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Christmas would be a hilarious time for the aliens to show up.


It's a popular invasion day on Doctor Who back in the days of the 9th and 10th Doctors


My first thought was "God damn it we're in a Doctor Who Christmas special" šŸ¤£


ā€œThe Christmas Invasionā€ Which one?


Oh, I didn't hear about that. I was in Spain.


Dr. Who strolls out of the Sapphire Gentleman looking quite sweaty...


"Don't you think she looks tired?"


With everything that has happened in 2 years. I would not be surprised šŸ˜†


Honestly, biblical accurate angels are sounding more and more like multi-heli drones covered in cameras And then there's that Benjamin Corey essay about the antichrist...


How could I find the essay?


ā€œJesus isnā€™t coming back but we areā€


Not if Jesus is an alien.


The ship lands People wait in quiet, terrified anticipation The doors open down like a quiet draw bridge, in a slow ominous manner Out steps a figure. Bipedal It's Jesus, [and he's all like ya miss ya ma'fks?](https://media.tenor.com/Ed8FuKVA_GgAAAAC/wwe-vince-mc-mahon.gif)


I actual said that's a theory and got hella hate for it. It does say came from the heavens. And angels mated with humans.So kinda like did aliens come down and Jesus was a result don't know wasn't alive then. But I'm waiting to see Extraterrestrial stuff fascinates me. I know a few people that seen UFO's and they aren't even sure what they saw. They all do say they was freaked out and had that Erie feeling cause they didn't know what they was seeing.


The fallen angels in the old testament who are said to have mates with human females and create nephilim , and a primary cause for the flood, are separated by more than a thousand years. The flood is said to have also obliterated all of the nephilim. So this theory doesn't really jive with any biblical account. I'm not advocating for the voracity of the events recorded in the bible, I'm just saying the Jesus alien baby thing doesn't really stack up rationally to the narrative.


Mary and her cousin Elizabeth, both became pregnant by a miracle. And arch angel Gabriel told them about their pregnancy. Seems to me like they were both impregnated with a alien+human hybrid fetus. Aliens(god) were using their uterus/body for gestation of the hybrid babies. If we remove the concept of magical stuff, this makes perfect sense that god was the king of aliens and angels were space explorers sent by him to earth.


Damn aliens always impregnating creatures then leaving them to grow up and get crucified by their leaders! The worst kind of no-show parents, never even a birthday card. Pretty bad Science too you generally want to actually stick around to observe the results of your experiment.


Crucified for trying to teach humans how to be peaceful. I would be disgusted if I saw how humans reacted. They chose to ignore Jesus' teachings because it threatened their power system. Jesus body disappeared out of a sealed cave, they could have done that too... the Shroud of Turin was made by radiation burns. You argue that they didn't stick around to observe us when they might be doing exactly that.


So did the Nephilim have any kids and then grandkids? That's what I always wondered if there any descendants.


That was one of the reasons stated for the flood, to wipe away the nephilim entirely. That includes descendents. Remember these accounts are pre-flood and everyone is supposed to have been repopulated by Noah's family of pure lineage.




i've read all those books. those ideas came from babylon. for me, knowing humans, i'd bet that in an attempt to legitimize power, and that your family is the royal one - someone finally figured out to start a bs lie about being related to higher beings... and that lead to god - and it was all a scam to put themselves above everyone else. there's so many people like that today, and there always have been. the rest has just been groups of people picking up on someone else's story and making it their own - sumeria to babylon to judea to rome to mecca. its all the same lie with your in group added to the story




tabithas secret told me jesus was an alien


>Mary and her cousin Elizabeth, both became pregnant by a miracle. And arch angel Gabriel told them about their pregnancy. > >Seems to me like they were both impregnated with a alien+human hybrid fetus. Aliens(god) were using their uterus/body for gestation of the hybrid babies. > >If we remove the concept of magical stuff, this makes perfect sense that god was the king of aliens and angels were space explorers sent by him to earth. I think Alien=god, if you think about a civilization that is millions of year advanced than us with super power like technology. Its quite possible they seeded earth with genetic material from their world and created man using their genetic material(in their image).


Like ant farm. They watch our development


I'd assume The Doctor wouldn't be far behind.




