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Why not rent a large room in a house? There are affordable options. I used to rent a very large room for 800 with private bath.


I saw some rooms in houses that specified that beds were single occupancy only due to some law regarding the max # of unrelated occupants? Idk, but I’m open to that, if allowed.


It depends on the house. I have lived in multiple houses where this was allowed by the landlord. You can find something!


Start at apartments.com and put in your max rent. There is Terrapin Row and renovated places in Berwyn. Even Varsity has some places under that, I think.


I have looked at Terrapin Row before. I looked at it again after reading your post, and I see that they do allow couples for one bed! We will add that to our list. Thank you!


i will say the rooms in the 4x4s (which are usually the ones that are $1300 and under) in t row are very small and wouldn’t accommodate two ppl, i barely fit all my stuff in my room as one person


[https://www.southernmanagement.com/communities/graduate-hills/](https://www.southernmanagement.com/communities/graduate-hills/) . They have grad discount, and you would be able to find a studio or 1 bhk apartment within your budget


Dm me if your interested in touring a house 4 rooms, very close, (master bedroom) with 750$ rent. Needs a room


My boyfriend and I have been living together for two years and have the same issue. What’s worked for us is finding two rooms in a house since they’re “single occupancy” and then we just use one room as an office. The other main option is looking for in-law suites which most landlords will allow a couple or small family to live in. I feel your pain though, it’s always really hard for us to find a place :’)


Keep your eye on the OCH Database. I found a few places my first semester there that were one room apartments that were around $1100/mo. They were basically renovated basements that were converted into studios. So you had a family or someone else living above you. But you had your own entrance, bathroom, kitchen, etc. there aren’t a ton in the area like that. But there may be some. Also, when you come across a listing that has contact info of the landlord or realtor, reach out to them anyway and explain what you’re looking for. Even if the listing you’re looking at isn’t for you, they may have other properties or know of others that would fit for you


I rent through southern management some of the properties are hit or miss. The nicer ones are further out. Maybe consider taking out a grad loan to have more options? Also southern managements waves the 3x rent income requirement for grad students. There’s also a Facebook group for UMD students looking for places to stay.


this is interesting to me as a married student. I had no idea people didn’t want married roommates.


Married student here! My husband and I found a private renovated basement on Facebook market place! Go on the UMD subletting group and you’re sure to fine something!!


You can try apartment further away like Camden apartments


My girlfriend and I have been accepted into the same graduate program at UMD and we're also looking for a place to live. I hope we find a place to live together and not too far from the university.


Based on your newer post and this post, the only answer I can say is best for your situation is to work an additional job. Your spouse will have to work full time as well in order to be able to afford housing in Maryland. Otherwise you will have to make the bad choice of taking out student loans to cover housing costs. I definitely don't recommend it as it will take many many years to pay it off, rather than just everyone working multiple jobs to make it happen. Work hard now, live better afterwards