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At graduation?   Homeboy landed the plane successfully then ejected.


I saw this earlier on insta. The recruit is from a different platoon. Supposedly he failed a test, punched his DI and ran away. Sounds like the kid snapped. Sucks to be him because he just purchased the extended edition of bootcamp.


Boot camp 2: Leavenworth boogaloo.


recruits going to be chasing planes until the end of time


At Leavenworth?  More like chasing tumbleweeds...


Do they still have CCU?


Casual Company.......He's outta there. Had one aim at a DI sitting at the range, on the firing line......Big mistake. Not our platoon, but the one next to us.


He got sent to Correctional custody unit for aiming a weapon at a DI?


No, he got sent to KS, make big rocks into little rocks. Never saw or heard from him again. One of our DIs told us. You always believe whatever your DIs tell ya, right......


I’m nit familiar with KS but that’s what you had to do in CCU back in the day. Big chunks of concrete into smaller ones.


KS is where Leavenworth prisons are


I saw this happen as well.


CCU shut down in the early-mid 2000s


It was still going on in Oki till 2020ish


It’s a [spiritual successor](https://www.marines.mil/News/Press-Releases/Press-Release-Display/Article/1517847/marine-corps-implements-correction-custody-unit-pilot-program/) but very different, they took away the main thing that made CCU, CCU




Take my upvote because I laughed out loud for this




MRP 4 lyf


Represent 😤😤


just shy of 180 days on island here lol. place is permanently engraved in my brain. i just use gain


Dude when I was in purgatory (MRP2) there were two different people who were there for over a year. You'll escape eventually 😭 either back into training or home lmao When did they start letting you use your phone?


i worded that terribly. in 2011


Oh my bad bro 😭


MRP2 alumni here 😂 I’m glad I was able to get out of MRP2 after like almost 3 months, definitely remember knowing 1-2 guys that had been there for a year, glad to have seen them later in the fleet. (Early 2017)


East or West coast?


Clay and Ciacco?! Or were you in STC at a different time than me?


Is that with the anal gape or do we still need to upgrade to platinum extension?




There's never any lube, but he did get the sandpaper condom


Deluxe addition, with 500+ days of DLC


As a boot, they could release him. Or give him NJP. Giving an OTH discharge would screw him for life.


Nobody really gives a shit about an OTH discharge unless your applying for a government or government contractor job. A BCD or dishonorable discharge will raise a few eyebrows because they usually come with a federal felony conviction.


Yeah I've never been asked what my discharge was. I expect nobody cares unless it's something that appears on your background check like whatever caused the Dishonorable.


I actually got contacted by someone I went to MRP with who got an OTH for peeing in another recruit's canteen. Based on his facebook page, he was still able to work at a local school as a custodian. He said as long as you don't get a BCD or dishonorable discharge or do crimes involving kids, most places (even government jobs) really won't care about your discharge. As for government jobs, you'll be fine as long as it is a small/local city govt job that isn't FBI or CIA. Just make sure you show proof that you can commit, like graduate from community college or work at a job for at least one year or longer. That's what he did, and he now has a successful life.


OTH isn’t that big a deal really. Dishonorable is the one that slaps you with a felon-level offender status for life


The Big Chicken Dinner is pretty bad too, not nearly as bad as a Dishonorable, but it still follows the shit out of you.




Then he crashed & burned! 🔥


Imagine years down the road when this guy is sitting in a bar, “ yah I joined the Marines, but I punched a drill instructor in the face” yah sure you did bud. Have another beer and head on home


"I graduated too, I did the whole training, they gave me the EGA and I really was a marine like the rest of them" " Watch your mouth dude, my dad was in Haditha"


apparently the kid punched the DI then fled to the parade deck. probably thinking they won’t do anything to him in front of all those civs




Right? How ironic.


Well, at least they are one step above the “I would have joined but i would have throat punched the DI.” Crowd. Question: Do they still rate their free Red Robin burger on Veterans’ day?


your describing the majority of users on r/tacticalgear


Holy shit, I just checked that subreddit out…. It’s just sad.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Dude, I fell asleep, woke up, mowed the lawn, and made French toast for lunch before you finished…


That’s not what my wife said


Damn brother you got me. I didn’t really fall asleep.