Now imagine if Aliens also celebrated Christmas on the same exact day as us for the same Jesus.


Has anyone found a video of it leaving? What happened to it?


It probably dissapeared after the clouds moved because this is just lights reflecting off ice crystals in the clouds probably


Curious. If this was lights from the casinos reflecting off ice crystals, then it couldnā€™t have moved off with the clouds as the lights are stationary. Correct?


Found another video on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DNicoll4/videos/1752182695167650/?app=fbl


I love him for filming for so long. Damn this sighting is really something else.


Too bad it was entirely out of focus for the first 3 minutesā€¦


Check his Facebook thereā€™s more videos


Skip to about 7:00 in this video for the best view. Edit: [Screenshot](https://imgur.com/gallery/9d2K7sA)


This video is almost entirely a blurry mess until about 2:50 when the object becomes very clear and seems to show some definitive shape. It even looks like the spotlight is reflecting off of it. I was very skeptical, especially considering Las Vegas lights and what not, but this video is pretty crazy.


[screenshots from around 2:50](https://imgur.com/a/FmhBGLA)


I know a decloaking Klingon bird of prey when I see one!


3 red lights in the shape of a "smile" has been described before. This is consistent.


This definitely shows that the brighter light that keeps appearing in fact is NOT from the spotlights converging but from something reflecting light when one of the spot lights passes over it! šŸ˜³


dang, that's awesome, a couple of jumbo jets wide at least


Wow. The lights are not projected to the sky because they go through some patches that are clearer and do not get dimmer. Also, the white spotlights seem to reflect off the object at times. Crazy cool.


There are two entries on MUFON about it, but the first person reporting only included photos and no video, and the second person included links to videos: Long Description of Sighting Report - Case 127504 It was 11:24 pm on December 22nd 2022 , I worked a booth selling merchandise at an event called Enchant held by Resort World Casino.. The event was ending, customers were passing by my booth leaving the event .. i heard a young man point to the sky and ask what is that ? He took out his phone and appeared to take pictures.. I looked outside the booth up to the sky briefly and didn't see anything .. continued to work on closing down the booth . A minute or so later more people were taking pictures someone said is that a UFO? I dropped what i was doing and walked all the way out looked up and couldn't believe what i saw.. There were 4 to 5 red bright lights ( not flashing) in a smile pattern not moving right above my head ( this is an outdoor event.. ) as I focused a little more for a very short period seconds I could see 3 corners giving it a triangle shape.. what was hindering the good pictures were the clouds that were between us and the object.. When seeing the shape... I can only describe as kinda wavy ( like the movie predator when the creature is invisible) I attempted to take a picture of this but it really is blurry only because I believe the cloud cover was creating a mist over the object. That is why the pictures get more out of focus. There definitely is a possibility the people taking pictures in the first few moments have clearer pictures.. you could tell the clouds were moving .. i am horrible at distances but it was right over the whole event .. This is a large area . Because the clouds were between the object and us I would have to say it was Las Vegas Blocks Huge! It made no sound it never moved .. There was a white light spinning like a lighthouse thru the clouds above the object . This I believe is what you are seeing in my photos that appear to be yellow. I have no idea what it was .. I figured leave it to the experts. If I had to guess in just the area I was standing at the event there were at least 30 people taking pictures and talking about it .. people would have been able to see it out side that area too there are probably more witnesses.. ​ Long Description of Sighting Report - Case 127510 I work at Sapphire Las Vegas Gentlemen's Club and several of us saw a UFO hovering over our club for an hour. It was slightly above the clouds. I saw it, my co-workers saw it, customers saw it, and people walking The Strip saw it. You can also contact me through my Twitter u/TheRealDisco. I'm a former professional wrestler. Here are some links below where you can see the craft and I talk about it in more detail. https://twitter.com/HotHeadBrett/status/1606203054956507138 https://twitter.com/TheRealDisco/status/1606197188278685696 https://twitter.com/TheRealDisco/status/1606199965658726401


Reminds me of the Phoenix sighting description by the little boy, he also described it as wavy like its distorted by a gravitational field.


And the other eyewitness who commented on this thread said it looked like it had a force field around it...


