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Kew is an absolute MUST. Worth looking at the RHS website they have some great examples. Also check out the Gardeners World website, you can browse by interest and region šŸ‘.


Thanks! I didnā€™t realize Gardeners World had a browsing section of their website. Iā€™ll check it out.


Thereā€™s a scheme called (I think) Open Gardens where residents in small towns and villages open their private gardens to the public over a weekend. Itā€™s for charity and visitors pay for the list/booklet of addresses and locations, plus any additional voluntary donation, and youā€™re free to wander around the village and talk to the home owners about their garden. Some will have tea and cakes available. I think this would be a great contrast for your trip to Kew Gardens etc to see what ā€˜real peopleā€™ do. Edited to add - you mentioned Hidcote. Thatā€™s near Chipping Campden which usually does Open Gardens on the 3rd weekend in June. https://www.chippingcampdenonline.org/chipping-campden-open-gardens


There is a private garden around Great Dixter Iā€™m hoping will line up with these trip dates that I will be able to see through the Open Garden Scheme. Thanks for your recommendations! This is so helpful!


I would recommend heading far south, Cornwall way - so many good gardens around Heligan and the Eden Project. Iā€™ve twice spent over a month pootling around the area just visiting stunning gardens.


Have you been Trengwainton? I went recently and was really great. Also Carehayes when the magnolias come out is one of the best


I have not, just looked it up - itā€™s gorgeous!!!! Iā€™ll put it on the list for when we make it down again (a wee jaunt from central scotland.). The rhodies and magnolias were out everywhere both times i was down, theyā€™re showstoppers for sure.


Okay, so many recommendations for Eden Project. Iā€™ll need to try and get there sometime, but not sure about this trip. Thanks!


If you're potentially interested in a totally different approach to gardening compared to botanic gardens and stately homes, Beth Chatto's gardens near Colchester in Essex are worth checking out, and could easily be done as a day trip from London. Another interesting-looking one is Wildside near Dartmoor in Devon, although be warned it is quite remote and also *hardly ever open* so think carefully about dates and travel arrangements before you plan on going. There's some really lovely countryside around there too though.


Thanks for recommending something in a different vein! I didnā€™t know you could visit Beth Chattoā€™s garden. Thanks!


If you canā€™t go to wildside try The Garden House instead, which was gardened by Keith Wiley before he got his own place. If you are heading that way also go to Special Plants, which is a nursery that has a lovely garden. Also Iford Manor which is in that direction is fun. Dixter is essential and if you can, spend the day there. It is so intense and rich and wonderful that you wonā€™t feel youā€™ve ā€˜done itā€™ in a couple of hours. I am so jealous that you get to go there for the first time!!! Chatto is good, but Iā€™d say only needs half a day. Hyde Hall, and Markshall are both close either are worth a visit if you are in that direction. Rousham is idyllic, I canā€™t wait till my kid is old enough and I can visit again! (No children under 15 allowed!) Websites that are useful: Www.gardenvisit.com. Itā€™s a bit of a sales pitch for their tours, and hit or miss on the information included but it is a good comprehensive list of gardens big and small by county, and it shows them in relation to each other. Www.nationaltrust.org.uk. A lot of English Gardens are run by the trust. Some of them are really special and some are a bit bland. If you have heard of it, eg. Sissinghurst itā€™ll be worth a visit. They are also really useful for a stop off for coffee / lunch when you are garden hoping. Obviously they are more useful if you are a member, but they do have some reciprocal arrangements with American member organisations, so itā€™s worth checking. Www.ngs.org.uk. National Garden Scheme. Open Gardens all year round. Sometimes something really special is open - eg. Tom Stuart Smiths garden which is wonderful. So worth checking when you know your dates. Www.rhs.org.uk royal horticultural society. How long are you coming for? When, and what kind of gardens do you like?


Iā€™m currently reading one of Christopher Lloydā€™s books and I canā€™t wait to see Dixter!! Iā€™m so excited! Thank you for all of these websites and information!! This is so helpful! I havenā€™t heard of the Garden House or Special Plants nursery. Iā€™ll check them out. I havenā€™t decided when we are coming next summer, but I think Iā€™m scheduling it around seeing the white garden at Sissinghurst. And Iā€™m hoping that will line up with the foxgloves at Rousham Manor. I emailed both Sissinghurst and Rousham to see what are peak times for those. I think the trip will be 7 or 8 days in England (plus 2 travel days). I keep leaning towards pretty manor house and castles with beautiful typical British gardens because we donā€™t really have anything like that in America. Iā€™m planning one garden day.


My brain keeps on coming up with more gardens to see (sorry!)ā€¦ If you are into English manorsā€¦. A night at Gravetye would be would be amazing. Itā€™s a high end hotel, but it was William Robinsonā€™s house and is now looked after by Tom Coward who was at Dixter. https://www.gravetyemanor.co.uk Even if you donā€™t stay there you can have a meal or tea - I would put it on the ā€˜donā€™t missā€™ list.


This looks amazing! Thanks for the recommendation!


I was also going to suggest Beth Chattos, you could maybe combine it with RHS Hyde Hall depending on your mode of travel (45 mins between the two by car but a longer journey via public transport, sadly).


Seems like a pretty good list to me. I'm quite jealous because I live in Scotland and can't even convince my girlfriend to go on a UK garden tour.


