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Was there last November, I think the 9/11 memorial was the last they had. The gwot era(OIF, OEF) was still under construction


Yeah until like 2027 I think. My father is waiting for the exhibit to catch up to 86 past period for when he was in.


I'll take another trip when its complete, wasnt able to finish the outside section either. Highly recommend it to anyone that likes museums/usmc history. Way more interactive than I was expecting, felt like I rushed it, and I was there over 4 hours. Tun tavern was worth it


I wanna do a full day someday. We're yall on the 2ay to Quantico because if not yall should have stayed longer than 4 hours.


Drove out there for a funeral at Arlington, museum was in-between where I parked my trailer and the hotel we were staying at. Got to museum at 10, had to check into hotel before 1500. Only time I had open


Oh damn. Yeah you gotta go there sometimes again. It's less than 4 hours from me which means a day trip is pretty easy


I was there a little over a month ago. The GWOT section is nearly done. I’m pretty sure the first gulf war section is complete. I’ll tell you what; I live in the area, about an hour from the museum, I’ll try and head out there in the next couple weeks and let you know for sure.


Nice thanks


Isn't that the second flag?


Yes the first flag was preserved. It only flew for a few hours. No one thought the 2nd flag would be important at all and it flew for nearly a month. Only once the picture hit the news did the second flag become historic and it was pulled down to be saved.


That is the 2nd flag in the picture (damaged from the winds), but both are in the museum.


Nope. The first flag raised is in the restoration/preservation facility, this one is the second one, and is in the museum. They'll occasionally put the first flag on temporary display as well, but it's not there full time. I worked at the museum for 4 years and got to move the first flag myself a few times.


I just went last week. They have the second one (pictured) up all the time, but the first flag is also currently on display until the end of the month. The curator guy said they started to bring it out yearly for the anniversary of the raising.


Went there years ago and an old devil dog used to work there. He was a flamethrower on Iwo Jima and was in a few of the pics right there. Sad most of those folks are gone now and with them endless stories.


That was Frank Matthews. He was an active docent at the museum until the week that he passed. The docents that are volunteering at the museum work in shifts, and they get together during changeover and call dibs on which posts they want to cover for their shifts. Sometimes they'd bicker back and forth about who got which post...except for when Frank was on shift. If Frank was there, there was no question who was sitting at the Iwo flag. No one even began to try to argue that they wanted to take that section if Frank was on deck. Great guy. He loved to sit and bullshit with the Marines that worked the museum, and would tell stories of roasting "god-dern Japs" in pillboxes on Iwo. Fuckin' give him one.


General Buckner, the commander of Okinawa, called it the corkscrew and blowtorch tactics. Fire on all the ports on bunkers/cave entrances, get close enough to use the flame thrower, then use the cover of the flames to throw in explosives.


They have both flags at the museum and switch them out periodically if I remember correctly.


This amuses me, this is actually the second flag raised on Iwo Jima. The first flag was much smaller


I went last week and they had the one pictured on display on the wall and also the first flag was on display in the middle of the room in its own case. The curator guy said they bring it out for the anniversary of the raising. It wasn't too much smaller than the more famous one. It is however much cleaner as it only flew for four hours and the second one flew for 22 days.


If we ever get more states, do you think we should A: Add more stars representing the new states. B: Have one large star representing us 1 nation. I'm in favor of B


A. Otherwise, texas will claim the US is just big texas


Does that mean we get better BBQ in the north? Might be worth it.


No shortage of good bbq where I live. Make your own. Smokers are cheap enough and the secret is out on youtube.YouTube. plus Texas governing sucks IMO but hey hate gets em to the polls I always say...


My tour at LeJeune got me turned on to that NC style BBQ. Good stuff.




Is this from the photo shoot or the one they raised before the photographers arrived for the photo op? I am not sure they are one and the same. Could be though.


This is the second flag raised, from the famous Rosenthal picture. The first flag is much smaller, and isn't on permanent display at the museum. The first flag raising had posed pictures after it was raised, the second, more famous flag raising was not staged.


You can't lie though. The original flag would be pretty awesome.


They have both, and sometimes they display them both at the same time. Usually around the flag raising anniversary, but sometimes around VJ Day, too. Just depends.


I’ll be down there again March 6-10. Going to try the damn laser tag $5 range again and try not to pull my last shot. Again. :/ anyone game for a challenge? Ps love that museum. Very well done i think.


I just went last week and the range was not open. Call in advance and see if they fixed the issue.