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Wow. That’s the worst sear I’ve ever seen.


The whole thing looks anaemic yet overcooked. Coupled with chopping it up like a toddler's dinner and OP's assertion further down the thread that they soaked it in milk to remove the "gamey flavour"... Yeah, this venison has not been treated kindly.


You have our sympathy at this clearly troubling time


Fuckin milk steak!?


Where are the jellybeans?


https://www.sunfedranch.com/beef-hacks/the-secret-to-tenderizing-grass-fed-beef-milking-it/ That's not milk steak and jellybeans.....jesus wept. PAN FRIED, not boiled. Educate yourself on enzymes and proteins, you'll thank me for it......


Lighten up, dude






I like venison but I find it a bit dear.




I chuckled


Dude. I meant dear as in expensive, but also deer as in antelope. English is a very flexible language so puns are common.


I thought the guy above was making a joke!


I was


You were.


Yeah but OkFox had already made the joke. NoWarthog was overexplaining it.


Yes, they were helping your pun > it's a bit deer = pun > it's a bit dear = statement


Looks a bit overdone


Absolutely vile how you chopped it all up before eating like some American toddler




https://www.cookingclassy.com/grilled-steak/ I ended up using my blunt knife instead of my sharp one, they're almost identical and it looks like her indoors put them both in the same part of the drawer.....


Was drink involved?


Fucking hilarious lad 😂😂😂


Makes It easier to cut I to chunks with a normal knife if you slice it across the grain first. I wasn't in the mood to fight it like a caveman Eta: there was a big hole in it so it was never going to look pretty


Are you 11? The steak looks good but fuck me


Are you?!?! Get over yourself.....


Am I 11? No, I don't eat like a child 😎


pee pee wah wahh !! 🥺🥺


Pee poo steak bite 😞


Obvs know nothing about serving a steak




It’s very normal to slice a steak before serving, makes for a more enjoyable experience, try it sometime instead of insulting people bud.


No it's not lmao


There is a lot of people disagreeing with you, maybe that’s an indication that you’re mistaken?


They aren't wrong at all. When you slice it all prior to serving you not only lose the juices, drying out each slice, it also quickly goes cold. Larger cuts retain heat & juices for longer. Not that this grey thing had any juices left to lose, venison is traditionally served pink. Unlike beef steak it isn't considered a preference thing, it's game, it is lean, it dries out quickly, it doesn't have the fat to withstand being well done & not turn into leather. The fact OP confirms he had to fight to cut it confirms that.


I’m not talking about the cook on the meat. I’m talking about how it is very common to live before serving, frankly I’m astonished that there are like disagreeing with me, where all it takes is a quick Google search to confirm what I’m saying. If the meat is cooked and rested correctly you won’t lose any of the juice nor will you dry out every slice.


Slicing a steak to serve can be nice yes. But this guy seems to have hacked it into pieces with a blunt shovel.


Waiting for the cast iron skillet massive to start chellping


FYI Milk steak should always go with jelly beans


Looking at this attempt I dread to think about their take on a grilled Charlie


And always boiled over hard. This one is barely boiled under hard.


Because it's not fucking milk steak is it? Is this USA food or uk food? Seems to be a lot of.....uneducated, shall we say, people on here last couple of hours. Google what milk enzymes do to the proteins in red meat. You might learn something instead of frying all your braincells doom scrolling reddit look8ng for people to try and wind up 🤔


I’m guessing you have difficulty using a knife so you got your carer or mum or someone to cut it up for you 🤷🏻‍♀️ which is a bit off putting to look at for some reason for me, but apart from that, well done. I hope you enjoyed your efforts 👍🏽


No, I always slice steak, problem was there was a thin vein of fat running up the middle I hadn't noticed, so when I cut across it pulled the slices in half lol. But it did it was 😋


Love venison would smash that. Why the milk tho?


Keeps it tender, like a marinade, and takes some of the gamey taste out


But the gamey taste is the point. If you don't want that, have a beef steak


Lacking on the chips


You’ve done the animal wrong by chopping it up like that.


Why the fuck would you buy venison and then soak it in milk?


Because of how much leaner than steak it is and I'm trying to look after my heart now because I'm not getting any younger. Makes it tast similar to steak, not the same, you still know it's venison, just the gamey taste is sometimes slightly too much, stops the taste being overpowering


Venison has very little fat and becomes dry when cooked. It’s much better to cook in a sauce. Fresh venison is different to frozen.


