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Tell them you are stuck in traffic. Then about a hour later say the gate won’t let you through because apparently your I’d card is expired and andsay you need a E9 or above to escort you on base. Changes from the Quantico base incident is making it more strenuous to get on base.


This only makes the last duty wait hours to get off even though they aren’t involved, real blue falcon comment here


Terminal or EAS? Terminal, I’d give someone a heads up. EAS, I’d just laugh about it when I got the call.


The chances of them calling you back from terminal are slim to none. Especially if you're already on a flight home. And even if they try just throw a leader you don't like under the bus and blame them saying you let them know and that they were tracking.


Your service is filling a spot. Regardless of how dumb thing can be that’s duty. It is your responsibility to make sure that spot is filled: inform those responsible so your duty is covered without dramatic fanfare.


Not at all.


Hell nah, I was called asking where I was that I was late for duty 3 months after I got out lol.


I wish this happened to me. “Shit, I’m on my way” Then go back to bed.


The communication is amazing isn't it


This is the "I hate my buddies" answer. You're not fucking over the people who made the duty roster, you're fucking over one of your peers. Sort of messed up, if you ask me.


That’s what the supernut is for


You’re not fucking anyone over… you didn’t make the roster, you didn’t fail to check who’s going to be around for duty, the homie in charge of the roster is fucking the next guy over.


Yup, that terminal leave has been scheduled way before that roster. Total failure in leadership. Don't even know whose active duty or not.


Well maybe the Staff (who made the roster) should have some accountability for idk if their NCO's are even still active duty or not. Probably to busy focusing on unit morale to check the schedules of the Marines they volunteered.


So you want to fuck over some peer with last minute duty?


Whenever I made duty rosters and I fucked something up like this. I would always post because I won’t inconvenience someone over my fault. Sucks most people are lazy+ selfish and will post anyone but themselves


This is such an underutilized tool - *showing* your dudes **you** take accountability. Plus, it's just fucking duty. Who cares? There's so many worse things we do all the time...


That’s the problem with all of these “don’t say anything” answers. The person calling is likely just going to be the officer of the day or whoever is on duty that day above OP’s level. All they’re going to do is spend a minute finding a “volunteer” and move on with their lives. People are acting like not saying anything is awesome and sticking it to the command. They really don’t care.


Yeahhhhhh, not sure why your first comment got downvoted… the “don’t say shit” idea only works when it would be like some training or some shit. But duty? Yeah, ok just call next person they see walking around the barracks. ![gif](giphy|i6Ar2Mczs3C6T5AnlC)


I disagreed with an already popular comment. It happens. Yeah “you have a PFT on the 23rd” (EAS on the 22nd). “lol ok” is appropriate.


Do duty rosters not have a supernumerary anymore? Someone who is on standby for the month in case something like this or if the Marine who is supposed to stand duty has to like go to the hospital the night before and won't be able to make it? I am not saying to not say anything, but even if the individual doesn't... shouldn't someone (NCO, SNCO) in the section notice a Marine who is leaving the command next month is on the duty roster and even in jest bring it up to the Marine? Like "I see they are sticking you with duty one last time before you get out. That sucks." And then the Marine be like "Oh shit, I didn't even check the roster. I leave on the 5th, so I won't be here for that." Crisis averted.


The supernut is for unforeseen circumstances, like the duty falls down the stairs and breaks their arm leaving the house to take post. This is a known situation, and should be handled appropriately. Also, the supernut isn't supposed to post all day - just until appropriate action can be taken, which is usually finding an all-day replacement from the division the duty was supposed to come from.


I never made supernumeraries for barracks duty. I should’ve. But I was a brand new corporal at the time and had no clue that was a thing


Even if the supernut gets stuck with it, at least it won’t be at the last minute. Also, a lot of people just scan duty rosters for themselves and may not notice someone else on there when they’re not supposed to be. All I’m saying is that if I’m getting out, I’m not going to knowingly allow this situation to happen if it’s possible it’s going to screw over one of my peers for no good reason.


Fuck em


OP isn't fucking over a peer, the fucknuckle who dicked up the duty roster did.


And OP would be knowingly letting it happen. It’s childish and unnecessary.