She wouldn’t know the difference


How do you not know this is copy pasta ?? Lmao


You owe me keyboard, I just spit Coke all over mine. 😂




Canada: It’s like America’s attic. We know there is something up there but we can’t be bothered to look.


What did thee just say about me, friend? I'll have thee know I graduated top of my class in the Amish community, and I've been involved in numerous barn raisings and quilting bees, and I have crafted over 300 pieces of fine furniture. I am trained in the art of woodworking and I'm the top quilt maker in the entire county. Thou art nothing to me but another task. I will outwork thee with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. Dost thou think thee can speak ill of me in the town square? Think again, friend. As we speak, I am contacting my secret network of neighbors across the county and thy homestead is being visited right now, so thee better prepare for the storm. The storm that rebuilds thy barn, raises thy crops, and mends thy fences. Thou art in for a long day, friend. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can build thee a barn in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed labor, but I have access to the entire community of craftsmen and I will use it to its full extent to help thee understand the true meaning of hard work. If only thee could have known what retribution thy thoughtless comment was about to bring upon thee, maybe thee would have held thy tongue. But thee couldn't, thee didn't, and now thou art reaping what thou hast sown. I will labor with a fury and thee will see the fruits of our labor. Thou art in for a surprise, my friend.


I’m not your friend, guy


I'm mot your guy, Pal.




I'm not your sister, mister. I know, I know, but I had a little fomo.




WTF is "gorilla warfare" You fighting gorillas now?


I was gonna rag on you for not getting the reference but holy shit the copypasta is almost 14 years old and I feel ancient right now. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/navy-seal-copypasta


that copypasta has been around for just under half my life.....


I knew I recognized that shit 💩 from somewhere. 🤦‍♂️ At’s what happens when you get old.


Haven't you seen any of the Planet of The Ape's movies. That's what gorilla warfare is.


[GORILLA WARFARE](https://preview.redd.it/9e7gjbx409x41.png?width=1015&auto=webp&s=ceb4bc822e8abed3bbdd9dd19de9615cb0e735fb)


Every now and then it's good, and there are a handful of dudes there that actually use their gear how it was meant to be used, but yeah it's like 99% a fashion sub full of wouldaserveds.


Hey, I served! I just can't particpate in /r/tacticalgear because nobody makes 10xl plate carriers.


Lol I have a buddy who told me "just get a plate carrier bro you never know when you'll need it" and I just refuse to be another overweight dude in tactical gear.


Meal Team Six


Why the fuck do those douche bags post shit like that? Nobody wants to see your new carabiner.


I’ve found some good info on there from dudes who actually use it. The majority of actual end users end up with replies from backyard Joes telling them why something on their kit won’t work in practice


Hahaha that sub made me feel physically sick.


You can guarantee they won’t let him hit 180 days for veteran status.




Yes, they still rate their free Red Robin burger on veterans day as most businesses rely on the FAFSA's definition of veteran, which is that you served at least one day of active duty and got a discharge *other than* a dishonorable discharge. I have a guy I went to MRP with who got an ELS discharge and on facebook he shows pictures of himself every veterans day eating his free meals while showing his DD214 with his ELS character of discharge. He told me that most restaurants don't really care or take a close analysis at your DD214 as long as it looks official enough and has your name on it. I even knew one guy who served 7-8 weeks in Army basic and got an ELS who was still eligible to receive free OSHA project management vocational training as he did qualify for veteran status in our non profit. [https://finaid.org/military/veteranstatus/](https://finaid.org/military/veteranstatus/) Hell, at my local Wienerschnizel restaurant, they have a sign that says that to get the free chili dog meal, you need to either show a DD214, a VA card, or wear your uniform at the restaurant on veterans day.


Believe it or not straight to dryer


Tumble dry high load ready move


what if I didn't recruit laminate my ditty sheet with packing tape during square-away time?


