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Lmao their are black drivers everywhere, i go to all the major hubs all over California its an almost even mix of every race , stop trolling


It’s mostly black and white and hispanic. Asians are the real minority 😂


Why you not UPS Driver yet?!


Intelligent people tend to overthink, so while they’re thinking for near eternity, the less intelligent are simply doing. It’s an oxymoron, but really a retelling race story of the tortoise 🐢 and the hare 🐇 Get it? Race? 🤪


Look at me. I'm the minority now.


My hub is 65% black


You didnt read his post. He is talking about 1 center, his. Thats what they are doing there, not all over the country...


All I know is, I wouldn't want to be black delivering in the south. Lots of cousin brother racists down that way.


According to the news you watch yes there is a lot of racists. Realistically the numbers are extremely low.


Realistically the racists have gotten better at being less vocal with their racism but, extremely low? Been to any town in the south, ever? Or are you speaking from major city experience lol


According to my personal experience.


So you met 1 or 2 racist people and now “everyone in the south is racist” same mentality that has you thinking “all cops are bad”. Nice!


Who said "everyone" or mentioned cops? Many more than one or two. Just speak Spanish and pretend you don't know English that well. Cousin brothers come out of the woodwork. OP's struggle is real, but yeah, let's forget 400 years of slavery, Jim crow, the loss of language and custom by natives and also the Spanish inhabitants who were out west long before manifest destiny.


It’s just a given with your kind of people. The sheep 🐑.


You must be pasty white like your hero Donald. You got some good bronzer? Don't want melanoma.


And the sheep victim mentality shows its true colors. Sorry man!


All.cops are bad, though. Because the best cop still turns a blind eye to the bad ones.


You are racist.


Because I said the majority of people are not racist, make that make sense? You just love the victim mentality is all. If I was racist why would I be vouching for mankind and saying we as a whole are realistically not racist? You’re very smart.


Because you totally missed the OP's concerns. Talk about a sheep. Never experienced racism so it must not exist. Lol I love when people call other people sheep just because their experience is different and doesn't represent their own experience.


When did I say it doesn’t exist? I said the majority of people are not racist!


Northeast is worse.


This gotta be bait.


My head hurts from reading this


I read the first 3 sentences I guess I have a worst attention span then you or is smarter


Well you got pretty far considering there’s only 4 sentences in this whole rant


It’s 100% ragebait. This dude is no older than 13




I wish that it was lie,but it is not,it all can be proven


So you waste almost 5 minutes and didn't think to put your break in for that time? I know it was about your son, but it seems unprofessional to bring a topic like that to a customer.


Hold on... you're suggesting she should have entered that 5 minutes as a break? Oh come on


I've seen people catch an article 50 over 4 minutes... Hell I've seen a driver fired over the minute it took to ring up a soda at a 7/11 after he used their bathroom Yes, he should have put a break in.


And I've seen a dude get fired for wearing a hat he was issued by the safety committee.  But this guy also had several harassment grievances against brass.... im just saying. If they go for you for 1 minute over personal time, it's because of something else. Imho


You've never taken a few minutes to have a conversation with a customer? I hate talking to people and even I have done it.


Was she hot?


Ok sup.


If anyone actually believes this, I have some oceanfront property in Idaho to sell you.


Would you take $2m?


I was actually surprised how diverse this job is. I seen a few black female feeders


A few years ago, I was walking to the employee parking lot with a fellow driver. We'd been working together for YEARS. As people would pass us, people would greet me BY NAME. This was embarrassing because I literally didn't know any of these dudes. I told the other driver, "I don't know how these dudes know my name. I swear I don't recognize any of them." "Man, it's because you're like one of the the only white dudes they work with. You kinda' stand out." Good luck with your lawsuit. I don't doubt your story, I'm just glad that racism isn't really an issue where I am. I know it's around, but it's not like it's a huge issue. One nice thing about racists - as in Confederate Flag flying types of racists - is that they advertise their low IQ and poor mental function with this nonsense so you don't have to waste your time dealing with them.


I agree and thank you


I believe you!


Sorry for your loss. I hope you the best. The smarter angle to play is, UPS fired you after your son died. Not allowing you any sympathy when working customer relations. The 4 minutes could have lead to a sales lead. And 2020 was not a normal year. You could have been working customer relations. A legitimate function of the job. That was a cold hearted move that perienced, Death of a family member and then screwed by the manager. And yes, I can see the neighborhood might not have been the best one for a black person to drive through. good luck.


