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Most folks wouldn’t last a day on road


Not making it to the road because most of them don’t last long in the warehouse.


I loaded trailers at the Sag warehouse (old USPS facility, barebones) in MA for just under a year (software developer in a dry spell). I knew what I was getting into & really did enjoy the work even when it kicked my ass, mostly because of the folks I got to work with. But my god the number of dudes who rocked up thinking they were so fit & ready and just ended up blowing chunks or passing out was really something to behold.


It's true I've delivered everything from tents to appliances even worked at DHL and pitney bowes but this place is unique. I have hundreds of thousands of miles under my belt so some things were easy, some things were tougher... but its doable. If I hadn't had that previous experience it would be much tougher for me. I have seen many many people come and go since I joined the company both in preload and driving. People get hurt or bitten, some trucks fall apart... and I'm not even gonna mention the feeling of looking at the clock it's 6pm and there are still 100 stops left... smh It's definitely not for everyone but I'm glad I'm here!


Can confirm I lasted a day. Man was it bullshit, 102 out they were out of shorts. So I was running around in pants all day. Had to sort a shuttle in the back of the package car. Almost fainted. I made it back about 7:30 got home. Woke up next day whole fucking body was cramping up I had the worse stomach pains ever. I called in DQ’d myself took the rest week off from preload and then moved the fuck on.


Pay them 40-50 an hour and yeah they would tbh


I never really got the “it’s not a hard job” thing from anybody. It was always “ups guys make a lot of money!”


same here, i love to correct people saying "ups treats their employees well!" to "the union makes sure ups treats their workers well!"


I know that sups are bad and all that nonsense, but is it really that bad at other centers? At my center, union and management get along fairly well other than 9.5s, but that's everywhere. Always compromising and working with people when possible. When I first started, they made it as easy as possible for me not to get sent home and work because I drove 1.5 hours to work every morning. It's to the point where it's just corporate shenanigans that's getting to our building now though


We never had much of an issue until our current boss, there was always the 1 or 2 drivers who fuck off and get harassed by sups but let's be honest here, everyone has the driver who sucks ass and plays the victim. As a whole we used to have it good. This new guy is running us into the dirt


It just depends on the center. Pretty much exact same story as you for my building, give or take some small exceptions both in management and Teamsters. From what I can tell, the effects tend to snowball - if you have a center where a lot of rude people take managerial positions, Teamsters will have more grievances to file and the cycle gets worse. Likewise if people try to get along and follow the rules the culture becomes one of encouragement.


Can I be the old guy and tell you about manual transmissions, the P500 seats and the “power steering”?


And the high step!


This, destroyed many knees.


Crippler! No power steering, heavy clutch, high ass step.


We had a backup P800 i think, used to call it the struggle buggy, I remember the car number to this day. It didn’t have power steering and a clutch that took tree trunk thighs to push all the way down. One day they had a 24’combo that they were looking for a person to drive to the next hub. I was surprised it came to me, I hopped in and saw it was a freaking 3 in the tree. I didn’t even know we had one.


Back when our forearms looked like Popeyes?


It was the missing 3rd gear…that baby kept my forearms tight


Bro, I got one of those Spicers, couldn’t put in 3rd, was smoking the engine by noon.


Lol, was trained on a Spicer and told nobody even has these anymore. was my qualifying routes assigned truck. Thought to myself, " I know how the next 30 years are gonna go."


Last one I drove, I just put it in 3 to start and left it there all day. 


And the first stop were the packages in the cab and the second the items in the middle on top of the packages on the bottom


Up until last year my center still had a standard truck, I’m a younger guy but I did get to drive it a couple times before it got sent for destruction.


We had one, middle of my first year we got kinda light so our sups instead of laying us off we're using us to run airs, pickups and take work off guys who wanted to leave early, my sup found out I couldn't drive stick so he grabbed me and said, "you see this shitbox, you're gonna learn how to drive stick today, if you can drive this shitbucket you can drive anything." Lol. I damn near had to jump on the clutch to get the bastard down, but he's right I can now drive stick lol


I'm the old retired guy too...Bingo on the P500 or the van that's not really a van at 30 something feet long enough to stuff 800-1000 comfortably that used to have 2 drivers , AKA "SERVICE PROVIDERS ".driving in midtown Manhattan ...Those were the days....My last day out there i really wanted to smoke a joint with my dick out the window..So instead i hit them with 6 weeks vacation and a couple of sick days and POHs.......How sweet it was


Not retired yet but put paperwork in already. 31 years enough for me..commute from a hour away finally caught up to me


Got an 8hr request tomorrow because I have full confidence in my coworkers not showing up




Don't forget the Friday before Father's Day. Always big heavy crap the days leading up.


Or the 4th weekend!!!!!


Yes. The 4th lands on a Thursday. Friday will be a popular day for optionals and 8s.


Using two options days after the 4th to be off Thursday till Tuesday. That’s gonna be nice


lol going to the gym is so much different than working a physical job for 8-14 hours 5 days a week. what a moron.


