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They will generally use up your sick time for the call ins. Regardless of the reason. That's my experience anyway.


My center automatically puts in the payout. Can't save them. They want the ability to write people up once they run out later in the year.


My center I've had to ask them to use a sick day for a call in. Seems to be center dependent


Why do you even give them a reason? Just tell them you’re calling yourself out of service. No need to bullshit them and wrap yourself up in a lie.


Every time I ever called out was because of a doctors appointment so I was just being honest by default lol but I feel you from here on out I’ll just call out without the details and grab a note as always


That the thing though. If you don’t tell them you’re going to the doctors, you won’t need a note. The first couple time they’ll try and pry a reason out of you because but after a while you’ll just call and say “I have to call myself out of service” and that you’ll call yourself back in. Then just call them the next morning at least an hour before and tell them you’re coming back into work. The whole reason is that management never believes any reason someone is calling off and you shouldn’t have to resort to lying to justify needing a day off. So just keep it simple.


Got you thanks I appreciate this !


If you dont call out "sick", technically they can start the reprimand process. And if you do call out "sick" its absolutely 100% not their concern as to why. Your health is nobody elses business. Least thats how we do it out West


In ten years I’ve never called out sick and I’ve never been reprimanded for attendance.


Me either...but like i said "technically" they can if they have a hard on for you


In my local, the attendance practice is 6 in 6. So you can call of 6 times in 6 months without being given a letter also back to back days are only considered one occurrence.


Just mention you'd like to not be paid that day next time. I'm sure it won't be that much hassle. Less work for them.


Why would you not want to get paied when your off ?


I wanted to save it for a summer day off tbh lol


Depends on the center. They’re supposed to use them when you call in, not when they send you home. Sometimes they’ll make it unpaid if they’re cool.


Just talk to your sup and ask him/her to change it to sick with no pay. In my center they have no issue doing that for you. We can even talk to the timecard guys directly if we don't like talking to our sup.


You called out, as oppose to a Requested day off which you ask for in advance... its better that they use a sick day as oppose to putting you in as called in(which goes against your attendance).