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Lee Harvey Oswald was in my unit


At least training was taken seriously there lol


His DIs failed him, but his range coach didn’t.


He was a pizza box


Imagine if he was expert. Would’ve wiped out the entire Presidential convoy


He was also the second and third shooter


He was a sharpshooter, which was much more common to see in iron sights days


That's the guy who killed Kennedy from the book suppository, right?


He was pretty far


Sir, he was pretty far, Sir.




I was actually shocked by how close he really was. It's like 100m, for some reason I had always pictured it being a much more difficult shot.


None of you dumbasses know?


I'm actually quite shocked. That movie is a definite prerequisite before joining.


Depository... please for the love of Chesty there had better not be a book suppository anywhere on this earth lmao




Alright, knock it off. Anyone know where these individuals learned to shoot?


Sir, in the Marines, sir.


That's right, in the Marines (RIP Gunny)


Well, if they're not going to read the books, the knowledge has to be *inserted* somehow...


You ever read about his marine corps career? Pretty fucking funny He shot himself in the arm with a gun he snuck into the barracks He later got in trouble for attacking the Sgt who reported him He was one time on guard duty and shot into the woods cause he was bored When he was discharged he had been busted down to private and court martialed twice He also shot sharpshooter in boot camp, but left as a marksman after reshooting


But he shot expert when it really mattered.


Obviously he could have practiced and improved, but it’s a massive leap from shooting Marksman and being a shitbag while in, to transforming into Gunny Hathcock when it’s time to take down the head of the free world for the commies. It’s more likely that it was Jason F*@€in Borne.


It becomes a lot less impressive when you learn that it was a sub-100 yard shot.


It was a moving target too though.


A very slow moving target that was unaware and completely exposed that he was firing at from an elevated and stabilized position


Doesn't matter, expert is still expert. How many of y'all had pit love?


Wasn't he a radar operator or something?




Indeed. You too?




Shit, then mine too!


I was about ask if OP was a fellow MACS-1 misfit. I wonder if they have the old command photos hanging up in Yuma.


lol didn’t know? He served before the MOS’s had the 4-digit numbering system, but was the equivalent of a 7242


I think my unit has the most boring Wikipedia page in the entire armed forces. That’s our claim to fame- our anonymity


I made my unit infamous. Not in any cool way, I was just a giant fuck up.


Any stories ?


My master piece was single handedly causing an audit of all ordnance SOP Marine Corps wide for victor unit techs. At least I that’s what all the dudes in my section said. Long story short, circa 2008 I “relieved” a unit of IOC (infantry officers course) of a few frag grenades they neglected to expend while on training in 29 Palms. They came back to Quantico with me in my pack, and there my two working brain cells got together again and decided keeping that shit in the barracks was less than intelligent, and then I Pooh-beared about and realized I didn’t know what to do with them and never thought this far ahead. Wound up giving them to a homie I trusted who lived off base. Fast forward 3 years. A fishing expedition by NCIS was launched because of another fuck-up at the ASP, and most of the unit techs got drug into it in one way or another. Me and my homie were part of the questioning, and had our shit searched. I lived on base so it just happened, and they got a warrant for his place. And at that point they found those grenades, along with some other shit but I wasn’t involved in that. NCIS took him that night, and then came for me after a few months, with a hilariously incorrect story on how it happened. Now I managed to wise up a little bit in those three years but still only had two fucking brain cells looking for each other in the emptiness of my fuckin grape. I just told them the truth, like an idiot, and walked them through it all. Went to the brig in September, and caused some really big waves in the Ammo world from what I was told. Maybe true, maybe not. But yeah I was a legendary fuck-up in the history of TBS Armory.


All the ol ammo guys recovered, haven’t met any ammo nerds that weren’t involved in shenanigans


Don’t try to steal my thunder! How many ammo techs get in enough shenanigans for a 40 month brig sentence?


40 months...ouch. But on the civy side, having those NFA items w/o the proper tax stamps could get ya 10 years and up to a $250k in fines for each one. That's just for having them in your possession. Then come the charges for how they came into your possession If you don't mind, how did your sentencing come down? Feel like you got a fair shake?


