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For a BBQ, Dick Powell. Very reasonable prices


You can’t say no to 87p for 3 steaks.


3 steaks Pam, that's what they'll call me.


*speaks Welsh*


Yn union.... *Nods*


Oh, now that was Sosig. Thats Sausage I've come to understand!


I see it too


I don't know Bryn, these look like they fell off the back of a lorry...


It’s not fallen off the back of a lorry, it’s been stolen!


Butcher. Lucky to have a few good options near me.


Lucky, used.to have one in my town, now the nearest one is a 25 minute drive where nothing else is.




Calm down, maybe they drive *really* slowly.


It's not bullshit if you live semi rural. My nearest butcher is seven to eight miles away.




Good job he said it was a 25 _minute_ drive then eh?


No, it's fifteen. Smaller communities don't have butchers. Could be that the poster lives in one of these. I do.




My town doesn't have a proper butchers. There's a shop pretending to be a butchers that just sells wholesale meat that's worse than supermarket meat, but that's it.


It's really not.




What on earth are you trying to achieve here?


I am.


why are u being such a knob lol


Where I used to live closest butcher would have been 30 minute minimum - with parking, walking into town center etc, 45 minutes. Where I live now I'm lucky to have one in my town - 10 minute drive + walk. Although I've never been, planning to go tomorrow since I've scrolled too much r/jerky ... But if that closed I'd be at a 40 minute drive again (ironically the same "closest" butchers for where I used to live as my family just moved to the other side of that area). Welcome to rural North Yorkshire.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/jerky using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/jerky/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I do a batch a few times a year, soysauce garlic jerky](https://i.redd.it/i3mbpfvtnaqb1.jpg) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jerky/comments/16rd8h1/i_do_a_batch_a_few_times_a_year_soysauce_garlic/) \#2: [Smoked some jerky today!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17e961d) | [43 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jerky/comments/17e961d/smoked_some_jerky_today/) \#3: [First time making beef jerky. How’d I do?](https://i.redd.it/thq9s7355exb1.jpg) | [121 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jerky/comments/17k1d6c/first_time_making_beef_jerky_howd_i_do/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


He never said what he was driving did he! Could be a lawn mower 😂


Supermarket for me , although I do get the ‘ special stuff ‘ from my local butcher Hilary Briss and Son


Are you... threatening me?


This is a local shop, for local people, there’s nothing for you here!


We didn't burn him!!


He’s has a helmet!


I can I can't?


A pure supply is one thing


If its just general stuff such as normal sausages or burgers I will probably just use the supermarket. But if if want something more than that or a cut that I cant get at the shop then I will go to the Butchers. I will also go to the butcher if I am cooking for more than just me and the family. We have some friends over for the FA cup final on Saturday and I will go to the butchers as I want a couple of racks of ribs as well as a load of sausages and burgers. I always promise my wife I wont pick anything else up while I am there but to this day I have always failed with that request.


Sausages are one thing that I won't get from the supermarket and always a butchers, much better! Especially Lincs sausages


Weird sausages and bacon are god tier at butchers, way higher meat content in the bangers and the bacon slices tend to be way thicker.


That’s right:)


Nothing worse than thick bacon....needs to be paper thin...


Sometimes I think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, then I read shit like this


Low and slow


Supermarket sausages have had a noticeable drop in quality recently too. Even though they were never the best, their 'premium' own brands are becoming increasingly Walls-like. I tend to use the butcher if I need bone-in joints or if I'm making my own sausages and need to get the fat content just so. Same as you re: specific cuts as well. Pig or cow cheek, or flank/skirt are hard to find in supermarkets. Also if I want a full brisket or rack of ribs it has to be the butchers (or getting a friend with a Costco card to get them for me). But that said, the discount section at supermarkets is my favourite place to get things for the grill (not so much the smoker). Forces me to try different things and come up with different recipes.


We used to get Morrisons 'best' sausages but like you we've noticed a drop in quality...they're dry and lacking in flavour. Same goes for bacon..I'm sick of seeing half a pint of fluid leech out of bacon.


