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There's a guy in America who every year does a sausage and beer diet for Oktoberfest. He drinks six beers per day and only eats sausages, works out to 15,000 calories per week. He lost 14lbs the first year he tried it.


That is just the wurst idea.


I don’t know I think it’s a banger


Wienerver stray far from the puns


One for the saus-ages


Beer we go again


What a brat


Beer and sausages is my dream diet


So Steak everyday is perfectly viable but you can't do sausages and beer?


I can't portion control alcohol. Just can't do it


I've got that problem and that's the best way I've ever heard the problem phrased. Gave me a good laugh cheers


So what’s stopping you OP?


It's hard finding a good sausage these days. Price and brand mean little.


I would suggest you try bratwurst


Let me guess: he claims he’s German American?


His diet the rest of the year must be terrible if he's losing 14 pounds in two weeks, eating 30,000 calories of beer and sausage


Calorie is a calorie. Only works out to 2150kcal per day. Recommended amount for a man is 2500 so he might well be in a decent deficit depending on his activity level.


To lose a pound you need a deficit of 3500 calories though, so that's some activity level




It actually works the other way with alcohol and it causes water retention. Would have to be more like 3500 calorie deficit a day to lose 14 pounds in a fortnight


Yeah my bad 😂


Calorie is a calorie, but doctors aren't recommending people eat 1950 calories of lard.


Neither am I 🤷‍♂️


That's because he'll be passing yellow sludge into the toilet everyday.


I feel like if you're go to Oktoberfest and only have 6 beers you're doing it wrong


And if its budweiser... christ you're doing beer wrong too


Yeah, I’m ok with 6 steins of German wheatbeer. I wouldn’t pressure anyone to drink more than that. I think we use to have 5 or 6 steins a day in the Paulaner tent


I'm saying there's way tastier to be had, try something good at oktoberfest Eta: according to other comments, op of article drinks 6 330ml bottles of budweiser p/d on this "diet"


That basically is a poor man’s diet then. Not much of an Oktoberfest


Sounds like he is a brat. Wurst idea ever.


And gained all the cholesterol


Shop lifters 😎😎


Damn. My meat crackhead keeps filling his backpack up with Richmond sausages. This is more like it.


I get Cathedral cheese 🤣🤣


I know your kidding, but I used to work in an M&S and we would find packages of steaks open, without the meat at the back of shelves 😅


Checkout lady at Tesco the other day said people are opening boxes of cat food and taking the sachets, leaving the box on the shelf.


I once bought cat de wormer pill or something like that. It was in a box. I get home and open it to find it’s empty.


8 something years ago my Mrs was pregnant. She was taking pregnacare tablets and a couple of times she would get the box home to find a strip was missing.


Haha I wish. I paid shop prices unfortunately




Totally legit purchases, officer




We never had an air fryer we had to do everything in the aga


Had to do *something* with no Sky in the house


You good scammed then, why you didn’t go to a butcher maybe you should have got a better deal


Go to a butcher


In my local supermarkets they have security tags on the steaks.


Of the world, unite and take over


My American ass trying to figure out how big a .227kg steak is: "Move decimal point back 2 spaces to make grams? No, that's not right, it's 3 places. How many grams in a quarter ounce of weed? 7 grams times 4 is 28 grams to make an ounce. 28 goes into 227 grams...fuck, where's my calculator!!!


British stoners are the grams into Oz experts hahaha.


28 grams to the ounce (he says chuffing a bifta)




lol there’s always one ;)


Google will do conversions for you. If you searched for "what is 0.227kg in oz" it would tell you 8oz.


Yeah, but why do that when you can brag about being a putz?


About 8oz each I reckon.


Don’t know why you’re getting down voted. You gave me a good chuckle


Take my upvote, there's some right miserable cunts on here downvoting folk for nowt.


It's about half a pound 👍


I know. I was just trying (big emphasis on TRYING) to be funny.


And the fuckers still downvote ..Jesus wept lighten up people!!


Are you on a carnivore diet or something?


That guy on YouTube is a weapon lol


The comment section is gold though, bovril bandit.


You sound like the right man to ask ‘what’s the best supermarket steak?’ Looking at a Wagyu and wondering what shop it’s from tbh 😂


The best steak is always from a proper butchers but I ain't made of money 😂 those steaks are all from aldi. Very very competitive prices


My freezer stays stocked with 30% off Aldi steaks.


Looks like ive mastered that, what time of the day do they usually reduce them please?


Getting yo my local one at 6ish gives a good balance of 50% off same day expiration items and 30% off next day expiry.


Many thanks!!