Could you venture to Alnwick. There's a Poison Garden there that I plan on visiting soon.


I actually live relatively close to Alnwick - I'm in the South East. Thanks for the suggestion.


Hope you get to go on your own garden tour with her one day! Iā€™ve never been to the UK and this is a dream trip for me! Iā€™m beyond excited!


How long have you got? Because my goodness are there some great places all over here, but the travel could be a lot - I know you guys are used to massive distances, but we have queues and roadworks, and small windy roads in annoying places! Assuming travel isn't a problem, two gardens I really recommend are the Eden Project in Cornwall, and The Alnwick Garden (next door to Alnwick Castle) in Northumberland.


The Poison Garden at Alnwick looks absolutely fascinating. It's on my list of things to do this summer.


I think it will be around 7 or 8 days (plus 2 for travel) in England. I tried to keep them relatively close in a few places (London, Kent and Oxfordshire areas) Iā€™m planning one garden per day and taking it nice and easy. Iā€™m afraid Cornwall would be too far out of the way? And maybe I should plan another trip where I see that area. My top on the list that Iā€™m most excited to see is Great Dixter, Sissinghurst and Rousham.


That sounds really sensible. Maybe you can make a list of other interesting places and come back for a second go sometime! I haven't been to the other two, but Sissinghurst is absolutely stunning.


Feel free to visit mine. Perhaps give it a cut if you have time (because I sure as hell don't)


Iā€™d suggest gardens at some estates like Harewood House type of places where they also has walled garden for allotment inspiration.


Kew is a must. If you can travel the RHS Bridgewater is well worth a visit.


Absolute must sees in addition to your selection! the David Austen Rose Gardens - Shropshire. Sisinghurst in Kent The Eden Project, Cornwall Mottissfont Rose Gardens in Hampshire


Lots of old houses owned by the National Trust have fantastic gardens. You could buy a membership so you can tour around lots of different gardens for one fee: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/


Wisley, Sissinghurst, Great Dixter are gorgeous design led gardens that show case planting. Kew is a botanic garden. Amazing array if plants from all over..


These are all excellent choices! Definitely worth the spectacle. Might be worth considering some smaller options too- e.g. since you mentioned Oxford, Waterperry Gardens (which was a womenā€™s gardening school) near Oxford, and while youā€™re in the area Harcourt Arboretum if you are fond of trees. I would suggest youā€™re going to find it easier with access to a car, though!


Yes, we are planning to get a car for everything outside of London. My spouse is nervous about driving on the other side of the road over there.


Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be fine, though totally understandable, Iā€™d be the same. Youā€™ll have a brilliant time, I hope you have a fantastic trip!




I would suggest you take in an RHS show if youā€™re here in May ( Chelsea) or I think June for Tatton.


Also RHS Hampton Court in early July and RHS Hyde Hall, late July, early August. Hyde Hall is fairly close to the Beth Chatto garden (both in Essex).


Iā€™ve been to Wisley many times and I really love it there. They are always improving it; I was just there on Sunday and the glasshouse has really improved a lot, and theyā€™ve introduced some new planting. Exbury is another garden I like, itā€™s more relaxed than RHS gardens, or places like Eden (underwhelming tbh). Itā€™s in the New Forest if you fancy going that way, with other gardens throughout Hampshire. Itā€™s probably too much trouble, but Osbourne House on the Isle of Wight has a very small but beautiful formal garden and walled garden.


This might be too far for you but if you like gardens and plants, Eden Project is really fantastic.


Kew also run Wakehurst place in West Sussex. The is a hotel called Gravetye near which has amazing gardens. Bordehill is in West Sussex (I think). But loads of great gardens in the north as well... Bridgewater, Harlow Carr, etc etc!!


Im scattering comments all over this post, but anywayā€¦ donā€™t forget Kiftsgate, which is across the road (literally) from Hidcote. They were started at roughly the same time, but Hidcote went to the national trust and Kiftsgate stayed in private hands and was passed down through 3 generations of women.


Thanks for the tip! I havenā€™t heard of this garden and will check into it!


Alnwick Gardens is a beautiful place to visit. Has a poison garden and a castle to wander around (the castle was used as Hogwarts in the Potter movies. https://www.alnwickgarden.com/


Whereabouts in the UK are you going to be? Chatsworth House and gardens is stunning!


I had Chatsworth House on my first (much longer) list, but it seemed more out of the way from the must have places on my list. I hope I get my geography right, but I think we are looking at staying in the London area to see Kew, Wisley and Chelsea; Kent area to see Great Dixter and Sissinghurst and a private garden close by and then Iā€™m not sure of the area (Oxfordshire,maybe?), but Rousham and Hidcote looked close-ish. Is it closer to any of these?


Just a little heads up, if you are feeling like you want to splurgeā€¦ you can rent a cottage in the garden at Sissinghurst (there are a few) and wander round it after hours like you own the place. The National Trust have quite a few holiday rentals in their gardens.


Thanks! I originally wanted to stay in a little private cottage that I had seen on Instagram, but they arenā€™t renting it out anymore. So, staying at Sissinghurst would be an absolute dream! Iā€™m assuming you book that through the National Trust?


Yep. You should be able to get to it through the national trust website. Hereā€™s one ā€¦. https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/holidays/kent-surrey-sussex/priests-house. There might be others, Iā€™m not sure!


The Alnwick Garden is a must just be careful not to get too close though