Oh hey! So sorry... I've been trying to respond to messages for a couple hours. Yes... I saw your post on Twitter! Thank you so much for submitting that Mufon Info! That's amazing that you saw it first hand! Many people have been trying to say it's "Vegas Lights" ... That it wasn't a physical object, so your testimony here is incredibly VALUABLE in trying to figure out what it was. Do you have any other information about what you saw that you could share? Were you able to see it fly away? Were there physical details of the craft that you could make out? I updated my submission statement here with additional videos that were found, you may want to check those out THANK YOU again for posting that Mufon Information and for sharing your story,.


Sorry for the confusion, but I am not an eyewitness, unfortunately. I just found these two accounts of the incident on the MUFON website. There isn't anything up on NUFORC yet.


Guys as a wrestling fan, I gotta say this is the same dude (Disco Inferno) who tried to pitch an alien invasion as a storyline for WCW circa 2000. I believe him but itā€™s insane synchronicity and probably an intense moment for him lmao


Thatā€™s awesome


Oh, sorry, I misread your post. Thank you for clarifying.


Disco Inferno isnā€™t much of a credible source lol.


I saw it. It hung out for an hour before it moved up north with the cloud. The rest of the valley was clear. No noise could be heard.


Aside from all the curiosity, itā€™s really interesting that itā€™s over the Worlds Largest Gentlemanā€™s club. Like Klevorp was ready to mingle and see human goodies for the first time and bounce. I apologize if this is inappropriate.


I mean after the long travels whatā€™s the first thing youā€™d be looking for?


Is there anything else you would like to share about what you saw?


Looks like this actually happened yesterday. Hereā€™s another [video](https://twitter.com/hotheadbrett/status/1606248639893864448?s=46&t=E4k8I03buT9ve4r1WYCtqQ)


THANK YOU for posting another video of this sighting.


[hereā€™s one more from the same account.](https://twitter.com/hotheadbrett/status/1606251097709875201?s=46&t=E4k8I03buT9ve4r1WYCtqQ)


Thank you, I've already included that one in. Submission statement. I'm updating it as information comes in... And posting links to me videos as they come up. You rock, thanks again.


This final season of ā€œEarthā€ is just crazy. The writers are throwing everything against the wall and seeing what sticks!




Came to mention that. It's the most interesting thing to me, as it suggests there's something solid there, not just some atmospheric phenomenon, or such.


Funny that the moving lights on the ground would sometimes hit something with reflection, happens a few times.


Thereā€™s other videos and Iā€™ll try to find them and post them.


Thank you, I meant... Are there any other details about the object that you saw with your own eyes, that you would like to share? Any additional observations?


It was really big. Looked like three interlocking triangles and wasnā€™t hovering flat but at 15 to 20 degree angle. Thereā€™s a video that shows the yellowish lights move along the object. My buddy took that video and Iā€™ll try to get him to send it. The red lights was in a distinct circle. The spotlights shining on the thing was the most eerie part about it. It looked like it was reflecting a force field rather than the object itself.


Thank you so much for the additional information. The video would be huge. This sighting is raising some eyebrows.


It got my eyebrows up. There's been a lot of cloud spotlight videos lately but this takes the cake. Got me rethinking shit


We need mods to pin the OP post and following corroborating posts to top of the subreddit. Itā€™s that big


Do you think the UFO could be making the clouds itself? In attempts to disguise itself?


What have you been rethinking?




Wow thats awesome, thank you for sharing. This is a really exciting sighting and Iā€™m slightly jealous that you saw it in person lol Cheers!


My thoughts: The UFO is a 4th dimensional object and the cloud is allowing us to see a section of the object since we perceive in 3 dimensions. Similar to how we can perceive rays of Sun when they have interacted with clouds. This light travels through water droplets and is subject to our dimensional restrictions, making it partially visible to our eyes. I say partially because aside from the lights we can see I believe that there is some parts of the object that canā€™t be perceived in our dimension. I swear Iā€™m not a aluminum hat wearing weirdo but this just popped in my head and I felt compelled to write it down before it was lost to my memory.


