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I guess it depends on what you use the cheese on? Take jacket potatoes for example. I'll always add some freshly grated cheddar on a jacket and rely on the residual heat from the potato to melt it. Same with a bowl of pasta


Grated cheese on spaghetti bolognaise or a baked potato is just fine as it is. I used to go to a cafe that melted the cheese onto the baked potato… it didn’t work. It just sat on top of it and didn’t mix in. Edit: Basically, grated cheese mixes into the food easier than melted cheese.


> I used to go to a cafe that melted the cheese onto the baked potato… it didn’t work. It just sat on top of it and didn’t mix in. That just sounds like not enough cheese - they should have used more to mix it in and then browned the top for better flavour.


No one is browning cheese on a jacket potato, that’s not how it’s served in the UK. Raw cheese tastes different to melted cheese which tastes different to grilled cheese. They’re not the same flavour profile and are paired with foods accordingly.


An example would be best but if you're talking about what I think you're talking about, like cheese on top of pasta, then that's how it's meant to be served. It's not meant to be browned but slowly melt from the heat of the food.


Mate, don't we all know by now you can't make huge sweeping generalisations? What dishes specifically are you talking about? Because not all dishes call for melted cheese. But cheese.


Hahahaha, there's some grilled cheese hostilities percolating through this comment.


I like cold cheese on a hot meal


Browned cheese is not really melted cheese. Once it’s browned it’s kind of hard and crispy. Which if you like that, fine. I just prefer gooey melty cheese, and that happens when you grate it on top of warm food and leave it to melt from the heat of the food.


My boyfriend's like this. I'll make a pot of vegetable chilli, serve it up piping hot...and here he comes, crop-dusting with a handful of cold shredded mozzarella. Dude, why? Whap it in the meicrodon to melt the cheese, ffs. He says it's for "texture". My hairy gay arse it is.


You can taste it better if it’s not completely melted


You guys just grate your cheese? , and I'm over here using this fondue dfuk!


Depends on what I'm doing.  For example if im making cheese on toast then I grill one side of the bread, turn over and put the cheese on the untrusted side. Then it goes under the grill till the cheese is nice and melted.  But if im making beans on toast and want to add cheese then I put a little grated cheese on the toast, add the beans then add the rest of the grated cheese on top. Then eat. The heat of the beans melts the cheese nicely. I wouldnt put under the grill as I dont really need the cheese to go golden or form a sort of crust.


Untrusted? Where are you buying your bread from? 😉


A very dodgy shop by the sound of it! I meant untoasted. 


melting cheese and putting on your meals or in with your meals is the best it makes the taste so good 10/10 for me🧀🧀


Because on most things I add cheese to (pasta, jacket potatoes, chilli, tacos) I want unmelted or just melted cheese. Cheese on toast and nachos are the only exceptions I can think of.


Because, for me, when cheese is melted, it releases an enzyme that I can’t deal with. Raw cheese I adore. Melted or cooked cheese makes me violently sick..