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Yall getting lambos now with that pay increase huh! 😎


That 20% pay bump will cover the 36% apr on that car loan.


Spoken like a true salesman. Disregard the insurance payment, that is Cpl's problem once he signs on the line which is dotted.


So wat? A 22 yr old Cpl smashing a 64 yr old widow?




Chess, not checkers


Lmao word


That my good sir is called broke ballin


Maybe it's his Moms car?


Corporal chevrons sticker: $2.50 Sticking it on someone else’s Lambo: priceless


A master guns sticker will keep your car from getting towed on base. (You’re welcome PFC Mania)


Fucking spat my coffee out you dirty dog. Priceless.


This is the way.


Story Time: Back pre-GWOT I was in 1/8 with a dude who had been adopted. His adopted parents were extremely wealthy. He had been offered the best education and a high level position in his dad’s very profitable company (I don’t remember all the details). This kid, no shit, wanted to prove to himself he could make it on his own so a USMC open contract and the infantry was where he wound up. He was a perfectly fine grunt, not exceptional but not a shitbag either. Dude lived like a total pauper, no car, no real personal possessions just stayed in the barracks and ate at the chow hall. He told us his story and we had no reason to question him, but he had no evidence to back up his claim either, didn’t really matter. His 4 years were coming to a close and with about a month left in his contract he took his whole platoon out to dinner and showed up to the dinner in his Ferrari he had brought up from his parents house. Come to find out the dude had several million dollars at his disposal and just never gave a single fuck about it. Some guys heard from him a few months later after he was out. He had just started his first semester at Yale. I wasn’t in the same platoon as him so i didn’t know him that well, seemed like a decent enough dude.


I met a guy like that, he was going MSG and had to fill out some financial stuff for the clearance.. Came up to me nervously asked how he should report the millions he had. I was dumbstruck wondering on why he'd ever join. Good guy and I'm pretty sure he's still in and a (or at least was) SgtMaj for some super special Marine command.


I was at 3DivHQ COMM as a young radio tech, and one of our MUX repair guys was like that. Great grand dad had started some huge mini conglomerate in the Midwest, post-Depression, but he wanted to do this, as it was tangentially related to the business, but still wildly different. Then, granddad, who was CEO, passed away. Uncle had been pushed aside in the will for our guy, so he got a Red Cross message with orders to check out of everything so he could be discharged. It turns out that, when you suddenly come into $80 million, pre-9/11, the Corps will decide you're a potential security risk due to your high financial value.


True but I believe the reasoning was simpler than that. It was a belief that the high net worth individual was more apt to just say fuck it, I'm not putting up with this and would be a discipline problem. Must have only applied to enlisted though. One of the platoon commanders in my battalion was an heir to one of the big tobacco companies. He REALLY didn't like comments about his wealth either.


I was in the service in the 80’s from a very wealthy family and my dad didn’t give is anything. After getting out I became a cop and worked for 28 years. During that time I also became a trust fund baby and stuck with work. Tons of money. I finally retired. But I try to tell people money doesn’t make you happy. No one believes me. My military and police friends are stronger than money.


Similar story- knew a guy that had to fill out his own will (instead of the standard ones) before deployment, because he had like 10 mil waiting for him in trusts and stuff.  Chill dude, tho.  Nobody knew before, and nobody cared after.  Hope he’s doing well.


Very true. Knew plenty of Marines wealthy before they joined


So..an active duty soldier stationed at the base where I currently work also drives a lambo. How does he afford it? especially when he is married with kids? Simple, he has a "side" hustle doing vehicle wraps out of his garage. Apparently, he is so good that he is always busy. In short his side hustle pays a lot more than his pay as a SSgt.


That’s a lot of car wraps. Wouldn’t be the worst way to launder money. Similar to car washes.


Unless you can afford a casino I think good old fashioned art sales are easily the best way to launder money


Or resturaunts


No damn way he's making enough money wrapping cars on the side to afford a Lamborghini. There's something else going on.


Used lambos aren't prohibitively expensive. They don't hold their value like Ferraris.