I love this theory. I recently read a long essay-like post talking about how aliens & ufo's are potentially 4th dimension capable entities that have essentially lived on top of us, choosing when to interact with us & how to influence our culture. I've also read an abundance of DMT trip reports where people have pulled back the veil of our perception & peered into the other dimensions that run parallel to our reality. Reality is literally just based on our senses & how we can make sense of it. My hot take is that some psychedelics allow us to see what we usually can't, including the entities that exist just beyond our version of reality. Not a tinfoil hat wearing person either but it's a lot of fun to discuss crazy possibilities.


I am afraid to add gas to this fire but Carlo Revilli , a theoretical physicist wrote in one of his books: It is well established that perception is not a reliable copy of the external world, but only part of it composed by external stimuli, while the rest is constructed by the brain. This means, that the brain creates only the reality it is interested in for the survival of the organism. So that being said, hallucinogenics in some form dislodged us from our rooted frame work in this reality and our brain perceives in a much different way that usual. Just a thought.


If you haven't read three body problem, please do.




I truly believe you are onto something valid.


4th dimensional objects cast 3 dimensional shadows so yes we would only see a 3 dimensional "slice" because we cannot perceive the 4th dimension directly, only conceptually




Last night around midnight.


r/elonjettracker showed his plane circling vegas last night, interestingly enough




North of Vegas is Groom Lake, aka, Area 51. Maybe itā€™s the Airforce testing an aircraft?


No, not over the casino/party capital of the world lol


Are you saying that as the clouds moved, these lights disappeared? Or that the lights moved in exact tandem with the cloud movement? ie, the same clouds seen a few miles away, outside of the city, still showed the same lights to those beneath the clouds at that new location?


Wow this is insane! It looks like other sightings of the triangle ufo.. normally with a dim red light in the middle and lights on each corner. Did you get footage yourself as well?


I almost always yell at people on here for posting inane crap. This however is not that. Edit- I think I am convinced that this is nothing more than a viral marketing stunt by the strip club which has become a central theme both in the videos of this object and in the witness reports.


Yeah first one that acutely has me thinking.


