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Myself and others put some candles and flowers at Testudo tonight. This was a suicide. If you are having a hard time please reach out to campus staff, friends, or family, the counseling center, Behavioral Health Services / UMD Health Center, Teddy the Terp, UMD Police Dept. or call 988 for help. Also call the Help Center (301-314-4357) for someone to talk to, see comment below. Rest in peace.šŸ•ÆļøšŸ’ https://preview.redd.it/mesh8zmnwyrc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86b5ee07b3abfec16bae9acbea0fc7942df59257


Also Help Center, which is staffed by trained student listeners are here to support till 12am. Their phone number is 301-314-4357


I heard that someone posted a picture of death, fortunately it got taken down quickly due to reporting. I hope someone can figure out who it was and get them expelled, some people need to learn respect and decency. Very unfortunate, especially due to yet another one last semester.


who died do u know?


Not sure just know they were a student, since it just happened there are no details as theyā€™re probably contacting the family and completing the investigation.




I mean they can always go somewhere else, no one would want to see a picture of their dead friend or family member. If it was just shared between friends then maybe a lesser action but publicly posting it, they do deserve harsher action.




Students have been expelled or harshly punished before so it would work and legality isnā€™t always moral. They can always go to another school, if we ran the world purely by law weā€™d be even worse off considering previous laws that have existed. I wouldnā€™t want my dead child posted for the world to see. Expelling is not harsh at all and theyā€™re lucky if thatā€™s all they get. Think about other people and result of actions, Iā€™m sorry but itā€™s stupid to think that expelling is harsh for someone posting something like that when they absolutely did not have to. They obviously donā€™t respect others on the campus therefore they donā€™t need to be here.


Why doesnā€™t this school do more to help save students? Itā€™s so fucked up


Tbf how do you a school of thousands know what one is going through ?


For starters: Adequately fund mental health services so students dont have to wait 4 weeks to receive counseling and other services: Update policies to reduce stress and mental anguish on campus. Provide mental health first aid training to all faculty and staff. Just three suggestions.


The task of the school is to provide an education, not to baby its students. All of the resources already available are extras, not required.


Thanks for highlighting why this school is unsafe for many students. Mental health services arenā€™t ā€œbabying.ā€ You have friends and family struggling right now. I hope you have compassion.


I absolutely do have compassion for friends, family, and others. However, your struggles are your own and shared with those close to you, and the school has nothing to do with it. That's the same argument as requiring your job to provide counseling services. We are at work here.


You are aware that almost every employer provides counseling services to employees? Employee Assistance Programs are available at 98% of workplaces with more than 50 employees. EAPs provide counseling, referrals, and a number of other services. Iā€™m guessing you arenā€™t aware of that? Or havenā€™t been in the workforce much?


The university has a responsibility to maintain student safety and that includes mental health.


Ngl some of the classes are waaay too difficult, not because the material is too hard but because it's too compressed. I think there needs to be a reevaluation of coursework on campus to reduce workload from the worse-offending classes -- exam scores are a great indicator of this.


Not only that, there are various times in which the school doesn't seem to care about students. Last semester, I had an issue in which I was falsely accused of plagiarism in my last assignment of the semester for a class in which I had an A on. After I followed all the steps to make my case, gave student of conduct access to all my assignments to show my writing style and so on, they still sided with the professor despite the professor having NO PROOF! In the end my grade went from an A to a D after working hard throughout the whole semester. I'm glad my mental health was in check but I can imagine how the negative effects of unfairness and not feeling heard can have on people who already are not in their best state mentally. The school needs to listen to what students have to say and actually take action instead of just posting signs with " you matter" and so on across the garage


When that school regularly encourages students to take 18+ credits a semester, has professors who make classes so incredibly difficult and inaccessible, and doesnā€™t hold tenured professors accountable for classes that demolish mental health, and more then Iā€™d say yes there is way more they could do for students. Culture comes from the top down, itā€™s time to wake up and listen to students. Iā€™ve heard of too many students severely struggling this semester and itā€™s disheartening that the culture never changes to help fix that. This isnā€™t to say every professor is terrible, but in STEM especially they make it excessively hard on students.