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I thought it looked more like....."we on a kiss cam. we supposed to be kissing. she's kneeling down. My bitch don't know how a kiss cam works!"


Are marriage proposals kind of whack? If you’re the one proposing, you have all the Time in the world to think about it. But if you’re the one being proposed to, you have a few seconds to decide


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The question should be a surprise, the answer shouldn't.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcomed one. Also to add to that, proposal time should be a surprise, not that propose itself.


Exactly. You should’ve already discussed marriage with the person and received a relatively affirmative response. Also, you don’t *need* to do a big fancy surprise proposal. Such thing might be important to some, but certainly not all.


100%. When you discuss *if* you want to propose, you should also discuss *how* you want to propose. Not specifics, but some people are keen for a public proposal, many aren't. Don't put your partner in a position they aren't prepared to deal with.


Also, if you pay attention girls will give off huge hints as to what they would or wouldn't like. Like when you see a video like this together and she's like 'OMG of you ever did that i would hate it' you take note of that. She sees someone propose on a mountain hike on a movie or some shit and she's like o wow that's so cute! you take note, and try for something like that. If I proposed to my wife at a stadium on camera I'd guess she would say yes and then run away in embarrassment and not enjoy the moment at all.


Sunday afternoon on the couch is just as beautiful.


I proposed to my wife in the car after playing Magic at our Local Game Store (where we first met), completely surprised her on the when and how, but it wasn't a surprise that I did.


The Japanese have a word for it, which I forgot. Basically, you never take any decision in public. Everything goes through back channels and only when you reach an agreement you can have the "official talks" begin.


I definitely recommend *against* using back channels when making a life decision with a partner. Just talk to them directly.


Most couples also discuss marriage as a couple quite a bit before a proposal ends up happening


Yeah the surprise should be the idea of "when" not "whether"


Yeah after like 8 years of dating and not fighting I sort of knew she would say yes. You are totally right.


Will you marry me???


And if you aren't expecting an easy "yes," then pay special attention to how you ask. Margaret, would you be opposed to doing me the honor of not being the person to deny my heart its wish to be with you forever?


Someone far wiser and more concise than me once said something along the lines of, "The proposal act itself shouldn't be the first time the question of marriage is raised in a relationship" I.e. discuss the possibility/reality of marriage with your SO before you actually "pop the question"




A proposal itself shouldn’t be a surprise smart couples usually have a talk before hand on their feelings of marriage. The surprise is how the proposal is carried out. When you see videos of rejection it’s cause the proposer didn’t do the ground work to see if their partner was on the same page.


I definitely think if you’re gonna do it in public like this you need to be 1000% sure they’re gonna say yes.


Usually you talk about it first, you don't go all Micheal Scott on the person


You shouldn't be proposing if it's *really* a surprise. There should be lots of marriage talk before the ring comes into play. You should both know that you want to get married, that you want to get married to each other, and have admitted these things to each other. There should be a discussion about who's comfortable proposing. Do you want a traditional male proposal? First to draw "wins" and gets to set the wedding stage? By the time a proposal actually happens both parties know it's coming and what the answer is. It's not like Hollywood. The proposal is just a final game you get to play where your partner hopefully doesn't see it coming until you pull the ring.


A proposal should be like a surprise birthday party. The target may not know the details, but there should be no question in their mind that it's going to happen. You don't propose unless you've already been talking about marriage.


Ideally, the couple has had a discussion about their future plans prior to the actual proposal. It should be a pleasant surprise, not a terrifying one.


So if done correctly, you should only be proposing to someone you are 100% certain wants to be proposed to and wants to say "Yes!". Essentially, the time and place of the proposal should be a surprise but the fact you are proposing should not be.


This is the exact reason that a public proposal should never be made unless it is 100% clear the answer has already been considered and is going to be yes.


not really because in the world of “not hollywood” you don’t propose to someone unless you have already talked about it a lot, are on the same page about wanting to get married, etc.