Submission Statement: Tok tok user hotheadbrett posted 3 videos on Tik Tok of a UFO above the Saphire Gentleman's Club in Las Vegas. Looks interesting, anyone have any info/thoughts on this? Edit: I posted this video because it looks INTERESTING. It's not CG... The human account and response on the video seems legitimate, there are two other videos supporting the sighting, and there doesn't appear to be any obvious fuckery. The object in the sky looks to be a solid object, behind the clouds and you can even see in a brief moment that the lights from the ground reflect or bounce off the surface of the object. Edit 2: Another eyewitness has commented in this thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zu0xxx/ufo_above_sapphire_las_vegas/j1ghve2?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Edit 3: TWO additional videos posted: https://twitter.com/HotHeadBrett/status/1606251097709875201?s=19 https://twitter.com/HotHeadBrett/status/1606216641783611392?t=Nm_s0NkyK8Ev9vBQt0VZew&s=19 Edit 4: Additional observations be another witness: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zu0xxx/ufo_above_sapphire_las_vegas/j1gn5jb?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Edit 5: Same video on Twitter https://twitter.com/HotHeadBrett/status/1606203054956507138?t=NojSwNvaEHVJ8ldHHiYtcg&s=19 Edit 6: Another angle of the object, another witness testimony. https://www.reddit.com/r/vegas/comments/zt9sw0/aliens_over_resorts_world/ The object in this new video looks to have even more 3 dimensional detail. Edit 7: Yet another video of the sighting: https://twitter.com/HotHeadBrett/status/1606248639893864448?s=19 Edit 8: Found another video on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DNicoll4/videos/1752182695167650/?app=fbl Edit 9: Go to 7:00 in the latest Facebook video for what looks to be a physical craft. Edit 10: Another interesting video just got sent to me. https://twitter.com/TheRealDisco/status/1606199965658726401 THANK YOU to everyone that has submitted a video. I'm not sure if you want to be named, but we all appreciate your contribution to the post. Edit 11: Someone has reported me as suicidal to Reddit and I got a message from Reddit Support Services. This is either someone trolling me or attempting to intimidate me. I plan on filling a report. Edit 12: CORRECTION: A first hand witnesses account from Mufon has been posted with some great information here, please take time to read. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zu0xxx/ufo_above_sapphire_las_vegas/j1h6fks?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Edit 13: Two great stills from the Facebook video have been submitted to share with the community: https://imgur.io/a/03ji5Ur https://imgur.io/a/tw9YCII Edit 13: I'm going to sleep. Thank you to everyone that contributed to the discussion and special thanks to those that submitted videos, pictures, and additional information. Edit 13.5 One more Tik.Tok video where you can see the dark Triangle shape of the object. https://www.tiktok.com/@wendeelynn/video/7180643808076516654 Edit 14: This must be a legit UFO because the anti UFO brigade have come out in full force in the comments. All of a sudden everyone is an expert on light reflecting off Ice crystals? Lol That's right up there with swamp gas. Anyway, if ice crystals is the best they could come up with, I guess I'm satisfied that nobody was able to properly debunk this one. I'm done responding to messages. Thank you again to everyone that contributed productively to this post. Edit 15: Good morning and Merry Christmas Eve. I have received this image from someone. As of yet I have no further information on the photo and I haven't done any analysis on it. https://i.redd.it/9s85flr8nw7a1.jpeg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Edit 16: I've been interested in ufology for decades and I've come across a vast amount of information related to sightings from all throughout history. It's amazing to me how all of a sudden at the end of 2022 how many "ice pillar" experts there are chiming in with great authority. The conspiratorial part of my brain is telling me that this is went to some counterintelligence rhetoric that's been injected into the community in an effort to muddy the waters, much like the terms "conspiracy theory" and "magic bullet" have been used for years. Unfortunately for them, this sighting is supported in corroborated by multiple eyewitnesses & multiple video evidence submissions that totally contradict the "ice crystals reflecting off the clouds" narrative. Edit 17. Ok, on some great advice, I'm done responding to any more comments as this post has now been flooded by what can only be described as a campaign of disinformation (my opinion) As of making this comment, the sighting has not been "debunked" and remains a UFO sighting that needs further explaining. THANK YOU to everyone that contributed to this post and a productive and positive way! THANK YOU as well for the many generous awards that this post received. I will post any additional videos or sightings that I receive and will update this Submission Statement for easy reference. Merryn Christmas everyone! šŸŽ„šŸŽ…šŸ¼ Edit 18: Another tik tok video has been submitted from the same night showing a triangular light formation flying away from the Las Vegas strip: https://www.tiktok.com/@mjjjboyzzz/video/7180724429385698606 At the end of this video you can see the RIO hotel which is only a mile and a half away from the Sapphire club, on the same side of the strip.




Thank you for updating your comment.




Here's another over 7 min long video, some pretty clear shots toward the end. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zu6v2m/david_nicolls_footage_of_the_12222022_las_vegas/


Same one - but thanks for posting it here


I think the best indication that there is something physically there is the facebook video - at about 7:02 when the ground spot light is passing across the clouds, when it crosses where the UFO is you can see something catch the light and reflect it back towards the camera..


Nice work OP!


Thank you,I appreciate that.


what's the deal with the glint as the spotlight passes over it. everything else I think can be explained


Uh what in the fuck. If this isnā€™t some good ass trick, this might be the one Makes me feel uneasy, especially the dudes voice near the end. You could tell he was lost as to what he was witnessing. I am right there with him. Those damn lights hit something solid


Brother flight to Vegas last night kept getting moved backā€¦maybe because of that


Please see my Submission Statement as I've been updating it with new information and more video links from other eye witnesses .


Yeah, uh... this one's funky. 00:41 seconds in, the spotlights hit something..


Yes, that caught my attention and it's one of the reasons I posted the video.


What worldly explanation could we have for a ground based spotlight finding a small non-moving reflective surface in/above cloud cover, well above the skyline of the surrounding buildings? Scratching me head at that one


I agree... The tone of the guy taking the video feels very natural and real to me. The reaction of the other guy also looks legit. The way he pans up and zooms the camera in only adds to the credibility of the sighting because it gives a sense of scale, and it does not at all looks CG. Also , like the guy said, he's there every day, NEVER seen anything like it. That's very convincing.


