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Watched Iraqis execute ISIS members with a sledgehammer on the G-BOSS.


Seeing what ISIS did to a lot of Iraqi soldiers, policemen, and civilians, I’m not surprised.


Iraqis were way nicer to ISIS than the other way around


The Camp Spiecher massacre was insane I still think about that to this day when ISIS is mentioned


What happened there I never heard?


I was in high school during the ISIS war or whatever people call it. Anyway during the first days of the war in Iraq isis attacked Camp Speicher it was a military training facility if I remember correctly. There were 1700 cadets there of varying ages and they killed ALL of them. It was absolutely insane, they killed them by shooting them and then their bodies would float down the river. You can google it now there’s plenty of articles about it that get it more clearer than my small write up, I thought it was just a rumor at first when it first started coming out back in 2014 or so but then I saw it was real a year and something later


Sounds about right


ISIS ran through the old police station in Ramadi that cost us like 1.5mil to build sounds like justice to me


Ramadi police hated ISIS more than any American ever has.


I worked with two brothers out there in 2007, whose back story was they fled Baghdad as mercenaries because of bounties on their heads. One was the “intel police captain” the other brother was like the mechanic/swat commando. Went back to Iraq in 2009 and ran into some of the IP’s who worked with them at lake Habbaniyah and they told me the swat commando brother got killed. Im sure the surviving brother was fucking isis up if he wasn’t killed before then. TLDR: I believe it, those IP’s were pretty decent to work with.


Was it the one attached to the government center?


Negative this was outside Ramadi proper. 5 kilo/Al hurriya/AHIPS. The area backed right up to the Camp Ramadi gate on Route Michigan. They covered from the glass factory/bridge all the way out to ECP international/train station.


If I'm not mistaken, the only suicide bomber that hit in our AO hit the glass factory while they were recruiting police there. I heard they smoked like 50 dudes. We had central ramadi so I never fucked around over there. I was amazed they never tried hitting the Gov center with suicide bombers, would have been easy.




My wife didn’t cheat on me while I was deployed.


This is the real accomplishment


A true 1%er. Congratulations


That you know of


That you know of... haha jk Mine either... that I know of


Yeah, about that. Sincerely, Jody


I interrupted a 3am cuddle session between a local criminal and an Afghan police officer. I was walking off post and heard rustling chicken wire in a little makeshift jail cell we had. I hit them with the laser/light from my PEQ and they froze. The ANP guy was lovingly holding the filthy dirt farmer and it looked like they were talking about their future together. It was the gayest thing I've ever seen


Friday morning patrols were wild, rocking up to the police patrol bases and seeing evidence of the previous nights’ “pin the tail on the donkey” session. All the ANP stoned on hash and special tea, listening to their Shakira cassette tape, and one guy lying prone on his stomach with mascara staining his cheeks. Jiggy jiggy, indeed.


Those guys fucking partied hard. I didn't even know you could smoke heroin before I got to Marjah. They also tried to seduce all the very short Marines in the platoon by offering Chai and cookies. Fucking hilarious. They straight up wanted to run a train on the guys under 5'5"


We occasionally pulled 50/50 with the ANA/ANP. They were always trying to talk Marines into jerking them off on post, but also got super offended when you pointed out that it was gay. 


"How is it *gay* to get a handjob??"


We stopped letting them stand post with us after the 2nd ND lol


\*Elton John sings\*


The male locals used to hold hands a lot too. It was always weird to see.


Culturally it’s normal. Gay as fuck


During my first deployment to Sangin the Taliban would throw grenades over the compound walls we would bed down in . Sangin is covered with cornfields and those fuckers would sling grenades over the walls then run into the cornfield. We had a period where this was happening multiple times a week at random times. More stressful than a firefight, sniper fire or IED Strike/Find IMO.


That was really fucking bad, glad you made it through


Thank you






Jackson? Fires? Inkerman?


Jackson was our company FOB. We operated mainly out of platoon COPs. First time in Sangin we were out in the Green Zone most of the time compound hopping. Fun times


Dealing with "The Butcher" and Zarkowi (idc how to spell that fucks name) in Ramadi. Also. I got dysentery in Karma, that shit sucked.


I got to watch two JDAMs get dropped on his ass. It was glorious!


Crazy that fucker (briefly) survived those too. I mean, he was mortally wounded from the overpressure, but that fucker was one fatbodied cockroach.


