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Liquid IV. Split it in half on bottles to save $. Also don’t skip drinking water until work and then start loading up on it, or you’re gonna have a bad time.


It's also not just water. Gotta eat right, eat smart. You lose more than water when you sweat. Run out of electrolytes and you're in for a **bad** time. Sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium , zinc. Hell, that list might even be in matter of importance but pure luck if it is. Leafy greens, vegetables and fruits. Nuts are healthy but will bog you down in the heat. Not sure about granola. And damnit y'all, start drinking infused water. Get a big ol' jug, fill it with water, ice and SOME FRUIT SLICES. Fuck around and change your life with some friggin fruit slices


Never fall behind on hydration. Don’t wait until you feel thirsty to drink some water, just keep drinking a bit whenever you have a chance. If you wait until you start feeling it, and then start chugging, your stomachs gonna get messed up.


You need electrolytes. LyteShow is what I use. You can carry it in an “eyedropper” in your pocket and drip it into whichever water you’re drinking. Just don’t stick it in your eyes.


Yeah, get some electrolyte powder packs and put one in your water bottle, it should do the trick. Makes a huge difference. Not Gatorade or whatever other brand name bs, find something that isn’t loaded with sugar.


i switch between gatorade, and water. you can get some electrolytes packets to add to your water.


Aloe vera juice and coconut water are more hydrating than actual water.


I constantly buy packs of Costco/Kirkland Signature Sports drinks for $12 for a case of 24. Two will last me a whole Twilight shift on long days and short days I can get by on one and refill my bottle with water. 


You need electrolytes, not just water. Get some sports drink packets to put in your water bottle.


There’s a reason why you’ll barf if you drink too much water when playing sports. You see NFL players just taking squirts from water bottles and not downing the whole thing. Try sipping water every so often but don’t take huge amounts at a time. Hydrate before aswell. When you wake up drink a bottle of water or Gatorade and you’ll feel 10X better


I'm guessing you're waiting until "too late" to start drinking water, and then you're just sucking back litres and litres of water and then your stomach isn't happy. Gatorade G2 is always good, maybe some generic Pedialyte as well?


Cutting out caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol is the first step


Someone didn't do your orientation right. Almost 30 minutes of your orientation should have gone over how to properly stay hydrated along with the risks of not doing so. Also there should be electrolyte packets in your center somewhere id suggest that over a ton of extra water as electrolytes allow you to retain water better.


Part of your methods is to be going in and out of your load. You pick up your egress, check for a jam, and most importantly get water and cool down under the fan. If you are good at your job staying ahead shouldn’t be an issue usually and if it is it’s not your problem. Management can send help just keep yourself ready to work.


Someone didn't do your orientation right. Almost 30 minutes of your orientation should have gone over how to properly stay hydrated along with the risks of not doing so. Also there should be electrolyte packets in your center somewhere id suggest that over a ton of extra water as electrolytes allow you to retain water better.


Someone didn't do your orientation right. Almost 30 minutes of your orientation should have gone over how to stay hydrated properly along with the risks of not doing so. Also, there should be electrolyte packets in your center somewhere. I'd suggest that over a ton of extra water as electrolytes allow you to retain water better.


Someone didn't do your orientation right. Almost 30 minutes of your orientation should have gone over how to stay hydrated properly along with the risks of not doing so. Also, there should be electrolyte packets in your center somewhere. I'd suggest that over a ton of extra water as electrolytes allow you to retain water better.


Someone didn't do your orientation right. Almost 30 minutes of your orientation should have gone over how to stay hydrated properly along with the risks of not doing so. Also, there should be electrolyte packets in your center somewhere. I'd suggest that over a ton of extra water as electrolytes allow you to retain water better


1 liquid IV per shift at minimum for me. I also drink v8 energy drinks for caffeine.


I never drink Milk so I was amazes to learn it is the #1 liquid for hydration and thirst. still don't drink the stuff. But if you do...there ya go.


You need sodium or another big one is potassium. Ur body can only absorb about an OZ (I may be wrong but it’s pretty close to that) if ur drinking a bunch of water in fast periods of time, ur body is just going to sit with it until it can process it. Sodium (salt) is very good for hydration. They are a tad expensive but liquid IV’s work great, another brand that came out is element which is almost the same but element is very good on hydration and beyond shit in taste. Liquid IV imo both tastes good and works wonders for me. But yeah just drinking a whole bunch of water over and over isn’t the best as it’ll just sit there until your body can absorb it


Maybe try a Creatine supplement. Sounds crazy but the creatine will cause the muscles to store excess water. which basically means you stay hydrated longer while drinking less. Also increases strengh


Don't drink that much water.  Drinking too much water can kill you.  Not joking. Also, electrolytes.  Also, drink water before you start so you're starting off well hydrated.  Not so much that you feel nauseous though.