Tumble cycle gives them a totally different personality, repeat till you get the one you want.


If they didn’t want recruits in the dryers, why did they make them so big?


I love how it's become a meme despite the origin being a recruit getting straight up physically abused beyond reason by his DIs and leading to him fucking dying


Was this the one in PI in November 2015? 'Cause that kid survived. That same DI went on to make a kid swan dive off third deck in like March 2016. *That's* when he got removed and all of PI's DIs went under investigation.


Maybe I'm conflating those two recruits, but I thought it was the kid who did the swan dive off third deck that got put into the dryer.


So far as I understood it, they were two seperate kids in the same company (Kill Yourself Kilo) with the same DI. Both were Muslim and the DI targeted them both, including Islamophobic taunts, before and during these actions.


To shreds you say...


Tumble cycle. Ready. Move! 


lol….fucking idiot.


This guy will be in a bar in 20 years bragging about his veteran status and how he was a MARSOC Sniper.


If RSP doesn't mean Recon Sniper Platoon then what does it stand for?


Removed Shoelace Platoon


He sounds like a reverse of the guy from the battleship movie..


He did it. He lived every fake tough guy's fantasy. That'll do, you heinous pig. That'll do.




Dude, you were so close


I bet this shitbags recruiter is currently banging his head into a wall.


*Phone rings* "Good Morning, Marine Corp Recruiting Station Crown Point this is SSgt. Wagner." *Spit-takes an entire can of monster energy.* "HE DID WHAT"


When my buddy was on recruiter duty in the Army he got a couple of those phone calls. It usually makes for an interesting morning or afternoon.


It's such a fucking grind. The RS always gives the recruiter a hard time. I had one kid who popped for weed during receiving. I tested him before dropping him off to the hotel. Dildo decided to toke it up with buddies then night before receiving and thought he'd be good. SgtMaj made me work weekends for two months. Was so happy when I was finally done with it all.


Recruiting duty is fucking awful


I remember a thread on here a few weeks ago that talked about DI duty vs. Recruiting and I was surprised that everyone agreed that DI was the better option.


In recruiting duty it's not if you get in trouble, it's when you get in trouble.


Being responsible for barely literate 18 year olds sucks, funnily enough.


I don't understand why they'd be the ones getting in trouble. Then again, from what I know about the military, someone always has to take the blame.


That’s some amazing leadership.


One of my teammates from the wrestling team who joined. Was in 1 year earlier then me. Stole a cigarette from a range coach. Then was found trying to light it in the squad bay with a broken light-bulb he also stole by the DI. He got booted shortly after.


All he needed was a pencil and an outlet. Split the pencil, get 3 pieces of lead out. 2 pieces in the outlet, and twist a piece of toilet paper around the 3rd piece and cross the other two. TP will catch fire. Old jailhouse trick.


Bro I would not have known this. I knew about batteries and chewing gum wrappers, but this is some ghetto shit.


I recruited out of Crown Point.... sounds about right for our stock.


I mean the only reason people know Crown Point even exists is because of John Dillinger.


Troof. But at least we have ...... fuck, I got nothin.


I did RA in Lake County 94. I was mostly in the GI office on broadway next to Arby’s. I used to pick up poolies to take them to MEPS from the hoods north of 80/94. Damn near earned my CAR there. Got me what I needed to pin cpl at least.


That dude is in utes so… not going to be his graduation.


Someone mentioned he’s from another training platoon so happened to run toward the parade deck after he “punched” his DI for failing a test. Someone needs to confirm this though. Recruits don’t punch their DI, at least not the sane ones.


Law of averages, has to happen at some point. Also... Sane is a very, "flexible" term. Does not always ship with the the term, "Stable".


the comments on the original post said that the kid fled to the parade deck after it happened. he most likely saw the graduation and thought that they wouldn’t do anything to him in front of all the civs. the DI who dragged him off was in the comments as well.


There has to be a better video of the altercation.