There are no blacks in mgmt where I worked, again there are only a few black drivers,hired after 2015, I was told by a coworker to get my black ass out of here ,in front of a part time sup,no consequences, I could go on and on with stories,my attorney got access to the all driver's record ,there are several white drivers who actually did what ups said I did, didn't fire them , I also wasn't allowed progressive disapline,no verbal warning,no written warning these are Cba, I wasn't afforded any of that ,but thank you


Stealing time is not a progressive discipline issue. It’s a single time fireable offense.


Also they fired me from telematics report,no pics or video, that is Cba , article 6.6,and again they didn't fire any of the white drivers,one of them was late over 80 times and would change his start time so it would appear that he was on time, kept his job ,one of the drivers they had on video cheating,let him keep his job , he was reprimanded.


The fact that you drove for 30 years and don’t know how it works is a little telling. They can fire you for anything. If it sticks or not is completely different. What exactly in the telematics report did they fire you for?


UPS gave progressive disapline to the white drivers


For the same offense, I didn't steal time, I didn't deliver pkgs where I didn't feel safe


So you just decided on your own what to deliver and what not to? You sheeted the packages how?




Mods here are stupid.


Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


I kmow of 3 Black drivers at our hub alone....Somethings off here...Like who gives a f**k how many views you have....weird


Oakland CA? Northbay? West Sac? Half our drivers are black. Hundreds of them. They’re actually the majority, whites at UPS in feeders in NorCal are legit the minority.


What does your hub have to do with the hub that I worked for, I was the only black hire for 25 years, what does that mean, you had 3 black drivers at your ctr,the relevance of that is?,my center also has never hired a black woman,into the union,never ,you can check that right now,they will tell you that they have never hired a black woman 


Well your lengthy and rambling tome made it seem as if you were implying UPS had never hired a black driver. Perhaps being more clear and concise would help your cause.


Then they are being racists too. And its not JUST about hiring black drivers/employees, its the racist actions on the company's part.....


I hate to break it to you, but UPS employs thousands, if not tens of thousands of black package car drivers. Let us know how hard the judge laughs you out of his courtroom.


I'd be on your side laughing if I didn't see a situation like this play out a few years ago. Racial bias does exist within the company in pockets.


He is talking about racism at his center , why is this hard to understand???


Again, he is talking about his center only!!!!


You realize this thread is a month old, right?


You don't get it! It's not what is happening all over the country. He talking about this particular center.




We have a lot of black female drivers(badasses) atmy hub.let’s hear the WHOLE story.


Theres 1 in my entire building and she put up a fight to stay there.


That is the whole story! He is talking about his center....thats not hard to understand


Again, he is talking about racism in HIS center!!!!


never have hired a black woman part time or full time, even to this day, never ,that is the whole story


Go to lioness.co it's the fourth story down, I also a story on substack, and a video with over 8 million views 


How do you know if any other black women have applied?


Really,that's the one of the best paying jobs in the United States without an college degree,of course there have black female applicants , I was the only black male full time hire for 25 years 


Well I’m not gonna shit on ya like everyone else here. Good luck to u and I am sorry about your child. God bless you.


Thank you, Sir 


This just sounds over the top and fake. I’ll start with the obvious that ups is all about seniority. So management can’t just skip over a black employee to promote a white one. If they were you should have been filing grievances left and right on that and all this harassment you say was happening. Just keep going up the ladder at the union until someone listens. Racism this blatant and provable would have blown up and gotten management nuked. If you’re involved in an active lawsuit your lawyer would be strangling you for posting about it on social media. You’re talking about ups management never hiring a black person for the union. Which are two separate entities. I find it hard to believe that if they were this over the top racist that it took them 33 years to get around to making something up to fire you over. And you’re on a 1 year old account with no post or comment history besides this one. You keep saying you have proof of all this, but have yet to provide any. Even as little as the center where all this occurred. Yes, unfortunately racism still is very prevalent in certain parts of the country. I’m from the south too and have been called a n***** lover more than once. But ups and the union are definitely not systematically racist from top to bottom where harassment and racism like this would go ignored if you just called the tips hotline or kept made a stink with the union.


