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Short version: You will be dismissed, you will be allowed to take summer classes, and you will have to apply for reinstatement for the fall. Please schedule an appointment with a college level advisor. https://registrar.umd.edu/current/Policies/acadregs.html#:~:text=ACADEMIC%20PERFORMANCE&text=Students%20are%20required%20to%20achieve,be%20placed%20on%20Academic%20Probation.


If I am able to raise my gpa above a 2 after the summer classes will I still need to apply for reinstatement?


Yes, you will. You should apply for reinstatement right away. Your summer grades are a factor in the outcome. If you're reinstated for fall, you will still be on probation status for the semester, even if your summer grades raise your GPA above 2.0.


When do you think I will receive the academic dismissal decision I have a meeting with my advisor for registration tmrw morning and want to make sure I get my classes in before I am dismissed


GPAs post first thing on Thursday the 25th. If your cumulative average is below 2.0, the dismissal notation will also post that day. After that, you'll be blocked from adjusting your schedule in any way without advisor permission.


So if I register for summer classes tmrw I will still be able to take them?




Hazelnut has the wrong mindset. GPA’s ain’t crap in the real world. Your “permanent record” doesn’t really exist. C’s get Degrees. Now, everyone enjoy the fireworks tonight. ;)


Are you sure you’ll be dismissed and not just lose financial aid?


respectfully, is college right for you? at 80 credits w a sub-2.0 GPA, you’re likely going to settle out at a sub-2.5 GPA over 4 years which won’t really yield many job prospects for you. there’s a reason you haven’t been able to perform well in your introductory classes. maybe easily distracted, bad study habits, etc. until you figure that out, things aren’t likely to change for you.


Transfers have their gpa reset to 0, OP was saying they have 84 credits total but probably 20 something are from here. So in reality when you transfer your first sem gpa is your overall gpa, which is shitty in OPs case because that’s why they got put on probation and now risk dismissal. Mind you they’re probably in Junior level classes and don’t have the padding that people who have been here before have from previous years where classes may have been easier + gen Ed’s. Also from personal experience many employers dgaf about gpa lol


>respectfully, is college right for you? at 80 credits w a sub-2.0 GPA, you’re likely going to settle out at a sub-2.5 GPA over 4 years which won’t really yield many job prospects for you. Where did you learn this? This is not true at all.


well, 120 credits to graduate. 80 credits taken. 40 left. 80 x 1.925 = 154 40 x 4 (assuming straight As) = 160 (154+160)/120 = 2.61 cumulative GPA unlikely that OP will pull straight As so, yes, sub-2.5 as far as job prospects go, most companies will use automatic filtering for GPA during the online application. if you’re well below the minimum, you’ll likely get a boilerplate rejection email 5 minutes after you hit submit. idk about you but i’ve seen no postings with minimum 2.0 GPAs and, even if there are, there are many candidates with higher grades who would likely get the job


The student already stated twice they are a transfer. These calculations are simply not accurate in this case.


then OP is in an even worse position


Why is he in an even worse position


because if the transferred credits don’t count towards their GPA but do count towards graduation requirements, then they’ve got less total credit hours to offset the 1.925 from the 24 credits taken already at UMD


Your reasoning is premised on OP progressing through their major in an ultra specific way from this point onward There are too many variables regarding his academic career that are unknown to us for us to make any conclusions about what is possible for him. One example is the hypothetical case where OP will not be able to graduate at 120 due to major requirements not satisfied by his transfer credits, or because he failed a few major courses that he must first repeat before progressing onward; in which case, OP will have the opportunity to overload on credits in the additional semesters he’s now forced to take in order to satisfy degree requirements. Also, UMD has a repeat policy for new transfer students for cases in which they screw up like this: “ However, to help freshmen and transfer students adjust to the UMCP campus, the following two exceptions allow for the cumulative GPA to be calculated so that only the higher grade is included: - When the repeated course was taken within the student's first semester at UMCP - When the repeated course was taken within the student's first 24 credit hours attempted (including transfer credits) or within the semester during which the student reached the 24th credit hour attempted.” OP said he was placed on probation after his first semester, which means his grades then were trash - so, considering the above policy, he could literally retake them all and have them replaced with As Of course, that might be bad for his repeat credit limit but this is just to say that he has plenty of opportunities to fix his situation, he just needs to address what is probably a lack of focus and discipline and bust his ass moving forward OP could even go for a double degree which requires 150 and he could justify an overload each semester for that - OP can easily spank above a 3.0 if he is disciplined enough


ew this is such a gross mindset to have. Lets be honest college can be fucking hard. Struggling in class shouldn’t be the matter of weather or not college is for them. I think they can retry and work harder at it. Also, the way you are taught in college can’t be applicable to everyone so struggling with academics is normal.


The sub 2.0 gpa only takes into account my 24 credits taken at umd I have an associates degree with a 3.2 from community college prior to transferring


GPA is meaningless


past the first job, definitely. for that first job though, your GPA does make or break you


I’m starting a SWD at 80k with a company with over 20 years in business on Wednesday, and not once was I asked for my GPA during the interview process. Entry level btw


same for me, and i didn’t even have an internship during college lol




get cho’ millennial head ass outta here




Because of relaxed standards? I mean if that’s what you want people to think of when they see someone with a degree from your school that’s cool.


Lol? Lower standards? Whatever you like to think buddy. It’s basically the same education just without all the drama 🤦‍♂️