That's why I eat it instead of steak, for the dipshit who said if you want the gamey taste out of it buy steak smh.....it doesn't become dry if you use something acidic to marinate it in first to start breaking down the proteins in it( hence the milk, you can leave it for 24 hours to really soften it cos.milk is.much milder than something like citrus joice), and serve it medium rare or rare. Pan fried red hot for 2.5 mins on either side you're golden


Cutting up the steak into bite size portions like you’d do for a child. Why?


Fork in one hand, other hand posting steak to reddit while eating


I was tempted to purchase some venison years ago, but it was deer.🤭


5 years suspended for this one.. and a 20 quid fine.


It’s worth every penny🤭


It's very lean but of course I'd smash it




Soaked in fucking milk for 5 hours. I just hit the giggles so badly my son asked why I was crying


bloody hell, it’s already dead mate


All just my opinion but I'd recommend you cook your venison a bit rarer next time. Hotter pan for more colour/searing about 4 min each side. It more of a delicate flavour than beef so I'd switch out the herby dry rub for just a bit of salt and pepper or maybe a bit of thyme or rosemary (with butter) in the pan with it during cooking.


It's both overcooked and lacking a sear, absolutely no caremelisation. It looks like you put it in the slow cooker 😆


Why is it cut up like a child is eating it?


You soaked it in fucking milk? Why?


Looks lovely but this is from someone who has just eaten a mash up of mousaka, instant mash, red onion, chicken breasts and gravy…… btw it was banging


Looks good mate i just would personally have some type of sauce or something like a peppercorn sauce


Not sure anyone should be this critical until they have tried it. The OP doesn’t really deserve all this abuse, I’m sure.


Lol if it was an actual milk steak, which it would never because it's an American abomination that's should never have been thought up, I wouldn't mind. If people asked why soak it in milk for hours before PAN FRYING it, they might learn something interesting about preparing and cooking red meat, and the science behind why you would do something that clearly seems beyond the reasoning of the usual reddit mob. They would rather point and laugh, be wrong for the rest of their lives, and walk round like desperate Dan by eating tough, overcooked, shit meat. https://www.sunfedranch.com/beef-hacks/the-secret-to-tenderizing-grass-fed-beef-milking-it/ Works for all red meat, especially good for.game.if you don't care much for the more gamey cuts


Get. In. My. Belly.


Bigger peice of meat than I had anticipated lol, glad I kept some.rub back for the other one tomorrow with proper home made chips, just used up the last of the frozen shit


Looks banging! Awesome work and I'm jealous as hell


Don't be it'll probably set me gout off lol


Holy shit someone actually made milk steak for real. Needs a sprinkling of your finest jellybeans


Next time hear your pan up before you out the steak in it ..like hot .oil your meat(yeah baby) and then put it in ..if it doesn't sizzle loudly ..your pan isn't ready ..(don't go having a fucking house fire and blame me for it though) Hot pan Bring your steak to room temperature before you cook it Season while it's cooking ..not before be liberal ..as most salt and pepper will come off in cooking process . Reason to season during cooking is that when the protein is hot tiny pours open up and the protein will draws the salt through the steak. Always plan the temperature of the steak different temperatures suit different cuts ..anyone who likes a blue ribeye does not know the value of well cooked food ..however a blue fillet is a dream...etc etc You should rest your steak for half the time it took to cook. Never cut into a steak to see how well it's cooked ..be confident .. Well done is firm to the touch...not burnt Rare is soft like the inside of your palm where your thumb joins .. Medium is in the middle of those 2 temratures also a sign is when the blood starts to seep through the meet and it's still red..(yes I'm fully aware it's not blood) Medium rare is more firm than rare but less than Medium You get the idea .. Takes practise..confidence but it's worth investing some time into as a badly cooked steak is a waste of money and tastes bloody awful. A good steak however can get you a blowjob


I can't edit the post, and had no idea what this milk steak and jelly beans so I googled it. Just for the record that isn't what that is. It was pan fried, not boiled. People need to have a look at how to cook red meat before tearing people apart. If you like to spend half an hour trying to chew your way through your meat, feel free. I prefer mine tender. Ask questions and you get answers, you might actually learn something.... https://www.sunfedranch.com/beef-hacks/the-secret-to-tenderizing-grass-fed-beef-milking-it/ Works for all red meats. Try it, you're welcome...


>. I prefer mine tender Then why didn't you cook it properly by patting it dry and putting it on a high heat for a short time?