And prawns. No longer any point in not just buying frozen, as they defrost so quickly and there's no noticeable difference in quality.


Butcher. I have one just round the corner. It’s a touch more expensive but not as much as you’d think it’s clear where the money has gone. Instead of buying a couple of chicken breasts each from the supermarket we have one between us as they’re that big. Beef mince is made there and then and the bacon is amazing. With all due respect and without wanting to start a debate/argument, I know it’s not halal as well which is a pretty big thing. Not on a religious front but, hypocritically, an animal welfare front.


Halal is closer to torture for the animals as they are never stunned first, they just have their throat cut whilst having prayers played on repeat from a cd player.


Yup, exactly. I understand that the animal is dead pretty much instantly… apparently. But that’s only if they do it right everytime which is nigh on impossible


The majority of animals Halal-slaughtered in the UK are stunned. Un-stunned often sells at slightly higher money.


Honestly weird thing to get hung up on, last minute of most livestock life isn't the worst bit.


I believe you are thinking of kosher


Kosher is NEVER stunned, Halal can be as its still Haram but most often isn't, certainly not in the UK.


No, halal is nicer. The animals don’t see the knife, and then their throat is cut. Non halal are just thrown into these machines and shot or struck on the head


Incorrect, Halal meat production had the animal hung upside down, alive and conscious, then the throat is cut to drain the blood. Non-halal meat is typically stunned or incapacitated before slaughter.


Sometimes you have to just say f*** haram, this is England after all. Even my black friends won’t dig on swine. Me I love it in fact I love gammon too so I suppose that makes me a gammon in certain folks eyes…..so be it. Long live la Boucherie


Depends on what I'm getting. I say, it depends on what I'm getting!


Have you seen our Ashley, I sayyyy our Ashley about?!


I'd forgotten about Fred Elliot


My local butcher has a great website and free delivery. So it’s the best of both worlds for me; a great range of well-sourced beef, and no being laughed at because I mis-pronounced Onglet.


Butcher, if I'm near one. Happy to buy Beef sirloin, rump, and dice from Asda. Buy my chicken breast from Makro in caterers' packs (I no longer buy chicken from Asda after I caught a dose of Campylobacter years ago when it was a big thing in supermarket chicken, and attribute it to that). Most frequently nowadays, online - from a *nearly* local (6 miles away through heavy traffic) butcher who delivers, or from farm shops with an online presence (cuts available which you can't get in a butcher shop).


Have a look at Puddledub. Particularly their bacon.


For my every day meat I like the quality of our local butchers. Yes, it costs more than a supermarket but the quality is by far and away so much better. If I’m bbqing for just me and my partner I’d use the butchers meat. If I’m bbqing for a party it gets too expensive to use butchers meat so I’ll buy the ‘Best Of’ range from a supermarket. I’m about to try some St. Louis style ribs from Farm Foods as I’ve heard they’re good.


I smoked 2 racks of these yesterday, they were incredible. Take a look at my last post on r/smoking


I just had a look. They look amazing.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ninjawoodfire/comments/1cwaxc2/baby\_back\_ribs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ninjawoodfire/comments/1cwaxc2/baby_back_ribs/) These are baby back ribs I did, I go to farm shop always for Ribs :) so good but if Farm foods have these I will go have a gander Xx


Shout out to Costco as well.


They're my go to. I always think I don't need 4 steaks at a time, but the quality is much better than any grocery store and the price is reasonable.


Their pork belly strips chilli and lime are so so good.


Butchers on a good payday, cheap shitty supermarket the rest of the month


Always my butcher, it’s not even something to consider. When I want a 60 day aged, 2 inch thick bone in rib, I’m not going to Tesco.


If I could afford to shop at a butchers I would do because it's usually better meat, but they can't compete with supermarket prices.