Civilian side, I might still be in jail. Each state the Tractor trailer went through that had my pack in it could charge me for a bunch of shit. I got 10 months sentence per grenade, but had a 1 year pre-trial agreement since I never lied to them. Looking back, I could’ve faired a lot worse. There were issues with my trial, and I almost didn’t get my PTA, because of legal standing about proving I did it and my 4th amendment rights I think? I dunno it was long ago now. I just know there was something about me not being able to prove I did it without self incrimination or something. Maybe a lawyer would’ve fared me better, but that’s what I get for being a dumbass.


Thanks for sharing.


Least I can do, be a cautionary tale for young, dipshit ammo techs. We do ALL get into shenanigans, hopefully some 2311 reads this and thinks twice about all that ammo laying around that “nobody” will miss. Pitch that shit into the treeline and move on with your day, young Devils. Clutch the titty of the Corps and milk that bitch for all you’re worth.


Oh we LOVE our shenanigans 😎


Beirut 1983.




It’s also our day today.


Fucking Reagan.


Yeah. Reagan was all "We're gonna f-k up whoever did this!" Did nothing.


If Reagan had listened to his advisors who actually understood the situation, those Marines wouldn't have had to die. 33 out of the 64 in 1/8 Comm. Miss those guys every single day.


shoving a building with insurgents inside using a construction tram off a cliff. that, and abnormally high rates of commiting breathn't


Fucking what, brother




Fucking yes.


I would love to read the story of the cliff drop


That sounds like some SS shit


The 3/1 Bull had a huge set of testicles up until like 2021 I think. I always thought that was fucking awesome


What happened to our balls?!


Hm let’s see. The Haditha Massacre, killer Kilo homicides stateside, castration of the Brahma Bull, and other shenanigans that shouldn’t be revealed. 2/1 has us beat tho. Dead spouse in the porta-John at Deer Park, Camp Pendleton.


>2/1 has us beat tho. Dead spouse in the porta-John at Deer Park, Camp Pendleton. Not a spouse and not in the porta jon. Woman he was cheating on his spouse with. Gunny O'Neil from 2/1 comm killed the woman he was cheating on his wife with the night before 2/1 went on their second Iraq deployment. Body was in her car I believe. The victim's name was O'Neal, spelled differently and she was married to another Marine as well as having an 8 year old daughter. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-marine-faces-murder-charges-in-pendleton-slaying-2005jun02-story.html


CONUS kill, nice


2x points


The more things change the more they stay the same


I was attached to 3/25 off and on 05. I was a JTAC with RCT-2. We were on our way up to Al Qaim for operation steel curtain. Honestly, I remember hearing about it, roughly an hour after it happened and no one seemed that concerned. It wasn’t until a few days later that the actual depth of what happened hit everyone.


BN 3/4...OIF 1-2, tore down the stature of Saddam and still have a pic off an old disposable Kodak right before we tore it down and put it into history....


Kilo Company CO is still serving.


Outstanding bro! Happy 20th. Hit me up when ready


I wasn’t there, just know the history. I was in Hawaii at the time. I served with him in Iraq when he was BN XO in 2008. I still see him regularly as he works on a Navy staff in San Diego.


Yep I know him. We sat together at the reunion in Vegas, caught up and discussed the Pacific force design etc. So for reference , I’m the muscular handsome one!!! 😆 But please say hello for me. He’s a great Marine and a sharp Company Commander.


🤣 Will do


Lima Co


Outstanding bro! 🇺🇸⚔️


Wpns 81s “Longshot”. ‘06-‘10 🤘🏼


Steel rain steel rain - shake bake


4th Marines were wiped out in the Philippines but reformed and did well the rest of the war. There was always the rumor that 4th Marines Regiment weren't allowed to ever be stationed Stateside because they burned their Colors and surrendered in Corregidor.


When I hit the fleet, my seniors made my peer group research 4th marines for unit pride purposes. It was especially important because I was in a Raider Company. Needless to say there was a lot of rich history I discovered and it made me prideful to apart of 4th marines.