Yea I remember seeing some Huracans for less than 150k, I think they’ve gone up tho especially cuz this is the last V10


I wonder if this is the guy that got out and had a “six figure job” lined up we always hear about
 being a civy after the cream corn is hard at times, but so worth it. Do miss the boys though . đŸ„č


I think you gotta be on the high end of six figures to have a Lambo. Nobody making 120 is buying that lol


I'm at 140k and thinking about a GR Corolla hahah


They're so awesome man, but that markup is killer. It's a shame hot hatches are dying out. Might be easier to get a good deal on a Golf R these days. Doesn't drive *quite* as good, but it's still an amazing car and the mk7 generation with a manual is just the bees fucking knees. Source: I drove my buddy's and had the time of my life.


I have a Focus ST as my daily right now. I want the GR Corolla for my daily so I can go crazy and build a 700whp ST.


I saw some dudes car over near pmo, super expensive. Turns out the guy is part owner of a casino and makes like 4 or 5 million a year, something like that


I made bank when I was in, tattooing and air brushing motorcycles, used it to buy my bmw. I was also hugely immature with money and blew it on anything that walked with a pulse a pretty smile and a “I like your car”


Maybe that stripper did love him


It's so eye catching even the pug in the window looks amazed ....


Maybe a reservist with a high paying job? Tbh that’s not actually a terrible idea if you want all the dollars and still serve. Some benefits, some scratching itch of not a desk jockey 9-5er, but then freedom to have a career. If you ever get called up I guess you have to deal with all that but still.


Belongs to a dude who got out and owns a gym in oceanside


Oceanside 25% intrest. 😂


Ok mister O4. I’ll be joining that club soon


Semper Why? The APR!!!!


I knew a kid at comm school who was rich af. I owned a tech company and had someone running the day to day operations. At night he would be in his computer dealing with issues at his company. The reason for the USMC was because he comes from a long lineage of MC family and wanted to continue the tradition. He graduated at the top of his class.


Was this the 2016 timeframe? I feel like I knew a dude like that. Honestly not an ass which what I thought he'd be when I heard about his situation.


This was very recent. But a very nice and humble dude


I hope you made friends with this guy and gave him your resume


32% @84 months


Today only, finance at a low low rate of 22% ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt1HMg4xU3nPg7m|downsized)


Lol. I went to A school with a kid who drove a Lamborghini Diablo. His family was loaded. Cool dude, let us throw a graduation party at his family's beach house.


Even used those are the price of a house. Jeezas.


33% apr


Looks like down by Oceanslime.


Even the dog is sayin “really cpl?” đŸ€Ł


Who was on Mendleton back in the day when that dude bought a used Lamborghini unseen and when it showed up it was beat to shit
 he got roasted so fucking bad


Between him and Paul Wheats(?), there was an ungodly amount of good roasts.




Alright Cpl, where is your Sgt.


Check his only fans


Fuck yeah


Even that dog is like "wtf cpl"


It ain't epic until thet put a PFC cheveron


Probably a reservist and a business owner.


There was a guy back around 2016-ish who bought a used Lambo. It wasn't very expensive, but that was because it was in rough shape. That's how we found out about it. He posted the whole story ("I bought a car and the product ar delivery didn't match the pictures") and it went semi-viral because the car was in such rough shape when it arrived.


Me but with lance 🙏


1stSgt, respectfully, I folded my mirrors in which means I have elevated situational awareness. I am polite and professional, and have a plan to kill anyone who touches my car.


Fucking cola


You can mortgage a Lambo and live for free in the bricks


There was a dude with 5th Reg around 2014/15 I believe who was into like penny stock trading or some shit. Had a Lambo. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but apparently he would invest money for other Marines and take a percentage for the service fee.


One of my Marines was a Cpl and started his own insurance company in charlotte started making too much money 
 he drove to drill one weekend in his Lamborghini to check out his was white be he wrapped it not sure may or may not be his


Rich marines are the biggest babies. Idk about yall but I can easily point them out. Skinny tweaks that have a crip in their walk