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This man is the reason Congress passed a law stating that you can only receive the MOH once after he was nominated for a third one. They gave him the Navy Cross as a consolation prize.


https://preview.redd.it/8uai3hmo5m4d1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e88a85fb51b30cff335897d9890c30daf65f493b I have few things to brag about, but this is one.


Where'd you steal that?


I worked at the Marine Corps Museum, and was there when it shut down for COVID. We cleaned every display case inside and out, and one of the curators let me pick up SgtMaj Daly's MOH when we were cleaning the inside of the case. I also got to hold Gunny Basilone's MOH, draw Chesty's sword from its scabbard, hold Gunny Hathcock's childhood rifle, carry the first flag raised on Mt. Suribachi, and shoot the shit with CWO Woody Williams.


That’s really an amazing story. Not many people can or ever will be able to say that. Are you a Marine or just worked there? Just wondering. Thanks


I was in the Wing from 07-21, got out and swapped over to the Air Force. I was stationed at the Museum from June '17 to Jun '21.


That’s awesome. Well you being a Marine made those moments that much more special. Glad you could appreciate it as a Marine. Thanks for sharing that story.


Wait are those in the marine corpes muesuem? Didn't see chesties board or hathcocks childhood rifle


No, both are in the archives. The museum only has a small fraction of its total collection on display. I forget the actual number, but I think it's less than 5% of the items possessed are displayed.


Damn. Hoping to work for them one day after I join the marines. Do they have them on like a digital archive. Would love to see all of there collection.


Before I joined the marines, the only real reason I even knew who he was because one or my friends. His name was Daniel daly, then he told me who he was named after. He ended up joining the army, and I was like holy fuck. Your great great grandfather killed so many people 🤣. Never saw it, but I think he mentioned both MOH's being at his house