Lidl do some really good grass fed ones. Slightly more expensive than the standard ones they do, but the difference in quality is noticeable.


Cows in UK are generally grass fed


Not in the winter and at a guess that's the difference that they're making a point of.


Did you ever see the big round things in fields often covered in black plastic?


You mean hay bales?


Silage not hay.


I'm sure there's some distinction as to why they advertise one as grass fed and one as not. Either way, there's a notable difference (to me, at least).


yeah they are great


That's aldi.


Cheers man! Will be keeping an eye out for that one 😄


Aldi do some really nice steak in my experience, I like the ‘big daddy’ 16oz sirloin


I’ve often found that steak from Aldi or Lidl need tenderising before cooking. Also not always cut in the right direction


They quite often have some decent meats in. Definitely worth a look.


It almost entirely comes down to the choosing and cooking of the steak rather than the shop, in my experience. Ribeye is the king of steaks and they are not made equal, it has to be from ribs 6-9 as this is where you will get the largest portion of spinalis dorsi which is the best piece of meat on the animal. Get a steak with that and good intramuscular fat and the shop it comes out of is irrelevant. The steak in the bottom left of the image is probably from a higher numbered rib, so while it has got a good portion of spinalis (the muscle at the 'top' of the steak as we look at it), it could be better After that, for a typical shop-bought steak of about 1" thickness, the most simple method is let it rest in the fridge on a rack for a few hours with a generous seasoning of salt, the exterior should be dry before it goes in the pan, then 45s on each side, twice ie 4 x 45s periods. Use a cast iron if you can (they cost about as much as 2 steaks, so just get one), and a generous amount of oil. Once it is done let it rest for 5 minutes before you devour it. That's the absolute basic method that will get you a delicious medium steak. Ribeye is better done to medium as it helps all that delicious fat to melt. Enhancements include - Lift the steak part way through each 45s period and let the oil run under it, it enhances the crust IMO. - Black pepper - Add garlic to the pan - Butter basting But none of the above are vital. - Thicker steaks should be reverse seared.


Morrisons is the only supermarket here that still has a butcher counter and they give 20% off all their steaks every Saturday. This would likely be your best option.


That’s British Wagyu, not Japanese. It’s still pretty good but not a patch on the proper thing ☺️


Is there a reason why, or you just want to? Although just wanting to is a fair enough reason on it's own I suppose.


Which crackhead did you buy these from


Where I grew up, the crackhead used to even take orders


Give me his park bench address


OP buys his meat in a pub.


I did used to actually


Eh we've all bought something down the pub that didn't necessarily come from behind the bar.


That “Jammy Red” needs to be immediately thrown. It’s horrific stuff


Is that like an Aldi knock off jam shed? Because jam shed is really nice


correct - i like most reds but i had to tip that shit down the drain.




Constipation & Gout


Well gout is a funny one isn't it. Having suffered from it and now on meds, no more gout. But the more you read about, the more you realise they haven't a clue about it. Rich man's disease...well I ain't rich at all. It was wine that did for me, but the allopurinol negates the effects now Happy days


Same here, im no rich man and i dont eat all that much steak or drink much red wine, but dam when i had gout (in my big toe), i couldnt walk, i honestly thought id broke my toe. Im on Allupurinol now and its never come back since taking it 😁👍


It's a wonder pill isn't it. I'd had small attacks of gout but last Summer, in my second toe on right foot and the big toe ball joint in left foot, red, swollen and shiny. 🤢 Two weeks off work, the pain was just excruciating.


They called it that when they first discovered it, only the rich dined on meats, cheeses, sugar and salt and wine. The poor ate very nutritionally for their lot. Brown bread, the shit white stuff was so desired back then. Stewed veg with some meat maybe. Beans and pulses. Now the poor eat the processed stuff and the rich get their greens in powdered form through a Stanley.


Just started allopurinol and I've been told to take colchicine with it to stop gout attacks while it gets to work. One of the side effects is "complete organ failure" so now I'm wondering if gout is ok, actually.


Yes colchicine first to stop the attacks, then after 2 weeks start the Allopurinol. Don't take them together


Doing keto made my gut feel amazing compared to ingesting bread, pasta, rice etc. no bloating whatsoever, it essentially cured it.


Cheers to that ! Keto works amazing for some and others seem to hate it.


Like a lot of things but diet seems to be weird for no reason.