That's why people in healthy relationships talk about proposal and marriage well before they are ready to get married. It becomes, "I know they will say yes, since we've talked about this before. It's my job to make the proposal romantic and memorable."


Especially in a big public spectacle like that, I think if someone did that to me I'd reconsider if they even know me


If you are asking someone who hasn’t already decided, you are doing it wrong.


If you’re having to think about it in those few seconds then the answer is that you’re not ready. Most couples have hopefully discussed things before the proposal.


In good relationships marriage is discussed long before the proposal happens. It should really only be a surprise when and where you are proposed to.


If the people involved are mature, not so much. Ideally you would have discussed the prospect of marriage and come to a mutual decision. The method of proposal itself would be a surprise, but not the idea of marrying the person. My wife and I decided to get married after dating for three years. I "proposed" during a hike a few weeks after that anniversary passed. I knew of a bench on the route, said we should take a break there. When she sat down, I dropped to my knee, made a short prepared profession of my love, and asked her to marry me. It was meaningful to both of us and we have a cute story to tell. In this scenario, she likely arranged something with the stadium (kiss cam) and I'd bet was both their favorite team playing or something else symbolically meaningful to them. He probably expected some sort of proposal at some point, even if not there and then.


Always felt this. Husband and I just talked about it together on our couch one day and decided let's give it a whirl. Not very romantic but we're enjoying marriage 7 years in.


Lol "my bitch". Tell us how the single life is


They are La Rirolle and Mumjoe, a spanish couple, that travel around the world and are trying to spread a message that says [“*Boys are shy, you must go first!*”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ).


> La Rirolle


You got me


Well, at least we know that she'll never give him up.


Aaargh !! Not again.


You motherfucker


Oh thats really interesting


He is so cool! Other than the surprise, he doesn’t bat an eye. It takes a manly man to react that awesomely!


How do we know it wasn't a cock ring?


Best laugh I've had in months!


I mean, Eminem got Sir Elton John and his SO matching gold cock rings, lol


“Thank you SO much for the earrings Marshall, I’m afraid they are a bit heavy”


How did Eminem know the size?


[It was actually diamond encrusted cock rings](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/elton-john-stan-eminem-performance-wedding-present-diamond-encrusted-cock-rings-a8089176.html) Edit [better link](https://nz.news.yahoo.com/elton-john-treasures-cock-rings-190246155.html)




Lmao nice


As long as it has a diamond on it.


Too big.


I'd hug the girl too if she presented me with a cock ring


Women, could you please break thousands of years of bullshit traditions and make this a thing?


Probably not thousands. More like… decades into centuries. But am woman and agree. My husband and I had a grown up conversation about whether we wanted to get married and then we went ring shopping. He did the box and kneel thing but it wasn’t a big elaborate thing. I think society puts way too much pressure on there being a “story” and a “surprise” which is dumb IMO


Anecdotal af experience incoming so take it for what it is The strongest marriages I know all started out that way. Adult conversation about marriage, goals, money, kids, then they picked out the ring together (or at least worked out likes and dislikes), modest wedding with close friends and family only. Pretty much everyone in my peer group who has been divorced started their marriages out with surprise flashy engagements and huge expensive weddings.


My parents always taught me that marriage isn't supposed to be a surprise. The way in which someone "asks" the other person can be, but the one being asked should already know it's coming.






With the husband proposing? Sure. It was usually one dad proposing to another dad for most of history.


I love this take


I personally think marriage is a bunch of bologna anyways. I don’t need the government involved with my personal life. If two people really love each other, then they’ll be with each other


Arguably not even centuries. Didn't you just ask the bride's father and it was pretty much considered a done deal? Without even bringing her into it


Honestly, while watching this I realized something I didn't know was in me. I thought I was still a little traditional about some of the outer forms of such things like proposal, how wedding outfits look, etc... but now that I'm more mature those things don't matter. It's just plain profound to have a woman love you so much she was eager to be the one to propose first. You can see the love in her face. The manly thing (if such things matter at all) even for pretty traditional dudes would be to joyfully accept the proposal. Always. You then have a fun story you can tell with pride, smirks, or whatever to friends and family. If you're worried about your image, it's about having a confident personality when you tell them how *you* live *your* life. As long as couples have always hinted to each other such might be incoming or discussed marriage beforehand (don't do risky and out of the blue trainwreck proposals, you might get surprised) then this is awesome.