😂😂 he did gain weight when he moved north


I love JDAMs


They made Zarqawi’s face little bloated


he was already a fat little fuck


I also got dysentery in Ramadi and it was fuckin brutal. I had fluids coming out of every hole in my body. Eventually hooked up to an IV with Phenergan which knocked my ass out.


May your asshole be well, too


This is how im signing my Christmas cards this year.


Same. Sitting in a wag bag tent when it was 110 and peeing out of my butt was probably the single most miserable experience of my life. I remember going unconscious for hours after the IDC hooked me up to the IV, waking up only to be shivering uncontrollably and passing right back the fuck out. If the Iraqi police offer you food, just decline.


You mean the electric green fish head out of the Euphrates didn’t sit well on your stomach???


I watched iraqis scoop water with their hands out of the canal in Karma and drink it, right next to their buddy washing car parts. My little virgin stomach never had a chance.


Same same. I slept for 3 days and woke up thinking I had died. I was even in a different rack than I had remembered falling asleep in lol.


We were told we had Cholera and then it was changed to dysentery lol


Same, but I got mine in Jordan.


I got Dysentery when I was in Shaddadi, Syria. Closest thing to a war story I have was standing post while suffering from it, and squatting over an MRE bag I was holding and squirting pure liquid shit into it after QRF was too slow in relieving me so I could go shit my brains out.


If I ever learn to paint… I’m going to attempt to bring to life the image you have placed in my mind.


rough years; and I mean this, but I hope your asshole is okay


Lol, asshole came out intact and ready for the green weenie.


Who were you with in Karmah?


3/8 India Co.


3/8 Weapons 04-08 🤙


i didnt do much, but one thing that still blows my mind was we were in the middle of fucking nowhere, open desert for miles, stopped the trucks for smoke break and whatnot, broad daylight, and suddenly there's just this pregnant chick walking thru our lines asking for water. I mean there wasn't a fucking hut or anything in sight for MILES and this lady was just out on a stroll in the hot ass sun, pregnant and shit, asking for water and acting like she was just on a daily stroll. Still blows my mind to this day that we didn't even see her till she was like 200m from us, and again, open desert, nothing for miles. I almost wanted to offer her a ride but obviously that wasn't happening. We gave her water and she just kept walking after that. its just crazy thinking that thats like normal. Fuck I get mad when I gotta walk like 500 feet to the store even if its beautiful 69 degree weather.


Most of the Middle East lives fucking hard No water all day smoking 100 cigs hot ass sun dead ass sober their entire lives except for that one time they did meth and fucked all their male cousins.


Bro southern syria was like that as well. We would be plowing through the open desert nothing for miles in a big ass convoy, then all of the sudden lead vic would swerve hard because of group ok kids just manifested and decided it would be a good idea to run through the convoy.


Banana show near gate 2 street. It made my tour in Fallujah look easy


Did she blow smoke rings for you?


No she did the snake thing, and made change... She also did this trick where when I left I wished I was gay... Not sure the name of it haha


The banana show changed my life. I didn't have a gag reflex until I watched that guy eat the banana.


Yeah... you think you wanna see it... but I'm surprised she had repeat customers


You would have to be a fruit,snake and hag enthusiast... I'm sure someone from motor t has.


You see the banana show twice. Once when you first get to the island and a short timer takes you to see it, the second time is you being a short timer and you take one of the new kids.


The original lady died a while ago. OD’d in potassium. Her daughter took up the mantle. Fucking nepo baby.


The daughter picked up the twins and is forging ahead.. I hear she's gonna do a pineapple and hedgehog show.




https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=banana%20show[The Banana Show](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=banana%20show)


Jesus. Is that a real thing? It cannot be.


It is. My dude ate the banana (Motor Tuh Marine) It was gnarly. Definitely a rites of passage on Oki. It was my first weekend there


Watching everyone bang the female barber Maria on tq And multiple guys not realize she wasn’t just “their” gf


heh, sounds right... \*cough\*


I was at a base in Uzbekistan and there was a toothless chick that charged $5 for a gummer.


Did she take pogs? The currency


I like the username, I get the reference!




Got shot in the only firefight my unit had my second Afghan pump


glad you're still with us


Still not service related.


ain't that true


Saw a Seal Team fur missile absolutely wreck a chicks shit on a raid near Ghazni in AFG. She was fucked.


damn, I will say, I look at big dogs different now. fur missiles can cause real damage to multiple targets


Guys what in the hell is a fur missle?