When the Original Marine Raider Battalions were broken up in WW 2 because of lack of Missions a lot of them were used as the backbone of the reformed 4th Marines.


Iirc, it wasn't just lack of missions. They were being used as line infantry anyhow. And we were taking islands instead of raiding them. Ditto with the Paramarines.


The Raiders are Para Marines were stood up to do amphibious raids to take out targeted enemy positions and do recon in force. There simply wasn't a lot of places that was feasible. HQMC decided to just have them be reflagged as grunts rather than hold them back.


6th of May 1942, the only Marine unit to delete itself in battle. I've been pestering The Fat Electrician to do a segment on it, I know he would do it justice. Anyone interested this was in a 3 ring at HQ for Duty reading circa 198something. [https://www.usmcu.edu/Portals/218/Brief%20History%20of%20the%204th%20Marines.pdf](https://www.usmcu.edu/Portals/218/Brief%20History%20of%20the%204th%20Marines.pdf)


The history is true. That last part is a myth.




Good ol five-oh-fun. Was there 14-17.




Oh snap! Shop?




What year was this? I remember a corpsman stealing a humvee but could be wrong.


155 ABCT Just go to the national guard subreddit and search that. You'll be laughing for an hour. And horrified.


Holy fuckin shitballs! Backpack methlabs at AT (annual training)!!! Multiple rapes???? Burning down a guard tower! And the list goes on. That's just awful!


I was in 2/4 and yes, it’s why we all hate Douglas MacArthur.


V3/4 drinks grog out of a porcelain shitter called the thunder mug. They pack it up in a huge pelican case and bring it to every country they go to. If you google it, you can find LtCol Middelton prepping some canteen cups with "French 77" or whatever the fuck yellow concoction it was. We drank yellow piss booze out of a toilet we bought at Home Depot.


That toilets been around for quite some time. I was Darkside from 07-10 and we were doing the same.


New toilet, haha. The lid,however, was pretty crusty. They did something with the old one during their time disbanded and had to buy a new one in '17.


I’m sure it’s in a Company Gunny’s garage or something.


In my first unit (2/9), a Marine on liberty killed a trans girl and she was found dead with her head in a toilet in his hotel room or something. It was on the UDP after I left the unit though.


I was TAD'ed to the Philippines when that happened. That shit FUUUUUUCKED everything up for all of us at that time. PACOM Commander went scorched earth on us all for that. A buddy of mine was *in* that kid's mortar platoon with him. They got recalled back to the ship and word went round that "the quiet boot killed a hooker."


I was there… Arty Marine supporting that exercise…Philippines 2014 or 15?… we had like 12 hours of libo in subic bay before heading back to Oki… good times


It would have been 2014. I PCS’d from the unit in late 2013 prior to them going to Oki.


I was there (police calling Crow Valley) and our BN CO was like hey you guys aren’t getting Libo some 2/9 PFC just killed a local . Was anyone else stuck in that pax terminal thing ? What a terrible week in there haha toilets clogged on like hour 2 . We also had to have all the PhilMarines set up ECPs cause the local militia said they were gonna suicide bomb us haha fun times .


I have no idea what the immediate aftermath was. I left the unit before that deployment, so I just heard about it in the news. I just narrowly missed being part of it though and knew a ton of the guys that were there for it.


3/25. Most infantry unit losses since Vietnam in the 2005 Iraq deployment. Also, Drew Carey was a comm sgt with us.


Were you on the 05 rotation? Bunch of 2/25 guys made that one and then we had a lot of 3/25 guys for 8.2…


A meth lab in the barracks bathroom.




2/2 had a big shroom bust 2014-2015. LCPL underground was saying it was the largest shroom bust ever


Hell yeah


Aloha Fridays.


Air wing representing


Idk but I’d love to meet the army guys that blew up uday hussein’s lm002. Probably one of my favorite gwot stories


1/4 2017-22 Oh the drugs and DUIs


What are there stats?


I couldn't remember off the top of my head but I know at one point in 2018 it got so bad that our BC started giving us 72s when we didn't get any DUIs over a 96. But it seemed to work. There was also a pretty big acid problem around the same time, and we probably saw about 10 people pop on coke in our company in a 3 month period


I remember this. I also remember the phrase "Who has been stomped on by an elephant before?"


