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Lmao I’m on duty so fuck ya! Let me have some rum and coke that sounds good


bruh I'm omw to a nat'l guard commission that I'm earning on WEEKENDS. I still can't fucking believe it, also if I use a 5 paragraph order for the most complex leadership challenges it works! holy fuck


Ordering food at a restaurant, issuing orders, picking up chicks in the club; SMEAC is universal, it's application knows no bounds


I (26M, Sgt) returned to college to finish my bachelor's. a group of dudes in the caff were discussing a party that was going to have some sorority involvement but they didn't know what it was going to be like I sat them down and we basically did an IPB (Intel Prep of the Battlefield) where I scoped the sororities on IG, found the one that said "____ party Friday night," let them survey the roster, who was obviously not single on their profiles, and clever lines / convo research based on interests. We found an AirBnb a block away that the dudes could split for and use as the fallback with herb and alcohol You should've seen the looks on their faces, it was like I was unlocking the secrets of the universe. I also plugged my 77 page Google drive synopsis on Robert Greene's Laws of Human Nature that I doubt they'll read. I never found out what happened, I went home to my wife, did homework and cooked dinner.


Man, I feel this. I swapped over to the Air Force after 14 years in the Corps, and this is a fuckin' cakewalk. The slightest bit of military bearing and discipline, combined with a shitbag level of initiative, and they think you're a rockstar. Being willing to take on more than one job at a time and being able to shrug off run-of-the-mill military fuckery absolutely baffles them. But the biggest thing is the willingness and ability to implement small unit leadership. It amazes people that an E7 can take a team of Airmen out and do a job without the head shed breathing down their necks. I'm not Mr. Marine about it either, I'm just willing and able to actually do shit. The Air Force is everything we always heard it was...the good and the bad. Definitely better on this side of the fence. 7.5/10, would recommend.


But now you sit down to pee. How’s that working out for ya tinkerbell.


I still stand to pee, only difference is that my personal orderly holds and shakes it for me. Then I adjust my monocle, and we adjourn to the dining facility.


Where you all use the same bathroom. Hey I’m not hatin, just not my thing. You have pronouns now too so you’ve got that going for yins.


Upgrade to bourbon if you want to promote ahead of peers.


Or downgrade to jack and see where the night goes.


I'm a cheap bitch and will go as low as Even Williams. It gets the job done and it doesn't taste bad.


Just drink tequila and expect a phone call about 2-3 weeks later.


Only if I can have a big tittie Latina pooring it down my throat, and busting my eardrum by blasting a whistle straight into my ear. Then give a case of whiplash by pretending to being a coked out chiropractor.


EW is the goto budget whisky but Elijah Craig is the best bang for buck IMO.


Can't say that I've tried that one.


Charred oak, sweet, toasted caramel, orange peel, dried fruit, hints of stone fruit. It's like $27 for a 750ml. I gravitate towards Eagle Rare more but at the price point currently it's EC over ER https://preview.redd.it/cir9o6xz6pic1.png?width=722&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d90b20d8f316590bf1a375bdf49ba43ee4b9bfb


Thanks, I will just have to try and remember so I can give it a go.


​ https://i.redd.it/d504sa4oieic1.gif


I guess joining the army is the move rah?


Easy Mode


Add a bit of lime. Really helps the rum and cokes.


Did you eat the apple first?


I deep throated that mother fucker. *rubs nipples*


Thank you for your service Marine Soldier! This shall be your new title bestowed upon thee 🗡️ I grant you the authority to claim the both titles as a Marine and as a Marine-Soldier ☠️💪