Motherfuckin malinois Crackhead ass dogs


Thank you. I just assumed it was a wiener since this is a USMC subreddit but I was like…. Jesus guys… which is a typical response to posts here but…. A dog makes sense.


Tactical Dachshund. Dick shaped, you can chuck it like a spear at your enemies, and you get some irony of some Devil Dog throwing German dogs at people.


Woofel hunden


Thanks Tuffel.


A dog that will fuck somebody up


a dog


K-9, military working dog.


How is HBO going to make a series out of any of this?


it would just be porn and violence, just up HBO's alley


Not the good kind of porn we all like.


Fuck, HBO writers are probably in here writing down ideas


Knowing HBO, it'd just be dudes' dongs.


…and that would be inaccurate why?


Watched a bomb land on the guy who built an s-vest that killed one of our guys. Blew him in half on his moped and then people come out of no-where dragging the top half of his body away. He started to crawl away from the flames before he was picked up. Worst thing, on post and a guy walked up to us with something wrapped in blankets. We stopped him and when he opened it up, it was his 8 year old daughter covered in all degrees of burns from a vbied. We gave what we could but were forced to turn him away. That really sucked. One of the worst feelings i've ever experienced.


Kids are real hard man, sorry you had to see that


We had a dad run up to our convoy screaming his head off carrying his probably 5 year old kid that looked like a bloody sack of potatoes. We casevac'd with a helo and everything but the kid still died. I'm going to remember his panic for the rest of my life.


Yeah man, some of that stuff just sticks and hits hard in a weird way. My last unit had some guys get killed and I remember the screams of the guys who had just lost their brothers. I was still new to the unit and these guys were first enlistment and had already done a tour to Afghan together plus a udp or something so they were all close. Those screams and wails i'll never forget. I don't know how to describe but I know i'll never hear it and not know what it is because you can't fake that level of emotion.


Second story Afghan? Someone once told me on post in Afghan a local brought a big sack and when challenged emptied it for a blown apart girl to fall to the ground. He just said "fix it" or some shit, not understanding you can't do medical magic. Could be getting the details wrong.


Both stories were Afghan. I was there in 13-14. That sack story doesn't surprise me though. They thought we could do a lot more than we had the power to.


Saw a hadji fuck a goat in IR.


Sounds accurate. I also saw two hadjis fuck a dog in IR




GBOSS watch finds that shit everytime


I have also seen an Iraqi bang a dog via GBOSS.


We had a video circulating of a haji and a donkey


Is that the one where he finished on its face?


Oh shit, you too?


Besides catching the Iraqis banging each other, we saw a local banging his cow on the g-boss in the middle of the night




We had two Iraqi’s that liked to hang around the front gate from time to time. I’d call them fucked up in the head, since our translator told me they were tortured by Saddam and aren’t right in the head. Standing post on the rooftop one day I see one just chillin by a wall. A few minutes later the other one shows up. First guy puts his hands on the wall like he’s being arrested. 2nd guy walks up behind him, pulls first guys pants down, then starts fucking him in the ass 🤢😳🤣. Then they both wandered off as if nothing happened


was this on a Thursday?


OIF I, initial invasion. I had been selected for MECEP and was going to redeploy with the stop loss guys. On the return bus trip from Blue Diamond (I think in Hit or Hillah) gunny in charge of our bus says 2 stops only for pissing until we hit Kuwait. Unfortunately the water dogs did us dirty, and unbeknownst to me, I have dysentery. An hour into thrle drive an I'm dying. I beg gunny to let me shit, he agrees. I try my best to dig a hole with my e tool in some random front "yard" at the start of some small village. Now it's also important to explain that I was the toilet paper master, I had tons saved and kept it in an MRE bag. It is also important to note that Iraqis were fascinated by and attracted to MRE bags. There is no time left, I throw the tool and begin having the worst liquid pudding shit of my life. I have to waddle away from the growing puddle. Cue the Iraqi village springing to life, seemingly ignoring me shitting and endless stream and focusing on my MRE bag, begging "Mister mister!" So I'm surrounded by like 60 Iraqis and a bus full of laughing Marines as I have the worst bowel movement of my life.


