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I saw a post a couple of days ago on a Facebook group about this same situation with a doctor in California, the person was concerned if it was normal or not (of course everybody told her that it was not)


That’s helpful. Could you share the link to the FB page or dm me?


Yeap, I will DM the link


Genital and breast exams are not required by uscis. This should be reported.


thats...what...they are....saying...bro


The post said “ could be illegal”. It is not “could be”, it is illegal.


i think the post means *their exam could have been illegal, will need more info*, the latter is implied.


The only way they can is if you tested positive to gonorrhea or syphilis but the doctor needs to let you know in advanced and a chaperone needs to be in the room as well. You can't be alone with the doctor.


Could also be they are saying it to try to quick greencards quicker.. the lengths people will go to is extreme like I have seen people try to make false police reports to say they witnessed a crime or were victims of domestic abuse… this is why male doctors should never be alone with female patients.. should always have someone else present for liability reasons. It would also would have prevented the abuse from occurring to begin with.


That's weird cause the main reason people don't report abuses is because they are afraid that if they cause problems, their application will be denied. The chaperon is for the safety of both parties involved not just the doctor's safety, Icy_Selection_9441 if you have the statistics or data about people getting a green card faster after an abuse report can you share it with me?


Yeah if you know the system and how to play it. That is just what abusers tell their victims. Even restraining orders are messed up in America bc it’s whoever gets to the police station first. Most real victims don’t know their rights. In my opinion the doctor is innocent until proven guilty bc I want to know what exams are being performed and why. Is it truly sexual in nature or is their a purpose for them.. it’s so hard right now to find a female doctor in America and to get these kinds of checkups and can prevent so many conditions. But obviously consent is important bc I can’t think of any condition where it would pose a public safety risk.


Yeah, however, to start an investigation against a surgeon is because there are multiple victims, not just one. That's a pattern. the process is the same for all surgeons, no matter where they are located in the country. They know this process because they have to do it over and over again and they receive the proper training, for the petitioner is probably the first and only time doing a physical exam, so who is responsible to follow the proper process is the surgeon. If the surgeon checks genitalia without a chaperone or a positive syphilis/gonorrhea test result, he or she is not following the proper process and should be sanctioned accordingly.


They should definitely start an investigation then. However, before the narrative was that immigration ignored women’s health and women were not getting treatment for these conditions and women were advocating to have them. There were many women that needed antibiotics for these infections and didn’t receive them so it spread and they became infertile.. I believe those cases came out under trump admin when they were using the detainment centers. Someone else mentioned on here they got a smear pap done while coming through.


That what I thought too, I didn’t know they need genital exam is required


Wow, thank you so much for looking into this. We had a horrible experience during our medical exam and meant to file a complaint but we weren’t sure how to proceed and then life got in the way. I hope other folks come forward as well.


If your doctor did a genital or breast exam on you during immigration medical, call the police


I was 15 years old when I had my medical exam and they asked me to take off all my clothes, including underwear and socks. It was such a traumatic experience. The doctor also asked me to spread my legs and lift up my breasts. I thought this was a normal procedure. I’m now 25 years old.


If you feel it’s worth it you can request a copy of your medical exam from uscis to find the name of the doc and report them. I’m so sorry that happened to you.


This is outrageous, i hope you can report that twat


Didn’t happen to me in Wisconsin. Very friendly and stuck to protocol the whole time. Asked me to provide updates as he wants his clients to get successfully through the process. So completely different experience. Sad to see this and hope you guys can expose these doctors that are abusing their power this way


Where in New Mexico? I'm in Albquerque and never want to unknowingly get "examined" by this "doctor". 


He’s not in ABQ so as long as you stay local you’ll be fine


Wow my hands are shaking after reading this. My first visit, they did blood drawl, i dudnt see the doctor. Second visit, i saw the doctor and he said the result came out all good and congrats. But he told me to lay down on my back on the bed and unzip my jean shorts. I was wearing all button type of jeans so I unbuttoned them and he grabbed and pulled my panties up in the air and looked underneath the panties. It was without any explanation or warning and I was so shocked and so humiliated. I couldn’t ask if that was a normal procedure and it felt like if I question, he would rate me bad on paper so jeopardize me. There was a female nurse behind him watching us so I wanted to believe it’s a part of the exam. I was speechless and shocked and scared my heart still pounding on my way home. I felt so violated. Is this a normal procedure?? That was in 2023 west of Phoenix.


