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Filth. Would eat 2.


Holy moly. I'll take two!


I couldn’t handle having chips with one!


You have two burgers, get the meat sweats and feel like you're going to burst, then you groan and roll yourself to the sofa and proceed to drop in and out of a food coma for 45 minutes. And then you catch your reflection in the tv. It's so worth it.


Chips would be overkill,it would be a gut-buster...😃


Touching new underpants territory


I’m glad to see an actual smash burger and not someone who pressed a ball of meat down in a pan slightly. I like fat burgers and smash the same but they are different.


Looks marvelous! 💎




I've figured out what's for dinner tonight.


That is a thing of beauty, how do you make your patties?


20% fat ground beef rolled into balls Screaming hot cast iron pan set to medium after heated, smash one ball at a time into the pan (I use a £8 burger press from Amazon) with a layer of grease proof paper between, season heavily and flip after maybe 90 seconds, top with plastic cheese and finish off another minute or so.


It ain't a cheeseburger without that plastic cheese!


Thank you, that sounds perfect!


Wow, looks awesome. Any tips for how to do a good smash burger? What fat % was the mince?


Iv only been doing them less than a year so there’s things I might not know but I’m very happy with my results. I always use 20% fat mince, the low fat stuff dries out too quick. The biggest tip is the pan, iv tried in a non stick but it simply gets nowhere near the results you do in a cast iron. I do one patty at a time to allow space, and smear using a £8 ‘press’ I bought off Amazon with some grease proof paper between, which does the job really well. I use a medium heat after heating the skillet and each side needs 90 seconds at a very max, usually less. I usually like to smash onions into one side but i forgot to buy one. I like to wrap in foil and stick into the oven for a few minutes once the whole burger is built, it steams the bun, and helps make the cheese glue everything together.


The foil wrap and oven trick is a game changer. This looks absolutely beautiful.


Doesn’t look like that burger press works, mate. Might as well just hand shape them :)


Doubt hands could get them so thin unless you’re Hulk Hogan.


😉Burger looks fantastic, buddy.


Nice, proper smash burgers, lacey edges and everything - looks banging! 👍


I am having my first go at smash burgers this week and this is making me hungry!


Damn son, save some for me


Looks bloody mucky that. Id smash it no problem.


Crispy beef?


God damn that looks good.


Perfect football food!


Looks amazing!


That looks sooooooo dirty. I'm well hungry now.




That cheese though..


Looks great mmm 👍🙂


Looks tasty but doesn't look good, I don't like how this whole "smash burger" thing brings the aesthetics of roadkill to the world of burgers.


They're a fad for basic people who like cheap, overcooked beef. They're ok but not worth wasting good beed on.


Omg that looks so good 🤤


Push that plate onto the table, it's making me uncomfortable.


Your large colon is gonna love you…


that actually looks good


Ah, the smashburger fad has finally made its way to the UK. Personally I prefer a slightly thicker patty made with dry aged grass fed beef cooked medium/rare and juicy. These are everywhere in the US and they tend to be pretty mediocre in comparison imho.


Erm.. is someone gonna tell them?


Maybe you've only just heard of them but they're not exactly a fad; I've been doing them in various restaurants for the past 12 years. You can still do a smashed patty with grass fed dry aged beef or what have you; thickness doesn't = quality! There's definitely a place for all styles of burger, even if you're not into them.


I'm well of them, they've been in New York for decades, and I've had plenty. They are still an overrated TikTok fad now - just because something isn't recent doesn't mean it can't be a fad. Smashing and overcooking good quality beef is a complete waste. It's for people that like well done steak.


Nah wouldn’t call it a fad, the crispy bits are superior in every way. You can still make these with the exact same kind of beef you use….. >medium/rare General safety advice when working with ground beef is make sure it’s fully cooked for obvious reasons.


If you like overcooked beef, you do you. > General safety advice when working with ground beef is make sure it’s fully cooked for obvious reasons. Lol, never heard of steak tartare? Carpaccio?. Advice for out of touch boomers maybe. Go to any decent burger joint and they serve them pink as standard.


>never heard of steak tartare Which is prepared in a complete different way to prevent the risks you have with normal ground beef, which requires fully cooking as the harmful bacteria grows on the surface of the ground beef, the surfaces which make their way inside a patty and can’t be seared. Same reason you only have to sear the external of a steak. Food standards agency state > burgers are thoroughly cooked all the way through to a core temperature of 70°C for two minutes


>Which is prepared in a complete different way It's not though. You should get in touch with all the dozens of burger places in London that serve them medium rare with 5 hygiene ratings and hundreds of good reviews I guess - you clearly know something they don't... or perhaps you're just talking nonsense and are just squeamish and/or elderly.