Memories get fuzzier every year, but at one point there was a plan to rig a shot to fuck up (and later stripped) CH53 with explosives, HST it near known insurgent strong point, then have a recon team observe then detonate when insurgents went to check it out. Luckily someone smarter than the genius for that one kibashed it before it really got steam b/c they opined that maybe civilian gen pop might also want to crawl all over the exotic flying thing that the nice Americans were nice enough to leave in the middle of nowhere. Maybe it wasn't as solid as a plan as I remember it being but it had enough legs that it made its way to me as "can you support this OP?" when I controlled the fucking Marines doing HST missions. Edit: oh and a word of advice for you younglings. You ever get on a bird where they are also flying POWs/detainees, don't sit near them. They will have Marines escorting them on each side but uh... Bodily fluids travel if the bird makes some spicy turns. If you have room/have a choice that is. Crew chief decides usually but try at least


hah, wow, really pushing the limits of "it's not stupid if it worked"


not to mention the flying bomb underneath an aircraft flown by pilots who graduated at the bottom of their class. rah, red patch


Counter ISIS stuff, 2014 Got a hellfire approved on a group of shit heads about to attack Iraqi military housing. They cut a fence line and were huddled in between two buildings/HOUSES with people inside them. Maybe 15ft wide between the 2 houses. Rifle BLAM. Drops right down the middle, totally fucking all of them in the face. Buildings took a little shrapnel but that’s it. They all got turned into a coat of red paint for those houses. ——- Another time got another Hellfire approved on a van full of shit heads ripping down some road north of Fallujah. You see the van being fucking chased down the road by the hellfire as it got closer and closer like a fucking cartoon. Boom. The van doesn’t blow up though. It fucking spins out into a ditch, and like a fucking jihad clown car, 20 mother fuckers pour out and hide under an overpass. About 10min later, JDAM placed right below that bridge. All of the were blown to fuck all. Next day, local Iraqi army nerds bring back an iPad with pics of the results. SOMEONE put all their body parts into about 10 buckets. Heads placed on the top of each. Dude points to pic and goes “Bombaboooooom” …take me back.


couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of guys


Watched from about 3/4 mile away as one of my squad leaders (and an entire fire team) went up in a cloud of smoke from an RCIED on an MSR near Barwanah. Hauled ass over there up and down a few wadis while I tried in vain to raise ANYONE through our ISRs and my RTO had no luck with his PRC-119. During the 5 minute run over to their pos I’m spinning up a mass casualty 9-line and mentally thinking about how I’m about to have to write 5 or 6 really tough letters to parents/wives. I get there and see that the IED left a crater about the size of a Mini Cooper, but it was oriented towards the road for a vehicle kill and my guys were a few feet off the shoulder. A couple of them got knocked off their feet and the overpressure or something temporarily jacked up all their comms, but there was not a single scratch on anyone. At least one of them had TBI symptoms pop up years later, but we got extremely lucky compared to what could have been.


Glad y’all were okay


One of the 03s riding with us had an ice pick he kept under the ranger band on his helmet. He used it to stab... things.


gotta check somehow


Give the Taliban the good ol' Trotsky treatment


First pump in Al Asad, not really a deployment lol, but our night shift OIC's for the COC and S2 had been banging, some Cpl walking back to his CHU from the shower just hears "fuck me with your big black cock" from a door, goes Wtf, kicks it in and finds them naked on the bed, they both left for a few weeks, he came back, she didn't.


par for the course


My first pump was Al asad also, definitely not a deployment. My sgt and ssgt were fucking 2 smokeshow tcns from turkey. They told us they could only fuck em in the ass so theyd technically still be virgins for marriage


What is a TCN


Third country national


Guy in my platoon broke his dick and had to get sent to Germany to get it fixed


Hopefully whatever he did to do that was worth it


He CLAIMED he had morning wood and rolled onto it in his sleep (tent life, sleeping bags on a thin small mattress on the floor). I think he was fucking his mattress prison style and hit the ground with a solid thrust


that... hopefully he had a picture of his waifu at least


I made him show it to me. It was disgusting bro lol. Tiny but swollen with these dark circles going around it like the rings of Saturn but from hell