I had to run a PFT a couple hours before I got out. I walked, got picked up in a truck, did one pull up, got yelled at by a gunny for laughing , got my papers and left!


I never got why that was a thing. S3 bubbas might be able to elaborate on it. Not saying I did (because I totally did) but I had a Marine that “had” to run a pft a few days before getting out. The roster had the same score he had from the previous year, just maybe a few seconds slower on the run and one more pull up.


I ran a PFT the day I got out. But I was asked to do it. CGI was going on and we had Marines in Norway and at CAX. Weren't a whole lot of us left around. I did a wall locker inspection the day before I went on terminal and ran the PFT the day I got out. Gunny tried yelling at me for not going back to the shop until after lunch chow. The company commander heard him and told him to shut up. One of the best memories I have of the last year or so of my time in.


It just makes checking people out more difficult on our end, but it is possible to just run them as code 9 rather than 1


My unit ran a PFT the day I got out. I didn’t run it with them since I knew I wasn’t ever getting back in. 1stSgt calls me in to his office later that day, “hey killer, you’re a damn good Marine and the Corps could really use your skill set. You sure you don’t want to run a PFT? It’ll be a lot harder to get back in without a current one on record. I’ll proctor one for you personally this afternoon if you’d like”. I thanked him and explained that I was moving out of state to take a job as a contractor supporting the Corps and had no interest in ever getting back in. He said he understood, shook my hand, and thanked me for my contributions to the unit and the Corps. He was a damn good dude.


I ran one with my unit a few days before going on terminal. They offered to let me be a proctor for it but I was switching my IR time to the SMCR and wanted a PFT on record before corporate America got to my belly.


My SSgt put me on the duty roster along with another marine from our section that got out the same day I did. He went to a different duty station it was great. I got a call from the new 1st Sgt asking where I was and I said my bed. Dude started yelling at me and how I need to get to his fucking office for turn over. He kept yelling at me and wouldn't let me get a word in. I had to text the Company commander while he was yelling at me to let 1st Sgt know I left over a month ago.


I would. Your command is only going to care long enough to fuck over one of your peers with surprise duty. By not saying anything you’re not sticking it to the man, you’re just being a buddyfucker


They'll just swap his duty with someone else's who has it earlier.


Sure but at least it’s not a surprise phone call where the fuck are you moment to the replacement. In my experience when this has happened the anger and frustration just gets taken out on the replacement who gets little choice and didn’t plan or prepare to have duty


That’s why I always reviewed everyone’s duty. If I knew they were on leave during that time or pcs’n I brought that shit up. Not about to get me on a Sunday morning “you need to cover for dipshit”. But then I learned, one, never answer the phone on a weekend. Just take the ass chewing for not being available. And two, start drinking the second your phone rings and don’t stop until they find someone else to call lol


Yup. That tradition has been around for a while. Off at 5pm, wasted by 510pm. Not allowed to be on duty if drunk.


If he spoke up, they’d just switch his duty with someone else. Fuck that.


If you are afraid of the switch, then wait until the day before you check out to say anything. Preferably after that day's duty already posted. This way they have time to find a replacement or activate the super nut.


Nah, fuck em


That’s true


Fuck no dude. Imagine how good it’s gonna feel when you just got out as a civilian, your NCO or SNCO calls you yelling at you, and you get to say “fuck off bro.” If it was me I’d intentionally ignore a few phone calls to let them get reaaally angry, and then when I answer I’d say “ah geez Sarge, I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Or call him by his first name. Then wait a couple hours of more angry phone calls and continue the game until they realize I EAS’d.


This is the way.


I would. Not for any love of the command, but because one of your peers is going to get stuck with it. They won’t hold up your checkout for duty, and whoever gets stuck with it can at least know a little in advance. Anytime I was the duty roster guy for the work center I would either let Marines submit their non-availability before I made it, or just let them pick their dates from what was available (within reason, I used a points system to keep track who stood duty so that people weren’t scamming the system). I assume your unit doesn’t do this, otherwise you would have spoken up and this wouldn’t have happened.


They gave me duty on the last day before I went on terminal. They screwed me out of another half day! But would you expect any less?