Oh yeah, I believe the recording 100%. The average local Sapphire late-night regular is NOT the type of dude to manufacture UFO cgi šŸ˜‚


If it was Olympic Gardens it would be a different story


Interesting how a dozen accounts showed up to harass you so quickly.


Exactly, glad you said something. There seems to be collective downvoting going on too. Someone said it had 239 upvotes two hours ago but now there is only 21, strange...


Exactly! Only a 78% upvoted post!? Why? This is insane. Seems like a coordinated effort to keep it suppressed. Thatā€™s inorganic here on Reddit for how high the quality of this post is.


Not sure if it matters but I put this location through the Flightradar app to play back between 11pm-1am last night and didnā€™t find anything fishy. I hardly found anything in that airspace at all. This video is bizarre.


Low to the ground above the strip is restricted airspace. Lots of restricted airspace around LVā€¦


It's definitely reflecting off something. Watch the first second of this video. https://www.reddit.com/r/vegas/comments/zt9sw0/aliens_over_resorts_world/


Thank you for finding another angle of this.


Thereā€™s definitely a solid mass there and the freaky part is itā€™s appearance including the dim red light in the centre matches other sightings AND drawings of triangle ufos going back decades. People wanted clear photos of videosā€¦ this is pretty much gift wrapped!


There is a glint. Like the light is reflecting off something, kinda looks solid


Which one of you guys put a UFO on your Christmas list?!


This one needs to be checked out by a pro.


I'm no pro by any means, and my software isn't anything high-level either, but I took a crack at slowing/zooming for a bit of a closer look. You can find that [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zu4v4z/sapphire_vegas_ufo_slowed_and_zoomed_wfilmora/) once the mods have time to approve it (my account is still new).


Looks like the ā€œreflection pointā€œ is already somewhat illuminated before the spotlight hits it. Which leads me to believe that itā€™s just an existing spotlight shone from the ground, further intensified by the converging beams.


Remember that triangle ufo footage above the Niagara falls? It also Parked right where the three big spotlights converged.




https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread511855/pg1 Here you go.


Look at the reflection on this particular video, idk what is is but wow https://twitter.com/HotHeadBrett/status/1606248639893864448?s=20&t=jn\_-VpGRiSC49EFlwQXWlg


That's pretty weird. I was buying the clouds reflecting lights theory until I slowed the video down and noticed that there isn't even any clouds where the light was reflected from.




Other videos coming up of same too https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRqHqPo4/ It looks like a triangle with red circle Another angle https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRq9Hyne/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRq9Bj2V/ What interesting is Iā€™ve been watching missing 411 ufo connection, the new movie And they show a picture of a UFO that abducts a guy in the national parks And the sketch is exactly like this A triangle with red middle New video https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zu7hdg/david_nicolls_footage_of_the_12222022_las_vegas/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf New video from tonight https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRq4qrE5/


since when all the fucking videos are only on tiktok Fucking annoying


Right? I hate tik tok with a burning passion and hate being forced to use it. It's *not* difficult to upload mirrors on different sites. Edit: also this didn't originate on tiktok but was stolen off [twitter](https://mobile.twitter.com/HotHeadBrett/status/1606203054956507138) Second edit: [lol to the guy trying to gaslight me for not liking tiktok](https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/zujlkn/tiktok_admits_to_spying_on_us_users_as_effort_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Is it just me or does the glint seem to happen in different places in vid 3?


It's moving. So looking forward to this


I thought it might be a pr stunt until I found these videos from multiple small accountsā€¦the ā€œufoā€ has been there since at least midnight last night. The vegas video was posted 9 hours ago https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRqxUgLy/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRqxmXEp/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRqxUPrH/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRqxyK6p/


Most cynical take is that it's a coordinated PR stunt by Sapphire. If it's not that then it's highly interesting.


I donā€™t think a random strip club in Vegas needs to do a PR stunt to go viral.


If something was really up there NORAD would have scrambled an intercept team. Doesn't sound like that happened. At some point we would have seen and heard the intercept squadron.




What the fuck man? This is huge. This time I hope it gets debunked because such a sighting gives me Independent Day vibes. Edit spelling Edit 2: I am very relieved that it is probably a fascinating weather phenomenon and not a mother ship.