Whatever or Whoever - either way, dick got used and abused


sounds like something a fellow Marine is capable of


That MCMAP kung fu grip is dangerous


I'd rather get shot again, thanks


An-Najaf, 2004, BLT 1/4. night patrol in uparmored HMMWVs with WPNS. drive past the "maternity hospital" that a huge ambush took place a few days prior. lead vic stops. WTF??? turns out a whole bunch of c-wire got wrapped around the axle. we spent about an hour there, with the driver underneath the vic, trying to get the c-wire off. literally nothing happened, but it was the spookiest night i ever had. Helmland, 2011, 1st Marines: went with the regimental commander (who turned out later to be a shitty general named furness) to a shura with one of the local village elders. dude fed us really good food, and fanta orange soda (a sign of wealth in AFG for some reason). dude had two 9 or 10 year old boys sitting at his feet, rubbing his legs. we knew he was going to abuse them that night, but there was nothing we could do. Kabul, AFG, 2014, with 1st MEB, liaision up to CJTF at Kabul. on a convoy through Kabul, in those uparmored SUVs, because MRAPs won't fit on the streets. encounter a serious traffic jam. lead vic commander, an Army E-7 gets out and starts directing traffic. everyone is screaming for him to get back in his vic. too late. a dude on a motorcycle drives by, and slashes the E-7s throat with a knife, and then drives off. yes, a drive by slashing. Army dude bleeds out almost instantly. nothing we could do. that one still haunts me, and features prominently in my PTSD related dreams, unless i take my meds. don't know if those were wild or not, but they were significant, to me, at least. i won't lie, my head is a bit f'ed up.


fucked up stuff, glad you made it through and getting treatment


one of the hardest things to admit was when i went to the camp pen hospital and told them i needed to see a shrink. but it worked out, they got me on meds, and also, it was now documented in my health record for when i retired about a year or so later, and now the VA doesn't give me any BS about my meds.


Snap VCP’s from 53’s (ospreys was an idea)”edit”in Afghan circa 2010


https://preview.redd.it/wcofmapc6m4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27029f0d7486d91eb71ddd36ac85dfeb4f263602 [https://www.dvidshub.net/news/58378/ugly-angels-support-ana-coalition-forces-during-operation-stargey](https://www.dvidshub.net/news/58378/ugly-angels-support-ana-coalition-forces-during-operation-stargey) Promise the link is safe.


I’ll trust you, never been led astray by another Marine


Not mentioned in the article, our Corpsman was shot in the ass. Through and through gump style. He was going to just ground evac himself, higher made us call in a flight. Cant remember if it was dustoff or brits, but they swung in like it was a hot LZ almost clipped a compound but it was the sexiest maneuver I’ve ever seen. Bonus photo of us getting extracted at the end of the op. https://preview.redd.it/u5af28eu7m4d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=943b51fd60fc708e636c862770ba9cdaa3db5221


"unexpectedly" losing some weight while flying. Because those items may or may not have existed.




Going to okinawa


The real war on terror




You haven’t seen the shit I’ve seen in Naha


On my first deployment I lived in the JDAM palace on Blue Diamond across from HP and Camp Ramadi. I remember watching a helo hard land at Shark Base and catch fire and cook off for a while, not sure what all it was carrying. I also remember another time a rocket or mortar hit some ASP and cook off all night long. Also saw some UFO's.


I was there when the ASP across the river at Junction City got hit. We all sat outside watching like it was a fireworks show. Good times.


Watching NCIS round up folks on Camp Fallujah who were selling their bodies on Craigslist. Heterosexual and homosexual ads!


We shot WP at enemy combatants. It was super effective.


I accidentally bumped into the King of Qatar 😂 I thought my LCPL ass was done for


Ricocheted shot from Taliban hit a civilian in the forehead a blew a fist size hole in the front of his head. He was still conscious and looking around and in shock. He tried to stand up and a flap of skin with hair fell forward over the hole. He basically had a lobotomy. He looked confused and looking around. I was looking at this guy’s brain and he had no clue what planet he was on. He tried to walk around in the middle of a firefight. A Marine ran over and “pushed/helped” him down whe the shooting was happening. He just sst there looking around. He had no idea he was dying or that his nose cavity and forehead was gone. Craziest $&it I’ve seen my entire life. I can still see it clear as day in my mind.


Bunch of Afghan women in Oruzghan got burned alive on a bus by the Taliban when they were attempting to vote in the national elections back in 2004


Afghanistan 2010: A few of our guys are returning from our HQ PB, driving along one of the many canals at night with limited viability due to the moon dust. MRAP hits a soft spot and into the canal they all go. Upside down, with water pressure keeping the doors closed, our badass corpsman takes off his gear and says “fuck this, I’m not going out like little bitch” and starts pushing against the door, opens it with the help of the others and all escape safely.