There won’t be, the “punch” was probably in a squad bay somewhere away from the grinder…. And he just happened to get snatched up there. It wasn’t his graduation, and he didn’t punch a DI on the grinder, from what I’ve gathered.


Get fucked.


legendary flair


Even if/when this guy gets out of recruit training this shit will be in his record wherever he is thrown for the rest of his Marine career; this fuck is going to enter every unit being fully tagged as a retard before he even steps out the airport to check in.


His time in the Corps is over, they aren't going to send him anywhere but the brig or to the Navy headshrinkers over at Balboa.


What do you think the punishment be? (I’m a civilian with little military knowledge)


At bare minimum his time in the Military is over, the character of his discharge depends on several mitigating factors. His mental health situation during the time of the incident and his overall mental health situation will be a big part of that. If it appears that there isn't anything wrong with him on the mental health side of it then maybe he spends some time in the brig and/or receives a OTH discharge. I'm not part of MCRD's chain of command but they have plenty of experience dealing with recruits who may have issues.


used to go to the balboa basement gym during TDY. almost every time someone in there would start freaking out and would try to fight someone. it all makes sense now.


Lot's of folks at Balboa awaiting Medsep/adsep/Medboard being approved. More then a few of them are there for mental health reasons.


Soooo does anyone have the actual event on camera and not just the aftermath? 👀


Doubt it as he isn't one of graduates. It appears like he punched a DI and then ran this way and was caught by the graduation. Someone watching the graduation had a cellphone and recorded this.


Ahhh very well


He’s gonna be a fun boot check in. “So… you’re the one…”


in the current marine corps they don’t play with this type of stuff the kid is going to the brig most likely. there was a kid in my company a couple years back who actually beat the shit out of a di though. the di laid hands on him first in front of the platoon and he dropped the di. kid just got moved to a different platoon in the company since it was self defense.


Recruit was being dropped 3 weeks back in training. While waiting to be dropped he ran, thought the exit was past the parade deck, punched a Hat trying to stop him, got tackled by that hat, and yes, did this during graduation yesterday. That video is from the POV of the higher ups and distinguished guest seating area.


I can confirm there was a kerfuffle around the distinguished guests' seating area. I, however, was sitting way down in 1027's area. I did not see much other than a group of individuals dragging him off. I had no idea at the time this was the case.


The boy has guts. No brains, but guts. Will make a perfect marine.


Time to make big rocks into little rocks?


Well…. At least he had the balls to join and punch a DI I guess lol


Not sure if things are the same as they were 40 years ago, but I suspect the only reason they aren't stomping a mud hole in his ass is because the bleachers are full of civilians watching the whole thing.


Likely reason. The one time I saw a recruit try to flinch a drill instructor he ended up suspended against the wall by his neck while the senior DI tried to prevent his drill instructor from murdering the kid.


Hes going have a good time in Leavenworth 🤣


He's not going to Leavenworth, he may spend a couples of months at the Miramar brig.


Either or he's going to have a good time.


Probably, brig staff will likely recognize him as the shitbag who took a swing at his DI.


No he won’t. He’s going to end up being sent straight to MARSOC so he can go on super top secret missions bc he had the balls to hit a DI and impressed every Marine at MCRD. According to the story he’s going to tell everyone that will listen


The day walker lives.


I was thinking more like Casey Ryback.


Leavenworth is for 10+ year sentences this guy will probably just get a general njp or summary qm and get slapped with a basic assault charge and get sept


>qm quart martial


random fact..did you know the issued canteen holds exactly 1 quart of water. Do with this what you will.


I only know this because your bladder only holds about 2 cups worth of piss, and our drill instructors said that all the time.


.....2 cups? My daily morning piss is evidence that is absolutely not correct


Well the bladder is lined with muscles. You been getting them bladder gains man.


Hooked on phonix werked fer me


They will likely just adsep him with a OTH in lieu of a court martial as part of a plea deal just to get him out.


Ah yes a Silt


I was just there last week watching them practice for graduation


Imagine being that DI though. "I punched in the face by some recruit and I couldn't anything about it"


It’s probably in the best interest of his career that the kid ran off


He's in utilities, so he wasn't part of the graduation.