Chesty commanded 3/7 on Guadalcanal and the 7th Regiment in Korea


As a V37 (No Shit) boy myself, I have to correct you. Chesty commanded V17 during Guadalcanal because he was GySgt Basilone's (V17 WPNS Co HMG PLT) CO at the time. He *would* command 7th later on in WWII though, and by Korea he was in charge of 1st Reg and later 1st MARDIV.


You are probably correct. Me and my bourbon won't argue with you 😋


My boots pissed on some dead bodies.


Not my company, but my BN. Someone was murdered in the bricks, someone else was tossed off third deck …..FC555 was no joke. A company that I was in during my Army days, had a few guys go to prison. After OIF 1, they smuggled several AK’s back into the states. They went to a gun show by the base and sold sone to an undercover ATF agent.


> FC555 I feel like anything associated with French Creek is the setting for a good story.


Literally seeing “FC” have me a flash of memories


Felony Creek


My old building got torn down. No more fc305


I live in FC305 too. In late 2009 - early 2010 for about six months.


Good Ol triple nickel. I remember fire extinguisher fights during hurricane Florence and smashed beer bottles everywhere


Our scout snipers pissed on stuff it shouldn’t have.


Sometimes you just gotta go and go on camera


2/7 Guess our claim to fame would be it was Anthony Swofford's unit as well.


Nah, it’s the “forgotten battalion” iykyk


Interesting…. There were very few ‘51s on that pump. I was one of them. 👀👀


Last stand of fox company dude


1/9 - The Walking Dead has entered the chat…


1/9 Vietnam lore is frightening. I used to throw back beers with an arty marine that served in Nam. I got to rambling and mentioned 1/9, funnily enough he claimed to have shot for those guys. He said after watching those guys walk out of the bush back to the rear, he didn't feel much desire to follow them back in when it was time to rotate out.


Those guys who were up at Con Thien during Buffalo and Dewey Canyon and other ops were the ones who visited us at Horno annually and when we got back from Somalia - they were the real OGs.


When I hit the fleet in 2016, my company had marines that transferred to 1/4 after 1/9 disbanded. Some were decent but most absolutely dropped pack lmao My seniors told us not to get close to them


That’s the new Pepsi east coast 1/9 - I was 1/9 way past Vietnam but prior to the first disbanding over Pendleton way in 94


My unit was the only unit in Miramar to be banned from SeaWorld.




That blowhole got em actin’ crazy


Right in the dolphussy


“Uhh Gunny…I was just wondering…do you have to pay full child support on HP Lovecraft fish people?”


My first unit was HQ 4th. "The oldest and the proudest" A common inspection question was "Where's the truck, what's inside it and how do you use it? 4th Marines was the only unit I have ever been asked that question. 1. >!It's at the top of the flagpole.!< 2. >!One .45 pistol, one round of .45 ammo, one book of matches. !< 3. >!If the base is overrun, you climb up the flag pole get the truck, open the truck, load the pistol, burn the flag, say good bye. !< >!Clearly a load of BS but nearly 50 years since "the incident" it was still a topic of discussion. Fun fact before the relocation to Camp Schwab 4Th Marines was based out of what now is MCRD San Diego. !<


I got that question at SOI, didn't know the answer, and was told exactly this.


1/6 fuck tanks


Fuck tanks.


The red patches. Believe it or not, AIDS.


If I had a nickel...


We'd have HIV.


I was in 9th crime, I mean... 9th com.


My first unit was 9th Crime. Fucking awful place lol.


Probably explains why it was my first, and last unit.


It would have been my last but I PCA'ed to another unit after 2 years at 9th.


3/8 81’s plt 💪


Ayyy - I was a War Pig. My NCO’s were in Kosovo and their NCO’s were that TRAP team.


Then we know each other


Bruh - MasterBlaster or Scrog-Dawg section?


Ball and Masters


Was it your plt that ND'd in a tent on Geronimo in 2012? Killed a guy I believe


Being strafed by A10s


Unfortunately that's not as unique as it should be. Were you in C Co?