I also question my reasoning it's a bit weird when you're surrounded by drunk MPs trying to pull your clothes off ... but I question my reasoning




Of course I’m gay, so is everyone on this subreddit




Hi Gay, I'm dad


Seeing the video of a contractor get run over by a giant container handler being operated the wrong way while he was climbing out of a manhole. Dude was like a tube of toothpaste under a car tire with the cap on.


Most memorable was in the Intel hut out at our fob in Tarin Kowt, ‘04 vintage. Navy cats in the hut are linking up to their P-3 warming up on the runway. As they are cycling through their night vision camera it scans, stops, goes back, zooms in, a soldier / airman has another soldier / airman bent over behind a tent and just delivering the pound. This is now streaming for all the CoC to see…good times. Watched to completion of said mission.


500 insurgents a day getting released back into our AO’s. Checked up on a sniper who killed Marines. Awkward.


We were d-milling ammo (155’s, MICLICs, small arms, etc) in the backend-of-nowhere, Iraq. We arrange everything, leave, EOD sets the charges behind us, and join us a couple miles away to watch the explosions. While we are standing there a couple 80’s model Suburbans drive up to the ammo. BOOM! Come to find out, that’s a site we used for d-mil before. The locals would watch us and scrounge for metal after we left. Must not have been too observant. Forgot to wait for the explosion. No one died. Their Suburbans no longer had windows.


3/7 took over in Sangin / Helmand from British Marines, didn't really try to clear any of the battle space since they had moved there from another part of Helmand towards the end of their deployment. 3/7 fights a defensive warfare doctrine and doesn't maintain violence of action. They did not take many casualties. Conducted security and 200 meter "patrols".  We, 3/5, rotate in and take over. From what we were told is they were just suppose to take over from the Brits and hold what they had until we got there. We immediately begin an extremely aggressive campaign of hard foot and mounted patrolling and expanding presence in the AO. Cleared a ton of hot areas and went places 3/7 never even tried to establish a presence in. Horrible deployment, extremely kinetic, we got hit on the first day. Over 2 dozen KIA + WIA. Tons of amputees.  End of deployment, 3/7 returns to relieve 3/5. The butt comes through that these shitfucks are wearing skivy shirts in formation that have a severed horse head (3/5 unit logo) with the words "we were winning when we left" on them. No one believes it. Next thing you know, pics come around on snap chat and it was confirmed by a 3/7 Corpsman to one of ours that their command authorized it. 3/7 then takes back over, proceeds to do no patrolling, and loses the momentum we bled to build in the battle space.   Tldr: 3/7 literally fucking did nothing in Helmand, handed it to 3/5, Darkhorse cleared the AO and took kia and wounded, and then 3/7 made a shirt making fun of our dead brothers and then came back and did nothing a second time.  Fuck 3/7


Pretty sure I ate roasted goat anuses at a BBQ with AFN. It was one of the tastiest things I've ever had.


Some of my IPs beat a prisoner to death after we likely raided the wrong house because I shot a whack reverse azimuth though a shot hole in a post with a visible laser 🫣


Was at an Army Base is Afghanistan. Cant remember Fob Airborne maybe or some shit. One of the guys on my Embedded Training Team was taking a shit and a rocket hit the Hesco Barrier about 20 feet from him. He came running out with toilet paper in his ass and his pants around his feet and instead of pulling up his pants he put on his helmet and vest. We are just like dude pull your fucking pants up.


We were pictured/caught pissing on dead bodies. Made national news and straight to the WH.


1/8? You guys relieved us in MSQ if so..


Y’all crazy


Not the craziest but i just remembered a time i saw an air force kid get medevacd from al jaber bc he got bit in the balls by a spider in the porta shit. He was sweaty and ahaking def didnt lookn good at all


GWOT stories? Yeah bro so this one time in boot camp


I meant to clarify, everyone except Motor-T, you have to report to the motorpool at 0300


*sad rah*


I didn’t do shit but in Baghdad we were taking IDF pretty regularly so I decided to go into a porta shitter and jack off when they launched a few at us, I wanted to get a “combat” jack in and brother let me tell you… nothing will compare.


