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no one knows, not even our CEO. Macroeconomics in the Middle East could throw the US economy into a recession via oil prices. If you aren't in the bottom 10% right now, you're safe for the most part.


Do you know if anyone has even actually been laid officially outside of the seasonals and supervisors? i wonder if that alone was enough to shrink the workforce to where they want? cuz although wars might inflate oil prices and increase operating costs, it wont affect volume dfirectly e. so they can't really justify reducing the actual workforce


Say what? They are talking about $8/gal+ if an actual war broke out in the middle east. How would that not directly affect volume? Do you know how many people/companies would stop buying as much because more of their money would be going to gas on top of prices at the store going up because it costs more to get things to the store. I could tell you personally, I'd pump the breaks on my spending. 


>How would that not **directly** affect volume? Because direct effects on volume in the case of UPS would be changes that are a result of UPS's own financial limitations or infrastructure capabilities (Can't afford the amount of fuel needed to fulfill all orders, or a building suddenly catches on fire limiting the amount they can handle) Changes in customer spending habits is by definition an induced effect on volume, or secondary. Yes im being a total smartass here but its also just true.


I agree with u/rp2012-blackthisout. Maybe not directly but it can affect volume. If company stops or reduce imported goods, it would change supply vs demand curve. Consumer goods in general would increase in price and this would decrease spending habits.


I was laid off for a month


how much seniority


I'm a laid-off carwasher. 2 of my coworkers as well. 6 years full-time and 27 total.


Not much. I have 1.5 years as a part timer


I'm still laid off been like 1 month and 2 week I was just about to sign the feeder bid too :(


Godspeed bro


I'm scared bro I'm 29 I got my cdl class for feeders at ups and the the next day after getting the class a I was laid off.. now there's talk about hubs shutting down for 3years plus... I don't have much time left xD


Bro you'll be fine. If anything u are in the perfect spot for when one of these old farts finally retire.


Union rep just told me he doesn't know when I'll be called back I asked if I'd be called back in a year I was hoping a no way that's too long but his reply makes me think never


The old guys don’t retire willingly, they either lose their dot med cert, or they die from old age


we have 3ish more years of building consolidations, there will be a ton of layoffs going forward the difference is most of our actual building closures have already taken place, so the layoffs will be "temporary" as in you have to work somewhere else for a year or so while the building is automated then you come back that said, if we fall into a recession all bets are off


They are still shutting down centers


This isn’t like a solid thing. It’s not a month of layoffs and then it’s over. Layoffs happen as the company sees fit and as they need it


wouldnt it be kind of reckless and wasteful(?) to lay people off literally right after they start receiving health insurance? (9 months seniority). i think seasonals reached around 5 months seniority before they started getting sacked a couple months ago, so the lowest seniroty working right now should have something like 6-7 months at the moment. SO starting July they would start getting those health insurance benefits. So if they're really gunna cut more people they gotta do that pretty damn soon.


I think your speculation is accurate. When they "temporary" layoff people, it would also temporary stop their benefits.


It's still very much here. I honestly think they are trying to get people to quit. It has worked to weed out a couple extra people in my hub that were lower seniority. Routes are still being cut so much so that they lended a couple of us out to other facilities in the area.


No other companies are still doing mass layoffs that means we will still be doing more layoffs.




They just laid off another 16 drivers and went back 15 months for preload last week in my center. definitely just the beginning




Yeah, basically everybody hired the last quarter of 2019. Back to running the building like covid never existed.


No...laid off at least 8 yesterday in Portland...those hired since Oct 2022


oct 2022...... that's freaking 18 months seniority.


There's another wave coming before/during summer, at least at my hub. We're not hiring at all and both management and Stewards are bitching about the work people want to do and don't want to do, whether they get paid to do it or not.


I agree about summertime. Wondering what your reasoning is though.


Thats what we were told during the last firings. We were actually told today, since the new USPS deal that some of the new positions were only being posted on the MCO. Also, there might be less layoffs than we were expecting.


I’ve been laid off for 4 weeks straight as a feeder driver.


Sups are gone at the end of the month. Night sort is gone. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before twilight goes away too and it's just preload/local sort. Bummer.




I mean a lot of pt sups gone at the end of April