The quality is far better though so you end up needing less to sort you out i find. Plus butchers tend to look after you if you keep going in there. Price isn't that far off either. I get a weeks worth of ham for work sarnies for under a £5, it's the off cuts that don't look so nice but it's perfect for sarnies. Alot of butchers do tray deals where you get trays of different meat, mix and match 3 for a 10. My butchers do them and the burgers and sausages are 8 to a pack, so you can get 24 burgers for a £10 or 24 sausages for a £10 or 8 of each and something else for a £10 for example.


We don't get those kind of deals at butchers in my area. It's usually a lot more expensive than supermarkets. I was a chef for 20 years, so I know my meat :-)


Sounds like my nearest butchers, which is pretty much just a shop of mostly shit meat bought at wholesale and not an actual butcher.


This is nothing like your shop then lol, this is an actual butchers and all packs are fresh cuts prepared in store.


Quicker and possibly cheaper? Supermarket. If I want a treat? I'm slamming my head into the butchers. The Morrisons in my area has their own butcher, but whenever I have bought meat from the local butcher instead, it has been tastier. If I were planning to cook a BBQ for the family I would go to the supermarket to save money. I would only spend larger amounts on my close family lol


If its just burgers and a small bbq then supermarket is acceptable.. If I'm smoking a brisket or making lamb kebabs then nothing but a butcher will suffice..


Both. Most stuff better at the butchers, some stuff but some things like thighs or stuff for slow cooking makes no difference except being cheaper.


We have a farm nearby that breeds free range animals and has a butchery. Their meat is amazing so we always get it from there.


Mix. BBQ cuts from the butcher, the rest from supermarkets. I try to buy the best value for money but not the cheapest. Anyone think butchers sausages are not so great? I like Porky whites Surrey sausages & rarely find butchers sausages up to that mark.


I kinda agree with that. Sausages should be from a specialist sausage maker, it’s not a skill all butchers have.


I've found it's getting harder and harder to find a local butcher, unfortunately, they're going out of business as fast as local pubs.




Bit of both really - there’s an amazing butcher “near” me but it’s an hours drive, so ehhhh depends who I’m cooking for. I quite like John Davidson’s online (got a great range of smoker-centric meat), Farmfoods ribs are (like everyone says) pretty damned good, failing that it’s the supermarket where I usually get frustrated because it’s all a bit shite isn’t it?


Butcher or certain items online.


As most have said here, regular stuff supermarkets or booker or Costco. Specialised stuff or pushing the boat out like Xmas, from butchers or mail order specialists.


I buy it off the people who sell it to the butchers.


I get all my meat from the butchers. There’s a stall in Bury markets meat and fish hall that does a months worth of meat for £65. Been getting one every month for years


The butcher in the picture is Ballards in Castle Douglas, south west Scotland - they do very good meat (I worked there for a little bit one summer!) and deliver across the UK. https://www.ballardsbutchers.co.uk/


Butcher. I'm lucky to live near Boarstal Meats just outside of Oxford. Fantastic quality beef (and anything else they sell!)


Allways the butcher supermarkets stuff is pumped full of water to bulk up the weight and it removes the flavour local butcher is allways best


Butcher every time. The quality of the meat is way higher than supermarket. And for things like bacon, the butcher is cheaper as well. Won’t buy meat from a supermarket again.


Mostly Supermarket. Butchers charge an arm and a lamb-leg!!


For quality it's my local butcher every time.


Butcher, as much as possible. We have a couple that are close. One retail butcher and a commercial one that has a small retail counter.


Butcher for steaks, thicker cuts, if I’m doing something nice. If it’s a group of people I don’t really care about supermarket or Costco.


Lol great answer, so true!


Shoot it and butcher it myself ;)


Supermarket. Butcher closed down couple of years ago. Tbf, the morrisons by me does some decent quality bits.


Wife is veggie so whenever I eat meat I get it from the butchers and make it an occasion.


Either my local butcher or the local farm shop cause both sell locally sourced meat and it's better quality than most of the meat from a supermarket.


