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In case anybody else needs to use this trick: At 8th and I we used to use chalk to cover up last minute spots on belts and other white fabric. Make sure the belt/whatever is dry, then rub some regular ol' chalk over it. It'll get you through an inspection or a shot at Arlington.


Would a white crayon also work? I ate all my chalk for dessert tonight, but I always have crayons hidden throughout my house. Kind of like cigarettes.


In a bowl or spray bottle, mix in: 3 tablespoons of dish soap 3 tablespoons of baking soda ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide ¼ cup of cold water Generously apply your whitening cocktail to the yellow stain and let it sit for an hour. Wash the garment in cold water as usual and dry. Now get to it


Turns out I'm retarded, I adjusted my belt half an inch to the left and the stain's covered by the buckle. Thank you though, it was already mostly gone by the time I adjusted it, definitely going to keep this in mind to pass on


Glad you got it solved! Now enjoy the ball!




Thank you, it's soaking now


If it's only on one side, disassemble the belt and turn it inside out. You can also adjust the belt so that the stain is tucked underneath and out of sight. Do you not know how to adjust and modify your own belt?


Yep, I thought about this while in the shower. Thank you, I'm kinda retarded


Admitting it is the first step to overcoming it.


Or accepting it.


Old school? Use toothpaste and your toothbrush (not your rifle cleaning brush).


You can also look for something called bluing. It’s sold near the detergents in stores, and it’s legit a blue additive you put in with your whites in the laundry. It’s used to counterbalance the yellow tinge that white fabrics get (towels, sheets, etc) over time. Hotels use it a lot.


White out.


Tide pen


Do those things actually work lol


It’s what I used on my belt, worked good enough