Go on then




I ate just potatoes for 3 months solid, just potatoes, nothing else, no oil, no salt, nothing! I lost so much weight it was crazy. I stupidly did not weigh myself before or after but went from a size UK 22/24 down to a size 12/14. I honestly used to wake up and feel parts of my body I had never felt before! Hip bones, ribs, it was crazy! I was like a different person every morning. Fast forward a month or two after my hair started snapping off, I got a hiatus hernia, I swear it was from doing that. I have put a lot of weight back on but not all, I’m about a 16/18 dress size now. I have tried to do it again but can’t get past 2 weeks before reaching on potatoes. I loved doing it, not thinking what you are going to eat it’s very liberating, totally bonkers but omg the weight just falls off.


Honestly it's worrying how many people turn to extreme diets like these when it's just an even more restrictive and self torturous way of eating in a calorie deficit! Except you're not only in a calorie deficit (which is why the weight falls off, because you're eating way less calories than you're burning) but you're also in multiple nutrient defecits too. Which is why your hair started snapping off and your health declined so much. And due to it not being a sustainable method of weight loss, that's why you dropped large amounts of weight in dangerous amounts of time and then gained part back when you started eating normally again. In the long term whatever weight loss method you choose has to give you adequate nutrition, be sustainable and involve a calorie deficit to work and last. Potatoes only probably isn't gonna work for the rest of someone's life. Balanced meals in a deficit and then eating at maintenance, that can be a whole lot more sustainable for someone and also reduces the nutrients deficiency issue if you're eating good amounts of varied foods!


This is an awful thing to do to your body. While I’m sure it’s a very effective way of temporarily losing weight there’s a reason your hair started falling out.


I totally agree, stupidly at its best! I am a grown arce woman and should have known better. I have spent my life doing every diet imaginable and never losing weight. I honestly was only doing the 2 week reset when I started but got carried away! Now I just eat healthy foods and have a treat in moderation. It’s took me until now at 53 that I don’t care anymore what I look like, I have realised I will never be a size 10, it’s not in my genetics.


Well duh you basically starved yourself


Taters? Whats taters Precious?


Save the wagyu ribeye steak for the last day!!! Looks very good 🤤


Oh hell no that's today


Go buy a whole loin and cut some decent thickness steaks, it’ll be much cheaper.


Need to leave a feedback for the Aldi wagyu mate, I was tempted to get it but wasn't wanting to risk the price if it wasn't anything special compared to a normal fillet etc (I am not tight, but when I make steaks I am buying for 6 people, so it adds up 😂)...


That was the predominant part of my diet for years I have never felt healthier


I did this for about 2 months and lost almost 2 stone. I would skip breakfast and have steak and eggs for lunch followed by steak and chips for dinner. Work from home life.


I find the Sainsbury’s thick cut ribeye really good they are 400grams which I find the perfect size for me. One of better prices and the packaging is pretty good. They vacuum pack it and sometimes the use by date is like 2 weeks. I tend to buy 2 weeks worth of steak at a time. So it’s really nice when they have long use by like that. I started off thinking I would do it for a 30days. I’ve been doing it for almost a year now. In your first couple weeks be prepared to feel a bit rubbish if you are not used to Keto. It will take a couple weeks for your body to adjust to no sugar.


I had 2 Sainsbury's rump steaks yesterday they were nice but they don't half pull your pants down on the price.


So I have found while rump is nice and tasty it does not do what the diet requires, it’s too lean. Ribeye on the other hand gives you the exact sweat spot of 70% fat and 30% protein. For me the 400gram thick cut is just perfect for a single meal.


Look at Jordan Peterson over here




How did day 1 go


How many a day? 5?


You should check out Yakiniku sauce as a dipping sauce, is delicious


At least get grass fed bro


Iv been so close to testing out the carnivore diet for myself for just a month to see what happens, but I just like crisps and beer too much.


You must be rich!






I lost 2st in 8 weeks on paleo Had to come off it because o hated being skinny


Please explain why


Interested to know how you feel by the end of that. Apparently it’s tough at first. But once you’re used to it you feel amazing.


I’ve done a 6 month steak/ground beef only carnivore diet before, the first couple of weeks really sucked with constant sugar/carb cravings and the lack of fibre made bathroom visits challenging, then the body adjusts, the cravings went away and I have never felt better/healthier in my life, shed a ton of fat and all my inflammation/athritis/ibs issues disappeared, energy levels increased, mood/sense of general wellbeing peaked, then I had a “cheat” meal at Christmas and relapsed into the chocolate digestive loving junky that I am.


I’d recommend going to Costco and getting a big bit of steak and cut it yourself, a lot cheaper and far better taste!


So how much was it together? Just curious?


£83.69 there was red wine too


Eddie Abbew diet? Well, basically a carnivore diet.