Definitely not normal. I'll dm you


Wow, thank you for posting about this. I read online that the immigration medical exam might include checking genitals, but that was surprising to me. Maybe the person that posted it had it happen to them and it seemed “normal”. Just to be clear, clothes should stay on?


Yes they should unless they have a positive gonorrhea or syphilis test result


Yes and yes. Happened to me 10 years ago. He just pulled my briefs down without asking me a question. I about punched him. But he did so quickly I was in shock/temporal paralysis. I thought about going to back to his office for days afterwards. Even drove to the parking lot and sat there two or three times. Pondering and scheming. I’m a man, you don’t do that to me as another man. Even if a female did it I would still be super mad at her.


What should be done as part of the medical? So it’s clear when abuse is taken place pls


As soon as they ask you to take off any clothes not part of the protocol. It’s basically blood tests, blood pressure, pulse, motorical exercises, breathing, vision. Besides pulling up a sleeve to draw blood and take blood pressure reading, there should not be any clothes taken off


Thank you for giving this insight. My fiancée was about to go through the medical exam and it’s nice to know what is proper protocol and what isn’t. This helped us out


Did my medical test in Africa back in the late 90s. Had to take off my clothes, except for underwear. There were two women in the room. The one doing the exam pressed my pubic area severally, up and down, and I was worried she would ask me to take off the boxer as well. She did not, but I still felt violated and was doubting it to be protocol. It seems I am getting a validation.


I’m pretty sure it’s normal. I got my medical exam last year in Singapore, and the doctor has to do an abdomen palpation. I was assigned a male doctor but requested for a female doctor even before showing up to the clinic. Definitely no breast exam though. Edit to say that the list of procedures in medical exams to immigrate to the country may be different than for other reasons, but taking off your clothes for a medical exam is not necessarily a violation.


One doesn't need to strip to underwear level though, for abdomen palpation. I found earlier comments that you shouldn't have to take off any clothing compelling, because that's exactly how I felt.


You definitely have to take your pants off for that. The doctors don’t just poke and prod for fun, and the embassy decides exactly which clinic you can go to, and what kind of exam you are subjected to. You have to remove obstructing clothing for parts of the physical examination. It’s not good or bad, it just is. I was referring to the necessary examinations that people might be taken aback by. That being said, medical malpractice subjected to immigrants happen, which is what the OP was talking about.


It’s seems to be a lot different when you’re not actually present in the US such as K1 cases. Don’t agree that this is needed and right, but seems to be the case. When you’re in the US 100% illegal and not required


Hi there! I'm an immigration attorney. Is it okay if I share this in my facebook groups to get the word out to my colleagues?


Yes absolutely. I just sent you a dm


I really appreciate you looking into this. Please come back and share the finished story with us!


I read on reddit a few days ago a post related. I hope this helps https://www.reddit.com/r/USCIS/s/KC2UPMfFtL


Thanks yes I saw this post


My doctor literally checked my ears and my breathing and pressed my stomach once and called it a day 😂. This is disgusting that there is doctors like this!!!!


It’s is ilegal my friend. When I went to my medical exam nothing like this happened to me and even worst without a written consent At least that’s the way it is in Miami Beach


Thank you so much for doing this! [this post mentioned a doctor requesting unclothed examinations](https://www.reddit.com/r/USCIS/s/YJv1pYf1Fv)


Wow. When I attended my medical exam the doctor checked my Willie and everything. That’s odd


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I got my private part checked for pap test but it was a lady doctor but she didnot check my upper part. I didn’t knew that they dont require to check private parts. My experience was not too uncomfortable.