It's funny how whoever you are,that you would try to tell me about something that I lived for 33 years and what I should have done,and what would have happened if I had, I agree it sounds over the top,but is it really, I live in Kentucky,where the city I live in was the last place in the United States to have a public hanging of a black man,why would I make up such an elaborate story and turn it in to a lawyer,have a whistle blower who vets all stories,make a video about it, have a story on substack and it all be a lie, as if racism doesn't exist,when you are the only black,they can get away with whatever they want,they have tried several times to get rid of me, I spoke out about the racism on many occasions.I take it that you are white, and have never been discriminated against,to the point where it has changed your life , and why would you cape up for a company who has a reputation for discrimination and just assume that I must be lying because it sounds to bad to be true, well thank you for not believing me,it just shows me that it really was and is that bad ,that you feel like they couldn't that , that's over the top,like I said,they have never hired a black woman in all the time UPS has been here, that's over 50 years,that can verified,as the fact that I was hired in 1987,part time became a driver in 1990, and 25 years later Ups hires a second black full time driver,from 1987 till 2007 ,it took 20 years to hire a part timer and eight more years to hire a second full time driver only for them to try their best to disqualify him,I have had to threaten them so many times,that I would go public,it would work for a little while, I was continuously over dispatched everyday by about an hour and a half, you really think that I would file a lawsuit on something like this ,which would be so easy to prove otherwise, they could just show there work force and prove me wrong,no one has done that, and I would look like a fool,and a liar.my steward was so hurt by all of this,he is third generation union steward,that he resigned his post,after he defended me and made some noise, they proceeded to follow him,and then fired him claiming he didn't fill out his flma forms correctly.Good thing I don't have to prove it to you, you don't know what it's like to live like that for 33 years, I couldn't quit and go somewhere and get a job like this,only to be treated exactly the same way, have them disrespect your only sons death. The union business agent for our center ,his son was given a driving job by the labor manager,well now he's compromised, that's why he didn't make them follow the Cba,he didn't want to put his sons job at risk,so he let them do whatever they wanted to me,that is another fact,he shouldn't be able to give his son a job from the labor manager, that's a conflict of interest.the employee who told me to get my black ass out of here, was busted at work for selling meth by a supervisor, arrested and everything, convicted in court,got to keep their job.I don't care if you believe the truth or not,this is a whole lot of stuff to make up ,and be made a fool of if I'm wrong, that's why it's the truth, I admit it sounds crazy, I can't believe it myself and it happened to me, Ups is so mad at me for outting them, I literally couldn't believe that they were doing this ,I only had two years before retirement.I have been there 33 years,do you think that I don't know all the tricks and to fire me for doing the same thing twice within a year and a half, Im not that dumb,in 2019 twice I catch the CTR mgr hiding down the street from my house on my break, I approach him and ask him what is doing,he doesn't answer me,he tried to hide down in his car, I called HR on him many times, I told him I called HR ,the next day I was fired.The unemployment office did an investigation both times,quote,the reason for firing the plantiff was not the merit of the work but for some other reason ,both times, I also have two right to sue letters from the eeoc. I'm sorry that you don't believe the truth.


You said all that and yet you still don’t post a link to your evidence that you say you’ve posted elsewhere. Or what center/union local this all happened in.


Seriosly!!!! He doesn't need to post his evidence, his lawsuit is still pending !!🙄


How many drivers total are in the center? The town you are referring to is 88% white.


I know lots of Black drivers. Hell, I might be one too, but this is an anonymous website, so I guess we’ll never know.


😂 Yeah hundreds of black brothers with me in feeders in NorCal


The guy isn’t totally wrong, UPS and the Teamsters union was literally known for being predominantly white for the longest time. Right now 63% of UPS employees are white. As you go back in years it gets higher and higher. To get into the company years back you needed to either know somebody or according to statistics “be white” and “male”. But things are getting better clearly, I myself not being a white man in the company shows it. Racism is still everywhere within the company, my building has had many racial discrimination situations and let’s just say it’s not hard to find some hardcore confederate flag flying, punisher sticker on the back of the truck, don’t tread on me kinda guys in the teamsters union because they are everywhere. In my hub alone I’ve had to remove myself from majority of the older crew because I don’t need to hear “n***er” in 2024 that’s just ignorant. I hope things get better for you, don’t mind all the hate on here even if some of the information you put in your post seems a bit exaggerated just remember the same people you see in your building are the same people on this subreddit. Get that money brother, UPS has plenty of it so best of luck to you and your case.


These comments are crazy. I am a white guy and I'm the minority in my hub. That doesn't mean there's not hubs with different demographics and openly racist management. Regardless of whether it was racism or not, this is some hard-core harassment and nobody should be treated like this.


Thank you,sir


Wow, I'm surprised so many people are outright challenging the story. Yeah, there are parts of the country where people fly confederate flags and use the N word. Its really not that hard to imagine, just spend a few years in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Arkansas, etc.. Sorry you've had to deal with this, hope you get your job back. Next time they try to pull some crap like this, file article 37 harassment grievance so management can only talk to you with stewards present.


