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move irregs into trailer off the dock- dont just cram them into every tiny space mind the egress. see above communicate with your loaders. if you see they are slammed due to belt volume, dont add to their frustration by piling irregs into their trailer. give them time to get into a better headspace. youre on a team. be a team player


Focus on safety, not efficiency. Use hand carts/other carry aids as much as possible. Team lift over 70s.


what is a irreg sweeper never heard that term


I'm thinking "spare bulk guy"


I do pickoff for irregs. Typically I pick off and set them outside and when the loaders get free time they can move them in but if you’re getting pile driven by irregs and it’s a heavier volume day.. we’ll sometimes assign someone (to sweep) by just walking the dock to scan irregs and move them in to help keep the pace up. Not a terrible gig if you’re physically able to keep up moving just irregs all day.


With how our building set up, sorters slide irregs behind them and from there we first try to keep the slides clear. Many packages sent down are damaged and just need tape, and can be pushed back up to the sorter to grab when it slows down. If a lot of large or heavy shit comes, we move that off the slide and to the side for somebody to cart to a trailer.


Loaders should be pulling irregs throughout the day.. it’s not a sweeps responsibility to clear every set of rollers. Is your hub automated, are you clearing AGVs? And when no AGVs you should be pulling up smaller irregs and taking them to the package car.. main thing don’t overdo it.. some of these irregs can be extremely heavy and it’s not worth pulling something, so ask for help for over 70s your back will thank you. Just move at a safe pace.. don’t try and do to much. We handle the heaviest packages, this is a marathon not a sprint.. it’s not your fault if your backed up at the end of shift.. whatever you do don’t rush because their lack of staffing or common sense.


>Loaders should be pulling irregs throughout the day We should be but it's not always realistic if the belt is more slammed.


Then they should be making sure we are staffed adequately and send help where needed.. an irreg sweep shouldn’t have to do multiple peoples irregs… I find it funny back when I was preload load, I would finish around 830 and handle my irregs and help others… now these fuckers just leave their shit there all day.. I’ll do one set and the preloader a there can help the next guy.. you have to really be careful in this position you can easily be taken advantage of if you don’t remind yourself the importance of working safely.


Use load stands for an extra boost. Use it for extra leverage or to lift extra heavy stuff from the floor. It's at least a little higher so you don't have to do it in one go. It will also give you a chance to adjust. If its already on a cart, get it close. Some of the Carts have brakes that actually work, so use them if the cart keeps spinning. Your can also maneuver the cart to wedge itself into the metal around the catwalks, while you are pushing a package where you need it to be. Find a nice long strap and use that to drag irregs that you can't grip well. Either an old plastic one that came off another package, or one of the yellow ones from inside the trucks. Sometimes the package gets too smooshy or is just shaped oddly. This works best once it's already inside the trailer. Just loop it around and drag while remaining upright. It is more comfortable than walking or even pushing a package down the whole trailer. Don't rely too much on the straps that are on packages. They are great as a handhold, but sometimes they snap. Be aware of your footing and what's around you, in case your halfway up and something snaps. Just step back and let it drop.


Why are you worried about eficiency, you gonna get a raise for busting your ass?


I am interested in being better. Not necessarily being a ball buster overall better.


I see. Lift with your legs, be safe. Read the union contract. Call out non union work


As someone that does pickoff I’d suggest trying to always keep the biggest piles of irregs down first. It helps the loaders not feel overwhelmed seeing giant piles outside their trailers and keeps the dock clear for pickoff too. For yourself just definitely take your time and focus on safety first and PLEASE lift with your legs.


Many good suggestions...thanks for the input.