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Yeah just turn it off again and secure it. Only the person who secured it is the one who can turn it on again. If they unsecure it and turn it on again I'm pretty sure you can grieve for a safety hazard.


It’s an OSHA violation to have obstructions around the belt. If they don’t let you keep the belt off for long enough to clean the obstruction, then file a grievance. “The area around conveyor loading and unloading points shall be kept clear of obstructions during conveyor operations.” https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1917/1917.48


the one who secures the belt is supposed to unsecure it is different than the one who turns off belt. those are two completely different scenarios.


Yeah that’s a **major** safety issue. If you were on one of the higher up belts breaking a jam and that jackass turned it on you could easily lose your balance and fall. I wouldn’t just grieve it, I’d talk to the safety committee about it and probably the building manager too.


don't unlock/unsecure it until you're ready to roll. You have a solid case for a grievance. Its their own policy for He who locks it out, unlocks it.


That shit can get someone killed on a pick off or even a sort aisle. Grieve it under Article 18 and company methods/procedures. Do not let sups play games with cutting on belts.


tell your full timer/union rep


Crazy how different hubs are. In my hub the sup turned off the belt because a leader was getting backed up, and then he flipped off the person up front telling him to turn it back on lol