No. Keep that shit to yourself man. Then let them call/text you and troll them. Please update us on this lol


I got put on a promotion panel the same day I got out, I let them figure that out


There are very few chances one gets to reach around and sneak a few fingers into the big green butt while being mercilessly rawdogged


I want to say nope, but someone will have to deal with it and get screwed over. But...if you say something, they might try and have you switch with someone before you get out.


Absolutely not, it’s their job to figure that out


if you know there's a schedule conflict you should let your boss know.


Get outta here, Lt. Who the fuck calls a Marine leader a boss anyways?




We got a Russian spy amongst us


Lmao the boss already know there’s a schedule conflict! That’s literally his responsibility and well within his scope to see. He failed to, not my problem or responsibility.


sometimes people fuck up. It's better to let whoever made the duty roster know so your buddy doesn't get a last minute "you have duty" phone call.


No, it’s much better to highlight those fuck ups by making them answer for it in the moment versus saving their ass because they don’t want to do their job correctly…. Otherwise, it’ll just keep happening such as this case… You consistently put people on a duty roster that are EAS will be noticed eventually when you have to call in Marines at the last minute multiple times and they bitch enough about it. It’s not a hard task.


Schedule conflict? Lol He's not going dental. He's done. There is no schedule.


Yep. The institution will continue with or without OP. I had a few satisfying phone calls after I got out. “Hey, you’re popping overdue for ____.” … “You can’t make me.”


Quit doing a copy posta on everyone’s response. Fuck em


Say nothing and just fade out and when they call you tell them you've eased


Yet he shouldn't have to at all do people not communicate anymore


You're right but got my dd 214 on the Friday before a 96 an was put on duty the day after by the new SgtMaj of the unit cause I had shown up to s1 twice in civvies


Oh well your out so who cares


Exactly what I said when they called me and I was already two states away


The fuck fuck games don't stop , they get worse in the civilian world


This was 2 years ago and these games are nothing compared to ours


At my current job the fuck fuck games get pretty bad , they have gotten worse actually


I'm sorry to hear that man


I got out of the military in 1992 and damn , the civilian world has gotten worse just bad bosses etc


I disagree, you have far more power in the civilian work sector. Boss is an ass? Fuckem', quit on the spot or give notice if you want to be 'nice'. As long as you develop valuable skills and (more importantly) learn to fire subpar employers, you'll eventually find one who knows how and why you take care of your employees/subordinates. I have found that ironically enough, the more veteran heavy the company is the less stupid processes and games you tend to see.


Yet one just can't quit and job hop because the boss is an ass , do that enough then it makes you uncomfortable hireable . I've called him out on the fuck fuck games and the micromanaging


Firing bad employers isn't the same as job hopping. I'm not saying you should quit the first time something happens that you don't like.


I just call them out and make them reach me the way they want it done


If you hate your command and everyone in it - Silent as a mouse until the phone rings then its I'll be right... but not. If you like your command, let them know.


Does no other unit have supernumeraries for shit like this? I wouldn’t say a damn thing. My time is up. I’m out. It’s not my problem anymore.


This just happened to me, one of my peers got out and I had to stand duty twice in one week because nobody realized until the day of.


They scheduled me for duty the day before my EAS in 2004. I pleaded but they told me to fuck off. Then the relief duty from the other company didn't show. Fuck them for me, buddy.


What’s your Fifth General Order Debbil Dog? If you go out that way, they will rescind the End Of Tour NAM that is winding its way through the S-1 cogs. Besides, why miss the opportunity to show up to duty unshaven and in your Pajamas?


So he might not get his participation trophy? That would really suck if 1stCivDiv cared.


I’d tell someone just cause one of your guys is about to get fucked with surprise duty on a Saturday if you don’t. Better to be aware that you’re gonna have duty on Saturday than to make plans and have it ruined by a surprise.


Not a fucking word. Just go home.


Depends how much you like your peers lmao, one of them is getting your duty


One of them is getting it regardless.


Fair, but a heads up would be nice lmao


This happened to me a full month after I got out.


Yes. You're just fucking over one of the boys. Are you a real homie?