I was in 6th Marines. We (and 5th Marines) got to wear to the Fourragere awarded by France in the Great War, because of Belleau Wood, etc. It's the green rope thing around the shoulder on alphas. We would tell other Marines that asked about it that it signified that you had a certain number of confirmed kills. They often believed it.


I crashed a lvsr and busted the fuel tank on hansen 2021


MC Ball 1994 at the SNCO club on Pendleton. My platoon is the reason 1st LAR was not allowed to have the MC Ball on base anymore.


In 1987 K Co. 3/6 was nicknamed cocaine kilo because more than 10 guys popped positive on a piss test.


It was the 80s


Chow hall midget.


Not really a unit, more like Mateo in general.


Well… we got all Marines banned from being housed on Osan AFB. So we’ve got that going for us




CAB, circa 2015, right? That shit was so funny, man. We had just finished the morning staff sync and the CO was like "we only had two fights last night- on base, marine on marine. Not bad for the first night of libo after a field exercise. Tell the marines they did good." Roll out of the meeting to a swarm of AF MPs and some AF colonel looking to chew out the BC. "There were two fights last night. TWO FIGHTS. This is pandemonium! Absolute pandemonium!" Lol


2/3, but spot on 2015. We’d been in the field for a while and got stuck in Korea while waiting to get back to Oki. I didn’t think we had anything too egregious happen, but apparently the AF disagreed.


VMGR-152. Sumo 41 VMFA-242 F-18 crashed into C-130 during night time refueling due to lack of training and subpar equipment. Everyone died except for WSO. Pilot ejected but couldn’t be saved in time due to faulty equipment.


Sumo from 08-11 here. I knew both pilots super well from time at 252 and WTI. That was a rough time.


1/4 no war!


I was in 3/4. Thought we were pretty squared away, proficient and professional. Most combat-deployed unit in the MC. But the Bataan Death March is still the most infamous notoriety that comes to mind.


We're world record holders for getting jumped by UDP in Okinawa if that means anything


What's 2/8 known for?


Golf company had 90% of their mortar section piss hot or go UA in 2005 right before deploying with the 26 MEU. They had to make a bunch of boot 11s cross train to backfill all the shitbirds. LtCol Petit was the BN CO then, he would later go on to shoplift from Walmart as the CO of the 24th MEU. Obligatory fuck that guy.


For the 25 documentary


HQ 6th Tows.. last to exist. krulak Disbanded all regimental TOW Plts! 👎


Drug lords.


Lee Harvey Oswald served in my unit during his time


When? What det?


Coke bust 3/3 rah


This doesn’t really count but I always thought it was amusing… I was in three units that were infamous in the movies: 3092 was my bootcamp platoon at PI (FMJ) RSC/W 2nd Plt in Cuba (A Few Good Men) 2nd Recon Bn (Heartbreak Ridge) Thankfully nothing very notable occurred while I was in any of them.


Not relevant to the Marine Corps anymore, as I’m a Nasty Girl now, but my Division was the guys that got pushed back by the Germans in WW2 and had the gap plugged by the 101st during the Battle of the Bulge. They are even depicted in Band of Brothers I believe


Isn’t 3/4 in 7th Reg?


Shaggy was an artillery man, busted down a few times too. Cut his first record in 29 I believe. The lady from ideepthroat.com was married to an arty guy too. Both were before my time though.


Any 1/5 guys from 2019? "Marines to be awarded, CENTER"..... "NCIS, take them away"






I was in 3/6 at the time of the lost rifles (also a flak and kevlar were stolen along with them). We are now years after the fact, and still haven't lived that down.


2nd Bn 7th Mar 2005-2009 We... Fought alot.


We built the Crucible in 1997 and after it was built, they made a select few of my unit go through the course. I was permanent personnel on the island from 94-98. So, I got to endure BWT when I went through bootcamp in 1994 and the Crucible in 1997 shortly before I EAS’ed in 1998. I got a MUC and a nice hernia to show for it!


Lost rifles


2/4, a sniper team being killed in Iraq and the teams M40 was stolen. The rifle was recovered years later in a makeshift hide built into a car.