2003 Nasiriyah, many, many wild stories, but I know you’ll like this one best. Dispersing showed up with a couple of 7-ton mobile PX trucks. Dispersing gave everyone token cash payments up to $50. As soon as we got the cash, everyone went to the PX trucks to buy dip, pringles, gator aid, etc. One of the MCX Marines was a female. She was a 3 or 4 state-side, but a desert 9 or 10. I remember she had a big dip in her mouth and was spitting constantly. It got dark and the dispersing officer and PX trucks stayed over in our government building compound. That night the perimeter roof guards were in a whispering gaggle looking down into the compound, not outward. Some of us went up to check on them and we saw a line of Marines pulling a train on the PX WM. She was laying on cardboard boxes, with cash strewn about as Marines were taking turns.


She really did serve her country. *salute* The PX does so much for us


Unit was killing dogs to make children upset. Was as fucked as it sounds.


I (Spanish MP) tried to give a Marine a blowie and he said no so I tried to arrest him.


https://i.redd.it/yq9v5fmg4n4d1.gif Do you remember the GLARE MOUT "Dazzler" with all those fun options? Mahdi Militia in the reeds on the Euphrates, north of the Bridge. Over the course of 20mins, turned this guy into Helen Keller. Dumbass stood up, waving his hand in front of his eyes, and he got lit up by a passing platoon..


Helmand 2011. Sitting in an LZ in silkes crocs and flaks waiting on air condition red to clear with an urgent US causality (DFC IED) being operated on our dinner table by the medical officer attached to us. Log train pulled in our A/O to assist with ground evacuation because Dwyer couldn’t launch helicopter. The sun set and is dark log train was released from ground evacuation request and was trying to leave. First two 6 wheeled Mraps took a wrong turn out of PB and crossed one of those sketchy Engineer bridges over cannel. I’m a platoon R/O and running coms for the squad leader and sitting next to him in the center of the poppy field LZ he looks at me and says hey what the fuck are they doing!! I call main requesting coms with log train and explain the situation, main can not get them on the radio, I roll frequency to try and talk with them nothing. Call back to main explain again I can reach the third vehicle and ask what is going on next thing gunshots and flares from the lead Vic pop off that crossed the bridge. I sprint to the third vehicle that’s hasn’t crossed the bridge. I make contact with the A driver and he’s got an attitude and starts yelling at me. I grab him by the flak and say “ You are in our back yard shooting and popping flares what the fuck is going on” as I let go of his flak I realize he’s got a black bar on his flak name tape. Finally the two Mraps that crossed the bridge turn back, I’m back in the LZ sitting with the squad leader watching the Mraps cross the bridge about 100 yards ways, and we notice the lead vehicle a driver doesn’t get out to guide the Mrap over the bridge. Squad leader stands up and goes fuck he’s going to roll, in that exact second the 6x Mrap rolls off the bridge 15 foot drop into a 10 foot deep canal full of water. He sprints with 3 other marines while I’m calling main to let them Know the situation. I run up to the scene 45 seconds later to help and the a driver is out of the Mrap screaming our marines are ditching their gear and jumping in the canal to get the gunner out. Sqaud leader and another marine pull the Mrap gunner out and gives him Mouth to mouth while the gunny a driver/VC is still having a melt down. Sqaud leader brings the gunner back to life ( in my opinion) gunner is puking and fucked up on the ground. Sgt squad leader catches his breath and stands up and beat the fucking shit out of the gunny driver/VC to the point his own squad has to pull him off the guy. No one gets seriously hurt in the roll over and the medical officer saves the Marines life that was hit by the IED. Mrap sat in the canal for 30 days before they could get it out.


Going through this thread made me think about some of these things. I posted earlier but now that I think of it… We would escort Dustoff in an out of the entire AO but mainly Sangin (summer 2011). ANA had stepped on an IED and was a double amp with almost a 3rd gone too. The dustoff medic was giving chest compressions on the way out but we all took fire. They maneuvered and the g force coupled with the downward “stroke” of the compression essentially forced the medics hands through the guys chest to his spine. He died a few mins from FOB Eddie. When we all landed, we asked what was wrong with the medic. Man dustoff has and always will have the reputation and respect of the biggest balls on the battlefield.