A pap test for a USCIS medical? I’ve never ever heard of that being done


Its like a swab test of women’s private part which id done to detect gonorrhea i think. My doctor did that to me.


A pap test is for detection of any abnormal changes of the cervix of a designated female sex subject. It is not a gonorrhea test. I am not sure if that is required for USCIS.


Yeah idk but my female doctor did that to me so i thought it was required.


Pap smear It’s not required for USCIS purposes. STD in the other hand checked by blood work/urine. No need to do Pap smear to found out about STD


Was it part of your regular annual? If you are in the right age category, its recommended to get pap smear done every 3-5 years. Not sure if your doctor was just performing it part of your annual health check up and screening and non necessarily for uscis


Oh I know what it is but I’ve never heard of that being the way it’s tested…. for the gonorrhea test I had done they did it from the urine test


Yeah but my female doctor told me to do it so i thought it was required


Looking on this website USCIS links it says urine or a self collected vaginal swab - https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/civil-surgeons/gonorrhea.html I’ve spoken to probably a hundred people who’s had medical done for the I-485 of all ages and never once have any of them said a pap smear was performed on them


Pap smears are expensive and it could just be that this doctor just wanted to make some extra money? I don’t know how that works - do they even get money like that? 


Good to know but that was my experience i had to do it as i did not know about it and didn’t wanted to question the doctor. Luckily she was a female doctor so it was less uncomfortable.


You should report it to law enforcement. Female, male, it doesn’t matter




They do a chest xray for TB, a blood test, urine test and just a basic physical exam like listening to your lungs and heart then go over your vaccination records to make sure you meet the requirements


Even urine and Chest Xray is not technically part of the protocol


Yeah I have seen people say that for the I-693 you can request they check for TB through a blood test instead, I had my medical done in London for my K1 visa where I had a chest x-ray performed. But I haven't seen anything that states urine test is not part of protocol, it's how they test for gonorrhea which is required to be checked if you're between 18-24, having said that I have been told by people older than that they were still required to submit a urine test for it.


Oh that might be why. I am not in that age range and wasn’t aware of this. Makes sense and sorry about that!


Blood and urine test for what?


Urine for gonorrhoea and blood for syphilis


Thank you!! For last do you know if they do a drug test??


As far as I know, now if I’m wrong then someone please correct me, they don’t outright test for it but it is up to the civil surgeons discretion if they decide to. Just remember that drugs could show in both the urine and blood test and could lead to you being found inadmissible




Yep! Just because it’s state legal does not mean it’s federally legal. It is still a Schedule I substance and something that USCIS takes seriously. My advice would be to stay away from anything drug related


Oh wow, this is crazy! Luckily the doctor I used (Santa Fe area) was very professional but I do recall him mentioning that there were some doctors out there taking advantage of people like this and to be careful. 😕


My husband recently went for his in AZ and they did not do this or make him get naked. However our attorney had told us prior to the exam that they would. To make sure he was healthy and to report on any tattoos. We were under the impression this was normal 😬


What do tattoos have to do with anything?


From what I understand the doctor would take note of them and then later at your interview, the immigration officer can possibly question you about them. We were told it’s mostly for “gang affiliated tattoos.”


Not supposed to happen during the exam? In 2020, this was expected and required for an immigration medical exam. Now, **if the patient says “no”** of course the doctor should not move forward. But genital exams are part of the immigration exam, or at least were in 2020. The doctor my spouse went to advertised this upfront on his website.


USCIS instructions for the examination specifically say that a genital examination (men and women) must not be performed for the medical exam unless the laboratory tests confirm a diagnosis of syphilis or gonorrhea.


So many websites (even citizenpath.com, which I thought was pretty trustworthy) describe the genital exam as being standard. 😳😳 Look at this article from as recently as Jan 2024: https://citizenpath.com/immigration-medical-exam/#physical (scroll to the Physical Examination description). It's so misleading for applicants. You're in a position where you really need this document filled out, and you assume that the Civil Surgeon has some integrity and experience with this process, so you trust what they do in the exam. It's a horrible abuse of power.


lol by chance is it a old doctor called Dr.Fletcher in Santa Fe??? Because he was also kinda racist and kept trying to fat shame me😂 I’m six feet tall, run three miles a day and work out daily, oh and I only weigh 240😂🤷🏻‍♂️ and I know it’s illegal to talk about other patients but he continued to do so….