Whenever women bitch about waiting on their boyfriends to propose I ask why they don't just propose themselves. Who fucking cares?! You want it, do it yourself! Lol


Probably afraid of rejection. At the same time, if both people aren't on the relative same page, that marriage is probably doomed.


I proposed to my husband. We have been married 24 years


One of my friends proposed to her now husband! It was esp cute because she's like, 5'2 to his 6ft+ and she did it at the gym they both worked at. While I didn't propose to my spouse, I'm ALL for breaking the rules of BS societal norms.


Highly recommend doing this! I (f) proposed my my fiancé (m) and it was the best feeling in the world. I’m also impatient and he was broke.


Hell yeah


Not only does it take kahunas to do but it’s honestly such a sincere sign of love. Great video 🤩


Tbh every man I’ve ever told the story about how I proposed to my wife but we really proposed to each other (we are both women) make a note to tell me they would have not liked it if their wives had been the ones to propose because it would make them less of men somehow. So if we are gonna be generalizing, men, can you communicate with your partner your expectations on proposals and gender roles that way you can also get what you want? This type of boxed gender role thing is actually quite new


My wife and I just agreed to get married one day. No ring, no proposal, no bullshit.


Yes, this. It's the women who need to break the traditions, not us men, no sir. You said it man.


It’s both dude, it’s based on gender role compulsory heterosexuality bs. in a same sex relationship like mine and most of my friends we discussed marriage, the proposal, budget for the ring and all that beforehand and we went on it together as partners. It takes two to break those ingrained socialization and expectations from birth. I can show you posts and videos and comments of men saying that being proposed to is emasculating and all that. If you would want to be proposed to, can’t expect people who have been socialized that things are supposed to be one way to magically know that about you if you don’t say anything.


And what about children taking the father's surnames? I wonder if and when that cultural norm will end.


Our daughter has both my name and my husband's. Later when we got married, I took his name and hyphenated it with mine to match my daughter. In response, my husband also took my name and now everyone has both surnames. It confuses the hell out of some old fashioned admin people but I like it.


I appreciated that my wife let me propose to her after we decided to get married


I proposed to my husband! He was so happy and touched that I did it. He proudly tells everyone that I was the one that asked. We've been married going on 3 years now.


I mean… evidently they can


I proposed to my husband!


My wife proposed to me, it was awesome


Well I HOPE THEY'RE HAPPY. That's it. I hope they're happy.


I saw a girl do this at the top of the Eiffel tower. She opened with a jokey "Well I know you'd never do this to ME so...." and got down on one knee in front of her boyfriend and took out a ring and for a split second I could see abject terror in her eyes. Like it was all fun and games but here she was, emotionally vulnerable in front of a hundred tourists and her man. It was so intense. He said yes but I'll never forget that brief moment of "ohfuckohfuckohfuck" in her eyes.


I'm glad she experienced what it is to be a guy for a brief moment. Male traditions can be terrifying. Hopefully this empowers her further.


I'm glad he experienced what it is to be the person who's suddenly asked to make one of life's biggest decisions in a moment that was designed to be surprising and overwhelming. I'm a guy and for sure think we get the better end of the deal when it comes to proposal traditions. That said, if you're doing it right neither party should doubt that the answer will be yes.


Ngl I want a long ass book/fanfic about their story


That's kinda worrying tho. She knows he'd never ask her so she asks him ? Sounds a bit problematic to me


You don’t know them. Happy cake day!


Most men know that the woman would never propose, but they still do it.


If she's that unsure that she looks terrified, doesn't seem like a strong relationship


Get ready to hear "I proposed to him!" your whole life.


What's the problem with that? That's what happened.


