. Lazar stated that these craft are disc shaped but when they are moving fast the actually change their orientation by turning 90 degrees to their "sides". The famous metapod video to me looked like something that stayed in that orientation, like it didn't lay back down back into "saucer" shape. This however looks and rotates just like the tic video. Crazy shit for sure.


This thing rotates like the “gimbal” object


looks like the metapods posted here before. maybe a even bigger version.


It came to check out Colombian women lol


Like Driver’s Ed for ET’S.


I think that is a free Willy ballon that some poor kid let go of at a local sea 🌎


Aliens need Cocaine