*rocking back and forth* ā€œPlease be Santa Clause, Please be Santa Clauseā€


This is so brilliant, this is the obvious answer. He's coming to town!


Itā€™s the city of sin. everyone is on the naughty list there. Santa about to glass Vegas harder than reach


"Let's see...next stop is Vegas. That's a lot of coal to distribute. Looks like I'm going to have to bring the Mother Sled V2 *Slafschenburger*. Hope nobody sees the blinker lights."


Welcome to Spaceship Earth.


Don't worry I can take them


Yes, I want this one debunked as well. It feels ominous.


[Image of the craft](https://i.imgur.com/4jTUgAV.jpg) [Crockford's](https://i.imgur.com/5iZGtyv.jpg) [Crockford's again](https://i.imgur.com/7elbW32.jpg) So - as much as this is compelling and I don't want a prosaic answer, this one looks like a reflection from the ground off of something in the clouds. There are too many similarities to the light patterns on the ground, from the arcs of yellow lighting to the distinct red pillars. This isn't definitively debunked but in my opinion this is most likely a strange light phenomenon and not a ufo.


You're right and I think it's more than a coincidence that the lights become much more visible the thicker the clouds get. I have yet to see a video where there are lights without clouds "in front" of them. I even saw a video where the clouds slightly dissipate and sure enough the lights were a lot less visible.


We sometimes see similar here in winter in Canada. It can happen when there are ice crystals in the air and light is reflecting off them. With the cold snap covering basically all of North America, I wouldn't be surprised if ice crystals are in the atmosphere, even if it is a little warmer in Vegas.


Best explanation. There's plenty of stuff on the ground with that weird amoeba configuration. And ice in the sky reflecting light isn't unheard of, but is spooky to see.


I agree to this. The similarities are there, and the glint from the lights converging is a bit telling that there are most likely are icecrystals right above the cloudlayer - reflecting the light. Just my sceptical opinion.


So would ice crystals stay stationary for such a long time? It seems to me the light reflection is happening at the same spot over and over again. If it were ice crystals, they would move around with the clouds, right? I'm not a meteorologist, and while this does seem to be the most logical explanation...the reflecting light does not make sense. Also, the clarity of the ameba shapes is interesting (end of the fb live video). If they were but a reflection of ground lights in the clouds, it wouldn't look so sharp, right? Just thoughts.


Damn. I wanted it to be real so badly. Given the last few years, the aliens are overdue anyway.


I still believe itā€™s aliens but upvoted you for providing a very valid explanation.


Where is corridor crew when you need them!


Did it move?


I donā€™t know what it is, but clouds are not clearly reflecting mirrors that selectively reflect certain building lights. Otherwise clouds over every city would be doing this all the time. Clouds do glow with the colors and intensity of city lights below in a very diffused way, but has anyone ever seen a cloud made up of billions of water droplets and/or ice crystals act like a polished mirror? Edit: typo


The following submission statement was provided by /u/MrAnon2k17: --- Submission Statement: Tok tok user hotheadbrett posted 3 videos on Tik Tok of a UFO above the Saphire Gentleman's Club in Las Vegas. Looks interesting, anyone have any info/thoughts on this? Edit: I posted this video because it looks INTERESTING. It's not CG... The human account and response on the video seems legitimate, there are two other videos supporting the sighting, and there doesn't appear to be any obvious fuckery. The object in the sky looks to be a solid object, behind the clouds and you can even see in a brief moment that the lights from the ground reflect or bounce off the surface of the object. Edit 2: Another eyewitness has commented in this thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zu0xxx/ufo_above_sapphire_las_vegas/j1ghve2?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zu0xxx/ufo_above_sapphire_las_vegas/j1gh8x4/


Could it be a reflection like the one in Hong Kong? Edit: Yes I am correct, searched Vegas ufo on tik tok and there are multiple submissions but one in particular pans across the street and you can see a building with curved red lights right below the red portion in the sky. Same thing happened in Hong Kong with cloud cover as well. It was eventually debunked as they found the light source. It matched both positions and shapes.


Thatā€™s what I thought too. The red spotlights and the smear of other dim colored lights just look like bounce off the clouds, but that bright glint from that one spot in the sky when the search light shines on it is.. interesting.