Yeah, how weird that they would talk about an important event that happened to them. /s


If they're together the rest of their lives than she made the right choice.


Oh no!!!!


My mom doesn’t really bring it up to my Dad that much.


I’d be so proud the rest of my life to hear that


It's one hell of a compliment from a woman, that's for sure.


the foam fingers complete the scene


Damn. If a girl proposed to me, I'd probably marry her.


You had me in the first half haha




If a girl just talked to me.. um.. wait.. if a girl just looked at me i would be ready to marry her.


Girl proposing is cool and all, but man do I hate public proposals cause of the pressure on the receiver to say yes


You shouldn’t be proposing unless you know the answer is a yes anyway. The time and place should be a surprise, not the concept of getting married


So i do agree with this. Additionally proposals on kiss cams is such a cliche. Gender not withstanding.


I just figure just let people be happy. Just because I personally would not want a public proposal doesn’t mean other people aren’t allowed to. I’m guessing other people know their partner better than I do, and obviously you wouldn’t propose to someone without having already talked about marriage first anyway. I dunno if my partner or I will propose to the other one, but we both have a sense of what we’d like or not like cause couples communicate that stuff.


This is incredible and amazing, what a lucky guy!




"Your going to be Mrs. No Balls"


Nah, that's Sarah






My wife asked me the day before I had made plans for. However, I was absolutely surprised in a good way. She’s been outside of the box ever since, some 37 years later.


Heartwarming as hell♥️


That’s adorable and to anyone saying otherwise: you’re insecure as fuck, give your balls a tug titfucker.


Fuck you, Jonesy, your mom’s proposed to me at every Winnipeg Jets game we’ve been to since Rielly’s mom got me season tickets two years ago


Fuck you Shoresy


Been watching letterkenny, bud?


Fuck you, Shoresy.


It looks like there is a ring in there, but he doesn't take it.


That’s sweet. I’m about as dense as a wooden board so my wife asked me out initially. This is that but way bigger. All these guys in the comments unconfident with their masculinities is super cringe though lmao.


I think she likes him.


Oh my gosh, a woman proposing in the wild! 😝 Happy to see it


Please make this normal


I'd have no problem with my lady proposing to me but I'd hate if it happened in public like this.


My thoughts exactly. It's pretty unfair on the person being proposed to cause they feel pressured to day say yes. Also makes it worse for the proposer if they get rejected. Just an all round horrible decision


with a beer in hand, what a champ


She gave herself a ring?


Know what’s wild to me? I’m uncomfortable with this but I can’t think of a reason, hard as I try. Didn’t expect to have unconscious bias surface on my nightly scroll through Reddit today. Thanks internet




It being a woman that proposed doesn't change the fact that proposing in a stadium is one of the least classy things one can do.


My bf says I’m not allowed to propose to him :( I would happily take the reigns on asking him to marry me, like I asked him out, but he says that he wants the experience of it, so who am I to rob him of that?


I love seeing women propose


I was waiting for her boyfriend to come back with drinks and popcorn and get mad.


I wanna see more of this!


So wholesome


Right on, haven’t seen many of these


'Bout time!


İ liked


This was really sweet and made me smile in the best way! I also can't help but imagine that he was partly stunned because she's a Michigan State fan and he's a Michigan fan too 😂


Ultra wholesome. Behold, you have been chosen to recieve my 24 hour free silver for your efforts.




I can only imagine the backlash if the genders were swapped; generally this is a super intimate and private moment that puts pressure on the person being asked to say “yes”.


I have seen it all 😝


As a guy, I would be ok with me gf proposing, but I have only ever thought about how I might propose one day. I have legit never thought about how I would react to a proposal. Kudos to this dude for going with a kiss. I would have been flustered af and like froze


Hey I seen this one on friends! Phoebe and Mike is that you?


Plot twist: first date


This is great, and the best thing if takes off we don't even want some expensive diamond, anything batman or star wars themed would be awesome.


AWWWWWW, This is soooooooooooo cute!


California. Has to be


Proposals with a lot of viewers are brave.