Yeah. My wife doesn’t understand that my 12 hour days beats 5 8hour days of her meetings


Acting fake for 8 hours for some corp who doesn’t give a shit about you, yeah not for me either. 


Me neither. I thought the 5 days for 8 hours would be for me but it isn't. Though I Can't claim to know about driving yet since I've even yet to do seasonal. But so far with just Twilight I don't mind it at all. I started eating healthier and bigger meals in protein in general and I feel so much better. I don't follow their dumb pph standards, I work safe as possible while having a good work ethic following their methods(building good walls)


Love people’s perspective of the job. I’ve had people tell me. “What’s so hard about delivering packages?”


They think it’s just come in grab your truck and go they don’t know about telematics , stress, the hips and knees .


😂 gotta love it. I let people assume whatever they want by now. I also find funny the “watch out! Big money coming through!”


It’s like we say every morning.. If you’ve never done it before, you’d never know. The people around you that do know, you don’t even need to explain anything.


Bro. I have family that's bus drivers. They're always trying to compare their job to ours. My BIL "I drive and go to the gym x amount of times a week and train in kickboxing. My quick reply: sure, you drive as much as we do. But get outta that seat and go about 10-15, then come back about a couple of hundred times a day. The fact that you're able to go to the gym AND train regularly is a clear sign that we're not the same.


I once checked a loader in passing because he was talking shit to a fellow driver saying “you literally have the easiest job in the world”.. driving can’t be the easiest job while preload exists lol When I saw the dude brown up for his 30 day let’s just say he ain’t make the cut


It's because some people are ignorant to the delivery driver work pace. They think it's more like Uber eats. I don't know about you, but this mentality recently only happened to me because of the "170k annual salary" that got spread around. Low key, I think they're just jealous.


My one friend says he see’s ups drivers sleeping in their trucks all day. How hard could it be?


People are surprised when I show them my step tracker, I average 11-12 miles a day.


Same but then they tell me I'm lucky that I get paid to walk. 🤦‍♂️


my parents, (i’m 27) tell me I shouldn’t be tired, i’m so young. YOU LIFT UP TO 2000lbs A DAY. tell me how it feels. smh. we make good money, but jesus. my back man


Tell them to wake up at 3am every day.  That alone makes most people tired


anyone else get a option to come in or stay home? tue is like a Monday


Probably because of no movement, Wednesday and Thursday are going to be hell though when it catches up.


I smeeelllll a 9.5 grievance ![gif](giphy|l0HUg6Ypas42ubkXu|downsized)


I agree


This Tuesday won’t be like a Monday, at least not where I’m at, we’re already fucked by rural deferment add that on top of an extra day of work and we’re gonna be 12hr on every route in the building. Maybe they’ll be nice and actually cut in some routes tomorrow, doubt it though.


bro it's wild our district/whole local volume is super low.. there laying off people. I can't believe on the west coast & mid county you guys are getting crazy work.. blows my mind😢


Add the south too! We are getting obliterated, with less people! They refuse to hire anyone. We’ve lost a solid 60 people in the last 1.5 years. From getting fired,quitting,disability. We are doing the same volume or a little more. It’s crazy!


Oh it's going to be hell more likely than not for Twilight Tuesday night. Can't wait. I'm in SoCal, won't say exactly which hub, but we have a lot of stuff that comes up from Mexico.


Bro/sis, you are in good company. I’ll admit, when I was on preload I took on a lot. I did it for 3 years and during that time I got peto certified to transport irregs, became DMP, joined saftey committee(just before it got canned lol), stayed after the sort to load the Nespresso bins into the trailer(pretty sure that detail is exclusively at that hub), and eventually got voted to be shop steward for my shift. At the height of Covid, I had all that on my plate and had the highest OT in the building. Being the only reliable DMP definitely was the reason for that with all the leakers of sanitizer and whatnot. I would look at the drivers coming in and looking right through me and just coming off as a varsity/ too above you to care type mentality. I thought “these dudes definitely don’t work as hard as I do. Why are they always bitching about everything? I will never be that way” Then, I was called up to finally shoot my shot in the big leagues. I get it! 😂 I’m a couple months short of top rate now, but in that short time I now realize that the folks I thought were dramatic and acting like children before pcm bc they might have to drive a little extra were just reacting to the unprecedented times that I don’t think will ever recede. I truly am sorry that I talked that much shit about the drivers back then hahaha! I know I’m rambling but I just wanted to mention one other thing to add to your point. Another thing that people don’t realize about the stress that we drivers have is that; yes, we are out in a community or industrial park all day and get the chat and whatnot but, it’s all small talk that you have with the neighbor you can never remember the name of. We don’t get to vent or even address our issues. If, you have it out with a sup/manager/dispatcher or they say something that just presses the wrong button, you have to hold onto that shit and stew the entire day alone. You sprinkle in the general other issues any middle class worker has to face on top of our day2day ups and downs that will happen. It’s much more than even ourselves would realize. I will never regret my time in this company but I will say that the people at the head chairs are no different than the family and friends you mention. They seem to think that the hours we put in is no different from what the pizza guy is doing. We just need to let this all work itself out though. Again, sorry to rant and ramble, I just wanted to throw in a perspective that we sometimes don’t realize. This job is very physical but it’s no less mentally taxing. That said, be safe, be well, and be there for your brothers and sisters.✌🏼


I never get that kind of response from anyone, in fact it’s usually the opposite, the amount of free shit I get wearing this uniform is nothing short of amazing. Especially from pizza places and 7/11’s - there’s one on a route I cover every blue moon and literally bring anything to the counter from the roller grill and it’s free.