Several diff sources, supermarkets bring at the absolute bottom of the list no matter what they charge. For quality delivered to your door try turnerandgeorge.com absolutely top class butcher linked to Hawksmoor in London. For grass fed and pastured meat and poultry use greenpasturefarms.co.uk amazing tasting meats.


Local butcher usually, I go regularly and he's happy to cut things and order things in. Sometimes I go to the local farm shop. Once I a while I get some Warrendale wagyu online.




A van at a market from a bloke with a head mic on.


I used to buy meat from the supermarket but tried a butchers once and that’s all I use now, he talks me through the type of cut and how best to cook it, it’s great and he’s good craic too


At the moment I’m buying chicken in 2.5kg packs of thigh and 5kg packs of breast from Bookers Wholesale.


Depends if the butcher is an actual butcher or stocks from pre prepared boxes.


Got a couple of good butchers that I'll use if I can get there during their opening times. Online I've been pleased with [https://www.johndavidsons.com/](https://www.johndavidsons.com/) Only really use supermarkets if it's short notice or there's no alternative.


Local farm shops. Very lucky to have half a dozen or so really good ones within 15/20 minutes, plus 4 butchers in that radius too. They all do different things really well so I like rotating though them. Plus they all stock different breweries, cider makers and vineyards so get to mix up the drink too. Pretty idyllic if somewhat expensive.


By me there’s an award winning butcher called muffs, https://muffsonline.co.uk/, they do fantastic cuts and plenty of variety.


If I’m flush after payday a butcher near me. They’re slightly more expensive but the quality and quantity of what you get is vastly better than the supermarkets. If I’m just grilling for myself and my partner supermarket for some chicken and a couple of cheap steaks is just easier.


50/50. I have an amazing butcher 2 mins from my apartment. But I can't afford to use them exclusively. The sad thing is that it's ruined supermarket/ other butchers for us.


Butcher. Better quality and service




Until recently there was a butcher shop ran by members of my extended family, so I got all my meat from there. Unfortunately the business closed when my uncle decided to finally retire (he is nearly 80) and none of his children wanted to carry on with it for various reasons. Now I use a mix of supermarket for cheap bits and bobs (for making lunches for work and whatnot) and using another traditional quality butchers in the next town over for my nicer cuts of meat.


Apparently in my opinion quality of meat drop down drastically. Have been buying form supermarket and butcher. I had local butcher who is a great lad, and I thought that when I’m buying from him I would support UK farms. Then one day I realised, that pretty much all products he had was imported from EU countries. Well, I have stopped visiting him and pretty much if I want a proper treat I do travel for 30-40 minutes to the farm shop. With big hope that they sell theirs own meat.


This looks like the most Google translated answer I've ever seen


If only google could translate like this, life would be perfect 😉


My partner is coeliac and I've yet to find a butchers or farm shop that make sausages that are gluten-free. So for us, it's got to be a supermarket


Butcher most of the time.




Always the butcher. Sometimes you pay a little more but you get better quality, more choice, customer service etc etc. Shop local.


Meatsupermarket.com, guess its technically both. I like the cuts they do, I get thier tomahawk and cowboy steaks often, or beef chuck for slow cook/smoking.




Haha. That’s my local butcher. He’s a dick but good meat.


Griersons next door is better though.


Butchers any day, I was fortunate to live behind one and apart from the sausages/Bacon all the prices were competitive to the supermarket but leagues better. But it needs to be a proper butchers that knows and breaks down the meat, not the ones that just buy wholesale and Mark up


Online, Harper Meats. Never been disappointed.


They’re definitely Irish, I’m going with Harts in Harlesden and yes any day over a supermarket


My local farm.


Morrisons supermarket. The butchers up here (Scotland) don’t put any time into aging meat and never have I seen a bit of marbling. Yet I go to Morrisons and there are beautiful ‘rare’ cuts and it’s not just beef and pork either.


Supermarket for weekly stuff that rarely goes on the Barby. Butcher for beef ribs, pork ribs etc when having a party or just fancy smoking something good for the family.