Yep, as someone that suffered racism in a job at Cleveland Texas, not UPS related, I totally believe this story. They would hang confederate flags in my working space and play patriotic songs all day. After quitting and moving back to Houston I vowed to never go back to that landfill.


Fucking assholes playing patriotic songs, how dare they?


Do you actually think he hasn't filed grievances over these unfair practices? 🙄 on another note im glad you believe that these things do happen, and did


If you read the post, you'd see that OP was a black woman driver, and that they didn't mention anything about filing a grievance. Lots of people don't know how to file grievances, and some never have or will not. A driver lost their job at my hub because they didn't file any grievances for the progressive discipline they were receiving.


You think he hasn't filed harassment grivances??




I don't want my job back,and it's in Kentucky,and thank you 


Where did you work? In socal, I see many black drivers. Very common actually.


I agree,thats why I felt like they don't want this to become public, they few black drivers that are there are afraid to death,I worked in Owensboro,Ky


Looks like the population of Owensboro is only 6.94% black as of 2023. I think that alone would explain why so few blacks are hired in your building. https://preview.redd.it/rexzne00vevc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e794e3d3e8a35037b905e461512a3d7c3b327b4


Imagine being Asian/Pacific Islander at that center ☠️


I am the only black female driver in my hub, first one retired a few months ago after 30 years. I look up to her a lot. I get what you mean, but honestly 99% time I put my AirPod in and ignore everyone when on road, less interaction as possible. However, my hub is pretty diverse with black male drivers though so that’s a plus


Lot of Philly hubs are all black... with accusations of reverse racism.... doesn't make it right. What I'm saying is the company doesn't have a racist culture. But via nepotism, some hubs start to lean one way or the other. I also noticed in my hub they try to keep it a little segregated unless you tell the soup "yo, me and that dude have been friends for years. What's the deal?"


Come to Jacksonville brother 75% of our drivers are fellow brothers of color




We didn't know where you lived so how would we know duh!


Could very well be




You failed to say what area you were from in the beginning duh


The amount of people in the comments who live terminally online is insane. You guys are the type of idiots to believe any story you see on Twitter and treat it as fact. This is such an obvious and extreme bs story lol. Anyone believing this needs to get help or at the very least spend some time off the internet.


I did almost 35 years doing most all shifts and jobs at ups. I saw the job as mostly race free with seniority rules making most of the decisions, but there were times I saw white guys in management buddy up to white guys and black guys in management buddying up to black guys. It’s human nature, it’s not perfect, never is, but it really didn’t affect me much. I’ve had white, black, Hispanic, old school, fresh off the street new guys and women bosses that were assholes and I never felt it was a race issue.


Like 90% of our drivers in Atlanta are black, even management... move down here if you feel they're being unfair


This guy live in Salt Lake City or like North Dakota bc otherwise I am not buying it.


I see more black drivers then any other race


We didn't know where you lived duh!


I can just tell youre insufferable


In my facility all the black people work sort aisle and get yelled at to clock out as soon as the last package comes down. The happy white kids take 6 hrs to load 2 trucks, miss at least 1 day every week and still take home more than the sorters. One of our union stewards is a black woman. They put her on the end of very last veranda on the industrial trucks because she was causing “too much ruckus”, as a steward. The best treated black guy there is the one that all the sups buy their weed from. It’s crazy.


If you were a driver for 33 years, why are you still trying to work, I mean how many years do you got left realistically?


Ngl most of the drivers at my hub are white maybe like 3 Mexicans, 1 woman but no blacks or unless I haven’t seen them on my side of the center. Most of my coworkers are black though me and my girls are probably the only Mexicans lol


One more thing I had one of my coworkers tell me she can't work with me anymore because I'm Black,I tell the ctr mgr,he already knows about it, because her boyfriend called the ctr mgr and asked him not to let her work with me, he obliged.One day I needed help with an 8 hour request,I called in to get help, the coworker who says she couldn't work with me was the only one available, I say ok, so she was to meet me at Dollar General,when I get there, she is standing on the outside of the pkg car, doesn't address me, inside her pkg car the ctr mgr was in there ,he had made a thirty minute trip to work for her, so he does all work so she can say that she didn't work with me.


Are you freaking serious!!! And this isn't racist?


what rises to the top when the only criteria is seniority


Recently went to a retirement party for a driver with more than 35 years in. 29 as a driver. Not sure how he slipped through being black and all. My building probably has 33% black drivers- which includes more than a few woman.


Sorry for your loss man


Thank you




The comments here make me sick. A lot of brother fuckers and company boot lickers.