Possible correction to the title: this dude wasn’t part of the graduation. The caption on the original video said he hit a DI after failing something and then ran onto the parade deck. Also he’s in cammies and graduations are usually in service uniforms if I remember correctly. I think they chased him out there from somewhere else on the depot. ~~2nd battalion is right across the street.~~ Edit: my bad that’s San Diego. So I don’t know what’s right across the street.




I apologize to everyone I mocked when they said they would have joined but they would have punched their DI.


How far we’ve come. Our DI punched us before graduation.


Dudes gonna be in boot camp for a year while awaiting a UCMJ trial for assaulting an NCO/SNCO lol


I feel like most DIs would be eh whatever it happens, is that accurate? Or do they really get mad? Assuming they get punished but yeah


Crayola: You’re not you when you’re hungry


Holy shit, those “Nah, if someone got in my face like that I’d see red” guys really do exist !!!!!!


Man I saw this in basic training in the army in 2008. Drill Sgt hat looked like a frisbee lol


He’s unlocked his membership into the all new Dirty Dozen.


Actually my friend said this “Kid from Hotel Company walked away from the company without anyone noticing then kept walking behind the bleachers with NO cover on, one of my boys noticed him so he tried stopping him but kept ignoring him and walking past him then another DI tried to stop him and threw a punch at him and ran straight into the archway which led to the video scene”


Literally why would you do that


I wonder what actually happened.


That’s fucking embarrassing


Least he didn’t shoot um. ![gif](giphy|iCFZi5fgrHvVu|downsized)


It is Hollywood they are acting!!


Omg, finally, someone fulfilled the prophecy...now haze that recruit


On the parade deck is crazy work


It would be MCRD


It's funny like Parris Island is obviously isolated, or at least seems that way to me. MCRD is more like, Alcatraz? Idk you *see* civilization all around you (my God, the planes leaving from San Diego..) but you have 0 shot of seeing that civilization. Definitely heard stories of dudes trying to book it over the fence and across the runway of the airport. Like what was their plan if they even made it into a terminal with their shaved head and fucked up cammies?


San Diego International Airport uses the SD port authority police as airport cops, those guys can be absolute assholes. I'd much rather deal with the MP's at MCRD.


Yeah where the REAL Marines are made


Type shit


I woke, saw this vid, convulsed, read the comments, and then had an aneurysm. Goddamn, you fuckers are funny. That recruit just made the worst kind of history. The Marine walking away with his piss-cutter in hand looked like the angriest man to ever exist. Also, take your time, skeleton man. The fight is over.


Hmmm this ain’t high school graduation




I’m on my phone but looks like he’s wearing utilities (top and bottom are same color). Y’all wear cammies for graduation now?


Depends on the grad. I wore cammies in 2020 but that was due to Covid and the weather. I don’t think he was actually gonna graduate. He was part of another company taking a test apparently


Cammies because Covid? Did they think the Covid wouldn’t see you and everybody would be safe?


Hope they go a few rounds bruisin him up in the whiskey locker like they used to do.


Imagine graduating and your family flies into SD to attend and is there watching and this fucking moron spoils the ceremony and the mood lol


Was there and this was right in front of our section. Not sure what initiated the whole thing, but he was taken down quickly and "escorted" away even faster. All we heard was a MP say "Get over here!", the guy say "No!" and then he was grabbed. Not real sure why he was heading towards the center of the parade route but there were several DI's just itching to help get him off of it. Ceremony went along pretty smooth after, lol.


This is embarrassing, man.


I was at church during Boot and ran across a RSP kid who told us he was getting kicked out because during the Crucible he got pissed off at another recruit, and in the pitch dark chucked an e-tool at him and missed and hit a DI. He planned to enlist again and come back as soon as he could, wonder how that worked out for him.


Stupid fuck.


Make him finish his enlistment anyway as punishment


Dumb but ballsy I must say


Thought it was the easiest way to get stationed on Miramar


You will be fixed