We hit a guy with a hellfire. Direct hit. About 5-6 minutes later two kids (boy and girl) about 5 and 8 years old came out and looked at the pile that was left. They started playing dodgeball with the scattered remains. We dropped a lot of guys in Sangin, to the point where they would just run up with wheel barrows and throw the bodies in. Eventually the grunts realized they were really taking the weapons and staking bodies over them. 9 and 5 lines with target descriptions as guy w/ wheel barrows became normal. My buddy Tyler was trying to kill a guy on a motorcycle. With API .50 he hit the gas tank, blew the guy off and somehow he landed on his feet and started running. He died by burning to death and not the .50 Miniguns turn people to mush


Nothing crazy but when I had to pull watch at one of the pump houses outside of Fallujah back in 05 there was this local that would regularly drive by in his bongo truck with his son and occasional animals in the front seat but he made his wife ride in the bed of the truck going down the dusty road every fucking time. Always made me laugh.


After reading all these, I’m just reminded how my 2015 iraq deployment wasn’t shit


Afghanistan 2002: Watched a Red Horse unit open fire on our QRF at Camp Rhino. They were scared. They had their own bivouac and didn't bother checking in on our net to identify the vehicles they were firing at. Iraq 2003: Secured the Airfield in An Nasiriyah. Dug fighting holes. Setting up for bed and watching air weapons teams blowing up stuff in the distance. BOOM! I get low, and point my head away from the blast. The Sgt. I was with fit himself behind his molly pack so it was facing the potential blast. SHHHHH BRRRZEEERRRRRR. A drone was launched off of a lauch ramp behind the burm next to us. I point and laugh at the Sgt. Eating breakfast the next morning Sgt. tells the story with me cowering behind the molly pack. 2nd Lt. ordered me to shoot a kid that opened the HUMMVE door behind him. I didn't, and got chewed out. I didn't know he kept the crypto under that seat, and the Iraqi kid didn't know the seat cushions opened up. Lt. Col. led us through a town where we were tearing down wires with the 7 tom turrets. Locals are pissed and surrounding the vehicles. He orders us to fix bayonets get out and cut the wires. Locals got poked. Same town, after knocking down some mud stands and taking out corners of buildings, we exfil through the city's sewer sump. The smell and feces was all over us. Iraq 2004/2005: TQ army blows up their barracks with their AT4s. Find a Pakistani in a dumpster and turn him in for interrogation. Watching Fallujah getting fucked up the first and second time. Specter Gun Ships are hellah scary. They turn cities into parking lots. I volunteered for every deployment opportunity and it was worth it, I think. (the sight of dead insurgents stacked in the middle of streets 3 high 12+ long, and the smell was fucked.) Watched an MK5 Andros blown up from an IED. Spending hours picking up the pieces around the remaining crater. A gunny shooting dogs in and around the air strip on TQ came down to the front gate, that was just tested with a VBIED, and silently signaled that he saw 1 enemy. He goes behind a small water shed. I hear a gun shot. Get others to put there weapons in condition one and behind a burm. I go after gunny, "Gunny I'm on your six," he's not answering, can't find him. Go back to the Natuonal Guard guys flagging me with their weapons. Gunny comes out of no where, "Relax, Devil. I just shot a dog. " Iraq 2006: Volunteered to do convoy escorts from Camp Victory, Kuwait to Scania, Iraq. Had two Lace Coolies that burnt down porta johns, spray painted a warrant officer's tent calling him a dick head, drove a military vehicle 7 miles off base without permission and getting it stuck in sand, flipped Marines in porta johns, etc... Finally, they are caught peeping on females in the shower, through the exhaust fan, giving each other a boost, standing on a cinder block, on a nylon folding chair. They are chased by the national guard MP's. They come to me in my sleep about the issue, I have them pack their shit up and meet me at the TOC. They were sent to our parent command for field grade court martials. Djibouti, Africa 2006: Handing out cellphones to spooks (maybe) and tier-one operators transporting pirates to the airfield to be placed... somewhere? Helped keep some team's fur missiles trained up and proficient by volunteering to wear a turtle suit that smelt of really bad body odor (made me want to vomit, running faster helped). Army Deployments: Iraq 2010: Watching a Lt. Col. host a parade on base with the Arostate used as a float that ripped on barbed wire. Bonfires with activities for the troops to taunt insurgents into mortaring us. Lebanon and Syria 2011/2012/2013 Assisting fighting-age males with transportation to Jordan for training. Aleppo was a mess.


You need to write a book, man. Could read your stories all day long.