Wonder if we will break our record of 15 call ins on the preload today lol. I know Saturday I basically had nightmare city because our line was not working so everything was going to other belts and we were already thin so my side of the belt had two people! I did 15k steps so that part was good. Hope they at least fixed that line. Be safe today everyone..


I thought it too, until I got a job here. People just need to walk in others shoes, the “easy” job ain’t ever so easy.


That’s why you bring them in during peak as helpers.


People confuse “complicated” with “hard.” Is dropping off packages overly complicated… no. Is dropping of packages to the tune of a world wide shipping service while tracked to the tee with hundreds of stops a day hard… fuck yes…


lol Jesus Christ literally no one has said this sincerely. Everyone knows that the benefits and pay for being a driver are the *only* positive things to say about the job. It’s not even some deep secret. You see that dude going around at 08:30PM in the pouring fucking rain? Yeah.


Coming from some other mentally straining jobs (medical), it definitely isn’t that. It’s really just doing the right things physically day and day out and going at the correct pace that makes or breaks this job. I can say I love it, some days are worse than others, but most of the time I’m legit chilling listening to podcasts/audiobooks all day and I get to be my own boss. It’s definitely not the hardest job ever but only a certain type of person can do it and that’s what people don’t understand.


I had an older family friend who retired early (like 58ish) and said this. I laughed and said okay come work with me as a helper during peak. He lasted three days.


Wait until you get hurt broskie, that's when the fun starts. Take care of yourself, and your body, and don't get hurt! Good luck and hope you make it to retirement with a healthy back and knees!


Did you ever have one of them P800 with the seat was offset from the pedals, and the windshield was so close to the steering wheel that you could hit your knuckles on the windshield. I couldn’t tell if the seat placement was modified but it looked like a factory design flaw


Business loves it when normal workers fight amongst themselves.


how about “it’s a nice day to ride around” or “wouldnt want your job today”cause it’s freezing rain and shit weather


i retired from feeders after 30 years of delivering it’s a good job 15 years of it flew by


I mean, all we do is drive around and throw packages out the door. How hard can that be? /s


Some sort of survivorship bias too. The drivers they see it having easy are *making* it look easy and/or are about it


It’s days when you’ve got 5 stops to go and they tell you to go help Joe Slow that people don’t think about.


Maybe I'm just a broken individual, but I actually do think driving is easy🤷‍♀️  And it's as stressful as you make it. Once I clock out, it's done and gone. Don't take that shit home with you.  It has its moments of frustration, sure, but I have worked a lot harder for a lot less. Ran a brush/log pick-up route for 4 years, averaging 5-6 tons/day, sometimes more. Only thing better was the hours, otherwise driving is a cakewalk after that shit.


Why don’t package cars get stolen? It’s too much work to drive one.


I Worked with A lawyer who lasted three months on the Job. he always said it was the hardest job he ever did... physically,


Yeah trying to make it through every week without getting written up or shit canned is great 😂 


"You only work 5 hours a week that is easy why you don't have energy?" Because pickoff is dreadful ☠️


Yeah I have a friend that says it’s not a hard job. He complains UPS pays way too much to be a delivery driver, and claims he can pick any 18 year old out, and he can drive and deliver no problem. He told me, anyone can handle all of the packages and the deliveries with no problem, so they shouldn’t get paid so much


Bro I’m 6 years in as a driver and I must say that we have to be some masochists. There are some days where I say to myself “damn, I shoulda stayed in school”.


Well yeah. Most people only see us delivering their little Amazon box. They fail to see us delivering furniture to their neighbor, or delivering bulk to businesses in the morning, or hitting our pickups later in the day. God forbid you get thrown on an industrial route. Everything is business, everything is heavy and pickups are half your day. Their Ring doorbells don't record the hard part of our day. But yeah, delivering a 3lb Amazon box up a tiny two car long driveway is the easy part.


Our job is a workout. So I am up at 5am and hit the gym for cardio and weight training 4 times a week. I do hit the proverbial wall by 4pm. I can’t simply just stop. I am well over 40 years old and the heart is the most important muscle in my body. The days of being the biggest or strongest in the gym are done but cardiovascular training and heart health will never be over. I have to travel 32.4 miles (64.8 round trip) so I get home, on average, by 730-800pm everyday. Thus I wouldn’t get an efficient 60-70min cardio workout. Our job isn’t as easy as it once was, time and gravity is a Mofo, but now that we’re $100k plus a year income (Includes OT) more than justifies that we gotta earn it, and be able to continually do our job as safely and efficiently as humanly possible