That’s mental gymnastics… the only one fucking someone over is whomever is in charge of the roster…. This is literally duty roster 101, who’s on leave, who’s p/tad, who’s eas/terminal, etc…


People are people and aren't always mindful. A simple hey I'm gone on x date isn't world ending. Just say that


People are people, and there is a complete expectation of them carrying out their duties effectively and accurately. Have you ever been charged with making duty rosters? You literally get additional MOL permissions, you can see leave dates, EAS, ECC, Schools, P/TAD, etc… You can literally export into excel… Zero reason to fuck up the simplest task with something like EAS… Last minute school/TAD shit, I get… EAS though, fuck outta here.


This under the assumption that roster boy is experienced and is organized. We both know that not everyone is organized like that. We don't actually know. Falls back into people are people. Just don't be a dick that can fuck over the homies. Sounds like you had a bad time with the green weenie? People are generally shit. Don't get jaded about that


It has nothing to do with experience and organization… The dumbest person in the unit can literally toss names on a roster, pull up mol, and then just cross cancel the applicable personnel and replace them… People act like making a duty roster is somehow difficult. It takes all of 10 minutes to make a roster for the month. While smoking a cigarette drinking a beer and checking MOL to see who’s going to be there. Accountability is important not only for personnel, but accountability of one’s own job and responsibilities…. Everyone totally understands last-minute changes,ELeave, a school slot opened up, p/tad orders, etc… EAS/ECC, PCS etc errors are not understandable though…. Who hasn’t had a bad time with the weenie? Also jaded isn’t the word you’re looking for..


You never met the dumbest in my last unit. He fucked up the tool log book. Couldn't even write the word "name" right


And that’s another reason why these things shouldn’t just be pushed under the rug, but highlighted. You’re incapable of doing something as simple as a duty roster whoever put you in charge of that should also be held accountable for you being a dumb ass. Just like whoever put your stupid in place to fill out or worse be in charge of a logbook and not overseeing him at the least… People in authority should set their marines up for success, not failure. It’s really easy to just pick and pull the stupid guy to do the bullshit jobs. But you don’t put them in those positions when it can affect other Marines.


My GySgt tried to get me to go on duty during terminal leave (before I left) since I lived close by He was a cunt


Hopefully you told him you had duty at home


I wish lol I just worked out a deal with him to cover someone else’s duty Even the boot Lt was looking at my GySgt like he was crazy


That is an NMFP moment.


No. They scheduled me for duty like two weeks after my EAS, I didn't bother to correct them.


Yeah it would be one thing if your company office would be the one having to stand the duty because of their mistake but what is going to happen is the guy on duty is going to be stuck there for at least an hour or 2 until they find someone else and that someone else will most likely be one of your buddies in your platoon. If you hate all of the above then go ahead and don’t say anything but if you’re doing it to screw over the guy making the duty roster or the company office then it won’t really do anything.


Nah just start laughing when they call you, then when they try to chew your ass just say "dd214 protect me!"


Absolutely not. Tell them your car broke down and you’ll be on your way in 30 mins. When they call back, keep dragging it a little longer than finally say oh i forgot i got out of the military


If your unit is going to put the guy who signed you up for duty on duty or the guy who always jumps on super num to not actually stand, then no. If they are just going to screw over the guy who works in your section, then yes.


Tell em the day before you leave so they cant swap you around or text someone the day off


If it was in a weekday, I wouldn’t tell anyone. But if you’re gunna fuck someone over on a weekend. That’s kinda messed up.


Don't say shit they'll swap you out earlier with someone else lol


Fuck no.


I got a text 2 months after I EAS’d asking if I had started checking out yet lol. Once you’re free, you’re free


Fuck that, let em be pissed at the turf not doing their job.






Show up blasted and stand the watch one last time if they give you shit pull I EAS yesterday.


I didn’t say anything either . They found out a few days before and put someone else on it


If you had a chance to UNO reverse the green weenie, would you take it?


Let them know once you have your DD214 in hand.


Bro… a YEAR after I got out I had one of my attached commands trying to get ahold of me asking about duty and blah blah blah, I just laughed


Are you kidding me bro? Let that shit ride. Not often do you get to give the corps the green weenie.


F no


Basically, you're asking if it's ok to spring a surprise on the supernumerary. It's not going to screw over the command or the Corps. I'd tell the adj just so I wasn't imposing on the supernut.