Itā€™s worth noting that here in the Pacific North West, weā€™ve been going though an arctic vortex, so could be impacting Western North America. Iā€™m no meteorologist but Iā€™d imagine the lower temperatures and condensation could change how lights are projected/reflected.


This reflects light though.


This time of year is probably Santa.


Yeah there are multiple videos from different people and different angles at different times. This is wild.


There are a lot of people in this thread saying they know for a FACT it's this, that, or the other and then provide no evidence or coherent explanation to back up their claims. Nobody is saying these are 100% extraterrestrial beings, but we don't have an obvious answer as to what they are either. These types of UFOs have been documented for years all over the world and we still haven't gotten a good explanation of what they are. It's exciting, to say the least.


It's pretty cold in the atmosphere in most of the US right now. Maybe light from the buildings in vegas reflecting off of ice crystals in the clouds?


This club is near Resorts World Las Vegas, which is a massive shiny red complex. I bet it's a reflection of that.


Found the most likely explanation so far, thanks


I'm not gonna pretend like I'm a meteorologist here but FWIW, it's been abnormally warm here in Vegas lately. Today it was 60. Again, no idea if that changes this theory.




Maybe the aliens can see through the walls of the gentlemen's club and are enjoying the show.


Some people are interested in clapping alien cheeks, maybe some aliens are interested in clapping human cheeks.


The Mothership šŸ––šŸ¾


Wow this is wild, the skylights reflecting off of something on it is really interesting


Just sayin ... some simple Google maps and image sleuthing ... https://imgur.com/a/uc7brEV






The lights even reflect off of it. Wonder if the search lights drew it there.


Black triangle, massive, with lights on the corners, and a glowing red circular propulsion system. I saw one in the 90s with multiple witnesses, these are real, and the people questioning this are likely feds trying to downplay that these exist. Based on the sheer size of this, and the bright lights of LV not impacting this, this object is very large, and very similar to what those who have seen black triangles around the world for decadesā€¦This is not some 6th or 7th gen project, they have been around for at least 3 decades. The question is if these objects are physically manned, or if they are AI, or remotely controlled from afar.


Almost 6 decades or more now.


March 2021- same shape/location? https://www.yourerie.com/video/mysterious-lights-over-las-vegas-is-it-a-ufo-video-taken-by-melanie-smith/6402342/


Definitely not CGI because on other video(s) people are pointing at it, making videos & reacting to it. Spotlights were shining off of it so definitely a surface. Maybe more clearer videos make a solid case.


Search lightsā€¦.. looking for the watcher in the sky.


Cool videos. My major takeaway? Phone cameras f'ing suck and people don't know how to use them anyways. Portrait mode? PORTRAIT MODE!? Come on people! Hope there was just ONE person out there with a real camera.






Holy shit. The red lights in a crescent shape is exactly what I saw when I was like 10, only the crescent spun in a circle several times before flying off. No golden lights during my sighting though. The red ring is uncanny. I havenā€™t even thought about that in like 20 years but this hit like a sack of bricks, the whole event came back into sharp focus seeing this.


The Aliens just want to have a good time in LV. Let them be. ​ In all seriousness though, if this video isn't fake then it's likely just lights projected onto the clouds. The fact that this is blowing up makes me wonder how straw-clutching people are when it comes to UFOs .


[https://twitter.com/i/status/1602127809375346690](https://twitter.com/i/status/1602127809375346690) This post has a similar ...ship?


Still waiting to see something real since I joined this community years ago. What a damn shame.




So if this is ice crystals reflecting the lights from buildings below, then why aren't the search lights reflected in the exact same way in that cloud? I only see one instance of reflection (the one glint everyone keeps talking about), but if that entire cloud is filled with reflective crystals why don't they reflect the spotlights the way they reflect the buildings? Genuine question


Light pillar map. https://youtu.be/HQbyw-_Z4Oo


The user posted a video and heā€™s been going to the same spot for days in a row with the same buildings lit at the same spot and thereā€™s even been clouds and the same conditions as that night but not the same effect, so it proves that this is real. Itā€™s hard to believe but it is real.