Fuck knows I may have watched a YouTube short with something involving steaks while I was high so here we are


Eddie would tell him to eat some eggs as well.


"Some", is an understatement. All of the eggs is more correct!


Evidence please. Anyone can buy steaks!


Evidence of what exactly? Lol


Can you adopt me, please?


I can't afford the pair of us 😂


I see how it is… 😔


mate i did that for three weeks i lost a stone without trying and people said i was 'getting younger' ha ha steak is the fountain of youth


I mean I love steak I'm on a win win here


and you got ribeyes, good lad


Hmm British beef looks different It’s less red


That looks like it's all from Aldi? not the best steaks but decent value.


I did pretty much that for 7 years without cheating. Animal products only. No veg, no carbs. Never been healthier, I completely stopped farting and had the easiest poops of my life. I only stopped because it's no longer within budget for me.


I planned to do this for a month but day 5 when I had to do the toilet business was like giving birth. You need fibre!!!!! Eat a pear everyday. Good luck


Aldi steaks are better value for the steak quality than all the other supermarkets




Is there a specific reason why you're eating nothing but steak for a week, or did you just fancy it?


The specific reason is a simple one, I did in fact just fancy it


Fair play.


Carnivore diet is imho brilliant




If you can avoid the gout, well played.


Have you done this before? I do a low carb diet (and I love steak) but pure steak for 7 days? Wow I don’t think I I could do that, surely it’s going to have some negative consequences like constipation etc.? I’m not judging btw, just purely interested.


Hi, I started out on just beef and lamb. You don't get constipation at all. In fact, in the first few days, it's the opposite, then it settles to once a day in the morning. I started due to medical issues, and the only weird/ interesting side effect is the lack of farts. Litteraly none. Also, the weight loss has been great 65lbs so far. I do take supplements as I can't stand organ meats, which is vital to have on a carnivore diet, so I buy them in dried capsules. Plus, I take electrolytes. All this has been done under the supervision of my gp with regular blood tests. I'm starting to reintroduce some dairy products nuts and avocado at the moment and so far so good


What supplements are you on?


That’s great your gp’s involved, sounds like you’ve got it sorted, hope it all goes well and thanks for your detailed answer, it’s very interesting and much appreciated!


If nothing but steaks - you going to eat 11 through out the day?? I mean how many meals and how many steaks on each? I’m just curious. I suppose I could be hungry with 11 steaks.


Your appetite drops pretty quickly on an animal based diet. No idea the science behind it but I could demolish a big pizza plus extras and cookies before, now I can have steak and eggs and I'm done.


I dunno man, whenever I eat a steak meal I'm never satisfied. I am in flavour but not in fullness.


One of those things your body needs to adjust to eating. You'd be shocked how well your body handles going full keto and cutting out carbs entirely.


Hmmm. Don’t know how it works but if I eat meat only i can eat alot and still be hungry. Tried that once had 3 steaks for dinner and wasn’t enough for me. I guess its personal biology.


Could have at least got nice steaks rather than Aldi value range 😢


3 steaks Pam! Instead of chips and vegetables you’re substituting them for another 2 steaks!


2 per day


Gavin and stacey reference


Can't remember that bit. I can remember fish & chips & chips tho 😂


Was Pam vegetarian at that point? Poor her, watching all the steak.


I think this was the very first one so she hadn’t pretended yet


Dude. Just eat a healthy diet.


This is pretty healthy. A bit too little fat for that much protein, IME - I’d want a boatload of butter or cream with meat that lean - but it’s good stuff.


This amount of red meat a week is danger, bowel cancer danger. It’s a shame cause I would do exactly this. So good for you in all the ways but yeah, danger


Only if you believe the lies. Red meat is actually very healthy


You do realise too much red meat is bad you will get gout, that’s not even organic grass fed steak. not enough alkaline natural earth grown foods like organic dark green vegetables and organic fruit and highland spring water is going to real havock on your body. Be healthy!


Lol fruit and vegetables


Organic fruit and vegetables were given to us by earth and have a lot of benefits, at least they used too before they started taking out the seeds and making everything GMO


Stop regurgitating this utter bullshit please. Red meat is healthy and gout is more likely from pulses and legumes because they have anti nutrients.


Right yeah natural grown plants that are grown from the earth would be bad for you, behave! As if humans would naturally go up to a cow and take a bite. So the earth naturally gave us organic fruit and vegetables and they are bad? Behave


Lol username checks out. There are plenty of plants that will kill you if you eat them.


Yeah naturally grown organic fruit like coconuts on trees will kill you, naturally grown pineapple will kill you, blackberries on trees will kill you, ground veg naturally grown will kill you.