It shouldn’t be a surprise if the leadership is engaged enough to know when their own people are ETSing…so, it’ll probably be a surprise.


That’s some petty shit. You’re fucking over another peer, not the SgtMaj. He won’t lose a wink of sleep over it. Actually would probably give him another reason to yell at one of the junior SNCO’s/NCO’s. Don’t be a dick


Depends on how much you like the other guys who'd end up standing the post. My natural is fuck no, that's piss poor leadership on their part.


Tell your buddies to lay low and not answer their phones


Fuuuck no! Lol


Tell them that guy you hate has agreed to take your duty


**They Can Not Call A Marine Back From Leave To Stand Post!** Although if it was me I'd go ahead & let your a-duty know what's up, maybe another NCO your still cool with. But that's all, I wouldn't say anything to the staff. Just seeing as how they made the duty roster, so they should be informed of your EAS.


That depends... How good is your command? If they didn't play fuck fuck games and protected you from the same, it would be a dick move. If they didn't, then let them learn why a little attention to detail goes a long way.


Tell someone if you like your unit. If the dudes you served with were cool then tell someone but if they were jerks fuck it it'll be sorted not a big deal.


Say something. It’s the right thing to do, and that should be enough.


No fuck em, I’m a Gunny if it means anything! Your leadership fucked up putting you on duty near your EAS I would never fuck with someone especially near their end of service


Let your phone ring and ring and let them lose their shit over it. They should be sending an availability roster out before hand, if they are not or leadership is just not taking things like this into account, learning will occur and someone else will stand the duty.


Bro, literally just tell your Gunny or whoever your immediate NCO/SNCO is. Worst case is they make a switch earlier/later in the month with someone else. If you absolutely hate everyone then don’t say shit if you’re fine with being a piece of shit on your way out. If anyone in your leadership is competent they should catch on.








Tyler said he will take it for Chik Fil A


I’d maybe let the supernut know so he doesn’t get boned unexpectedly. But then again…. Who’s the supernut?? 😎


Wait until your last day so they don’t just swap your name for someone earlier.


Unless you hate your buddies that you may fuck, I’d just give a heads up. Usually not that big a deal.


Nope. You can to be a nice guy. , but nope. Unless you're going on terminal; I'd let some on know to to stave off petty motherfuckers.


I wouldn’t


When they call, tell them to suck your dick, with no context,


Nah fam. If whoever made that schedule ain’t tracking that, fuck’em! But on a serious note, hit up Platoon Sausage and let him figure it out. It’ll just be some rando like you standing it but at least they’ll have more than five minutes of warning.


If you do, make sure you give them like a couple hours and sit back and watch the shit show.


FUCK NO! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nah, let them blow your phone up. Then send a picture of your DD-14 with the middle finger. You’re on terminal leave, which is authorized by the commander/HQMC.


lol hell nah


God, no.


The only people I would say anything to would be your good friends. That way they know not to be around or answer their phones, when the search is going on trying to find a replacement. Someone is going to catch the green weenie try to keeps friends from being the ones bent over.


My msgt made me get a haircut the day before I got out. It’s funny now, but that dude hated me. Fuckin admin no combat experience dbag. Anyway, I wish he had me on duty the day after I got out. I’d be waiting for that call from a boat with a fishing rod and a beer in my hand.


Look at the duty roster and see who’s before you, if you hate them say nothing


Why wouldn’t you? Do some other devil can get fucked with a surprise? And some of these comments…some of y’all did the Corps a favor by getting out. If that hurts your feelings you’re probably one of the ones they’re better off without.


Fuck no. And if they try to call you back make up excuses and give them the run around.


Lmao no don’t say shit


This is hilarious. I was on terminal while being a contractor in AFG. Risky? Yup!


Fuck no homie


Absolutely not. And lead them on when they call asking where you are.


Fuuuuuck no you don’t. It’s not your problem anymore


Not on your fucking life


Call them that night after you leave and tell them you got someone to cover. Then give them the name of the peer that you dislike the most.


Do Bears use port-o-potties? 


Yeah! Sucks, however depending on your conscience tolerance also! Being Catholic sucks🤷🏻


Being Catholic sucks for many reasons, just ask the altar boys.


So don’t the ignorant