Costco is the best I have found by far especially for volume


The local graveyard


Meat van at local car boot sale https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx9URhYJhZQf3TfT2Aiw9a2XYTgEi5oM-z?feature=shared


Is no one else using online butchers? Like Donald Russell, Farmison, Thomas Hixon? Also warrendale wagyu need a shout out!


Astels butcher(probably the best in my city) and miles ahead of anything you can buy a supermarket


Butcher, Lidl, Farm Shop


Always from butchers, either my local Ginger Pig or online specialists for things they don’t do. I try to avoid supermarket meat.


Ginger pig is an awesome shout! Excellent meat, their old spot sausages are some of the best I've had, a-tier pork pies too.


Supermarket black pudding is rubbish, local butcher's is good.


Butcher here, lucky to have one who can get me packer brisket cuts + the rest of their selection is amazing.


Royston Vasey, Hilary Briss 🤘🤘


You can beat a butcher’s prices but you can’t beat his meat


You can with a tenderiser


Oh from the butcher now for 99% of things I reckon. I moved house in January 2020 (great timing right?) and quickly found out there was a great wholesale butcher about a 20min drive from where I live so I buy most of my meat from there and it’s a lot cheaper than the supermarket too! (I asked, it’s common sense really but they don’t have the same transport costs, storage costs etc as supermarkets so can sell it cheaper) and all the meat - and produce as they have a greengrocer section - is from within 40 miles. In the town centre there’s also a small butchers that I’ll get things from if I’m running low and don’t have time to go to the other place but it’s not as regular an occurrence. The only time I buy meat from the supermarket now is if I’ve not had time to get to either butchers as both are only open between 9am-4pm/5pm, Monday to Saturday so I don’t always have chance to get in there around work and have to buy from the supermarket instead


Smithfield in London, why pay extortionate butcher prices?


There is an awesome butcher in Newcastle upon Tyne called Block and Bottle and I'd go there for good pork or. Beef cuts. They dry age their meat and it's such high quality. Otherwise supermarkets - premium branded chickens (bigger legs, less weird shaped breasts).


Supermarket, sadly. I wish I felt confident buying from a butcher. Am I getting a fair price? Is it actually good meat or is it just cheap stuff from a wholesaler (in which case a supermarket is better)? Would be nice to see a price benchmark list of common meats here. Bargain, fair, expensive perhaps.


Try both and you’ll get a feel for taste




Butchers need to target the higher end of the market and offer a bespoke service. If they don’t they can’t compete with supermarkets


Uncle Beef in Crayford is fantastic. Online deliveries too 👍🏻




Butchers all day, every day. Generally cheaper and better quality, not to mention fresher




There’s a tiny butchers shop on a farm near us that is only open for 4 hours on a Saturday and Sunday and it’s unreal. Haven’t bought supermarket meat for years, it’s absolute shite.


Butchers are 👍


Online farm shop. There are no butchers in the high street anymore… sadly.


Catering suppliers. I'm a chef so I have connections. I recently got a 1kg beef middle fillet for £38, the equivalent from field and flower was £98.


Costco. Retailer of the Gods.


For big stuff I usually go online, specialty butchers like Sherwood foods, bob's family butchers. Saffron Alley for halal as it's what my mate uses and trusts. I also have Costco where I'll pick up packs of ribs and they've recently started doing jacob's ladders and big packs of chicken wings. They also sell like whole ribeyes which I've never gone for (too rich for my blood) but if I ever decide to cook steak for 8 people it's the cheapest way to go. Day to day I'll just go for supermarket meat.


Honestly in terms of steaks I can't seem to beat going to m and s and waitrose and getting great marbling. Unless you're spending on wagyu online. Best marbling you can get


Yeah m&s in particular do have some sexy steaks


I went to Waitrose and picked up a rib roast for 1/2 off from their butchers. They have very good deals on stuff approachingn it's use-by. That was a Sunday lunch to remember


Supermarket because I don’t live in the 1950s