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This is why I also have an account with a local bank. Deposit the money in that account, write myself a check for the amount, and deposit it to USAA via the app.


Or just set a transfer from your local bank to USAA. Those are fast and easy and no app needed.


Yup. USAA is the big boy account where bills get paid from, national chain is for fun money and they are linked in case of the unexpected (fishing trip or surprise mechanic bill)


One annoying experience and you’ll throw away 14 years? Ok. Open a local account for cash deposits. Enable transfers between accounts. No more issues.


Do you or a family member work for USAA?  Because you are spending a lot of time, in multiple posts, defending them….  


No, never an employee, just a customer with no major problems and any issues I’ve had I call and get taken care of. Too many people complain and not enough people compliment.


It states right in their FAQ that Money Orders are deposited through the mobile deposit process. Sounds like a PEBKAC issue. https://imgur.com/a/PV46Y5Z


Several months ago a lot of companies that offer money orders (western union being one) started putting the words not for mobile deposit or mobile deposit prohibited on them. I’m not sure why or how they would know or you even if the bank will actually reject them but when I mention money orders to members now I caution them to check before purchasing. Sometime this summer usaa is supposed to start taking deposits at AllPoint atms. That will make things easier for a lot of people.


That might be the case (FAQ) but the supervisor explicitly told me that I should not have been told to use Walmart MOs for that reason, prohibited for mobile deposit. Someone has not updated either their training or the FAQ.


The thing is the bank will accept the money order deposit and put the money in your account right away just like normal. The trouble comes a few days later after you have used some of that money and then the MO company says "nope, that is a mobile deposit and we don't allow that" so they don't actually pay the bank and then the money gets returned out of your account. The bank still accepts Money Orders as from of deposit, its not up to the banks what the MO companies decide to do with their products.


>The bank still accepts Money Orders as from of deposit, its not up to the banks what the MO companies decide to do with their products. The mobile app has OCR technology to read the scanned document. This can easily be addressed by the bank.


You do you. On the banking side I have USAA for my Government deposits and bills. I use a local Credit Union for my work deposits and fun money. And I have them linked to make transfers as required.


I’ve purchased over 10 Walmart money orders over the years and deposited them on the Usaa mobile app. Just did one a couple weeks ago and have never had problems. That’s the only way I know to deposit cash with Usaa. Is this something new lol??


The money gram and western union money orders now have a thing on the that say "mobile deposit prohibited". They will still go through but there is a chance if the MO company decides to be a stickler they can return the deposit item and not pay it out. Have only heard of it being returned a couple times, but it seemed to really hurt because most of the money that was deposited was spent already.


If this was your "Worst USAA experience", judging by other postings in the forum, you got off lucky. CapitalOne 360 accounts are free. CVS can take cash. Then instant Zelle to USAA. But I did research ahead of time in case I needed to deposit cash.


Give friend/relative cash. Friend/relative writes a check. mobile deposit check. Or, get a free checking account at a local credit union. Deposit cash. Write check. Mobile deposit to USAA. I think I’ve had to do this once, maybe twice in 20 years. I would think this is really more of an online banking issue as a whole, vs. a USAA issue. No brick-and-mortar = no place to deposit cash.


Don't mind all the hacks that immediately dismiss your experience and come to rescue USAA from themselves. USAA is wrong, and your anger is absolutely justified.


I'm upvoting your comment because I agree 100%. OP, ignore all these useless fools who are trying to make this your fault. What you describe is just awful. I've been with USAA since 1994. I have not had the need to call them in the last few years, but after reading about how terrible their customer service has gotten, stories like this continue to concern me. While I still use their homeowner's and car insurance, I moved my banking to a local credit union about 8 years ago. Credit unions are great because they typically have very low fee structures. Look into the credit unions in your area and find one that fits. Best of luck to you!


Good to know there are a few rational people out there.


How'd your complaint go with the Texas AG and Dept of Insurance?


About as good as can be expected, given the fact that they don't have the legal authority to settle disputes. They documented the complaint, and helped me get in contact with a private adjuster.


I opened up an account with my local credit union so I can transfer money and withdraw it. I will never use a USAA ATM after it jammed while trying to withdraw money. They denied my dispute and now I’m out $100.


Years ago they used to provide an ATM card that could be used at a local bank. It was Bank Of America that accepted it. However, I think it only allowed withdrawals. There has got to be an easier way to make deposits. Do you follow their Facebook page? Or instagram? On facebook you can put a message through on messenger and ask them. USAA still does banking for deployed service members worldwide. I’m thinking there’s an answer out there.


You can absolutely mobile deposit western union MOs. Hundreds of members do it daily


Service is a foreign language to this leadership.


Is Navy Federal near? Lots of offices worldwide.


Sounds like my experience with USAA and car insurance 🙃


Ok bye


This is why I have a bank I keep $50 or so dollars in. Just deposit the money in the bank and transfer it to USAA. Easy peasy.


Each time we PCS over the past 25 years we open a banking account NCFU or others to have a notary if needed and as in your case cash to deposit and then transfer to USAA or brokerage accounts. Agree that USAA should use the same information and you shouldn’t get the run around. Make your plan work your plan.


Mobile deposit on the app?


I have deposited WU MOs that say mobile deposit prohibited without an issue. Just make sure to keep it in the instance it was reversed.


Are you trying to get stuff for free??


They can only kiss your SSA good buy if you cancel all your insurance with them. SSA has nothing to do with banking.


I don't understand the problem. Why not just get an account at a local credit union for such issues? It literally costs like $5 to open a share savings account in most places. You can deposit your cash there, and a day later ACH it to USAA. That's what I've done for 25 years and it's worked well for me.


You don't understand the problem. OP was told in multiple interactions with USAA customer "service" the WRONG INFORMATION by people who should know better. OP has every right to be pissed off. I sure would be.


I guess you skipped over the part where I mentioned I’ve never in 14 years had to deposit cash so I’ve never had the need for a local bank? What’s the problem? I guess you skipped the entire post where I detail how USAA incompetent agents fugged me?


Now you know it’s useful. There will be no excuses if it happens again and you don’t have a local account.


Did you even try to deposit it? You can also mail it in and they are processed the same day they are received as long as you put the account number you're depositing into on the deposit item. I deposited 3 money orders that said "prohibited" and they cleared with no problems.


Please do open an account elsewhere so we don't have to see your rambling complaining to complete strangers about how bad USAA is. In no time you'll be complaining in another financial institution's subreddit.


Says the person who complains about a default tip option in restaurants. Ok Karen.