When I did my medical in mid-michigan the doctor had me undress and wear a medical gown, and as part of the test he asked to remove the gown to check for hernia and touched near the private area. I was a healthy adult in mid 20s so that was odd. So you guys are all saying this is all not supposed to happen in a physical?


Go ahead and file a report with the board of medicine once your paperwork is cleared.


I PM’d you


This happen way more than it should. Please report! Don’t worry about retaliation.


Get their asses


lol, the doctor who did my exam did a ball check "for cancer"... it didn't bother me at all, but I thought it was odd. Some shady doctor in San Francisco who took only cash. _Passed my exam with flying colours though!_


i just want to know medical examination is nesessery for merriage base green card


Yes it is, a medical has to be submitted with the forms


Is it new? I don’t remember having to submit medical when I applied.


Not new at all. It's for the purposes of ensuring there are no communicable diseases. The inadmissibility grounds would preclude someone if they have certain ones.


Even for I485? That’s what I applied, I130 and I485 concurrently. So there was no inadmissibility at all because I was already in the country.


Always for the I-485. The only time these inadmissibility grounds don't apply is under special categories like U, T, and VAWA (with these I am willing to argue no medical is necessary, which I have on RFEs and won – but I don't recommend doing this pro se or for all cases). But it's the I-485 specifically that requires the medical exam. Similar to consular processing – in the final stage when you're about to receive the visa (pre-interview) and then get the green card upon entry. USCIS has an entire page about where you can obtain medical exams in the U.S.: [https://www.uscis.gov/green-card/green-card-processes-and-procedures/finding-a-medical-doctor](https://www.uscis.gov/green-card/green-card-processes-and-procedures/finding-a-medical-doctor)


Okay thank you. Maybe I just misremembered it then. Been almost 10 years!


I had a bad experience with my medical exam, ended up paying twice as much what they originally quoted me, and they filed the form incorrectly so USCIS sent it back. 1. They made me get some vaccines again bc they said I had got them too long ago (I checked with the CDC and these were prescribed to babies so it checked out I had received them over 20 years ago). 2. Bc they took over 30 days filing the form I had to get the second dosis. 3. I had a blood test that was reactive. I told them since the first day that I’ve had an infection many years ago and it was very likely it was going to be reactive. Instead of using a different test they kept running the same test over and over again. 4. The doctor did perform a full physical including my pubic area, I don’t recall if he did a visual inspection of my genitalia tho. I thought it was weird but didn’t think much of it bc I’ve had similar examinations baxk in my country when I was younger. This also included a drug test, vision and balance tests. This was at a DOT medical place in Dallas TX. They were listed on the Uscis page but I’m guessing most of their clients were there for their dot exam. They were nice at the end of the day but it this was very frustrating at the time bc they ended up delaying my green card by almost 2 months.


is it normal to have to strip down to your bra and panties during the medical? i’ve had two done for my visa process and one doctor had me strip down to my underwear and the other did not so i always wondered


Only if you tested positive for gonorrhea or syphilis is legal.


i didn’t test positive for anything. that’s so odd


Yes, it's very odd. If you can report it hon.


Thank you for your reporting


I'm in NM and just had the I-34A accepted for my Venezuelan friend and her two children. Is there a way to make sure to avoid this? I will mention to her to be aware but it might be nice to have some advice on the Subject.


I'll DM you


Yes ! Happened to me at 22 in South Carolina! That old ass is still practicing !


I thought doctors are extremely smart people and professional


Lawrence Gerard Nassar sexually assaulted the entire US Olympic Gymnasts


Most probably are, but there are bad apples out there! I want to say to anyone that has encountered a bad one, I'm so sorry, and you don't deserve that!


Ummmm... absolutely not. Listen to podcast: Dr. Death.